
If you haven’t checked our previous guide about Meta Team, make sure to drop a view

This post is written under the assumption you have a proper knowledge about team building, because Tribe Tower forces you to use Nikke's from that manufacturer only. And read our Investment Guide as your books are precious!

Missilis Tower

Missilis can be considered “Easy Mode” because although their DPS are outdated, their supporters are the strongest currently. Thanks to those supporters, the DPS can distribute pretty meaningful damage even with low investment.

The current MVP of Missilis Tower, featuring 2 heavy drillers Laplace and Maxwell. This team excels in killing single targets like Boss, Dangerous Elite units and can do pretty well against mobs too thanks to Laplace splash damage + Drill burst (And she’s even stronger now due to Favorite system). Their DPS (mostly Maxwell if you have Laplace Treasure version) can be replaced somewhat with:


Ein : the best AoE unit for Missilis Tribe Tower, and the best replacement for Laplace and Maxwell

Epinel - Alternate AoE pick, weaker replacement to Ein, you can consider building her up to 7/4/7, but it isn’t recommended since this is a tower-only unit. Mostly you won’t need fast AoE Wiper, until you reach these nasty stages. (Tower 244F)

Tribe Tower

Very friendly stage, it welcomes you with 11 instant kill Raptures…

Drake : Good Replacement for when you do not have Laplace or Maxwell. Can also be used for PvP, if you are in a tight spot for Synchro Device slots and want flexible units.

Kilo : A limited time Nikke only available through Nikke’s “.5” half anniversary events. Kilo, just like Epinel, is another replacement for when you need an AoE screen-clear. She can be easier/harsher to use depending on the stage design, since her AoE depends on her own self having a shield!

Elegg : She’s another strong single target DPS too, but most of the time, she won’t find her place once you complete your ACE team above. But if you lack Tia or Naga to finish the duo, then you can consider using Elegg instead.

Centi : Once a PVE god, now she is outclassed hard by Tia in PVE. Still, if you lack Tia/Naga, can use her as burst gen filler + shield provider.

Pepper : A decent healer with high offensive power. She doesn’t reduce cooldown, but she heals a lot with her burst. Only when you don’t have Liter.

Quency : A free unit from liberation, decent healer who periodically provides offensive buffs. Good replacement for B2 if you do not have Centi or Naga.

N102 : Our very own budget liter, N102, is always a great choice to use if you happen to not have Liter or Pepper. If you have Tia Naga but no Liter, N102 is probably better than Pepper for most stages.

Mihara : The only option left if you have no SSR B3s. Mihara can fill in the spot until you pull someone better.

Tetra Tower

Although Tetra supporters are not as busted as Missilis, Mustang has his trump card with Bunnies Goddess.

Alice is the real MVP here. Insane single target DPS with pierce allows her to clean a lot of mobs in very short time, even elite/boss too. And Xlud will provide a lot of DPS on her own while also increasing Alice damage.


Soda: Twinkling Bunny : Easily the best AoE wiper for Tetra tower. You may need to swap Xludmilla for B.Soda on some stages, or when you don’t have her due to being seasonal limited.

Rosanna: Chic Ocean : The latest limited Nikke who can replace Blanc to a certain degree. She has weaker dmg debuff but free another slot for you from Noir.

Sakura: Bloom in Summer : She has very nice damage from the very start (should be on par with Scarlet) and can only get stronger the more parts the boss has. But she’s also seasonal limited and you can use B.Soda to do whatever you need her to do.

Yulha : This is when you don’t have those limited units. You will have to rely on Yulha as AoE wiper outside Alice burst, because some stages are just pure evil!

Tribe Tower

Example of an evil stage, this player had to cope with Ludmilla!

Sugar : Instead of Yulha, you may also use Sugar when the enemies are near your screen, like those shield mobs. Sugar can easily deal with them.

Noise : Very strong “healer” and “taunter” in Nikke. Sometimes when Blanc alone is not enough, you may want to rely on Noise to tank those rough damage. She can be paired with Sakura if you lack Volume.

Tribe Tower

Rebuilt Cucumber burns very hard

Mica: Snow Buddy /
: These girls are cleansers, and you can use whoever you have against VERY SITUATIONAL stages, for example, Sunbather, or Rebuilt Cucumber above. Mica and Cocoa can replace Volume (you will run 0 CDR team but keep good DPS), or Ade if you sacrifice your DPS for more CDR (single DPS Alice with Noir as support).

Mary: Bay Goddess : She serves the same as Noise without taunt, but you don’t need to burst her to heal. Used on heavy heal required stages, but mind you, seasonal limited Nikke too!

Novel : Novel is a good option to use against Bosses when you lack bunnies.

Anis : Our trusty, always adorable and funny Anis will always be there to fill in the spot for B2 if you lack other B2s.

Elysion Tower

This is exclusive for Elysion Tribe Tower, because at the moment this guide was written, they have the worst supporters, the worst DPS and only one good yet very niche DPS.

This is the most commonly used team in Elysion tower. It has nice AoE wiping with Privaty, decent burst gen with Vesti, decent heal with Marciana and decent DPS with Guillotine. If your roster has these characters, you can safely raise them to push Elysion tower.


Helm : You can replace Vesti with Helm but the burst gen and your mobs wiping power will be reduced a lot. This is mostly if you are not running Marciana in b2, or if you need extra heals to survive, or if you need added CP since most people have Helm invested, but Vesti remains uninvested due to not being a Meta Unit.

Privaty: Unkind Maid : What’s better than Privaty? Only Privaty! MPrivaty has the strongest wipe in Elysion, very decent damage although she’s a Shotgun due to the specialty of her gun. She will replace either Vesti or Privaty depending on the stage you are fighting at. (Need a faster burst? Keep Vesti. Need better AoE? Keep Privaty.)

Diesel : Normal Diesel is not worth mentioning and only serves as B2 filler at max. But due to the new Treasure/Favorite system, she’s actually very strong as B2 in Elysion tower now, considering their main DPS is a 1 HP Glass Canon MG. We have a dedicated guide for Diesel Treasure version here, please read for more information. Also by using Diesel, you can put Vesti back for better burst gen, because your Guillotine will reload even less now.

Poli /
Helm: Aquamarine
Helm: Aquamarine
(Seasonal Limited): These characters can be used as a replacement for Marciana. If you have Helm: Aqua Marine, you should try using her over Marciana for stronger mob cleaning capability. As for the other 2, they are not as comfortable as our cute teacher, but it’s better than nothing. Remember to use another B2 instead of Vesti. if you are using Poli over Marciana. (Some high level stages don’t require burst much, so you can use Poli as solo B2, especially when they need you to rush the boss as fast as you can before they wipe you).

Soline /
: They can replace Guillotine, but remember, they require the same harsh condition as Guillotine, and the return is not even that impressive.

Miranda : D:Killer Wife is the backbone of Elysion team, but you can run Miranda too if your wife somehow refuses going home. Why Miranda? Because the only other 20s B1 available, other than D:KW and Miranda, is Neon, who is an SR unit.

Tribe Tower

Ingrid pleaseeeeee release good units for Tribe Tower...

Pilgrim Tower

Pilgrim is Easy Mode tower, that’s a fact. But there’s another sad fact: They rarely come home, so this tower is actually the hardest tower early on because you have to push sometimes with just 1 Nikke lmao.

This is the most familiar team in Pilgrim Tower, with high single target damage, high wipe power, decent CDR.

There are a few replacements for Red Hood, Modernia and Scarlet: Black Shadow here:

Scarlet : She has a good wipe, decent DPS on her own. On some stages, you are forced to use Scarlet instead of SBS for sure.

Snow White : Snow White will be used when you want to cheese some stages (just snipe the boss before the stage kills all your Nikke).

Rapunzel : Some stages force you to bring a healer, for example, Bronchus will punish your team harshly if you don’t have any healer.

Harran : Great early character, but don’t over invest in her. Stay at max 5/5/5. She will be replaced the moment you have 3 great DPS mentioned above. Crown can also be replaced if you don’t have her, of course:

Noah : Noah has everything: Taunt, Defense Up, even invulnerable temporarily… in exchange for a 40s CD! And being a brat! Still, you can use her normally with Red Hood as another B2 if you can end stage under 3 rotations (Noah => Red Hood => Noah)

Nihilister : You must be desperate to rely on a liberation character as B2. But don’t worry, we all did before Crown!

On certain stages, you can (or you must) finish the stage under 2 ~ 3 Burst rotations. This is the best team you can think of:

You start the fight with Red Hood => Crown => Modernia. Then based on the situation, you hold the fight so Crown Burst is ready again, or you go with Rapunzel => Red Hood => Scarlet: Black Shadow immediately. Then finish the stage by either holding burst till SBS burst is ready again, or go with Red Hood => Crown => Modernia immediately, killing the mobs and then focusing the boss as much as possible in the remaining time. You may have to use this setup on Pilgrim Tower 245F.