
This guide is dedicated for modes that uses Stage Penalty system (or deficit). Currently, the Deficit system is applied in Campaign, Event, Tribe Tower, Lost Sector. You can learn more about stage penalty here:

This guide is served for new players, so they can understand the cards in their hand, and prepare for later stages of the game. If you are a veteran, chances are you have already known what is best for you.

Now if you just roll a (bunch) of character(s), and you want to know whether you can form a good hand of 5 Nikkes, follow me down the rabbit’s hole. The deeper it is, the less teams will be available to push through, mind you!

Before u go

If you are new players, chances are you won’t have all of these characters to fill in your roster, even at low deficit. Just remember those rules:

To understand the terms: Burst I, Burst II, Burst III, we highly recommend you to take a look at this Team Building Guide first:


0 - 5% Deficit

This is the “easy mode”, and mostly only new players, whale or veteran can enjoy. All of your Nikke will have stat reduction which ranges from 0 ~ 25% based on the deficit. Most, if not all teams work in this deficit. As long as you can put a proper team with at least 1 Burst I, 1 Burst II and one Burst III, you are good to go. Because there are too many teams that can be used here, let's dig further.

First Dive

5 - 10% Deficit

This is when it starts getting a little bit hot, but if you have the right setup, sometimes even ONE character, you can still push through them easily.

1. One-Nikke-army

These teams only require 1 CORE Nikke, and you can fill the 4 rest slots with your strongest characters in the tier list. The structure will be X - X - Core Nikke - X - X, for example:

Rapi: Red Hood

The SSR version of our female protagonist brings shame to all current Nikkes ingame. She excels in both single target and AoE wiping, just like SBS (below) without the distributing damage fallback. She can even help you as a decent B1 CDR when you lack a proper team and just have her + another One Nikke Army below. Disadvantage? Require your device to run at 60 FPS consistently.


If you can run your device (phone/PC) at 60 FPS consistently, Modernia is one of the best Story pushers for you. At this level of penalty, you can pretty much use any B1, B2 and Modernia carries everything with her sheer power alone.

Red Hood

Same as Modernia, Red Hood is also one-Nikke-army on her own. The best part? She doesn’t even require 60 FPS. Throw whatever B1/B2 in this team and you are good at this level of penalty.

Scarlet: Black Shadow

SBS is one of the best screen wipers + single target DPS in the game at a low level of penalty like this. Best part? She can hit a target and everyone else on the screen just dies. Completely automatically, perfect!


A Defender who is both tanky and dealing huge damage on her own. She is literally, a tank. Her only disadvantage is Cindy’s damage drops really quick when she’s not in full burst.

2. Tia + Naga

The famous school girls of Missilis, known for their absurd “power” (whatever meaning you want). They are so strong that you can use any DPS with them and it still works wonderfully. Problem with them is, you need another Burst I here: Tia - Burst I - Naga - Burst III - Burst III.

Example team:

3. Blanc + Noir

If Missilis has their duo, so does Tetra! In fact, Bunnies are the first duo introduced in Nikke. They heal more than Tia-Naga but provide less offensive potential. You may need to swap around these 2 duo a lot later on, so if you have both pairs, raise them four!

Example team:

4. Crown

Crown is the better Tia. Overall, her team looks exactly like the Tia-Naga team.

Example team:

Last time to auto

10-20% Deficit

If you are a new player, you can still play Nikke automatically till around chapter 7 with this much deficit. Once you pass that point, you will find yourself losing A LOT by playing auto at this level of penalty (35 ~ 47% stat reduction).

At this point, you won’t be able to use the “one-Nikke-army” teams anymore but need to draft proper ones. We will go through each of them.

1. Auto team

At this level, this team brings a lot to the table, and unless it’s a very nasty stage where a lot of oneshot mobs are spawned, you can use this team to play automatically. It’s balanced and well-rounded with heal, offensive, buffs.

There are a few replacements for

Red Hood and
Rapi: Red Hood
Rapi: Red Hood

Liter can also be replaced if you don’t have her, of course:

2. Crown Naga team

This team is less comfy than Bunnies team above, but they can deal way more damage. By using this team, you may want to turn off “Auto Burst” and control burst time yourself, because these Nikkes have very impactful bursts that need to be used at proper time to make the most out of them.

Same as above,

Red Hood,
Rapi: Red Hood
Rapi: Red Hood
can be replaced with above listed Nikkes. And if you don’t have Crown, there’s always a Tia, waiting behind…

3. Old “God team”

They used to be the most braindead team in Nikke until Blanc-Noir were released. This team has wipe, strong DPS, CDR, a shield that blocks most instant death attacks once in a while, and a nice passive heal from

Rapunzel that doesn’t even require her bursting. Rapunzel can even come in clutch with her revival burst, saving your run from a disaster. Heavily out-classed by the Bunnies team, but if your Bunnies are not completely, you can go this route.

4. Manual play with lots of clicking

This is the traditional team pushing story. They have semi wipe with

Privaty (mostly, just stun), boss killing with
(requires extremely high investment but she’s worth), and damage buffers with
. Problem is, they require you to “aim” manually, and it’s not a good experience aiming those small flying Raptures from afar. Highly NOT recommended, just putting them here as a tribute to the past.

Manual all the way

20 ~ 30% Deficit

This is where most auto players have to stop. Enemies feel so tanky, enemies hit so hard, if you don’t cover and learn more advanced techniques, you are done for. Only a few teams can make their way to this deep, and they are:

1. Bunnies team

It all depends on the absolute number of Combat Power requirements. On low requirements like below 100k, you can still replace

Liter with a Good B1, but after that, Liter is very essential for the team unless you can somewhat lower the deficit.


Red Hood and
Rapi: Red Hood
Rapi: Red Hood
, they are also set in stone. You only swap
Scarlet: Black Shadow
Scarlet: Black Shadow
in certain stages where you need to wipe enemies very fast.
Red Hood
Red Hood
can be replaced with
. At this point, you need to work on
(10/4/10). She is not as versatile as
Red Hood
Red Hood
but she is still one of the best DPSs on fully invested.

2. School Girls team

Same as above with more offensive power. School girls team is pretty much meta in all Story stages later on, with a few exceptions on the high healing demand stages, like against Bronchus. This team has a high risk variation, which will be mentioned later on.

3. Alice Maxwell team

At this point, you will feel suffocated with this team. They tolerate no mistake because you can’t even wipe anything with

Privaty. You only have a small window to use
to shoot everything down, or they chew you alive. Most of the try hard veterans will have to retry a lot here for a good run.

Pure Evil

30 ~ 35% Deficit

Everything kills you. You take forever to kill enemies. Yes, welcome to the malicious level of penalty!

1. School Girls team

Surprisingly, this is where you start relying heavily on

Tia or
instead. Their offensive capabilities allow you to “cheese” through a lot of stages by killing enemies before they can kill you. And Crown even has a cheese mechanic that allows her to soak a lot of damage during a certain window (When she taunts, she’s immortal. Time the taunt well will reward you nicely)

Notice how he timed the Crown’s taunt to avoid the instant wipe phase

2. Improvised Alice Maxwell team

It’s pretty much the old Alice Maxwell team, but this time, we replaced Centi with a stronger B2 buffer which is Crown or Grave. You will still have to aim one by one the same, so take care of your wrist.


35 ~ 45% Deficit

At 35% deficit, you start questioning yourself, why do you keep doing this? What’s the reward for torturing yourself like this? If you still want to push, then there’s technically only 1 team left to use. It has a lot of variations so be sure to stick around for all of them.

1. No more Tia team - God Comp #1

To push at this level, not only you have to fully invest in these Nikkes, but also you have to rely on good Overload roll, and Elemental advantage.

And of course, your own SKILLS! This is where you can brag among all other commanders how good you are, because you are pushing under a penalty that feels impossible.

This Team is the best replacement (yes, replacement) for the Not-So-Normal Crown Team, and outperforms it (sometimes) on Defense and Base Defense Stages, or some particular stages where it feels necessary to need more than 2-3 Bursts, or it feels necessary to get the 3rd Burst faster. This team might also come into play when you want to use Red Hood as Burst 3 in Iron Element Weak Stages.

Notice that we introduce D:Killer Wife here. It’s because after Chapter 23, you will notice using Liter will leave you with some odd 4s cool-down after first burst to second burst. These 4s will, most of the time, force you to restart the fight because the game leaves you literally no room to wait between first and second burst.

Example gameplay

2. Not-So-Normal Crown Team - God Comp #2

Burst 3
Burst 3

Key Point to Note:

  • Red Hood is the Solo Burst I Unit, and DO NOT USE RAPI: The Hood here because she will be B1 version

This team can deal with stages by relying on 2, or at maximum 3 full bursts to pass a stage.

When you use

Red Hood as burst 1 only, you have an insanely high amount of attack buffs over 10s, and you can even do it twice before she goes on cooldown. It allows you to bring 2 DPS, which will a lot of times be
+ Nikke that matches the “Weak Element” of the Stage. Ideally, the B3 choices depend on the stage, and aren’t as easy as - this stage is Wind Weak, so I will pick
Scarlet: Black Shadow
Scarlet: Black Shadow

You want to study the stage step by step and see what best helps you progress from one wave to the other wave, and what the next wave requires. At times, you might need to i-frame to dodge Remnant Raptures, or hold your burst while your Modernia kills off Raptures outside of Burst.

How to Use

In a 2-Burst Win, you shouldn’t feel much different from using your usual teams. You might need to be more patient between your 2 bursts, and may need to kill raptures outside of Burst. In this, you use the first burst to clear waves, and the 2nd burst to focus the stage boss and kill it fast. A 2-burst may be used when the player wants the same Nikke to burst 2 times, while the other Nikkes provide support damage.

In a 3-Burst Clear, you use the first 2 Bursts for wave clearing, and then the 3rd burst to rush down and kill the boss. You should easily be able to do 2 bursts without any major hindrance. But after that, if you want to burst a 3rd time, you’ll face the trouble of

Red Hood cooldown. This is something most people should be unfamiliar with if they’ve been using
or other B1-CDR units as B1. TTo reach your 3rd burst, you will have to save one rapture from a wave by killing all enemies but one, and then covering all your Nikkes.

Ideally, this should be a harmless rapture like a healer, buffer or elite that doesn’t do high damage, so that you can wait out 30 seconds after full burst ends, to have your burst ready again. Now we can uncover our Nikkes and kill the one rapture we left alive, and when the boss drops, we burst again and focus on the boss!

Point to note

Make sure that your

Red Hood does not have super high ATK on her overload gear! Otherwise she might steal
skill 2 from your main DPS when they need that extra 40% core hit bonus! If your
Red Hood
Red Hood
happens to have too many ATK rolls, you might need to use specific Nikkes that boost their own ATK during burst so that they are able to benefit from
CCore Hit buffs to the fullest! Just make sure that she doesn’t steal that core bonus from our beloved

Example of 3 Burst Stage Clear

Example of how to use Crown’s Taunt effectively:

3. B3 choices for both God Comps

B3 Spotlight: Modernia

Crown and
are core hit buffers, and
is one of the biggest benefitter of Naga's Core Hit Buffs out of Burst. Since she is a Machine Gun, she can hit the core of enemies with pin-point accuracy. Not only is her Burst getting
Red Hood
Red Hood
ATK buff for 10s compared to
5s, her constant AoE during Burst targets the cores of all raptures it auto-locks on, hence benefitting from Tia and Naga to its fullest!

When the boss drops, you will often notice that players do not burst with Modernia, and use the other Nikke’s Burst. This is because Modernia will provide the absolute best support damage to finish off a boss! This does not mean that Modernia will have a permanent spot as B3, but you will definitely see her being used 99% of the time!

General B3 Choices
Situational Use B3's
Elemental Based Choices
Against Iron weak stage:
Snow White
Red Hood
Against Fire weak stage:
Asuka Shikinami Langley
Against Electric weak stage:
Anis: Sparkling Summer
Against Water weak stage:
Ludmilla: Winter Owner
Quency: Escape Queen
Against Wind weak stage::
Scarlet: Black Shadow

Anything beyond 45% is currently thought to be impossible, and at 50%, all of your stats are reduced by 99%, preventing you from going further. Congratulations, you have reached the bottom pit of hell! Give yourself a pat on the back, you deserve it.