AFK Journey Tier list

The AFK Journey tier list is based on the patch 1.3.3 (Season 3) and we will continue updating it with every balance patch that happens. Please keep in mind that AFK Journey is a game where team building matters most and while in the early game, you can get carried by one or two strong character, the further you progress into the game, the less individual strength will matter and you will need to build proper teams - based on synergy, faction bonuses etc.

Special thanks to

AFK Analytica
AFK Analytica community that supports AFK Arena and AFK Journey. You can find their website here and their discord here. They do a lot of theorycrafting and testing for AFK Journey and their findings helped us shape the tier list.

Since in AFK Journey there's a lot of different modes, and some characters shine only in some of them, we have decided to split the ratings between a number of tier lists:

  • AFK Stages - how the character performs in AFK Stages - so the main progression of the game. As long as you're playing below or on equal power level as the enemy team, you won't have that much issues with passing the stage, but the moment you have to fight higher power and level enemies, things change. This rating shows how good the characters are when fighting way below enemy power level. Characters rated at Supreme+ (all skills unlocked and EX weapon at +10).
  • Dream Realm - how the character performs in the boss-killing mode where you get better rewards for doing more damage to them. Each of the four available bosses has its own rating as they require unique approaches to tackle them,
    • For all bosses we're currently looking at them from the late game perspective, so Supreme+ (all skills unlocked and EX weapon at +10).
  • PVP - how the character performs in PVP. Characters rated at Supreme+ (all skills unlocked and EX weapon at +10).

Character categories:

  • Damage Dealer - Characters that focus on dealing damage whose kit mainly revolves around that,
  • Specialist - Characters that are hybrids - combination of other roles. Most often they are damage dealers who can provide buffs to allies, debuff enemies or Crowd Control them,
  • Supports - Characters that focus on healing their allies or providing them with buffs (or both at the same time),
  • Tanks - Characters that are the vanguard of the team and focus on keeping their allies safe by standing in front of them.

Our ratings explained:

  • S+ - The character is simply overpowered and dominates in their role,
  • S - a great and versatile character that has barely any flaws,
  • A - a good character that has a few little flaws,
  • B - a decent character that has a few big flaws holding them back,
  • C - underwhelming character.


  • Added the [Athalia] to the tier list.


  • Added the [Gerda] to the tier list.


Updated the AFK and PVP tier list based on the latest meta changes.

  • AFK Stages:
    • Lenya A -> B (Squishy at high deficit)
    • Bryon B -> A (Good tech choice against occasional Lily May; better than Niru for this purpose thanks to his damage potential)
    • Talene S+ -> S (She is good but no meta pushing team specifically needs her)
    • Bonnie S -> S+ (Really good damage, used in many teams)
    • Cryonaia S -> A (Debuffs her team, sometimes runs out of time)
    • Nara S -> A (Tech choice where you need to pull an enemy unit)
    • Sonja S -> A (Squishy at high deficit)
    • Cyran A -> S (Does what Lumont was used for in AFK stages, but better)
    • Sinbad B -> A (Good tech choice for his debuffs)
    • Twins S -> S+ (Works in most teams, really good AFK pushing unit)
    • Lorsan S -> A (Enemies at high deficit are too tanky for him to get kills)
    • Damian A -> S (Good realiable healing that won't die too early like others, his haste is good in Eironn teams)
    • Ludovic B -> A (Similar usage to Damian but not as good, his CC is still useful)
    • Lumont S -> B (Fell off with the introduction of Cyran)
    • Lucca S -> A (Doesn't offer much utility, but is still very tanky)
    • Callan A -> S (Protects team from getting one-shot early, better than Brutus)
    • Lucius B -> A (Used in Lightbearer teams with Rowan)
  • PVP:
    • Igor C -> A (With Scarlita losing usage, Igor is once again hard to kill without specific answers)
    • Satrana B -> A (Her magic damage resist is useful in current meta where many carries rely on magic dmg)
    • Sonja A -> B (Awkward placement in most arena maps)
    • Temesia A -> B (Not as good this season, there are better options for her role)
    • Nara S -> A (Not as good as Silvina or Vala as an assassin)
    • Bryon B -> A (Tech choice against Lily May)
    • Arden A -> S (Still a really good DPS carry in Eironn teams)
    • Lenya A -> S (Strong with Stormstrike artifact combo)
    • Silvina A -> S (Strong with Stormstrike artifact combo)
    • Niru B -> A (Tech choice against Lily May)
    • Twins A -> S (If they get their ultimate out the team basically wins the game)
    • Hugin A -> S (Got better with the introduction of Cyran making Lightbearer teams more viable)
    • Smokey S -> A (Too easy to interrupt with how many control options are meta right now)


  • Added the [Cyran] to the tier list.


  • Added the [Cryonaia] to the tier list.


  • Dream Realm tier lists have been updated to the Endless meta.


  • Added the [Callan] to the tier list.


  • Added the [Valka] to the tier list.


  • Added the [Twins] to the tier list.
  • Lowered [Lorsan] ratings half a tier from S+ to S in AFK and PVP. While he can be slotted in multiple existing teams in both modes and he improves their performance - or introduces new variants - he's never the key element in them that makes them tick which is what S+ rating entails.
    • This is the first time we are adjusting the ratings down in that way - the PTR server it seems isn't that reliable when it comes to properly testing a character. Moving forward, we won't rely on it anymore. Instead, as usual we will wait for the character to release in the Global server, test it there, and only then add a review and rate the character.


Tier list has been revamped for Season 3.


  • [Bonnie] has been added to the tier list.
Generic Tier List
Dream Realm Only

Tier List -

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AFK Stages (Deficit)
Dream Realm (Overall)
Damage dealer
Damage dealer
Damage dealer
Damage dealer
Damage dealer
Damage dealer