In the AFK Journey Supreme Arena, many of the archetypes used in the non-season arena can be used here as well, but many opportunities are made available by season talents and artifacts. For attack teams, it is often necessary to tailor your teams based on what the other player is running, so below we will list some solid defense teams.
Check out our Arena Guide here!
Map 1
Wilder Burst Team

This team is relatively accessible thanks to not necessarily requiring Celestial/Hypogean heroes, while also being very powerful against many matchups. We can make use of the hidden tiles to make it so that the enemy does not bring Lily May at first glance.
- Eironn is used to group up and debuff enemies and is the core of this archetype.
- Of course, we can always run other sources of CC for our frontline, such as Granny Dahnie,Lumont, orLucca, but they will lack the explosive potential of the mainEironn variant.
- Ulmus is used to root enemies afterEironn groups them up, and act as a frontline along withEironn.
- Ulmus is not strictly necessary but he does make the team a lot more consistent. Another option is running more damage carries such as the ones listed below, or evenBryon in order to counter an enemyLily May who may interfere withEironn ultimate.
- Arden is the preferred damage carry for this team, and his dupes are readily available.
- Carolina can be used instead of or along withArden as long as we drop one of our supports for more damage.
- Parisa is just as powerful as a burst damage damage carry, for those lacking either of the others.
- Lily May is always a good choice in most teams, including this one, offering damage and disruption in her ultimate denial.
- Another good option is running LorsanLorsan takes advantage of the burst damage archetype to double up onArden damage while also providing a powerful burst of healing. The Wilder talent tile makes it so that Lorsan can usually survive long enough to trigger his healing burst, though depending on the matchup he can still die as he is quite squishy.
- Damian can be used for more sustain, as he provides some initial healing that helps keep the backline alive at the start of battle, while also providing Haste and blinding enemies.
- Scarlita can provide some shields allowing the team to survive the initial few seconds, while also providing some explosive potential to close out games.
- Carolina complements Arden, adding more burst damage to the team.
- Elijah and Lailah can be used in place of Damian as a higher investment alternative, but it is a poor use of the available space as we lose out on the hidden tiles.
- Alternatively, we can opt for an alternate damage carry, such as Bonnie, providing long lasting AOE damage orLenya, who can still survive while dealing damage thanks to wilder tiles.
- We run Bryon here to bait enemy Lily May.
- We can also run Niru also works for this purpose.
- We can also run a more offensive alternative relying on more damage carries.
Lightbearer CC Team

This is a control team archetype running no celestials or hypogeans, enabled by
- Cyran is the enabler of this type of CC Lightbearer team thanks to his ultimate, while also bringing huge pvp utility in the form of enemy artifact denial at EX +10.
- A budget alternative would beEironn, though Eironn is usually better used in his dedicated Wilder team.
- LuciusorHugin can be used for a more defensive alternative.
- Sinbad is our main damage carry here, and also doubles as a debuffer.
- Sonja can also be used as main carry, though her positioning is a little trickier and would have to swap positions with Cyran in the image.
- Alternatively, any other powerful damage dealer will do
- Rowan provides energy regen.
- We can also runPhraesto to fulfill this role, but the map makes placement awkward.
- Damian is used for his reliable start-of-battle healing and pseudo-immortality
- Another start-of-battle healer that can work here isLudovic, if not being used in other teams.
- Alternatively, any other healer will do, asRowan makes it easier to get their ultimates out.
- Lucca is used as a very tanky frontline thanks to his initial shield provided by the 3 adjacent tiles being filled.
Map 2
Tasi Talene Team

The map effect makes it so that ranged damage dealers are required, making melee options limited.
This team is one of the higher end options for players who collected some of the best C/H characters over the seasons, with strong staying power, capable of surviving against high damage teams and coming back for more. The hidden tiles help hide the core units of our team and make it more unpredictable.
- Tasi is one of the main victory conditions for this team, often capable of coming back after death to slay the enemy team all by herself.
- While Tasi is a key component of this team, lacking Tasi, it is possible to run a team tailored aroundTalene instead, in which caseLudovic orHewynn can be a great addition here, though the team will be lacking in offensive potential without Tasi.
- Talene is our second main victory condition, capable of regenerating after being defeated as long as another ally is still alive on the field, providing incredible synergy withTasiandDamian. The talent tile also greatly enhances Talene’s ultimate and grants her extra stats.
- It is possible to run a version of this team without Talene, focusing instead on disruption.Temesia can be a great choice for this variant.
- Igor can be used as an alternative distraction to keepTasiandDamian in the game.
- We can also just run extra healing, or another damage carry, though the team loses a lot of what makes it special withoutTalene.
- Thoran is currently the best tank in the game, dividing damage between two meat shields, while also providing valuable Energy Regen to allies. is used here since the map makes it easier to get good counters as the enemy funnels into a small area.
- Alternatively, we can also runPhraesto as a higher investment option, if not using him elsewhere, as he works even better with the map effect.
- Any other tank can be used in this slot, just make sure they can hold out long enough for Talene andTasi to do their thing.
- Bonnie provides a powerful third win condition to this team with her ultimate that persists even after death.
- Scarlita can help keepTasi alive a little longer, while also providing an extra victory condition later in the fight as she crashes down.
- Likewise, Lily May can provide some extra immediate damage and also countersEironn teams to a certain extent
- Ludovicis used here because he helps us get the Graveborn tiles, while also providing start-of-battle healing.
- Damian can also work here, though the team will require adjustment to pivot into wilder tiles instead.
Cryonara Variant

This team uses Cryonara instead of Tasi/Talene as main win condition, which allows us to bring an extra utility character such as Cyran or any support.
Map 3
Harak Mauler Team

This team uses the uneven arena tiles to deliver high pressure on the left and middle tiles of the enemy formation, allowing Harak to finish off enemies weakened by Odie and snowball from there.
- Odie is one of the main victory conditions for this team, quickly eliminating enemies one by one, and helping enhanceHarak score kills.
- Lily May can also work here.
- Alternatively, we can run a mauler melee dps such as Seth,Alsa orSoren.
- Harak is our second victory condition, presenting a huge, hard-to-kill threat that can snowball out of control if he gets any kills.
- Alternatively, we can run another ranged damage dealer such asBonnie
- We can also just lean more into Odie as a carry and runKoko as additional support.
- Brutus is used to grap the enemy attention so that shakir can survive long enough to get his ultimate out.
- Any other tank can be used in this slot, as long as they can survive long enough for our backline to get kills.
- Shakir further helps keep the enemy distracted at melee range.
- LackingShakir, another good option is runningLumont, as a second tank, orAntandra, as an off-tank.
- Valka can also work great in this role.
- Mikola is used to keep the frontline topped off as she follows them into battle.
- Any other healer can also work here, but they will be slower to heal your frontline as start-of-battle healers need to move their healing sources, and ultimate-reliant healers need time to get their ults out.
Phraesto Tasi Variant

This variant uses
This variant also allows
Here are some additional ideas for teams to use: