To learn more about Lighter check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Lighter has at least one video guide available, so if you prefer this sort of medium to learn more about a character, check it out:
Last review/pros & cons update
Patch 1.5
Last build/calcs update
Patch 1.5
Last teams/synergies update
Patch 1.3
Last profile update*
February 11th, 2025
*Profile update means smaller edits to disk drives, stats or other things that don't require new calculations.
To learn more about Lighter check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
SD/DA Analytics
Rotation & Teams
Core Passive Accelerant
Lighter automatically gains Morale over time, at a rate of 2.9 points per second. For each point of Energy consumed by any squad member, Lighter recovers an additional 0.26 Morale, up to a maximum of 100. When Morale reaches 80, the next time Lighter switches into battle he immediately launches a Quick Assist. Once Morale is 80 or higher, executing the 5th hit of his Basic Attack puts Lighter in the Morale Burst state, enhancing the power of the startup light punch, jab combo, and the Finishing Move of the 5th hit of his Basic Attack. When a skill hits an enemy with its power increased, it will continuously consume Morale. With every 10 points of Morale consumed, Lighter's Impact increases by 1%, up to a maximum increase of 10%, and lasting 6s.
In the Morale Burst state, Lighter will no longer automatically gain Morale over time. If his Morale is exhausted during a startup light punch or jab combo, he will automatically follow up with a more powerful Finishing Move.
In the Morale Burst state, when startup light punches or jab combos hit enemies, the target's Ice RES and Fire RES are reduced by 15%, lasting 30s.
In the Morale Burst state, when the Finishing Move hits an enemy, it applies the Collapse effect on the target, extending its Stunned duration by 3s. The Collapse effect can trigger only once on the same target before they recover from Stun.
When the Finishing Move of the 5th hit of his Basic Attack hits an enemy, when he switches off field, or when his Morale runs out, Lighter will leave the Morale Burst state, keeping any unspent Morale.
Impact 0
Additional Ability Fighting Spirit
When another character in your squad is an Attack character or shares the same Faction:
While under the Morale Burst state, when the 5th hit of Lighter's Basic Attack hits an enemy, all squad members gain a stack of Elation, stacking up to 20 times and lasting 30s. Repeated triggers reset the duration. For each stack of Elation, an Agent's Ice DMG and Fire DMG increase by 1.25%.
When obtaining Elation, if Lighter's Impact exceeds 170, every additional 10 points of Impact will increase the buff effect provided by each stack of Elation by an extra 0.25%. When any squad member launches a Chain Attack, it will refresh the duration of all squad members' Elation. Elation can increase the Ice DMG and Fire DMG of Agents by a maximum of 75%.
Basic Attack: L-Form Thundering Fist
Dodge: Shadowed Slide
Dash Attack: Charging Slam
Dodge Counter: Blazing Flash
Special Attack: V-Form Sunrise Uppercut
EX Special Attack: V-Form Sunrise Uppercut - Full Distance
Chain Attack: V-Form Scorching Sun
Ultimate: W-Form Crowned Inferno
Quick Assist: Blazing Flash - Guard
Defensive Assist: Swift Break
Assist Follow-Up: Charging Slam - Stab
The Champion
Mindscape 1
Red Scarf
Mindscape 2
Mercenary Leader
Mindscape 3
Mindscape 4
Decision Maker
Mindscape 5
Inhuman Blood
Mindscape 6
Lighter Stats at level 60 (including Core passive bonuses).
Lighter images aren't available yet. They will be added soon!
Incredible full team ICE and FIRE DMG% Boost.
Grants substantial ICE and FIRE RES% Shred.
Extends enemy Stun duration by 3 seconds, allowing for larger burst windows.
Has an incredibly front-loaded combo capable of taking up minimal field time if desired.
Simple and easy to play.
Daze application is much more concentrated than other characters, sometimes leading to downtime when Morale, Energy and Counter opportunities aren’t available.
Primarily synergizes with Fire and Ice units only, limiting the scope of his potential.
Loses supportive capabilities when unable to hit 270 Impact - something that isn’t easy to achieve without using 5-star W-Engines.
Lighter is an S-Rank Melee Fire Stun Agent fulfilling the role of a low field time Daze character who also brings incredible supportive buffs for Ice and Fire teammates. Stun characters continue following a trend of picking up absurd supportive abilities and Lighter only takes this to the next level by sporting buffs that rival (and even exceed) many dedicated Support Agents - all the while fulfilling his role as a Stunner. Furthermore, he is the first Agent in the game capable of manipulating the duration enemies are Stunned for, allowing him to extend burst windows and doubling down on his supportive identity. It wouldn’t be entirely inaccurate to call Lighter a Stun and Support Hybrid, but his Daze output is top class thus pushing him more in that direction, to learn more let's dive in.
Lighter’s kit is wordy and confusing… but his playstyle is anything but that. In combat he has one mission: wait in the wings allowing his teammates to fight until his unique resource bar “Morale” is between 80-100% filled, swap in, execute a flurry of devastating attacks consuming said “Morale” and swap out. This combo takes minimal time, applies all of his buffs, debuffs and delivers a strong amount of Daze.
Lighter’s Core Passive: Accelerant is at the heart of his kit and is mandatory for his combo - as without it he would be dead in the water. Accelent allows him to gain up to 100 of his resource gauge “Morale” from two different sources.
The first being his Passive, which allows him to gain 2.9 “Morale” every second regardless of the fact if he is on the field or not.
The second source is reliant on your squad - for every 1 Energy your squadmates spend (Including Lighter himself) he’ll generate 0.26 “Morale”.
For example, you’ll gain 15.6 “Morale” when an ally or Lighter spends 60 Energy on their EX Special.
“Morale” isn’t usable until Lighter gains at least 80 of it, after which he gains access to a myriad of bonuses. The first of which is the ability to trigger a Quick Assist for one time the next time he switches in ignoring the usual rules of the Assist.
The second is the ability to enter the “Morale Burst State” upon executing the 5th portion of his Basic Attack. While in the “Morale Burst State” he cannot generate “Morale” through his Passive or from Energy consumption.
While in the “Morale Burst State” Lighter gains the following effects:
Lighter’s 5th Basic Attack is enhanced causing it to consume “Morale” rapidly.
For every 10 “Morale” consumed by Lighter, it grants him 2% Combat Impact for 6 seconds up to a maximum of 20%.
Any attack landed during the state applies a 15% ICE & FIRE RES Shred for 30 seconds.
Causes the final portion of his Basic Attack 5 to apply “Collapse” to any target hit. “Collapse” causes the next Stun the enemy suffers to be extended by an additional 3 seconds, “Collapse” cannot stack and is removed after the enemy recovers from Stun.
After entering the “Morale Burst State” it’s heavily recommended you fully consume all of Lighter’s “Morale” swiftly and immediately to ensure you land the biggest Combat Impact buff possible, fully stack his buffs/debuffs and ensure you’re back to generating “Morale” as soon as possible.
Lighter’s Additional Ability: Fighting Spirit is for the most part an extension of his Core Ability and absurdly powerful, so ensure that you build teams in order to activate it. Now what it does is that while within the “Morale Burst State” each of the hits caused by his 5th empowered Basic Attack grants all squad members a stack of “Elation” for a maximum of 20 stacks lasting for 30 seconds. While the 20 Stacks might sound like a lot, Lighter’s empowered 5th Basic Attack can hit many more times than that - so you’ll have no issues maxing this out when playing correctly. The “Elation” Buff grants those affected by it up to 75% FIRE and ICE DMG%. Each stack of “Elation” grants 1.25% FIRE and ICE DMG% or 25%... hold on then, what about the other 50%? For every 10 points of Impact Lighter possesses over 170, each “Elation” stack grants an additional 0.25% bonus for. Thus at 270 Impact we’ll gain 3.75% DMG increase per stack instead, allowing him to reach the maximum bonus of 75%. The 30-second duration of this buff is huge in itself but as an added bonus whenever an ally performs a Chain Attack, its duration will be refreshed making its uptime pretty much permanent.
Phew… believe it or not that makes up for the majority of Lighter’s kit and as we’ve now learnt his whole kit essentially boils down to gaining access to 80 “Morale”, entering the “Morale Burst State” and executing an Empowered Basic Attack 5. Doing this applies all of his buffs and debuffs. With the wordy part covered lets breeze through the rest of his mostly simple kit.
Lighter has a TON of different Basic Attacks - all of which might have their place in certain niche and specialized combat scenarios… but, when it comes to his core gameplay you use barely any of them. His standard Basic Attack combo consists of 5 attacks - the first 3 are Physical and the last 2 are Fire. We want to avoid using the first 3 wherever possible, as they have poor multipliers across the board. Fortunately many of his abilities allow him to skip straight to executing either the 4th or 5th portion of the Basic Attack string - as such these are the abilities to watch out for:
Dodge Counter: Blazing Flash (Skips to 5th Basic Attack)
EX Special Attack: V-Form Sunrise Uppercut (Skips to 4th Basic Attack)
EX Special Attack: V-Form Sunrise Uppercut - Dash Variant (Skips to 5th Basic Attack)
Quick Assist: Blazing Flash - Guard (Skips to 5th Basic Attack)
Assist Follow-Up: Reignition (Skips to 5th Basic Attack)
With proper planning, you’ll find yourself able to completely omit the first 3 - 4 Basic Attacks of the combo and skip straight to what matters the most - Basic Attack 5. Basic Attack 5 is further split up into 3 different parts and can only be fully accessed by Continuously Tapping or Holding the Basic Attack button throughout his 5 Basic Attack combo or after any of the follow-ups above. The three different parts of Basic Attack 5 are:
“StartUp” is a flurry of punches that follows right up after executing his Basic Attack 4 but will not be present if you skipped directly to Basic Attack 5 via another ability.
“Combo” is a continual flurry of punches that hits many many times in quick succession (And this is how we reach 20 stacks of “Elation”).
“Finisher” is exactly how it sounds: a huge haymaker to finish the combo off.
While in the “Morale Burst State” each of these abilities consumes “Morale” and is, enhanced dealing more Damage and Daze whie also gaining additional effects. When enhanced “Combo” can be repeated as long as you possess “Morale” to consume, doing so will allow you to extend your flurry of punches to stack “Elation”, it’s always a good idea to channel “Combo” until 0 “Morale” because of the next enhancement. When running out of “Morale” while executing the 5th Basic attack within “Morale Burst State” Lighter’s “Finisher” is supercharged into “Powerful Finisher” dealing further increased Daze and Damage. Another bonus of running your “Morale” to 0 with “Combo” is that it ensures “Powerful Finisher” will have the maximum Combat Impact % buff from his Core Passive.
An additional note is that Lighter’s Basic attack combo can be fully chained and executed simply by holding down the Basic Attack button. Also as mentioned earlier his Basic Attacks do have more to them but with his current top playstyle they’re not worth delving into. With “Morale” up, get to Basic Attack 5 as fast as possible, dump all “Morale” into repeating the “Combo” portion and land a huge “Powerful Finisher”.
Lighter’s EX-Special Attack costs 40 Energy, deals good Daze, damage, and of course helps him recover some “Morale” while also skipping straight to Basic Attack 4. What makes it stand out though is that Lighter can tap EX-Special again right after its use to execute a Follow-Up Attack at the cost of an additional 20 Energy. This is usually well worth it as the attack doesn’t take much longer to execute and deals good Daze for its Energy cost. Lighter’s EX-Special also has an alternative mode which can be accessed by hitting the EX-Special key right after a Dash - something that isn’t easy to do consistently without some practice. As mentioned above the Dash-EX allows you to skip to Basic Attack 5 instead of 4.
Lighter’s Chain Attack and Ultimate are completely standard - even a bit boring you might say. His Ultimate doesn’t do anything special while his Chain Attack can be used if there is a slot available, it is a low priority compared to those who need it more.
As with most Stun characters, Lighter’s Dodge Counter is actually surprisingly strong having good multipliers and allowing him to immediately skip straight to Basic Attack 5 - use it when the opportunity presents itself.
Lighter’s assists like his Dodge Counter are strong and absolutely worth using. The combo of his Defensive Assist + Assist Follow-Up should be the go-to for you when playing him, as he prefers to stay off-field most of the time. Remain on-field with your other two characters but Hot-Swap to Lighter to execute his Defensive Assist + Assist Follow-Up while you wait for his “Morale” to recover for his next combo. It’s worth noting when you finally do reach 80-100 “Morale” entering combat via a Defensive Assist + Assist Follow-Up is the optimal way to maximize Daze output. Lighter’s Quick assist is also very useful, you’ll gain free access to it every time you reach 80 “Morale” in the resource bar. If you reach 80-100 “Morale” and you don’t see an opening to Swap-In Lighter optimally, following the above this is your go to for a quick skip to the 5th Basic Attack.
With Lighter’s kit fully covered let's bring all of it together. Here’s the final game plan:
Wait until Lighter reaches 80 - 100 “Morale” (100 will maximize his Core Passive bonuses and is recommended in most cases).
Swap to Lighter Via a Defensive Assist + Assist Follow-Up OR a Quick Assist.
Hold down the Basic Attack to execute Basic Attack 5 “Combo” to fully drain your “Morale” and trigger his “Powerful Finisher”.
If Energy is available add in either an EX Special or EX Special + Follow-Up.
Here it is listed in abilities:
Defensive Assist: Swift Break
Assist Follow-Up: Charging Slam - Stab
Basic Attack: L-Form Thundering Fist (5th-Hit Combo)(Morale Boosted)
Basic Attack: L-Form Thundering Fist (5th-Hit Powerful Finisher)(Morale Boosted)
EX Special Attack: V-Form Sunrise Uppercut - Full Distance
EX Special Attack: V-Form Sunrise Uppercut - Full Distance (Follow-Up)
And that’s really it. The above will grant you all of Lighter’s buffs, debuffs, and do a large amount of Daze. If you’re looking for more though here are some additional things you can watch out for.
In the rare case Lighter is on the field execute Dodge Counters for more Daze Build-Up
Ensure you never overcap on Energy - swap Lighter in to execute EX-Special’s even outside his usual combo if you’re about to overcap.
Perform Defensive Assists + Assist Follow-Ups whenever possible for additional Daze.
Optionally execute Non-Morale sequences of Basic Attack 4 + 5 to take advantage of the skips granted by your other abilities (The Daze output from these isn’t stellar but can fill empty field time or get you the last bit of the way to a stun)
In combat scenarios that don’t demand Lighter’s full burst combo (Non-elite enemies) tactically use his EX, Defensive Assist, or Dodge counter to trigger Stuns as needed.
Lighter is an incredible Stun character fully capable of serving as a support and at the same time, he has crazy buffs/debuffs, huge burst Daze, extended Stuns and is simple to play. He has a few downsides but nothing deal-breaking. Reaching 270 Impact to fully activate his 75% bonus via his Additional Ability isn’t trivial though, and you'll need Impact-focused W-engines to make it happen - which depending on your account might pose a challenge. And of course, Lighter is a Fire and Ice specialist so if those elements aren’t for you, he loses a lot of his value. If those aren’t a problem though, Lighter is definitely a force to be reckoned with.
This tier list assesses characters based on their combat potential in Zenless Zone Zero’s current most demanding content, Shiyu Defense (SD). SD is a mode similar to Genshin Impact’s Spiral Abyss or Honkai Star Rail’s Memory of Chaos and requires multiple teams, Disk Drives and good W-Engines. This mode offers a reasonable mix of Boss encounters (single target) and Elite packs (2-3 targets), allowing multiple characters to find a niche but in the end, there is a bias toward single target focused characters at the top-end and tier list ratings will reflect that.
Please keep in mind Zenless Zone Zero is a skill-based game and each character has a different playstyle, difficulty level and even special tricks and combos. Zenless Zone Zero is also a team based game and it's only by combining both these factors to the highest level a character can reach optimal performance.
Shiyu Defense
Build and teams
The W-Engines are listed in order of priority. Sometimes the percentages appearing near them won't reflect their performance as pure damage or Stun output isn't the only thing we're looking at - the utility of the W-Engine might be more important than the calculations imply.
The top number shows the performance of the W-Engine when applying Daze while the bottom number when dealing Damage. You can find more information about them in the Calculations tab.
Upon launching a Quick Assist or Perfect Assist, the equipper's Impact increases by 25/28.75/32.5/36.25/40% for 8s. When the equipper launches and hits an enemy with a Basic Attack, apply Wilt to the target for 30s, stacking up to 20 times, repeated triggers reset the duration. When any squad member hits an enemy, for every stack of Wilt applied to the target, the CRIT DMG of the Ice DMG and Fire DMG dealt by that attack increases by 1.5/1.72/1.95/2.17/2.4%. Only one of this effect can be active at a time in the same squad.
When a Basic Attack hits an enemy, gain 1 stack of Tea-riffic. Each stack of Tea-riffic increases the user's Impact by 0.7/0.88/1.05/1.22/1.4%, stacking up to 30 times, and lasting for 8s. The duration of each stack is calculated separately. Upon acquiring Tea-riffic, if the equipper possesses stacks of Tea-riffic greater than or equal to 15, all squad members' DMG is increased by 20/23/26/29/32% for 10s. Passive effects of the same name do not stack.
When an attack hits an enemy, DMG and Daze from Basic Attacks increase by 6/7.5/9/10.5/12% for 8s, stacking up to 5 times. This effect can trigger at most once during each skill. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
When off-field, the equipper's Energy Regen increases by 0.6/0.75/0.9/1.05/1.2 per second. When using an EX Special Attack, the equipper's Impact is increased by 10/12.5/15/17.5/20% for 10s, stacking up to 2 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
When the target's HP is no lower than 50%, the equipper inflicts 10/11.5/13/14.5/16% more Daze. When the target's HP is no lower than 75%, this bonus is further enhanced by 10/11.5/13/14.5/16%.
The equipper's attacks inflict 8/9/10/11/12% more Daze on their main target.
The equipper gains a Charge stack every 3s, stacking up to 6 times. When launching an EX Special Attack, consumes all Charge stacks, and each stack increases the Daze inflicted by 4/4.6/5.2/5.8/6.4%.
For every 10 Energy accumulated, the equipper's Impact is increased by 2/2.3/2.6/2.9/3.2%, stacking up to 8 times. After Energy is consumed, this bonus remains for 8 more seconds. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
Powerful set for Lighter when played specifically with a focus on dealing as much Daze as possible. Grants him much needed Impact% which is not only required to maximise his Ice and Fire buffs but also provides a large Daze% increase to his Basic Attacks boosting his stunning capabilities considerably.
Best combined with your choice of 2-PC Set:
Combining 4P Proto Punk with 2P Shockstar Disco not only grants Lighter the Impact% he needs but also offers him a potent team based supportive effect to each of his Defensive Assists - which he uses plenty of. Lighter doesn't utilize the shields of Proto Punk buffs but if you're happy trading Daze for support and already have another more suitable teammate capable of using Swing Jazz, this combo can be an effective option despite some wasted stats.
Best combined with your choice of 2-PC Set:
Mixing 4P Swing Jazz and 2P Shockstar Disco is another strong supportive choice available to Lighter, although usually better suited to dedicated supports. If no other character is already using Swing Jazz and you prefer the buff timing and 2P bonus of this set over Proto Punk it can be a reasonable option for Lighter.
Best combined with your choice of 2-PC Set:
Substats: [CRIT RATE = CRIT DMG > ATK% > PEN = ATK] or [ATK% = Anomaly Proficiency > ATK > PEN]
Choose a sub stat priority depending on which damage profile you're aiming for on Lighter.
Impact: 170 - 195+
ATK: 1700 - 2000+ (Optional)
HP: 10500+
DEF: 800+
CRIT RATE: 50% - 60%+ (Optional)
CRIT DMG: 100% - 120%+ (Optional)
Impact: 170 - 195+
ATK: 1700 - 2000+ (Optional)
HP: 10500+
DEF: 800+
Anomaly Proficiency: 250+ (Optional)
Basic Attack
Special Attack
Chain Attack
Rotation & Teams
Best Stun partner for Miyabi who can also provide a lot of buffs AND shred resistances on enemies. All this combined can somehow make up for lower stack generation for Miyabi.
Lighter outputs solid amounts of Daze without taking up too much field time himself, allowing Evelyn and her other teammate as much time as needed in order to prepare for their next Burst Combo. In addition to this, Lighter grants tremendous team-wide damage amplification and most importantly, extends the Stun window. This gives Evelyn additional combo potential through the possibility of fitting in additional Chain attacks while the enemy is vulnerable.
Ice is one of the two elements Lighter specialises in supporting and Ellen is an incredible Ice DPS, so it is of no surprise the two work very well together. The combination of ICE DMG%, ICE RES% Shred, extended Stuns and very low field time requirements gives Ellen everything she ever wanted from a Stunner. With this combo Ellen’s damage is substantially increased and she can freely monopolize the majority of the field time for her lengthy attack combos.
Soldier 11 is an accessible and Solid Fire DPS who is more than happy to take up the field time Lighter doesn’t need with her mostly Basic Attack focused gameplay. Lighter offers Soldier 11 all his usual benefits of FIRE DMG%, FIRE RES% SHRED and extended Stun time making the two a solid combo for those not possessing more powerful limited DPS options. Soldier 11 also gains a bit of an additional edge from Lighter compared to others thanks to her Additional Ability functioning specifically against Stunned enemies making Lighter more accessible.
If a column has multiple characters, the bigger one is the priority choice for the team while the smaller ones are alternatives. If they are the same size, either of them can be used.
Miyabi Team
Bangboo options:
Lighter Rotation: The rotation below assumes Lighter begins with 100 Morale but can also be started at 80 Morale in a pinch, but at the cost of losing some supportive and Dazing benefits. Additionally the rotation can also be initiated with any of Lighter's abilities which allow him to skip straight to his 5th Basic Attack.
- Defensive Assist: Swift Break
- Assist Follow-Up: Charging Slam - Stab
- Basic Attack: L-Form Thundering Fist (5th-Hit Combo)(Morale Boosted)
- Basic Attack: L-Form Thundering Fist (5th-Hit Powerful Finisher)(Morale Boosted)
- EX Special Attack: V-Form Sunrise Uppercut - Full Distance
- EX Special Attack: V-Form Sunrise Uppercut - Full Distance (Follow-Up)
- Basic Attack: L-Form Thundering Fist P4
- Basic Attack: L-Form Thundering Fist (5th-Hit Startup)
- Basic Attack: L-Form Thundering Fist (5th-Hit Combo)
- Basic Attack: L-Form Thundering Fist (5th-Hit Finisher)
- Dodge Counter: Blazing Flash (Can be executed at any time)
Short Lighter Rotation: If desired - and you have another character that can make use of field time Lighter's rotation - can be shortened. The entire second Basic Attack Combo and Dodge Counter are all non-essential and can be cut simplifying his gameplay even more.
- Defensive Assist: Swift Break
- Assist Follow-Up: Charging Slam - Stab
- Basic Attack: L-Form Thundering Fist (5th-Hit Combo)(Morale Boosted)
- Basic Attack: L-Form Thundering Fist (5th-Hit Powerful Finisher)(Morale Boosted)
- EX Special Attack: V-Form Sunrise Uppercut - Full Distance
- EX Special Attack: V-Form Sunrise Uppercut - Full Distance (Follow-Up)
Don't use the damage output calculations as an indication on who is worth pulling or investing as those are just simulations and in day-to-day gameplay there's a lot variables and also the skill of the player is important. As usual, don't compare the numbers between characters.
Rotation time: 10.53s.
Attention!!! Calculations between characters that use Quick Swap Daze vs Main Field Daze Rotations should not be compared as they are two different playstyles!
The rotation below assumes Lighter begins with 100 Morale but can also be started at 80 Morale in a pinch, but at the cost of losing some supportive and Dazing benefits. Additionally the rotation can also be initiated with any of Lighter's abilities which allow him to skip straight to his 5th Basic Attack.
Main Field Extended Rotation
- Defensive Assist: Swift Break
- Assist Follow-Up: Charging Slam - Stab
- Basic Attack: L-Form Thundering Fist (5th-Hit Combo)(Morale Boosted)
- Basic Attack: L-Form Thundering Fist (5th-Hit Powerful Finisher)(Morale Boosted)
- EX Special Attack: V-Form Sunrise Uppercut - Full Distance
- EX Special Attack: V-Form Sunrise Uppercut - Full Distance (Follow-Up)
- Basic Attack: L-Form Thundering Fist P4
- Basic Attack: L-Form Thundering Fist (5th-Hit Startup)
- Basic Attack: L-Form Thundering Fist (5th-Hit Combo)
- Basic Attack: L-Form Thundering Fist (5th-Hit Finisher)
- Dodge Counter: Blazing Flash (Can be executed at any time)
And here are the W-Engines and Disk Drives used in the calculations.
Upon launching a Quick Assist or Perfect Assist, the equipper's Impact increases by 25/28.75/32.5/36.25/40% for 8s. When the equipper launches and hits an enemy with a Basic Attack, apply Wilt to the target for 30s, stacking up to 20 times, repeated triggers reset the duration. When any squad member hits an enemy, for every stack of Wilt applied to the target, the CRIT DMG of the Ice DMG and Fire DMG dealt by that attack increases by 1.5/1.72/1.95/2.17/2.4%. Only one of this effect can be active at a time in the same squad.
Substats: ATK (18%), CRIT Rate (33.6%), CRIT DMG (67.2%)
Shiyu Defense / Deadly Assault
This section contains information about Lighter performance in the latest Shiyu Defense and Deadly Assault cycles (1.6.1). The page will be automatically updated every patch once enough data is gathered.
If you want to share your clear information with us, you simply need to fill the form below and provide us with your UID and make your Hoyo profile public - we will automatically parse the Shiyu Defense clear information from your profile after that!
Shiyu Defense Stats FormCharacters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Shiyu Defense by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.
Characters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Deadly Assault by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.
This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Lighter in the current phase of Shiyu Defense.
This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Lighter in the current phase of Deadly Assault.
This section lists most popular teams featuring Lighter in the current phase of Shiyu Defense.
Mindscapes data comes from players who used Lighter in the current SD cycle (886) or in the current DA cycle (1150).
107 s.Mindscape 0
89 s.2.53%
65 s.0.79%
78 s.0.18%
600 s.1%
600 s.1.31%
53 s.W-Engines usage data comes from players who used Lighter in the current SD cycle (886) or in the current DA cycle (1150).
100 s.Upon launching a Quick Assist or Perfect Assist, the equipper's Impact increases by 25/28.75/32.5/36.25/40% for 8s. When the equipper launches and hits an enemy with a Basic Attack, apply Wilt to the target for 30s, stacking up to 20 times, repeated triggers reset the duration. When any squad member hits an enemy, for every stack of Wilt applied to the target, the CRIT DMG of the Ice DMG and Fire DMG dealt by that attack increases by 1.5/1.72/1.95/2.17/2.4%. Only one of this effect can be active at a time in the same squad.
104 s.When off-field, the equipper's Energy Regen increases by 0.6/0.75/0.9/1.05/1.2 per second. When using an EX Special Attack, the equipper's Impact is increased by 10/12.5/15/17.5/20% for 10s, stacking up to 2 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
118 s.When the target's HP is no lower than 50%, the equipper inflicts 10/11.5/13/14.5/16% more Daze. When the target's HP is no lower than 75%, this bonus is further enhanced by 10/11.5/13/14.5/16%.
120 s.For every 10 Energy accumulated, the equipper's Impact is increased by 2/2.3/2.6/2.9/3.2%, stacking up to 8 times. After Energy is consumed, this bonus remains for 8 more seconds. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
113 s.When an attack hits an enemy, DMG and Daze from Basic Attacks increase by 6/7.5/9/10.5/12% for 8s, stacking up to 5 times. This effect can trigger at most once during each skill. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
92 s.When a Basic Attack hits an enemy, gain 1 stack of Tea-riffic. Each stack of Tea-riffic increases the user's Impact by 0.7/0.88/1.05/1.22/1.4%, stacking up to 30 times, and lasting for 8s. The duration of each stack is calculated separately. Upon acquiring Tea-riffic, if the equipper possesses stacks of Tea-riffic greater than or equal to 15, all squad members' DMG is increased by 20/23/26/29/32% for 10s. Passive effects of the same name do not stack.
Disk Drives usage data comes from players who used Lighter in the current SD cycle (886) or in the current DA cycle (1150).
110 s.13.74%
112 s.8.14%
102 s.4.25%
83 s.2.81%
102 s.2.35%
97 s.Copyright © 2025 Prydwen.gg