To learn more about Valka check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Valka profile has been last updated at: February 16th, 2025.
To learn more about Valka check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Phantom Slasher
Unlocks at level 1
Cooldown: 0s
Range: 1 Tile
Initial Energy: 1000
Passive. Valka applies a stack of panic to an enemy with her normal attacks, lasting 10s. After 4 stacks, the enemy is struck with a sudden fear of battle, falling into a panic state for 10s and losing 10 Haste.
Valka can only cast Blooming Terror on adjacent enemies who are in a panic state. This skill consumes 100 Energy and removes the enemy's panic status, stunning them while executing two powerful slashes. Each slash deals true damage equal to 6% + 1.5% of the target's max HP and recovers: 350% + 50% of Valka's HP. Afterward, Valka draws her sword to land another slash, dealing true damage equal to 12% + 2% of the target's max HP and knocking them down. Each slash damage is added at 400%. While casting. Valka is Unaffected and can only use this skill on the same enemy once every 6 - 0.4s.
Unlocks at level 51: When used actively, Increases the damage of each of the first two slashes to 7.5% + 1.5% of the enemy's max HP, and the damage of the final slash to 13.5% + 2% of their max P. Each slash damage is capped at 500%.
Unlocks at level 111: When used actively, increases the damage of each of the first two slashes to 9% + 1.5% of the enemy's max HP, and the damage of the final slash to 15% + 2% of their max HP. Each slash damage is capped at 600%.
Unlocks at level 171: When used actively, increases the damage of each of the first two slashes to 10.5% + 1.5% of the enemy's max HP, and the damage of the final slash to 16.5% + 2% of their max HP. Each slash damage is capped at 700%.
Unlocks at level 231: When used actively, increases the damage of each of the first two slashes to 12% + 1.5% of the enemy's max HP, and the damage of the final slash to 18% + 2% of their max HP. Each slash damage is capped at 800%.
Deathloon Scheme
Unlocks at level 11
Cooldown: 5s
Range: 1 Tile
Valka refines her combat skills and masters new sword techniques as she levels up. Each sword technique is considered a normal attack with its own cooldown.
Masters "Soul Slicer": When there is more than one adjacent enemy, Valka consumes 300 Energy to deliver 2 slashes, each dealing 140% + 15% damage.
Unlocks at level 71: Masters 'Wrecking Blade': When there is only one adjacent enemy, Valka consumes 300 Energy to perform a slash, dealing 140% + 20% damage. She then leaps into the air to deliver a more powerful slash, dealing 190% + 25% damage and knocking the enemy down for 1s.
Unlocks at level 131: Masters 'Restless Chase': When there are no adjacent enemies, Valka consumes 150 Energy to roll toward the nearest enemy within 3 tiles, dodging high-arching projectiles from normal attacks and gaining a shield that blocks 220% damage, She then executes a powerful slash, dealing 150% + 15% damage.
Unlocks at level 191: Increases the damage of each Soul Slicer slash to180% + 15%. Increases the damage of the first Wrecking Blade slash to 170% + 20% and the second slash to 230% + 25%. Increases the damage of Restless Chase to 180% + 15%.
Spectral Bulwark
Unlocks at level 31
Cooldown: -
Range: 1 Tile
When a battle starts, Valka gains a shield that blocks 24% damage for each ally within 1 tile, up to a maximum of 72%.
In addition, Valka increases the ATK SPD of these allies by 50 + 5 until the battle ends.
Unlocks at level 91: Increases shield value to 26% for each ally within range, and the maximum shield value to 78%.
Unlocks at level 151: Increases shield value to 28% for each ally within range, and the maximum shield value to 84%.
Unlocks at level 211: Increases shield value to 30% for each ally within range, and the maximum shield value to 90%.
Hero Focus
Unlocks after reaching Legendary+
Cooldown: -
Range: 1 tile
Increases ATK SPD by 18 during battle.
Level 2: Increases ATK SPD by 24 during battle.
Level 3: Increases ATK SPD by 30 during battle.
Soulshock Riposte
Unlocks after reaching Mythic+
Cooldown: -
Range: 1 Tile
Upon taking Ultimate skill damage from an enemy within her attack range, Valka instantly blocks the attack and becomes immune to the damage. She then casts Blooming Terror on the attacker without consuming Energy or removing the enemy's panic status. Instead, she recovers 250 Energy. While casting, Valka is Unaffected and can only use this skill on the same enemy once every 10s.
Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +5: Increases Energy recovery from Blooming Terror to 300 after blocking.
Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +10: Within 10s of casting this skill, increases own ATK SPD by 80 and Life Drain by 60.
Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +15: Increases Energy recovery from Blooming Terror to 350 after blocking.
Enhance Force
Unlocks after reaching Supreme+
Affects: Skill 2
While shield granted by Spectral Bulwark is active, Valka recovers 50 extra Energy from launching normal attacks.
To check the Charm's set bonus for Valka go to our Season 3 Charms guide.
Valka images aren't available yet. They will be added soon.
Valka is an A-Rank Warrior of the Graveborn faction who acts as an off-tank melee fighter that can grant herself a shield, block attacks, heal herself and debuff enemies.
Valka’s Ultimate is unique, in that it is not tied to a full Energy bar, and is instead tied to enemy Panic state, costing only 100 Energy to activate as long as at least one enemy meets this criteria, debuffing enemies, dealing damage and healing herself.
Her Normal Attacks also have variations depending on the number of enemies present, becoming the most powerful against single enemies.
Now, for a quick overview of their performance in the various game modes:
Story and AFK stages – Valka does not scale very well at high deficit, being a warrior character who does not have a lot of CC potential, even with her personal shield. Valka can easily be killed by common enemies but can be used in some scenarios at lower deficit as an off-tank.
Dream Realm – In the pre-endless meta, Valka does not rise to the top against any bosses and will not perform better than current carries, but her high True Damage multiplier becomes relevant once boss health and defenses increase going into Endless mode, slotting into some top teams.
PVP – Valka does not deal that much damage in PvP, and can still be killed if focused down. She has some unique utility due to the way her Ultimate works, allowing her to effectively counter Lily May and make some old meta teams relevant again by allowing them to use their Ultimates more freely.
Battle Drills – With the high boss HP Valka has some utility in bossing teams, but for mob stages she is just mediocre.
Valka can be used in Dream Realm at 1 dupe, and does respectable damage as far as 1 dupe damage carries go, but she won’t be competing with even old DPS carries like Marilee or Odie if they are maxed out. She can be used at this investment level as a tech choice in PvP but might die early in the fight.
Legendary+ gives her extra ATK SPD.
Mythic+ Allows her to block Ultimate damage and recover Energy. At EX +10 she also grants herself a significant ATK SPD and Life Drain buff.
Supreme+ gives her Energy Regen from Normal Attacks while her shield is active.
Recommend pulling just 1 dupe or upgrading her to Mythic+ and EX +10. More dupes will help her survive longer.
Valka is a good tech choice for PvP, and viable damage carry for Endless Dream Realm teams. Pull for her if your server is nearing Endless mode or if you want more options to counter Lily May in PvP or if you want to get started on an investment that will pay off later.
Unique Ultimate with Panic debuff and low Energy requirement, good against Lily May.
Can block Ultimate damage and heal herself while buffing allies.
Adaptable Normal Attack patterns.
High True Damage multipliers, good against Endless bosses.
Squishy in some situations such as high deficit or high Normal Attack damage enemies.
Low damage in stages with multiple enemies.
Not very impactful outside specific niche cases (Endless DR, Lily May Counter).
Low CC potential.
AFK Stages
Dream Realm (Overall)
Snow Stomper
Lone Gaze
Crystal Beetle
The EX investment information were created with the help of Seas0n, the creator of the
Since the
Why does the +8 breakpoint appear so often?
Because the raw stats you get from upgrading the EX weapon help you more than the passive in some cases. Also, to upgrade the EX from +5 to +8 you need only 30x
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