Jane DoeBuild and Guide


Jane Doe is an
S Rank
rank character with the Physical attribute who belongs to the
Anomaly Specialty and who is part of the
N.E.P.S. faction.

Jane, a criminal behavior specialist, has had a "colorful" career as a consultant with Public Security over the years. She is an expert in disguise, infiltration, and other investigative work. She has a bad habit of trolling others and sometimes plays harmless pranks. She's a skilled mimic, able to change her appearance and demeanor at will, making people wonder what the "real" Jane is like.

To learn more about Jane Doe check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

Video guide

Jane Doe has at least one video guide available, so if you prefer this sort of medium to learn more about a character, check it out:

Update tracker

Last review/pros & cons update

Patch 1.5

Last build/calcs update

Patch 1.5

Last teams/synergies update

Patch 1.5

Last profile update*

March 11th, 2025

*Profile update means smaller edits to disk drives, stats or other things that don't require new calculations.

To learn more about Jane Doe check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.




SD/DA Analytics

Rotation & Teams



Core skills

Core Passive Insight

Lv. 1

When Jane's attacks hit an enemy, it causes them to enter the Gnawed state, lasting for 10s. If any squad member triggers Assault on an enemy in the Gnawed state and causes the Flinch effect, the Flinch effect is increased by 5s, and Assault DMG has a chance to trigger a CRIT, with a base CRIT Rate of 20% and CRIT DMG of 50%. Each point of Jane's Anomaly Proficiency further increases this CRIT Rate by 0.1%

Anomaly Mastery: 0



Additional Ability Sore Spot

When there are other Anomaly Agents or Agents of the same faction in the squad:

Jane's Anomaly Buildup Rate is increased by 15%. When the enemy is already suffering from an Attribute Anomaly, Jane's Anomaly Buildup towards the target is increased by an additional 15%.


Basic Attack: Dancing Blades

Press to activate: Unleashes up to 6 attacks in front, dealing Physical DMG.

Lv. 1
1st-Hit DMG Multiplier
1st-Hit Daze Multiplier
2nd-Hit DMG Multiplier
2nd-Hit Daze Multiplier
3rd-Hit DMG Multiplier
3rd-Hit Daze Multiplier
4th-Hit DMG Multiplier
4th-Hit Daze Multiplier
5th-Hit DMG Multiplier
5th-Hit Daze Multiplier
6th-Hit DMG Multiplier
6th-Hit Daze Multiplier


When Jane triggers Perfect Dodge, Defensive Assist, or performs a move that deals damage to the enemy, she accumulates Passion Stream. Upon reaching the maximum Passion Stream, Jane enters the Passion state. While in the Passion state, Jane Physical Anomaly Buildup Rate is increased by 25%. Additionally, if Jane Anomaly Proficiency exceeds 120 points, each extra point raises her ATK by 2, up to a maximum of 600. In the Passion state, Jane skills that deal damage expend Passion Stream. Activating a Perfect Dodge or Defensive Assist regenerates Passion Stream. Jane exits the Passion state when all of her Passion Stream is expended.

Basic Attack: Salchow Jump

Entering the Passion state grants Jane one use of Basic Attack: Salchow Jump. When available, hold to activate: Launch rapid consecutive attacks forward, followed by a finishing strike, dealing Physical DMG. Hold the button during the continuous attacks to extend the skill duration. Release to trigger the finishing strike early. Anti-Interrupt level is increased during the continuous attacks, and Jane takes 40% reduced DMG. Jane is invulnerable during the finishing strike. Using Basic Attack: Salchow Jump while in the Passion state generates Passion Stream.

Lv. 1
Combo DMG Multiplier
Combo Daze Multiplier
Finishing Strike DMG Multiplier
Finishing Strike Daze Multiplier

Dodge: Phantom

Press to activate. A quick dash dodge. Character is invulnerable while using this skill. Jane has an extra dodge, alternating between two dodges before entering the Passion state. After entering the Passion state, Jane can pass through enemies in front when dodging.

Dash Attack: Edge Jump

Press during a dodge to activate. If after a single dodge, launch an upward slash in front, dealing Physical DMG. If after a second dodge, perform a series of slashes in front, dealing Physical DMG.

Lv. 1
1st-Hit DMG Multiplier
1st-Hit Daze Multiplier
2nd-Hit DMG Multiplier
2nd-Hit Daze Multiplier

Dodge Counter: Phantom Thrust

While in the Passion state, press during a dodge to activate: Launch three quick slashes in front, dealing Physical DMG.

Lv. 1
DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier

Dodge Counter: Swift Shadow

Press during a Perfect Dodge to activate. If after a single dodge, unleash multiple slashes at enemies in front, followed by a downward thrust, dealing Physical DMG. If after a second dodge, leap up and deliver three consecutive attack combos to enemies in front, dealing Physical DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Lv. 1
1st-Hit DMG Multiplier
1st-Hit Daze Multiplier
2nd-Hit DMG Multiplier
2nd-Hit Daze Multiplier

Dodge Counter: Swift Shadow Dance

While in the Passion state, press during a Perfect Dodge to activate. Slash enemies in front quickly multiple times, dealing Physical DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Lv. 1
DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier

Special Attack: Aerial Sweep

Press to activate. Leaps into the air to launch a series of kicks forward, then sweeps across, dealing Physical DMG. Anti-Interrupt level is increased while using this skill.

Lv. 1
DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier

EX Special Attack: Aerial Sweep - Tail Swipe

When Jane has enough energy, press to activate: Leaps into the air to launch a series of kicks forward, then sweeps across, dealing massive Physical DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Lv. 1
DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier
Energy Cost per second

Chain Attack: Flowers of Sin

When a Chain Attack is triggered, select Jane to activate: Slash enemies in a large area in front, dealing massive Physical DMG. Jane enters the Passion state when using the skill, and gains max Passion Stream Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Lv. 1
DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier

Ultimate: Final Curtain

When Decibel Rating is at Maximum, press to activate. Slash enemies back and forth in a large area, followed by a finishing strike, dealing massive Physical DMG. Jane enters the Passion state when using the skill, and gains max Passion Stream. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Lv. 1
DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier

Quick Assist: Dark Thorn

When the on-field character is launched, press to activate. Unleash multiple slashes at enemies in front, followed by a downward thrust, dealing Physical DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Lv. 1
DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier

Defensive Assist: Last Defense

When the character on field is about to be attacked, press to activate. Parries the enemy's attack, inflicting massive Daze. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Lv. 1
Light Defensive Daze Multiplier
Heavy Defensive Daze Multiplier
Chain Defensive Daze Multiplier

Assist Follow-Up: Gale Sweep

Press after a Defensive Assist to activate. Leap up and swiftly slash the enemy, then execute a wide sweeping slash across a large area in front, dealing Physical DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Lv. 1
DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier

Crime Counsel

Mindscape 1

The maximum uses of Basic Attack: Salchow Jump are increased by one. While in the Passion state, Jane's Physical Anomaly Buildup Rate increases by an extra 15% and each point of Jane's Anomaly Proficiency increases her damage by 0.1%, up to a maximum of 30%.

Adapt to the Environment

Mindscape 2

When Jane's attack hits an enemy in the Gnawed state, or when any squad member triggers Assault on an enemy in the Gnawed state, 15% of the enemy's DEF is ignored. Additionally, when Assault DMG triggers a CRIT, the CRIT DMG is increased by 50%.


Mindscape 3

Basic Attack, Assist, Dodge, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2

Adapt and Thrive

Mindscape 4

When any squad member triggers the Assault or Disorder effects, all squad members' Attribute Anomaly DMG is increased by 18%, lasting 15s.

Compulsive Hoarder

Mindscape 5

Basic Attack, Assist, Dodge, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2

Shady Technique

Mindscape 6

While in the Passion state, Jane's CRIT Rate increases by 20%, and CRIT DMG by 40%. After any squad member inflicts Assault, Jane instantly enters the Passion state, and gains max Passion Stream. When Assault deals a CRIT, Jane performs an additional attack on the target, dealing Physical DMG equal to 1,600% of her Anomaly Proficiency.
Stats (Level 60)

Jane Doe Stats at level 60 (including Core passive bonuses).

PEN Ratio
Anomaly Mastery
Anomaly Proficiency
Energy Regen
Voice Actors

Jane Doe images aren't available yet. They will be added soon!


Pros & Cons

  • Incredible mobility and 3 Dashes.

  • Absurdly fast and consistent Physical Anomaly buildup resulting in very frequent Assault Triggers.

  • Can cause Assault to critically strike - an additional multiplier not accessible to any other Anomaly character at the time of her release.

  • Strong damage in and outside of burst windows, making her viable all throughout the duration of combat.

  • Can drastically extend her Passion State in the hands of a skilled player thanks to multiple abilities resetting and extending the state when used optimally.

  • Can be used as a sole DPS or alongside other Anomaly characters in Disorder teams giving her great team-building flexibility and future prospects.


  • When not taking advantage of her Chain Attack or the team's Ultimate Jane requires meaningful field time to enter and take advantage of the Passion State.

  • Can lose significant power if enough Anomaly Proficiency cannot be acquired in order to activate her scaling abilities.

  • Can sometimes lose meaningful damage due to the Anomaly Trigger cooldown and the Anomaly Ability cap (Abilities that can only Trigger Assault at the end of their animation and can waste build-up if it exceeds 100% before the end of the animation).

  • Compared to other characters, she's not versatile - if the endgame buffs don't favor her, she struggles a lot.


Jane Doe, an S-Rank Melee Physical Combat Agent, excels in delivering exceptionally high damage through repeated triggers of the Assault Anomaly. What set Jane apart from the typical Anomaly-based characters is her mobility, rapid Anomaly build-up speed, a unique mode called "Passion State," and the ability to cause her Assaults to CRIT. In the hands of a skilled player, Jane can dominate endgame content in various teams, making her one of the strongest DPS characters in the game (at the time of her release obviously).

At the heart of Jane’s kit is the Passion Stream or simply "Passion". It's a resource gauge (exclusive to her) that serves as the foundation for all her combat actions. Using any ability( including Perfect Dodges and Defensive Assists) will generate Passion. Once the Passion gauge is fully charged, Jane enters a temporary berserk mode known as Passion State. This state enhances her abilities, increases her Physical Anomaly Buildup Rate by 25%, and grants her an additional 2 flat Combat Attack points for each point of Anomaly Proficiency she possesses over 120, capping at 600 flat Attack (which maxes out at 420 Anomaly Proficiency). It's easy to say that Jane Doe transforms into a monster in this state. However, maintaining the Passion State indefinitely is a challenge. That's because her abilities that generated Passion now instead consume it. Once her Passion gauge depletes to 0, she exits the state. Jane's primary objective, along with the rest of her kit, revolves around repeatedly entering and sustaining the Passion State for as long as possible.

Jane Doe has two distinct Basic Attacks: a relatively standard six-part attack combo and far more powerful, charge-and-hold attack called "Basic Attack: Salchow Jump." The latter can only be used once per entry into the Passion State, making it an important asset in Jane's offensive arsenal. First, let's talk about, Jane's standard six-part basic attack combo. It serves the dual purpose of building and consuming Passion and acts as Jane's filler ability - only used when no other skills are available. As with other characters, the latter attacks in Jane's combo are more powerful, and she can skip the earlier parts by executing Basic Attacks after specific actions. This allows for some potent combinations. Notably, many of these combination attacks vary depending on whether Jane is in the Passion State, providing unique sequences that enhance her overall damage output.

Jane’s charge-and-hold attack, Basic Attack: Salchow Jump, is a game-changer. This powerful move causes Jane to spin rapidly, dealing tons of damage to nearby enemies. Upon releasing the attack (or when the ability is canceled) Jane performs a powerful finishing move in front of her. While spinning, Jane gains a 40% reduction in damage taken and Anti-Interrupt capabilities - also during the finishing move, she becomes completely invulnerable. The best part of this ability is its ability to restore Passion, regardless of whether Jane is in the Passion State or not. This means that using this attack not only inflicts massive damage but also extends Jane’s time in the Passion State - this is helpful in reducing downtime and making it a must-use ability at every opportunity (although preferably after entering the Passion State and spending some Passion, so she can immediately recover it).

Jane's Mobility is further enhanced by her unique Dodge, Dash Attacks, and Dodge Counters. She has distinct versions of these moves depending on whether she is in the Passion State. While the animations differ - becoming notably cooler in the Passion State, their primary function remains consistent and the become stronger variants of their non-Passion counterparts.

Unlike most characters, Jane has access to three charges of Dodge instead of the usual two. Her standard non-Passion Dodge also features two alternating animations (without any impact on its functionality). In the Passion State, Jane’s Dodge is upgraded, allowing her to dodge through enemies rather than just away from them. Additionally, executing Perfect Dodges within the Passion State generates Passion.

Jane's non-Passion Dash Attack comes in two variants, corresponding to her separate dodge animations. In the Passion State, the Dash Attack is enhanced, making it longer to execute but dealing more damage and covering more distance. Jane can also follow her Passion-enhanced Dash Attacks with a Basic Attack skip to execute the following combo:

  • Dash Attack: Phantom Thrust (Passion)

  • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P4 (Passion)

  • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P5 (Passion)

  • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P6 (Passion)

Jane’s standard Dodge Counters, like her Dash Attacks, have two different animations but function as typical Dodge Counters. Her Passion-enhanced Dodge Counter is stronger overall but lacks any special benefits. Executing either of the standard Dodge Counters followed by Basic Attacks allows Jane to perform the following basic-skipping combos, which are ideal for quickly building up and returning to the Passion State:

  • Dodge Counter: Swift Shadow

  • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P3

  • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P4

  • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P5

  • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P6

Alternatively, after a Dodge Counter in the Passion State, Jane can execute a stronger combo:

  • Dodge Counter: Swift Shadow Dance (Passion)

  • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P5 (Passion)

  • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P6 (Passion)

Jane’s EX Special Attack is one of her strongest abilities - dealing significant damage and building a lot of Anomaly. Still, despite its power, it does not fit well into any specific combo and lacks additional effects beyond the standard Passion spend/generation. That's why it's best to use this ability during the Passion State - ideally when your team is at its peak strength and the enemy is most vulnerable (such as during its Stunned state).

Jane’s Chain Attack and Ultimate are both amazing in terms of damage and Anomaly build-up. However, their most notable feature is their ability to instantly fill and activate (or reactivate) her Passion State. These attacks provide an important shortcut to establishing and maintaining the Passion State, allowing for more frequent use of Basic Attack: Salchow Jump. Reactivating Passion State allows you to use this attack again.

Jane Doe's Quick Assists, Defensive Assists, and Assist Follow-Ups are all standard attacks without much to show for compared to rest of her kit. A point to note is that, Jane has Quick Assists for both her Passion and Non-Passion states, allowing her to execute Basic Attack combos with some skips instead. Below are some key combos that highlight her potential:

Quick Assist Combo

  • Quick Assist: Lutz Jump (Passion)

  • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P5 (Passion)

  • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P6 (Passion)

Defensive Assist Combo

  • Defensive Assist: Last Defense

  • Assist Follow-Up: Gale Sweep

  • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P3 (Passion)

  • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P4 (Passion)

  • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P5 (Passion)

  • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P6 (Passion)

Jane’s Core Passive: Insight enhances all her attacks by applying the "Gnawed State" to enemies for 10 seconds. This passive also grants Jane the ability to cause the Assault Anomaly to CRIT—something that wasn't possible until now in Zenless Zone Zero. When an Assault triggers against an enemy in the Gnawed State, the chance for a CRIT to happen is set at a base of 40%. This chance can be increased by 0.16% for each point of Anomaly Proficiency Jane possesses (capping at 100% at 375 Anomaly Proficiency at max level).

The critical damage modifier is fixed at 1.5x and it's unaffected by other sources of Crit or Crit Damage (outside of Mindscapes). Additionally, assaults against Gnawed enemies will extend the "Flinch" debuff by 5 seconds with each hit, making Jane's attacks stronger over time. Jane's Additional Ability: Sore Spot is activated by having any Anomaly or same-faction character on her team and boosts her Anomaly Buildup Rate. It provides an unconditional 20% bonus and an additional 15% when Jane attacks enemies already suffering from an Attribute Anomaly. This powerful enhancement is rather easy to activate, thankfully.

Jane Doe stands out as one of the most formidable Physical DPS agents at the time of her release. Her mobility, ability to deliver burst damage without ramp-up time (despite being Anomaly-based), and flexibility within the Disorder archetype make her a force to be reckoned with - whether she’s the sole DPS or working alongside other Anomaly characters, Jane’s future looks bright.

For optimal strategies and to fully harness the power of Jane’s abilities, refer to the Rotation & Teams section of this guide.


This tier list assesses characters based on their combat potential in Zenless Zone Zero’s current most demanding content, Shiyu Defense (SD). SD is a mode similar to Genshin Impact’s Spiral Abyss or Honkai Star Rail’s Memory of Chaos and requires multiple teams, Disk Drives and good W-Engines. This mode offers a reasonable mix of Boss encounters (single target) and Elite packs (2-3 targets), allowing multiple characters to find a niche but in the end, there is a bias toward single target focused characters at the top-end and tier list ratings will reflect that.

Please keep in mind Zenless Zone Zero is a skill-based game and each character has a different playstyle, difficulty level and even special tricks and combos. Zenless Zone Zero is also a team based game and it's only by combining both these factors to the highest level a character can reach optimal performance.


Shiyu Defense

Build and teams

Best W-Engines

The W-Engines are listed in order of priority. Sometimes the percentages appearing near them won't reflect their performance as pure damage or Stun output isn't the only thing we're looking at - the utility of the W-Engine might be more important than the calculations imply.


Upon activating a Dash Attack, gain 1 stack of Predatory Instinct. Each stack of Predatory Instinct increases the equipper's Physical DMG by 12/15/18/21/24% for 10s, stacking up to 3 times. This effect can trigger once every 0.5s and repeated triggers reset the duration. When entering combat or triggering Perfect Dodge, gain 3 stacks of Predatory Instinct. While Predatory Instinct is at maximum stacks, the equipper's Anomaly Buildup Rate increases by 40/50/60/70/80%.

Base ATK (Lv 60): 713
Anomaly Proficiency (Lv 60): 90
Jane's signature W-Engine is designed specifically for Physical Anomaly characters who incorporate Dodge Counters and Dash Attacks into their standard rotation. To maximize its potential, it's important to maintain 3 stacks always, especially just before and during burst combos. As a result, this engine is one of the best choices for Physical Anomaly characters.


100% uptime

When there are enemies inflicted with Attribute Anomaly on the field, the equipper's ATK increases by 10/11.5/13/14.5/16% and they deal an additional 15/17.5/20/22.5/25% more DMG to the target.

Base ATK (Lv 60): 594
Anomaly Proficiency (Lv 60): 75
The Anomaly Battle Pass W-Engine (an expensive and timely engine to acquire) offers 75 Anomaly Proficiency unconditionally and dual combat effects that activate when an enemy is afflicted with an Attribute Anomaly. This engine features a major catch and that is, damage of Anomalies inflicted is based on damager character deals during Anomaly Gauge build up, and as such, unless enemy already has Anomaly, the newly applied one lacks any of the conditional bonuses of this Engine. So it’s recommended to pair it with a team that can apply Anomalies quickly to avoid missing out on its benefits. The engine shines when Jane fights enemies with long-term Anomaly afflictions, but if not, its performance drops significantly.


Whenever a squad member inflicts an Attribute Anomaly on an enemy, the equipper gains a buff that increases Anomaly Proficiency by 30/34/38/42/46, stacking up to 4 times. This effect expires when the target recovers from Stun or is defeated. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.

Base ATK (Lv 60): 594
Attack (Lv 60): 25%
A solid Free-to-Play accessible for all Anomaly Agents, it grants 25% Standard ATK% unconditionally and offers flexibility with Anomaly Proficiency on semi-permanent basis that stacks when Anomalies are inflicted. Its utility is maximized when your team is designed to maintain continuous Anomaly Pressure by ensuring that the stacks remain active for as long as possible.


For every 10 Energy consumed, the equipper gains a buff that increases ATK by 2.5/2.8/3.2/3.6/4% for 10s, stacking up to 10 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.

Base ATK (Lv 60): 594
Anomaly Proficiency (Lv 60): 75
Another free-to-play option offers 75 Anomaly Proficiency unconditionally and a stackable Combat ATK% buff. This engine is a good choice for characters that are all about rapidly using their energy reserves through EX Specials to apply Anomalies in quick and powerful bursts.


0% uptime

When there are enemies inflicted with Attribute Anomaly on the field, the equipper's ATK increases by 10/11.5/13/14.5/16% and they deal an additional 15/17.5/20/22.5/25% more DMG to the target.

Base ATK (Lv 60): 594
Anomaly Proficiency (Lv 60): 75
The Anomaly Battle Pass W-Engine (an expensive and timely engine to acquire) offers 75 Anomaly Proficiency unconditionally and dual combat effects that activate when an enemy is afflicted with an Attribute Anomaly. This engine features a major catch and that is, damage of Anomalies inflicted is based on damager character deals during Anomaly Gauge build up, and as such, unless enemy already has Anomaly, the newly applied one lacks any of the conditional bonuses of this Engine. So it’s recommended to pair it with a team that can apply Anomalies quickly to avoid missing out on its benefits. The engine shines when Jane fights enemies with long-term Anomaly afflictions, but if not, its performance drops significantly.


Increases ATK by 12/15/18/21/24%. When using a Special Attack or EX Special Attack, the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency is increased by 25/31/37/43/50 for 8s, stacking up to 3 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.

Base ATK (Lv 60): 684
PEN Ratio (Lv 60): 24%
Grace's Signature W-Engine, while typically a strong choice, is just moderately effective for Jane. The reason this engine this engine is not suitable for Jane is due to its lower consistency in providing Anomaly Proficienc - which can cause her to fall short of maxing her Passion State Flat Attack bonus without adding any external support or posessing high end gear. But if you can mitigate this shortfall with additional gear or team support, this engine's competitiveness will improve significantly.
Best Disk Drives Sets


Physical DMG +10%.
Whenever a squad member inflicts Assault on an enemy, the equipper deals 35% increased damage to the target for 12s.

Competitive option for direct and Anomaly-based Physical damage dealers granting 10% permanent Physical DMG% from the 2-PC and 35% increased DMG against enemies inflicted by Assault by any party member for 12 seconds. DMG% bonus against enemies will be up the majority of most fights against boss-type enemies thanks to its long duration and ability to trigger from any team member allowing a Physical based Bangboo/teammate to assist with uptime via their own Assaults.

Best combined with your choice of 2-PC Set:

  • Freedom Blues (Recommended)
  • Hormone Punk
  • Puffer Electro
Best Disk Drives Stats
Disk 4
Anomaly Proficiency
Anomaly Proficiency
Disk 5
Physical DMG
Physical DMG%
PEN Ratio
PEN Ratio%
Disk 6
Anomaly Mastery
Anomaly Mastery

Substats: Anomaly Proficiency > ATK% > PEN = ATK

Best Endgame Stats (Level 60)
  • ATK: 2200 - 2600+

  • HP: 9000 - 10000+

  • DEF: 800+

  • Anomaly Proficiency: 360 - 420+ (420 Required for cap of 600 Flat Combat Attack in Passion State)

  • Anomaly Mastery: 148 - 195+

Skill priority

Chain Attack


Special Attack


Basic Attack





Video guides

Rotation & Teams


Seth is a great support who helps Jane (and other Anomaly characters) and doesn't require to be played on the field for a long time. He applies a generic 20% Anomaly RES shred to enemies - which amplifies all Anomaly build-up against them. This effect is crucial both Jane's and Grace's abilities. On top of that, Seth grants a chosen squad member (based on team positioning) up to 100 additional AP (Anomaly Proficiency). This boost not only enhances Jane’s damage output but also assists her in capping out her Core Passive bonus.


If a column has multiple characters, the bigger one is the priority choice for the team while the smaller ones are alternatives. If they are the same size, either of them can be used.

Premium Jane Doe Team

Astra Yao
Astra Yao

Stun Jane Team

Astra Yao
Astra Yao

Bangboo options:

  • Plugboo or Electroboo = If 2x Electric,
  • Red Moccus = Alternative if 2x Sons of Calydon,
How to play

Playing Jane Doe revolves less around following a strict rotation and more about following a set of priorities that allow for flexibility. Since Jane's playstyle heavily depends on her team's composition, enemy actions, and, more importantly, the management of her Passion gauge, you need to master all those elements to play her well!

The crux of Jane’s gameplay is entering and maintaining the Passion State for as long as possible while executing high Anomaly build-up combos. When an enemy is Stunned or when Jane's Ultimate is ready, this task becomes much easier - thanks to the Chain Attack and Ultimate’s ability to instantly reset the Passion State. However, outside these windows, managing Jane’s Passion Meter becomes important, as any time spent outside the Passion State results in a noticeable drop in her damage output.

Given this dynamic, Jane’s gameplay can be divided into Burst (usually during a stun) and Non-Burst (filling time until the next stun) phases, each with distinct goals and priorities.

Jane Stun Gameplay Priorities

Since Jane can guarantee one or multiple Passion State resets during an enemy stun (especially if using her Ultimate), it’s wise to save her burst damage skills for these moments. This ensures not only guaranteed Passion State but also maximizes her damage output, as Stunned enemies take additional damage, and most team buffs are likely to be active (e.g., Swing Jazz, On Stun or Chain Attack Debuffs).

When looking to deal maximum burst damage with Jane while the enemy is Stunned here are some priorities to look out for which can dramatically increase your team's damage output.

Do at all times:

  • Apply Non-Physical Anomaly Build-Up: Whenever possible, apply non-Physical Anomalies without hogging too much field time to trigger Disorders, especially if Jane is the sole DPS.
  • Manage W-Engine Buffs: Ensure any W-Engine buffs relevant to Jane’s damage are stacked or refreshed, particularly her Signature buff if you’re using it.

Part 1: Right Before Stun

  • Activate Team Buffs: Trigger any team buffs that cannot be activated during Chain Attacks.

Part 2: Chain Attacks

  • Utilize Jane’s Chain Attack: Always use Jane’s Chain Attack to ensure a Passion State reset. Include any supportive Chain Attacks that amplify damage.
  • Optimize Buff/Debuff Uptime: Play around team-based Chain Attack buffs to maximize uptime, such as ending the Chain with Rina if she’s on the team, to prolong her buff/debuff effects.

Part 3: Burst

  • Spend Energy Wisely: Use all saved energy on EX Special Attacks, provided it doesn’t force you out of the Passion State.
  • Leverage Basic Attack:Salchow Jump : Always use Basic Attack: Salchow Jump before exiting or refreshing the Passion State, as it’s Jane’s strongest non-Chain, non-Ultimate, or non-EX move.
  • Consider Ultimate Timing: If other characters don’t require the Ultimate, use Jane’s Ultimate while the enemy is Stunned and has minimal Physical Anomaly build-up. This timing can nearly max out the Anomaly gauge and even overcap it, preventing damage wastage.

Here’s what a burst rotation for a team with Jane as the sole DPS might look like against a Boss-type enemy:

  • Chain Attack: Flowers of Sin (Passion)
  • Dash Attack: Phantom Thrust (Passion) (Optional if not using signature)
  • Basic Attack: Salchow Jump (Passion)
  • EX Special Attack: Aerial Sweep - Clearout (Passion)
  • EX Special Attack: Aerial Sweep - Clearout (Passion)
  • Dash Attack: Phantom Thrust (Passion)(Optional if not using signature)
  • Ultimate: Final Curtain (Passion)
  • Basic Attack: Salchow Jump (Passion)

When using Disorder-based teams, remember to leverage your other Anomaly characters to trigger Disorders during the burst window. Weaving in Basic or Dash Attacks before executing major attacks (like EX Specials or the Ultimate) is advisable if the Physical Anomaly build-up bar is close to full. This ensures no Anomaly damage potential is wasted, maximizing the overall output.

Non-Stun Gameplay Priorities

When playing Jane outside the stun window, her effectiveness depends on the team composition and how much field time they 'steal' from her.

The primary goal for Jane during non-Stun phases is to execute as many Dodges, Dodge Counters, and Passion/Anomaly-efficient combos as possible. But at the same time, you need to allow her teammates to provide buffs etc for her.

Here’s a priority list to help guide your decisions when controlling Jane during non-stun gameplay:

  • Support Your Team: Give the teammates enough field time to expend their energy, apply buffs, debuffs, and execute their rotations. For example, Qingyi might need to apply her Stun damage multiplier before the enemy is Stunned, and Seth may need to buff Jane via a Quick Assist.
  • Apply Non-Physical Anomaly Build-Up: Without interfering with your team's actions, apply as much non-Physical Anomaly build-up as possible. This step is optional if Jane is the sole DPS.
  • Manage W-Engine Buffs: Ensure any W-Engine buffs relevant to Jane’s damage are stacked or refreshed. Pay particular attention to Jane’s Signature buff if you're using it.
  • Conserve Jane’s Energy: Save Jane’s energy for when the enemy is Stunned, as this is when you can maximize her damage output.
  • Maximize Jane’s Field Time: When Jane has the field, prioritize her actions based on the list below to maximize her efficiency.

Execute the following in order of priority whenever Jane gets field time outside the Stun window.

  • Use Basic Attack: Salchow Jump when Passion is below 75% and a charge is available - optionally follow-up with the following combo by tapping Basic Attack right after Salchow Jump:
    • During Passion State:
      • Basic Attack: Salchow Jump (Passion)
      • Dash Attack: Phantom Thrust (Automatically cast by tapping basic)
      • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P4 (Passion)
      • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P5 (Passion)
      • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P6 (Passion)
  • Dodge Counter Combo (Whenever possible, interrupt any Basic Attack combo to perform more Dodge Counters if possible):
    • To Build Passion:
      • Dodge Counter: Swift Shadow
      • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P3
      • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P4
      • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P5
      • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P6
    • To Spend Passion:
      • Dodge Counter: Swift Shadow Dance (Passion)
      • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P5 (Passion)
      • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P6 (Passion)
  • Fill Field Time with Dash Attacks/Dash Attack Combos (if using Signature and buff requires refreshing) or Standard Basic Attack Combos while waiting for additional opportunities to execute Dodge Counters or Salchow Jumps:
  • Dodge Counter Combo (Whenever possible, interrupt any Basic Attack combo to perform more Dodge Counters if possible):
    • Dash Attack Non-Passion State (Only used to refresh signature):
      • Dash Attack: Phantom Thrust (Passion)
      • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P4 (Passion)
      • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P5 (Passion)
      • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P6 (Passion)
    • Dash Attack Passion State (Used for Mobility and/or to Refresh Signature):
      • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P1 (Passion or Non-Passion)
      • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P2 (Passion or Non-Passion)
      • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P3 (Passion or Non-Passion)
      • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P4 (Passion or Non-Passion)
      • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P5 (Passion or Non-Passion)
      • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P6 (Passion or Non-Passion)




  • Janes Mindscape 1 - The added Basic Attack, Salchow Jump, provided by Jane's Mindscape 1 becomes increasingly valuable as combat extends. This bonus allows Jane to prolong each of her Passion States, thus magnifying the benefits over longer engagements. In extended encounters beyond our initial calculations, you can expect this aspect of her Mindscape to offer even greater advantages.
  • Jane's Mindscape 2 - The effectiveness of Jane's Mindscape 2 diminishes if you cannot achieve the CRIT RATE Anomaly Proficiency cap for Jane's Gnawed State. As such, if this cap is not reached, the gains reflected in our calculations will be relatively weaker.
  • Jane's Mindscape 6 - Jane's Mindscape 6 value depends on the downtime of Passion State she experiences in the given combat situation. In situations where she would experience a lot of downtime for her Passion State M6 offers substantial benefits, but in situations where she has very little or no downtime it is significantly weaker.
Jane Doe in 1 Target scenario - Burst

Rotation time: 15.17s for Burst

Details about the calculations

Here are the rotations used in the calculations.

Burst rotation (During Stun)

Jane, as a versatile Anomaly character, can fit into various team compositions and play styles, leading to diverse burst rotation strategies. Allocating portions of the stun duration or Ultimate usage to other characters is a feasible approach and will alter the sample rotation on which our calculations are based.

  • Chain Attack: Flowers of Sin
  • Dash Attack: Phantom Thrust
  • Basic Attack: Salchow Jump (Consecutive Attack)
  • Basic Attack: Salchow Jump (Finishing Move)
  • EX Special Attack: Aerial Sweep - Clearout
  • EX Special Attack: Aerial Sweep - Clearout
  • Dash Attack: Phantom Thrust
  • Ultimate: Final Curtain
  • Basic Attack: Salchow Jump (Consecutive Attack)
  • Basic Attack: Salchow Jump (Finishing Move)
Standard Rotation

Jane’s standard rotation, much like her burst rotation, is highly adaptable and varies significantly based on the team composition and strategy employed. The frequency and form of this rotation are further influenced by the specific teammates selected and their respective field time requirements. Therefore, the sequence of actions used in our calculations should be viewed as a general guideline rather than a precise formula. The actual execution of combat rotations will depend on several factors, including: Passion State Management, the number and timing of dodges and dodge counters performed and the roles and abilities of Jane’s teammates, which can alter the rotation dynamics.

  • Dodge Counter: Swift Shadow (First)
  • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P3
  • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P4
  • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P5
  • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P6
  • Dodge Counter: Swift Shadow Dance
  • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P5
  • Basic Attack: Dancing Blades P6
  • Basic Attack: Salchow Jump (Consecutive Attack)
  • Basic Attack: Salchow Jump (Finishing Move)

And here are the W-Engines and Disk Drives used in the calculations.

Upon activating a Dash Attack, gain 1 stack of Predatory Instinct. Each stack of Predatory Instinct increases the equipper's Physical DMG by 12/15/18/21/24% for 10s, stacking up to 3 times. This effect can trigger once every 0.5s and repeated triggers reset the duration. When entering combat or triggering Perfect Dodge, gain 3 stacks of Predatory Instinct. While Predatory Instinct is at maximum stacks, the equipper's Anomaly Buildup Rate increases by 40/50/60/70/80%.

Base ATK (Lv 60): 713
Anomaly Proficiency (Lv 60): 90

Physical DMG +10%.
Whenever a squad member inflicts Assault on an enemy, the equipper deals 35% increased damage to the target for 12s.

Anomaly Proficiency +30.
When an EX Special Attack hits an enemy, reduce the targets Anomaly Buildup RES to equippers attribute by 20% for 8s. This effect does not stack with others of the same attribute.
Disk 4
Anomaly Proficiency
Anomaly Proficiency
Disk 5
Physical DMG
Physical DMG%
Disk 6
Anomaly Mastery
Anomaly Mastery

Substats: ATK (42%), Anomaly Proficiency (126), PEN (54)

Details about Anomaly

If you want to learn more about Anomaly characters and how the archetype works, check out this great video:

Shiyu Defense / Deadly Assault

Shiyu Defense / Deadly Assault

This section contains information about Jane Doe performance in the latest Shiyu Defense and Deadly Assault cycles (1.6.1). The page will be automatically updated every patch once enough data is gathered.

  • The data has been last updated on 19/03/2025,
  • 5571 players shared their 1.6.1 Shiyu Defense clear data with us (1584 of the sample are self-reported players that filled our form, 3987 are from random UIDs that we scanned).
  • 5401 players shared their 1.6.1 Deadly Assault clear data with us (1656 of the sample are self-reported players that filled our form, 4144 are from random UIDs that we scanned).

If you want to share your clear information with us, you simply need to fill the form below and provide us with your UID and make your Hoyo profile public - we will automatically parse the Shiyu Defense clear information from your profile after that!

Shiyu Defense Stats Form
Usage rate (SD)

Characters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Shiyu Defense by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.

Usage rate (DA)

Characters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Deadly Assault by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.

Common partners (SD)

This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Jane Doe in the current phase of Shiyu Defense.

Common partners (DA)

This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Jane Doe in the current phase of Deadly Assault.

Teams (SD)

This section lists most popular teams featuring Jane Doe in the current phase of Shiyu Defense.

Rank 7

App. rate: 5.22%

Avg. Time: 2m 15s

Jane Doe

Rank 17

App. rate: 3.41%

Avg. Time: 2m 22s

Jane Doe

Rank 30

App. rate: 1.5%

Avg. Time: 1m 48s

Jane Doe
Astra Yao

Rank 57

App. rate: 0.7%

Avg. Time: 2m 46s

Jane Doe

Rank 63

App. rate: 0.58%

Avg. Time: 3m 19s

Jane Doe

Rank 69

App. rate: 0.51%

Avg. Time: 2m 29s

Jane Doe
Astra Yao

Rank 83

App. rate: 0.39%

Avg. Time: 3m 42s

Jane Doe

Rank 97

App. rate: 0.31%

Avg. Time: 3m 16s

Jane Doe

Rank 123

App. rate: 0.21%

Avg. Time: 2m 8s

Jane Doe
Astra Yao

Rank 128

App. rate: 0.18%

Avg. Time: 2m 31s

Jane Doe
Astra Yao

Mindscapes data comes from players who used Jane Doe in the current SD cycle (726) or in the current DA cycle (1244).


146 s.

Mindscape 0


133 s.

The maximum uses of Basic Attack: Salchow Jump are increased by one. While in the Passion state, Jane's Physical Anomaly Buildup Rate increases by an extra 15% and each point of Jane's Anomaly Proficiency increases her damage by 0.1%, up to a maximum of 30%.


116 s.

When Jane's attack hits an enemy in the Gnawed state, or when any squad member triggers Assault on an enemy in the Gnawed state, 15% of the enemy's DEF is ignored. Additionally, when Assault DMG triggers a CRIT, the CRIT DMG is increased by 50%.


125 s.

Basic Attack, Assist, Dodge, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2


120 s.

When any squad member triggers the Assault or Disorder effects, all squad members' Attribute Anomaly DMG is increased by 18%, lasting 15s.


600 s.

Basic Attack, Assist, Dodge, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2


75 s.

While in the Passion state, Jane's CRIT Rate increases by 20%, and CRIT DMG by 40%. After any squad member inflicts Assault, Jane instantly enters the Passion state, and gains max Passion Stream. When Assault deals a CRIT, Jane performs an additional attack on the target, dealing Physical DMG equal to 1,600% of her Anomaly Proficiency.

W-Engines usage data comes from players who used Jane Doe in the current SD cycle (726) or in the current DA cycle (1244).


144 s.

Upon activating a Dash Attack, gain 1 stack of Predatory Instinct. Each stack of Predatory Instinct increases the equipper's Physical DMG by 12/15/18/21/24% for 10s, stacking up to 3 times. This effect can trigger once every 0.5s and repeated triggers reset the duration. When entering combat or triggering Perfect Dodge, gain 3 stacks of Predatory Instinct. While Predatory Instinct is at maximum stacks, the equipper's Anomaly Buildup Rate increases by 40/50/60/70/80%.

Base ATK (Lv 60): 713
Anomaly Proficiency (Lv 60): 90


139 s.

Whenever a squad member inflicts an Attribute Anomaly on an enemy, the equipper gains a buff that increases Anomaly Proficiency by 30/34/38/42/46, stacking up to 4 times. This effect expires when the target recovers from Stun or is defeated. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.

Base ATK (Lv 60): 594
Attack (Lv 60): 25%


156 s.

For every 10 Energy consumed, the equipper gains a buff that increases ATK by 2.5/2.8/3.2/3.6/4% for 10s, stacking up to 10 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.

Base ATK (Lv 60): 594
Anomaly Proficiency (Lv 60): 75


145 s.

When there are enemies inflicted with Attribute Anomaly on the field, the equipper's ATK increases by 10/11.5/13/14.5/16% and they deal an additional 15/17.5/20/22.5/25% more DMG to the target.

Base ATK (Lv 60): 594
Anomaly Proficiency (Lv 60): 75


173 s.

Increases ATK by 12/15/18/21/24%. When using a Special Attack or EX Special Attack, the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency is increased by 25/31/37/43/50 for 8s, stacking up to 3 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.

Base ATK (Lv 60): 684
PEN Ratio (Lv 60): 24%


149 s.

When EX Special Attack hits an enemy, one of three possible effects is randomly triggered for 5 seconds. This effect can trigger once every 0.3s. The same types of effects cannot stack. Repeated triggers reset the duration allowing several effects to be active at once:

  • increases the equipper's ATK by 8/9.2/10.4/11.6/12.8%,

  • increases the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency by 40/46/52/58/64,

  • increases the equipper's Anomaly Buildup Rate by 25/28/32/36/40%.

Base ATK (Lv 60): 624
Attack (Lv 60): 25%
Disk Drives

Disk Drives usage data comes from players who used Jane Doe in the current SD cycle (726) or in the current DA cycle (1244).


149 s.

Physical DMG +10%.
Whenever a squad member inflicts Assault on an enemy, the equipper deals 35% increased damage to the target for 12s.

Anomaly Proficiency +30.
When an EX Special Attack hits an enemy, reduce the targets Anomaly Buildup RES to equippers attribute by 20% for 8s. This effect does not stack with others of the same attribute.


128 s.

Physical DMG +10%.
Whenever a squad member inflicts Assault on an enemy, the equipper deals 35% increased damage to the target for 12s.

Anomaly Proficiency +30.
Fire DMG and Electric DMG are increased by 15%. When off-field, the damage caused by EX Special Attacks and Assist Attacks is increased by 20%. When the character switches back onto the field, this buff continues for 5s. The lasting effect can be triggered once every 7.5s.


135 s.

Physical DMG +10%.
Whenever a squad member inflicts Assault on an enemy, the equipper deals 35% increased damage to the target for 12s.

ATK +10%.
Upon entering combat or switching in, its user's ATK increased by 25% for 10s. This effect can be triggered once every 20s.


110 s.

Physical DMG +10%.
Whenever a squad member inflicts Assault on an enemy, the equipper deals 35% increased damage to the target for 12s.

Anomaly Mastery +8%.
When any squad member uses an EX Special Attack, the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency increases by 45 for 8s. If the character using the EX Special Attack is not the equipper, the equipper's Ether DMG is increased by 25%.


153 s.

Physical DMG +10%.
Whenever a squad member inflicts Assault on an enemy, the equipper deals 35% increased damage to the target for 12s.

PEN Ratio +8%.
Ultimate DMG increases by 20%. Launching an Ultimate increases the equippers ATK by 15% for 12s.


133 s.

Anomaly Proficiency +30.
When an EX Special Attack hits an enemy, reduce the targets Anomaly Buildup RES to equippers attribute by 20% for 8s. This effect does not stack with others of the same attribute.

Physical DMG +10%.
Whenever a squad member inflicts Assault on an enemy, the equipper deals 35% increased damage to the target for 12s.