To learn more about Tasi check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Tasi profile has been last updated at: January 16th, 2025.
To learn more about Tasi check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Eternal Dreamscape
Unlocks at level 1
Cooldown: 0s
Range: Global
Initial Energy: 0
Tasi summons a dream that lasts for 3.5 + 0.5s, hypnotizing all enemies. Hypnotized enemies cannot move or act and take 70% + 12% damage per second.
Unlocks at level 51: Increases damage per second to 80% + 12%.
Unlocks at level 111: Increases damage per second to 90% + 12%.
Unlocks at level 171: Increases damage per second to 100% + 12%.
Unlocks at level 231: Increases damage per second to 110% + 12%.
Dream Dance
Unlocks at level 11
Cooldown: 6s
Range: 10 Tiles
Tasi consumes 10% of her current HP to deal damage equal to 110% +10% of her consumed HP to adjacent enemies, stunning them for 0.5s. The damage dealt will be no less than 60%. She then flies to the farthest enemy and applies the same effect to adjacent enemies. Howerver, the second hit on the same enemy will only deal 50% of the original damage.
Unlocks at level 71: Increases damage to 120% +10% of her consumed HP.
Unlocks at level 131: Increases damage to 130% +10% of her consumed HP.
Unlocks at level 191: Increases damage to 140% +10% of her consumed HP.
Fluttering Dream
Unlocks at level 31
Cooldown: -
Range: Global
Tasi enters her dream realm and transforms into a butterfly upon losing 50% HP. In this form, she becomes Invincible, recovering 120% + 10% HP per second while dealing 45% + 5% damage to adjacent enemies. This effect lasts for 3s, and Tasi can cast this skill up to 2 times in one battle.
Unlocks at level 91: Increases damage per second to 50% + 5%.
Unlocks at level 151: Increases damage per second to 55% + 5%.
Unlocks at level 211: Increases damage per second to 60% + 5%.
Hero Focus
Unlocks after reaching Legendary+
Cooldown: -
Range: 1 tile
Tasi increases her ATK by 9% during battle. After casting Eternal Dreamscape, she gains an extra 6% ATK while the dream lasts.
Level 2: Tasi increases her ATK by 12% during battle. After casting Eternal Dreamscape, she gains an extra 8% ATK while the dream lasts.
Level 3: Tasi increases her ATK by 15% during battle. After casting Eternal Dreamscape, she gains an extra 10% ATK while the dream lasts.
Shimmering Dust
Unlocks after reaching Mythic+
Cooldown: -
Range: Global
After casting Eternal Dreamscape, Tasi gains 70 Haste and reduces the damage taken by 90% for 5s. During this time, Dream Dance has no cooldown, no longer consumes HP (Damage dealt counts as if she had consumed 10% of her current HP), and she will prioritize targeting the farthest hypnotized enemy.
Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +5: Gains 100 Haste after casting Eternal Dreamscape.
Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +10: Adds 40 extra Penetration when dealing damage to hypnotized enemies with Dream Dance.
Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +15: Gains 130 Haste after casting Eternal Dreamscape.
Enhance Force
Unlocks after reaching Supreme+
Affects: Skill 2
Tasi gains an extra attempt to cast Fluttering Dream each time she assists of kills a non-summoned enemy.
To check the Charm's set bonus for Tasi go to our Season 3 Charms guide.
Tasi images aren't available yet. They will be added soon.
Tasi is an S-level Mage from the Wilder Faction whose kit is based on avoiding death, dealing damage, and using crowd control. Tasi can consume her own HP to deal damage and stun enemies, and when she loses 50% HP, she becomes invincible and heals. She can use this ability multiple times per battle, making her very hard to kill.
Her ultimate is a map-wide stun, which can be used to great effect with crowd control teams, but it is slow to charge, requiring either Rowan, Phraesto, or an energy regeneration tile such as the ones in “Arena V – Special”.
Now, for a quick overview of her performance in the various modes:
Story and AFK stages – Tasi can be used in the Eironn/Ulmus teams, as Ulmus extends Eironn’s ultimate CC duration, and then Tasi gets her ultimate out, which gets further extended by Ulmus, keeping the enemy locked down. This only works against enemies who are not unaffected.
Talent AFK stages - Tasi can be used in Lightbearer tiles along with Rowan in order to massively increase her energy gain, allowing her and her shadow clone to spam her ultimate.
Dream Realm - Tasi does not perform well at all against bosses, as bosses are immune to CC effects and her kit is geared towards crowd control and survival.
PVP - Tasi works great against burst teams, most notably Dionel, where she can survive his initial barrage and then come back to finish him off. Great team synergy with other hard-to-kill characters such as Damian, Talene, Thoran, and Igor. She also works well in Eironn control teams, but can be too slow to get her ultimate out and should not be relied on without access to energy tiles found in “Arena V – Special”.
Battle Drills - She works well in mob battles for battle drills, especially once the Energy Flow energy gain buff has been acquired.
Tasi is a PVP menace and also a viable choice for AFK stages and Battle Drills. Pull for her if you want an answer to burst teams who also fit in with crowd-control staple characters.
Map-Wide Ultimate.
Hard to kill.
Can finish off a team by herself in some situations.
Strong Crowd Control abilities.
Works at low investment.
Ultimate is slow to charge without help.
Useless against bosses.
Not as effective against Unaffected enemies.
Does not have the upfront damage to work as a main carry.
AFK Stages
Dream Realm (Overall)
Snow Stomper
Lone Gaze
Crystal Beetle
The EX investment information were created with the help of Seas0n, the creator of the
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Why does the +8 breakpoint appear so often?
Because the raw stats you get from upgrading the EX weapon help you more than the passive in some cases. Also, to upgrade the EX from +5 to +8 you need only 30x
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