An elegant Mage who specializes in converting HP into magic power and possesses the ability of self-resurrection.
To learn more about Talene check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Talene profile has been last updated at: March 7th, 2025.
To learn more about Talene check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Divine Conflagration
Unlocks at level 1
Cooldown: 0s
Range: Global
Initial Energy: 0
Talene flies to a designated tile in the center of the battlefield, consumes 12.5% of her max HP and 250 Energy per second to shoot a 5-tile flame, dealing 150% + 20% damage and extra damage equal to 170% + 1% of her lost HP to enemies within range. The extra damage is shared among all hit enemies.
Talene can cast this skill even when she is out of Energy, but the HP consumed per second will increase to 20%. This skill ends when there are no enemies within range.
Unlocks at level 51: Increases damage dealt per second to 160% + 20% and extra damage to 190% + 1% of her lost HP.
Unlocks at level 111: Increases damage dealt per second to 170% + 20% and extra damage to 210% + 1% of her lost HP.
Unlocks at level 171: Increases damage dealt per second to 180% + 20% and extra damage to 230% + 1% of her lost HP.
Unlocks at level 231: Increases damage dealt per second to 190% + 20% and extra damage to 250% + 1% of her lost HP.
Radiant Resurgence
Unlocks at level 11
Cooldown: 12s
Range: Global
Passive. Whenever Talene loses 10% of her max HP, she will release a warm current that restores : 40% HP for the weakest allied hero. Whenever she restores 10% of her max HP, she will unleash a torrent that deals 50% damage to the healthiest enemy.
Active. Talene consumes 20% of her max HP to summon Divine Fire in the area with the most enemies, dealing 200% + 10% damage that comes with an extra 40 + 3 Life Drain to adjacent enemies.
Unlocks at level 71: Increases damage dealt to 215% + 10%
Unlocks at level 131: Increases damage dealt to 230% + 10%
Unlocks at level 191: Increases damage dealt to 240% + 10%
Blazing Ascension
Unlocks at level 31
Cooldown: -
Range: 3 Tiles
Talene transforms into a ball of flame whenever she is defeated. During this state, she cannot be attacked as she is not considered alive, and she can restore 8% of her max HP per second as well as benefit from allies' skills. When her HP reaches above 65%, she will resurrect and bring about an explosion, dealing 150% + 10% damage to enemies within 2 tiles and knocking them 1 tile back. After each resurrection, her Vitality during the flame state will be reduced permanently by 33.
Unlocks at level 91: After each resurrection, Talene's Vitality will be reduced by 32.
Unlocks at level 151: After each resurrection, Talene's Vitality will be reduced by 31.
Unlocks at level 211: After each resurrection, Talene's Vitality will be reduced by 30.
Hero Focus
Unlocks after reaching Legendary+
Cooldown: -
Range: 1 tile
Talent increases her ATK by 8% for up to 32% whenever she has consumed 50% of her max HP.
Level 2: Talent increases her ATK by 9% for up to 36% whenever she has consumed 50% of her max HP.
Level 3: Talent increases her ATK by 10% for up to 40% whenever she has consumed 50% of her max HP.
Pyre of Renewal
Unlocks after reaching Mythic+
Cooldown: -
Range: Global
Talene grants Pyre of Renewal to the frontmost allied hero other than herself from the beginning of the battle until the end. Pyre of Renewal carrier will deal damage equal to 50% of their ATK per second to adjacent enemies and restore HP equal to 25% of their damage dealt. Every time the carrier is healed by an amount equal to 500% of their ATK, a kindling will be generated next to them to permanently enhance Talene's Pyre of Renewal, increasing its damage dealt by 50% for up to 3 stacks.
Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +5: Increases Pyre of Renewal carrier's damage dealt to adjacent enemies to 55% of their ATK, and HP recovery to 30% of their damage dealt.
Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +10: Increases Pyre of Renewal carrier's damage dealt to adjacent enemies to 60% of their ATK, and HP recovery to 35% of their damage dealt.
Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +15: When Pyre of Renewal reaches the maximum number of stacks and its carrier is defeated, all stacks will be consumed to transform the carrier into a ball of flame. The carrier will then resurrect in 3s with 50% of their max HP. This effect can only be triggered once in each battle.
Enhance Force
Unlocks after reaching Supreme+
Affects: Skill 2
Talene increases her HP recovered per second to 15% while in the flame state when defeated for the first time in a battle.
To check the Charm's set bonus for Talene go to our Season 3 Charms guide.
Talene images aren't available yet. They will be added soon.
Talene is a Celestial Mage with a very diverse kit, she deals decent sustained damage, heals allies, provides a unique offensive buff to a front-line character, revives after a short delay, and can also give the buffed character the ability to revive as well, at high investment.
All her offensive ability requires sacrifice in the form of draining her own health, be it with her skill or ultimate, so she requires a lot of healing to support her, especially during her ultimate, which will end early without enough healing to keep it going for longer.
Talene is good in every game mode:
She can be used to push AFK stages, relying on stalling tactics, and you usually rely more on Smokey than Talene herself as her damage does not scale well at a high deficit, but she is more auto battle friendly than the usual teams that rely entirely on Smokey.
She can be used in PVP, and her best teams are very Celestial/Hypogean heavy, with good synergy with Scarlita, Phraesto, Reinier, and even Dionel, since she helps stall out the enemy team, catch assassin aggro, and provides some extra healing in more damage oriented teams.
However, if you have her at EX +15 she becomes an absolute menace and can also work great with Granny and the usual Eironn core team, as her unique buff allows Granny to revive and further stall the enemy team, much like Thoran, while also dealing damage around her.
Keep in mind that Talene is easily countered and weak to any and all crowd control effects, such as Granny, Eironn, and even Damian, and her immortality can be countered by a lucky Scarlita hit - since Talene drains her health down below Scarlita’s execution threshold.
But this weakness to CC and Scarlita’s execution abilities can be minimized to a certain extent in the Supreme Arena, if you spread out your teams, because then the enemy will have to make a choice, and if they bring Scarlita to counter your Talene team, they might miss out on bringing Scarlita against your Eironn team, for example
She excels in Battle Drills, as her acceptable performance in both mob clearing and bossing allows her to provide good value without swapping slots.
She also performs well in Dream Realm, and while she can reach the damage output of Marilee or Odie, it doesn't happen on every boss and also requires a specific setup that is very expensive to run. The full DR rotation hasn't passed yet and we will update this part of the review once it does.
Talene is generally usable starting at Legendary+ - which is very f2p friendly, only losing out in value to single dupe Reinier, and reaches her peak of power at Supreme+ EX +15 and beyond into Paragon levels.
Talene is a character who is at the cusp of greatness, being generally great at everything, but realistically not being good enough to warrant investing in her over most other Celestial/Hypogean characters at the moment, who are more specialized in their roles. Due to the high investment required - as the current meta simply currently doesn’t favor jack-of-all-trades characters - she does have the potential to age like fine wine in the future with more character releases. If you can afford to invest in Talene without neglecting your other Celestial/Hypogean characters, Talene will be a great addition to your toolbox.
Energy Surge provides energy recovery and compliments Talene’s game plan very well, allowing her to use her ultimate earlier, often at the same time as Hewynn gets her ultimate out, which helps extend it and deal more damage overall.
Unmatched survivability with her infinite revivals.
Can give a Thoran-like revival to your frontliner at high investment with her unique buff.
Can heal the team while also dealing significant sustained damage.
Base kit gets online with few dupes, "good enough to use" at L+.
Good at everything, a real Jack-of-all-trades…
...But master of none.
Team building restrictions due to requiring a lot of healing to function.
Weak to CC and Scarlita.
No stat buffs for the team, only her unique buff.
Requires high investment to really shine (S+ and EX+15).
AFK Stages
Dream Realm (Overall)
Snow Stomper
Lone Gaze
Crystal Beetle
The EX investment information were created with the help of Seas0n, the creator of the
Since the
Why does the +8 breakpoint appear so often?
Because the raw stats you get from upgrading the EX weapon help you more than the passive in some cases. Also, to upgrade the EX from +5 to +8 you need only 30x
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