In the AFK Journey Supreme Arena, many of the archetypes used in the non-season arena can be used here as well, but many opportunities are made available by season talents and artifacts. For attack teams, it is often necessary to tailor your teams based on what the other player is running, so below we will list some solid defense teams.
Check out our Arena Guide here!
Map 1
Wilder Burst Team
This team is relatively accessible thanks to not necessarily requiring Celestial/Hypogean heroes, while also being very powerful against many matchups.
- Eironn is used to group up and debuff enemies and is the core of this archetype.
- Of course, we can always run other sources of CC for our frontline, such as Granny Dahnie,Lumont, orLucca, but they will lack the explosive potential of the mainEironn variant.
- Ulmus is used to root enemies afterEironn groups them up, and act as a frontline along with Eironn
- Ulmus is not strictly necessary but he does make the team a lot more consistent. Another option is running more damage carries such as the ones listed below, or even Bryon in order to counter an enemyLily May who may interfere with Eironn’s ultimate.
- Arden is the preferred damage carry for this team, and his dupes are readily available
- Carolina can be used instead of or along withArden as long as we drop one of our supports for more damage.
- Parisa is just as powerful as a burst damage damage carry, lacking either of the others
- Carolina complementsArden, adding more burst damage to the team
- Damian can be used for more sustain, as he provides some initial healing that helps keep the backline alive at the start of battle, while also providing Haste and blinding enemies.
- Elijah and Lailah can be used in place ofDamian as a higher investment alternative, by making use of the connected tiles at the back to greatly speed up our ultimates and provide some healing and stat stacking, and work perfectly in this mono faction team.
- Alternatively, we can opt for an alternate damage carry, such as Bonnie, providing long lasting AOE damage, orLily May to counter enemy characters with dangerous ultimates.
- Lorsan takes advantage of the burst damage archetype to double up onArden damage while also providing a powerful burst of healing by the timeDamian cart is destroyed. The Wilder talent tile makes it so that Lorsan can usually survive long enough to trigger his healing burst, though depending on the matchup he can still die as he is quite squishy.
- As this is more of a flex slot, If we don’t have Lorsananother option is runningHewynn, as she charges up her ultimate by the time her invulnerability runs out.
- We can also run a more offensive alternative relying on more damage carries.
- Celestials/Hypogeans such as Scarlita,Berial orHarak can be useful as an additional threat with more staying power.Reinier can be used to disrupt the enemy formation.
Map 2
Tasi Talene Team
This team is one of the higher end options for players who collected some of the best C/H characters over the seasons, with strong staying power, capable of surviving against high damage teams and coming back for more.
- Tasi is one of the main victory conditions for this team, often capable of coming back after death to slay the enemy team all by herself.
- While Tasi is a key component of this team, lacking Tasi, it is possible to run a team tailored aroundTalene instead, in which caseLudovic orHewynn can be a great addition here, though the team will be lacking in offensive potential without Tasi.
- Talene is our second main victory condition, capable of regenerating after being defeated as long as another ally is still alive on the field, providing incredible synergy withTasiandDamian. The talent tile also greatly enhances Talene’s ultimate and grants her extra stats.
- It is possible to run a version of this team without Talene, focusing instead on disruption.Temesia can be a great choice for this variant.
- Igor can be used as an alternative distraction to keepTasiandDamian in the game.
- We can also just run extra healing, or another damage carry, though the team loses a lot of what makes it special withoutTalene.
- Phraesto is currently the best tank in the game, dividing damage between two meat shields, while also providing valuable Energy Regen to allies.
- Lacking Phraesto,Thoran is another great option with some offensive potential with his counter.
- Any other tank can be used in this slot, just make sure they can hold out long enough for Talene andTasi to do their thing.
- Scarlita is used to complete our requirement for the talent tile, and also helps keepTasi alive a little longer, while also providing an extra victory condition later in the fight as she crashes down.
- Another C/H carry can be used instead of Scarlita, preferably one that provides an additional threat for the enemy to deal with, such asHarak orBerial, allowing us to keep the talent tile.
- Another great secondary carry option is Lily May, as she alone can stop an enemyEironn in their tracks, forcing them to play around her, while being an all around great damage dealer, though we end up switching to Wilder talent tile.
- Likewise, Bonnie also works, especially if running a Wilder talent tile variant.
- Damian is the only healer that can keep up withTalene andTasiagainst burst teams, as he can just summon a new cart to quickly heal Talene and Tasi back up after the rest of the team is wiped by a powerful attack. Works at Mythic+.
- Lacking Damian, we can run any other healer here, though the team will be a lot weaker against burst damage, as Damian is the only one who can survive to provide backup healing for Talene and Tasi.
Map 3
Physical Damage Melee Team
This team is quite good at locking down and quickly taking out priority targets, as
- Igor is used to distract the enemy while our brawlers take them out one by one.
- Thoran is a good option if you want to bring a tank while still maintaining the talent tile.
- Lumont can be used in a mauler variant of this team.
- Nara is used to make use of the graveborn tile and help lock down and finish off enemies.
- The graveborn version of this team has counterplay as the enemy can choose who Nara can pull, or even negate it entirely with cc-resistant characters, so an alternative unit to build around while still maintaining a similar game plan isShakir, as he can provide the team with a mauler talent tile and more safely disrupt the enemy formation relying on superior sustain and staying power.
- Ludovic provides fast healing around the area while also offering some crowd control and helping achieve the graveborn talent tile requirements.
- For the mauler version of the team, a good alternative isSmokey & Meerky, as they can provide healing in the area while melee units clash.
- Lenya provides unmatched melee damage potential, cornering enemies and quickly finishing them off, and is an important part of any melee team.
- A less effective but still viable alternative can be Seth, as he can quickly snowball out of control as long as he can get initial kills.
- If you have him at Supreme+, Harak can be a great addition to this team, a superior version ofSeth in many ways.
- Alsa helps keep enemies locked down with cc skills, and complements many melee teams.
- Soren can also work well with the walls of the map, especially in the mauler variant of the team.
- Lily May can counter ultimate-reliant enemies while also providing great damage.
- Another option is running Shakir as an addition to the graveborn variant.
- Besides that, we can also just bring an additional healer such as Koko.