The best tier list for Wuthering Waves that rates all available characters by their performance in the Tower of Adversity. Find the best characters in the game!
Last updated: 06/03/2025
Wuthering Waves Tier list (2.1 Patch)
Please keep in mind Wuthering Waves is a skill-based game and each character has a different playstyle, difficulty level and even special tricks and combos. Wuthering Waves is also a team based game and it’s only by combining both these factors to the highest level a character can reach optimal performance. Our Wuthering Waves tier lists were created with the help of various players who shared their thoughts about Wuthering Waves characters and their performance with us in both TOA and WW modes. If you want to learn more about the characters and why we rated them in that way, check their profiles - in the Review tab we have posted short reviews and pros & cons.
We offer separate tier lists that assess characters based on different criteria due to the diversity of character traits and abilities different contents require in order to beat them. As a result, we recommend you to check all of the tier lists we offer before concluding on a character’s full position in the game’s meta. The better they perform in a variety of gamemodes, the more valuable they are overall.
Important! Characters are ordered alphabetically within a tier.
Tower of Adversity
This tier list assesses characters based on their combat potential in one of Wuthering Waves’ most challenging endgame contents, Tower of Adversity (ToA). This tier list assesses their performance in the Hazard Zone that resets periodically, as other zones do not reset. ToA is a mode similar to Genshin Impact’s Spiral Abyss or Honkai Star Rail’s Memory of Chaos and requires 3 teams of 3 equipped with strong Echoes and good Weapons. This mode offers a reasonable mix of Boss encounters (single target) and Elite packs (2-3 targets) along with rare AoE scenarios (5+ targets), allowing different categories of characters to find a niche. However, a bias towards single-target is present, as the most challenging floors are centered around beating Boss enemies.
Whimpering Wastes
This tier list assesses characters based on their combat potential in another challenging endgame content, Whimpering Wastes (WhiWa). This gamemode, in a similar fashion to Honkai Star Rail’s Pure Fiction, heavily favours a character’s ability to deal with several waves of smaller, lower health enemies quickly (AoE). It requires 2 teams of 3 equipped with strong Echoes and good Weapons. AoE characters are very strongly favoured over single-target ones, almost always creating a big discrepancy between the two archetypes.
Skill Ceilings
As an action-combat game, Wuthering Waves offers many combat mechanics for players to exploit - some of which are not easily executed, but can boost character performance drastically. Swap Cancelling is an example of such a mechanic, allowing you to switch out a character mid-attack to a new character while still fully executing the move you interrupted, essentially allowing you to attack with two characters at once. Such techniques won’t be for everyone, but a tier list must assess characters based on their optimal performance in optimal teams. With that being said, in order for our tier list to assess the performance of characters to the majority of the playerbase, we will only consider the easiest and most powerful swap cancels, such as Encore’s Cosmos Rupture, the Sentry Construct Echo skill, and other similarly lengthy animations. The most complex swap cancels with short time windows, such as Calcharo’s Death Messengers or Changli’s True Sights, will only be considered for certain character tags (Cancel, Expert) and will not affect characters’ positions on the tier list.
Buffs and debuffs that vary periodically are not considered, but may impact short-term unit performance.
All characters are assumed to be utilized in their full best 3-man team, played with optimal baseline rotations without input mistakes, using best Echo main sets and correct Energy Regen values. This means the overwhelming majority of rotations will be executed in a simplistic, one character at a time manner;
All characters are using maximum level gold rarity Echoes;
All Echo main stats are considered to be best in slot for that character’s build;
Each Echo used by characters is assumed to have 5 sub-stats with average rolls;
15 Echo sub-stats are designated as “good” sub-stats the character would desire where the remaining (10) are random. This represents fairly high quality endgame gear;
5★ characters are all rated at Sequence 0 unless otherwise stated such as the Rover (Spectro) who starts at Sequence 6. 4★ characters are rated at Sequence 6.
All characters are assessed as if they have access to R1 of all 4★ weapons, R5 of all 2★ and 3★ weapons and R1 of the standard 5★ Winter Brume weapon series, any one of which is given to select for free at Union Level 45. The best out of all these choices is used for their assessment;
All characters are considered to be the maximum possible level with all Fortes upgraded to maximum rank with a maximum level Weapon.
We compare characters within their role - so DPS are compared to other DPS for example, and their ratings are adjusted based on their performance within the role. Please do not compare characters between roles, as their ratings are based on entirely separate criteria.
DPS characters focus on being your main damage dealers and the rest of your team is built to synergize with them and make them stronger. Stacking Echo set bonuses, character kits and Outro Amplify bonuses together to power up a DPS is the goal of a lot of meta teams. Some exceptions exist as certain DPS characters can be played with multiple characters of the same role, but they’ll generally aim to occupy the most of your team’s on-field time, sometimes even up to 14 or 15 seconds. This time can vary depending on the character, but in all cases they’ll have the goal of making the most of your team’s buffs to deal the majority of your team’s damage.
Criteria that impact ratings for DPS:
Character rotation difficulty (potential for mistakes, or severe decrease in performance if their playstyle isn’t the absolute best possible);
Character damage within best possible team;
Character on-field flexibility and adaptability (Does being forced to dodge hurt them? Are they able to follow a scripted rotation easily? Can they adapt to different enemy mechanics?);
Character ability to deal with different situations (AoE, Cleave, Single Target). This has a minor impact in ToA as single-target is favoured. In Whimpering Wastes, dealing AoE or Cleave damage is heavily favoured.
Hybrid characters directly support your damage dealer of choice, often with incredibly synergistic kits, specialized Outro buffs like “Amplify” multipliers or other beneficial effects, or even by being a great source of secondary damage. They’re often built to complete their rotation right before your DPS performs their full damage combo, as their buffs may, in some cases, expire when switching. Hybrid characters, fittingly to their name, can often execute a variety of roles and offer offensive, supportive or sustaining abilities, if not all three at the same time. As a result of this, they fill the widest variety of niches and playstyles. They typically want to execute their combos in the shortest time windows possible in order to generate Concerto and Resonance Energy quickly to get their buffs up for your main damage dealer in the shortest amount of time. Certain Hybrid characters may be especially desired to deal additional damage in concordance with your main damage dealer, but in any case they’ll usually want to swap in and out of the field quickly.
Criteria that impact ratings for Hybrid:
Character rotation difficulty (potential for mistakes, or severe decrease in performance if their playstyle isn’t the absolute best possible);
Character performance within best possible team;
How many effective teams the character is playable in;
Impact of kit on a team’s performance (units that can carry teams a rank higher);
Character on-field flexibility and adaptability (Does being forced to dodge hurt them? Are they able to follow a scripted rotation easily? Can they adapt to different enemy mechanics?);
Character effective damage contribution after including their buffs on the team;
Total on-field time required to perform rotation.
Support characters must have the capability to provide benefit to the team regardless of the order in which they are switched in, so as to not conflict with the majority of Hybrid characters’ Outro buffs, that tend to solely buff the next character to enter. Their primary utility is to provide team-wide buffing, but they may often be desirable by providing defensive and sustaining/healing capabilities as well; all of this in the shortest field time possible, as they typically aren’t personally responsible for the majority of their team’s damage, in order to maximize the potential of your DPS and Hybrid characters.
Criteria that impact ratings for Supports:
Character rotation difficulty (potential for mistakes, or severe decrease in performance if their playstyle isn’t the absolute best possible);
Character performance within best possible teams;
How many effective teams the character is playable in;
Impact of kit on a team’s performance (units that can carry teams a rank higher);
Character on-field flexibility and adaptability (Does being forced to dodge hurt them? Are they able to follow a scripted rotation easily? Can they adapt to different enemy mechanics?);
Character effective damage contribution after including their buffs on the team;
Total on-field time required to perform rotation.
Other criteria affecting the ratings
The criteria above this section apply to all our tier lists; however, each unique tier list rates characters based on their average value in the specific mode it represents. Hence, the higher a character is rated on a given tier list, the greater their power and usability in the mode, making accessing all rewards easier for players. We do not consider going for the highest scores or lowest time, only the ability to easily max out rewards. However, some criteria may be specific to certain character archetypes, or within certain modes altogether, depending on the tier list you view. They are as follows:
For certain Hybrids: ability to perform effectively at lower levels of investment (if applicable, this is only a slight bonus judged on a separate scale and never negatively impacts other character ratings);
For Healing and Shielding Supports: how much sustain/defensive utility they provide to the team, how much they allow for mistakes during gameplay;
For Whimpering Wastes characters: ability to gather enemies efficiently, ability to deal with multiple waves of enemies quickly.
Additional specific criteria may be developed according to game updates/meta shifts.
Special tags
Tags represent the most defining features of a character's kit.
ST - Character deals mostly single-target damage to enemies but can hit multiple enemies if they are stacked directly on top of each other.
Cleave - Character has a mix of smaller range cleaving attacks or attacks that strike in a radius around them but does not consistently hit all enemies on screen with the majority of their rotation.
AoE - A large portion of these characters’ damage or benefit is in the form of pure AoE, hitting most if not all enemies on the battlefield.
Debuff - Character can provide or revolves around an elemental debuff that stacks on enemies (called Status Infliction in game), such as Spectro Frazzle, Havoc Bane, Aero Erosion and similar.
Heal - Character can heal themselves or the team, providing sustain and the ability to trigger the 5-piece Rejuvenating Glow set bonus without extra help.
Shield - Character can apply shields to themselves or the whole team and/or provide defensive buffs and benefits, further increasing survivability.
Coord - Character can perform or benefit from Coordinated Attacks consistently, thanks to a major portion of their kit revolving around Coordinated Attacks or being able to execute Coordinated Attacks, providing damage and/or utility even when off-field.
Multirole - When built or used in an alternative way, can move to a different category on the tier list, enabling their use in a different role even if unconventional. Characters only obtain this tag if the alternative build/playstyle is close in viability to their main build/playstyle.
Cancel - Character needs or is widely considered to be far more powerful with the use of “swap cancelling” to enhance their performance.
Ult - Character is ultimate-centric with most of their damage occurring during or via an ultimate, creating a reliance on it. Without the ultimate available, the character feels lackluster.
Expert - Character can be considered one placement higher than their default tier list ranking, but has an optimal playstyle that needs to be mastered to qualify for that higher rating. Characters only obtain this tag if the expert playstyle creates a significant discrepancy in power compared to their baseline playstyle, more so than characters without the tag.
Meta Lines
Meta Lines categorize each section of the tier list into a power bracket. Here are the three brackets:
Apex Characters (T0 & T0.5) - characters in this bracket are the cream of the crop. They’ll make clearing content a breeze, by doing some of the best damage numbers in the game, and/or providing massive buffs or debuffs quickly. Certain sustain characters even make dying practically impossible no matter how little you dodge enemy attacks. In their best teams, these characters make achieving the best results simple and consistent.
Meta Characters (T1 & T1.5) - characters in this bracket still clear endgame contents easily, however they may need you to put more effort in your playstyle, or require higher levels of investment to perform comparatively to top tiers. This can be because they’re more restrictive in their builds, they’re mechanically intensive, they’re overshadowed by better options, or they possess a notable weakness or downside. Most often a mix of these reasons, they’ll regardless not disappoint if you give them the conditions they need to shine.
Niche Characters (T2 & T3) - characters in this bracket are lacking in their respective roles. They have one fundamental flaw that makes them comparatively worse to higher tier characters, or they have multiple smaller flaws that add up together. More often than not, they cover a niche that’s filled by another unit that performs much easier than them. These characters still possess the ability to clear all content given the right amount of love, however they’re played noticeably less and will require higher maintenance to perform.
Our first Whimpering Wastes tier list update is here, Brant just released, and a ton of revisions to our past characters have been made — there's a lot of material to go over so we didn't finish everything for the entire character cast, however we're happy to announce we extensively revised our tier list assessments for every character on both tier lists, and we revised our rotations for around half of the character cast as well (not everything is up on the website just yet, we've added a few like Youhu/Changli/Baizhi but the rest will be up soon).
This was done because we revamped the Expert tag and some character rankings along with it: how we'll go about it from now on is feature every character placement at a strictly casual level following the definition in our Tier List criteria section. However the Expert tag is now allowed to cover discrepancies of more than one tier. In the future this can be as many tiers as needed, but as things stand certain characters have gotten the "Expert +1" tag while others have gotten the "Expert +2" tag. This means for example that a character in T1 with the Expert +1 tag will be T0.5 at an Expert level, meanwhile a character in T1 with the Expert +2 tag will be T0. We'll list everyone who acquired the Expert +2 tag below — everyone else is staying at Expert +1.
Additionally, for visualization purposes, we're clarifying on everyone's character icon that they're graded at S0R0 - this means no sequence nodes and no limited 5-star weapons (this doesn't change anything to our rankings, just makes things easier to visualize for everyone).
We're separating our changelog in 2 categories so let's tackle our ToA tier list first:
Brant added as T1. Brant's very strong - he welcomes quickswap with other mid-air characters even though it's not necessary, his playstyle is straightforward, he deals a ton of damage, he heals and shields your party, he has a great Outro buff; so to summarize, all good things. However, a ton of his potential is locked behind his signature weapon, even more so than Yinlin. It offers him big amounts of Energy Regen that he needs, and a lot of extra damage on top. This makes it the only weapon that really allows him to utilize his signature Echo set, Tidebreaking Courage, while still being worth it for his total damage. With his weapon included he'd likely land around T0.5; however too much of his damage is locked behind it so we're leaving him comfortably in T1. Note that this means he's still a very strong unit, just not a top tier one.
Calcharo - Expert tag changed (+2). It should be no surprise to many that Calcharo has the biggest meta discrepancy between a casual player and an Expert player who's willing to learn all of his optimizations. The new Expert tag revamp was done mostly because of him — it's impossible to depict his meta position accurately without it. Good luck to any Calcharo mains who are willing to learn all his optimizations; it's really difficult but quite rewarding.
Changli T0.5 T1 & Expert tag changed (+2). If you took a closer look at our past Tier List changelogs, you'll realize this change has been on our minds for a little while. The new Expert tag revamp is perfect to more accurately represent Changli's meta performance for casuals. Brant helps her cause a ton as a hypercarry unit, so she's very comfortably in T1, however you can swap cancel so many of her abilities she can work with almost all other DPS units in the game in quickswap playstyles. Her versatility and viability at an Expert level is so strong it no doubt warrants her the status of top tier, however players who aren't willing to swap her every ability might experience some issues with her. She's still strong in that case of course, just not top tier, so we deem this placement most accurate for her.
Danjin - Heal tag added. Simply fixing a small oversight (Danjin heals herself on her Forte heavy attack).
Jiyan - Expert tag added (+1). In our past tier lists we considered Jiyan getting an Expert tag due to his Double Dragon rotation providing a significant boost to his damage; however it didn't warrant T0 performance. With more strong DPS units releasing causing his drop to T1, he can now comfortably wear the Expert tag, because he's still super strong himself if you're willing to properly execute optimized rotations.
Mortefi T1 T0.5. Mortefi's not only strong with Jiyan anymore; Phoebe is one of the new candidates for the top 3 DPS units in the game and he works brilliantly with her, on par with Sanhua. This newfound flexibility in 2 top teams with both Jiyan and Phoebe warrants his ascension back to T0.5.
Xiangli Yao - Cancel tag added. Xiangli Yao may warrant an Expert tag in the future because he's very swap-cancel friendly in Dual DPS team comps and can output ludicrous amounts of damage in the process; however unless you play him like a speedrunner (which isn't what our Expert tag covers), he doesn't warrant a T0 placement so we won't add the Expert tag to him. With that being said, if he were to ever drop to T1 with more powerful DPS units coming out in the future, it's very likely he'll get the Expert tag on top of the Cancel tag, so expect that to happen eventually.
And here are the WhiWa tier list changes:
Brant added as T1. In Whimpering Wastes, Brant is especially strong because he buffs Changli, who's without a doubt a top tier unit, by a lot. He has a good amount of AoE in a lot of his abilities and his Forte skill hits like a truck. However almost all of his damage is concentrated within that single Forte ability, which causes issues to clear multiple smaller waves of enemies. As a result Changli prefers Dual DPS playstyles with other characters and he lands himself in T1 for now: strong but not top tier.
Calcharo - Expert tag changed (+2). WhiWa being exclusively AoE-focused really doesn't help Calcharo who has a ton of issues landing his Death Messengers on more than one enemy - it's possible, just VERY difficult. He warrants Expert +2 by being able to perform via proper positioning, however for casual players he'll always land in the bottom tier - we advise not to use him in the mode if you aren't willing to optimize a lot (which is very difficult in Calcharo's case).
Carlotta T1.5 T1. Carlotta performed way better than expected when the team first tried her out — turns out her abilities have just enough AoE that with minor amounts of positioning (which really isn't too difficult on her), she'll perform completely fine even as the sole DPS of the team. This comfortably justifies moving her up a tier.
Danjin - Heal tag added. Simply fixing a small oversight (Danjin heals herself on her Forte heavy attack).
Jinhsi T1 T1.5 & Expert tag changed (+2). To say the least, Jinhsi is difficult to make proper use of in WhiWa. It requires completely changing your usual playstyle to instead rotate fast with her on low stacks, typically in Dual DPS team comps. She practically necessitates that to perform so we're dropping her to T1.5 and adding Expert +2 to her — because truth is, when you optimize Jinhsi in this gamemode, she's way up there as one of the highest performing units in the game (especially with Changli as her partner, as the team has some of the highest damage potential out there).
Mortefi T1 T0.5. Mortefi, similarly to Carlotta, has also been performing better than expected — he has no AoE abilities, however his buffs to Jiyan, a top tier unit without question, are very appreciated and outside of Dual DPS team comps Jiyan ends up performing the best with Mortefi. This makes Mortefi warrant an Apex character placement.
Phoebe T1 T1.5 & Expert tag changed (+2). Phoebe is very similar to Jinhsi. In WhiWa she particularly enjoys Dual DPS playstyles and can perform amazingly well if you swap cancel a lot between her, a second DPS, and Spectro Rover (which is why both have the Cancel tag). However that playstyle is locked behind Expert play and without that she has a lot of issues in multiwave, due to needing Spectro Frazzle on enemies to do damage. As a result she drops a tier but keeps her initial Expert placement so she gets a +2.
Verina T0.5 T0. For casual players who won't be making use of Shorekeeper's optimal rotations, Verina takes significantly less field time than Shorekeeper does. We initially placed Verina below her because Shorekeeper has grouping, an AoE nuke on Intro and stronger buffing. However for our core casual audience Verina may often end up outperforming Shorekeeper, so she warrants a T0 placement without a doubt.
Xiangli Yao - Cancel tag added. Refer to our ToA changelog — exact same reasoning here, however Xiangli Yao has good AoE so he's likely to drop in a more distant future than in ToA (no guarantees though).
Yinlin - Placed on Watchlist. Yinlin is somewhat of a question mark; after revising her rotations we realized the extra Concerto energy she gains from multiple enemies possessing a mark at the same time isn't all too powerful, especially since her Coordinated Attack mark is not possible to upkeep across several waves of enemies. She's still strong especially with Xiangli Yao however — so we ask for your feedback whether she should be in T0.5 or T1 (reminder: our Discord server is the best place to communicate your thoughts to the team).
Zhezhi T1 T1.5. Zhezhi simply doesn't perform as well as we thought in WhiWa - she lacks big AoE abilities, her damage isn't sufficient to clear waves quickly, she doesn't buff top tier units. She's good with Carlotta and Jinhsi, sure, but even when optimized she's not at the level of Dual DPS playstyles with both. Carlotta saves her placement a little by still being comparable to Dual DPS comps somewhat (which isn't the case for Jinhsi at all), however she's dropping to T1.5 as a result.
With the introduction of the new Whimpering Wastes endgame mode, a ton of changes were necessary to the tier list. We made a brand new one, separate from the Tower of Adversity tier list - we recommend you check both tier lists out to assess a character's full value!
We took the opportunity to fully revise our entire criteria and information about the tier lists from scratch. If you want the full details of how we evaluate characters for each tier list, you're welcome to read those sections for precisions as well. As the Whimpering Wastes tier list is brand new, a changelog detailing every character's ranking won't be provided — refer to our criteria to understand everyone's rankings on that list, the team tried their absolute best to make them as comprehensive as possible.
By the way, we added meta lines, you might be familiar with them from a lot of our other tier lists — they don't change anything to character rankings or tier placements, but they do clarify the meanings of the tiers. As usual, precisions can be found in our information sections above this changelog. With that said, let's get into what's changed for the Tower of Adversity tier list, we have lots of changes there. Special thanks to Saintontas , E-thin and our Discord members for the feedback!
List of changes (ToA):
Baizhi T1 T1.5. We judged T1 a bit too high for Baizhi on the Support scale, as a lot of teams can choose not to run a generalist healer if Verina or Shorekeeper aren't options. She still has great supportive capabilities, which is why she stays in the Meta Character lines. However, she's also not necessary to Phoebe owners, since Spectro Rover is a perfectly fine support in Phoebe teams. For these reasons, we bumped her down half a tier.
Camellya T0 T0.5. Since we added her to the Watchlist last update, the team looked into Camellya a ton. It's safe to say she's the character we looked into the most. We even have new rotations in prep for her (they'll be up soon). Lots of testing and mathing led us to conclude she performs similarly in ToA to S6 Havoc Rover - a bit above them, but way closer than to Carlotta or Phoebe for example. We brought up the issue that she needs to hit enemies with all of her attacks to consume her Forte bar - this IS an issue, but we found it's less problematic in her white hair mode. Even still, the more the enemy moves, the worse off Camellya is to deal her damage, more so than other characters since she has wind-up time before accessing her big spinning hits. Remember we factor in the ability to cover all kinds of enemies — Camellya has less of that than her T0 peers, even setting aside pure damage performance. So we're bumping her down to T0.5. Havoc Rover and Xiangli Yao stay there too, due to being comparable in performance (we'd argue Camellya's stronger than them, just not enough to separate their tier placements).
Encore T0.5 T1. Very simple to explain why Encore is going down — none of that is her fault, and she isn't performing any worse than she was last tier list update. However, T0.5 is now occupied by Havoc Rover, Xiangli Yao and Camellya. Those three have a significant gap in power compared to Encore, so she's going down to T1 because she doesn't fit alongside them.
Jiyan T0.5 T1. Jiyan can be justified the exact same way as Encore - remember their pure single-target damage is similar. We'll note however that Jiyan is the stronger of the two because he handles multi-target situations significantly better than Encore does, so he has the advantage there. ToA is too single-target biased to justify differentiating the two though.
Yinlin T0.5 T1. There's an argument to be made for Yinlin to stay in T0.5 alongside Changli. However let's remember our criteria: we grade with specific weapons in mind (in the case of Yinlin, that would be Cosmic Ripples). A lot of Yinlin's value resides in her own damage, and Stringmaster is not only one of the best weapons in the game period, it's so good for Yinlin she has a notable reliance on it to do damage. She benefits from it more than she seems to on our calculations if you swap cancel some of her big hits as well, due to Stringmaster's off-field passive boost. So seeing as without her weapon, her performance is to the level of our T1 Hybrids, we're placing her there.
Youhu T1.5 T2. Youhu is honestly the character that fits the description of a "niche character" the best of anyone on our tier list. She works in niche teams, under niche restrictions. At best she's just about the same as Baizhi, at worst she's less flexible. Hence, we're placing her in T2. She may go up if a future main DPS performs lots of Coordinated Attacks, but this is unlikely. Until that happens, it's likely she stays in this tier.
Taoqi Support —> Hybrid - Hybrid fits the bill way better for what Taoqi does in the current meta — we aren't ignoring her defensive utility as a Support which is why she has the Multirole tag, but seeing how she's way more effectively used to buff someone like Carlotta or Jinhsi, we chose to move her.
Aalto Expert tag removed - Removed the tag as DPS Aalto simply doesn't perform to T2 level at Expert play, so he doesn't fit the bill for the tag — he still works okay as a DPS with his S3 though, it's enough to clear content (and at least gives him a use outside of Jiyan teams).
Jianxin Heal tag added - Simply fixing a small oversight on our end. We'll take the opportunity to mention we've been looking into her rotations though, so expect updates to her character page shortly!
Phoebe & Rover (Spectro) Debuff tag added.
List of changes:
Phoebe added to the tier list (T0 DPS). We'll put it as bluntly as we can: Phoebe is the best F2P DPS in the game. With a weapon and teammates that don't even require you to do a single pull, she performs less than half a tier below Jinhsi with her premium weapon and supports. And then she can get improved with better weapons and quickswap.
Rover (Spectro) T3 T1.5. Spectro Rover is the first and only character we've ever had that got their kit buffed by Kuro themselves — they can now apply Spectro Frazzle, and a ton of it! This change alone wasn't much in 2.0; but that now makes them mandatory to Phoebe teams. Phoebe is one of the best DPS characters we ever had — judging how Mortefi who is also restricted teambuilding-wise is T1, we deem T1.5 fair for Spectro Rover (Mortefi being unlikely to drop due to his use in Phoebe, Jiyan and other teams). We also added the Multirole tag as they can sport both the Rejuvenating Glow and Moonlit Clouds sets very efficiently.
Rover (Havoc) T1 T0.5. Havoc Rover finally got access to their S6 for free in 2.1 with the main story, and with it comes a free 25% CRIT Rate boost — just for comparison purposes, that's more than a high base ATK 5-star sword, and that's more than a max level 4 cost main stat Echo. Needless to say the buff is huge. It's in fact enough to propel them up to T0.5. That being said, they are put on Watchlist to test how they compare with Camellya, in the instance she is placed in T0.5 as well.
Lingyang T2 T3. We wanted to drop him sooner, but tried to test Lingyang more extensively in 2.0 due to the addition of the Frosty Resolve set — we tried to optimize his rotations too. Sure enough, it helped a tiny bit. Did it help enough to make him keep up with Calcharo and Chixia though? Unfortunately not. Hence he's dropping to T3. New baseline and optimized rotations coming soon though!
We had a lot of changes planned for our 2.1 Tier List update. Some changes went through to go along with Phoebe's release. When it comes to her and her teammates, we are fairly certain of our placements, so her pull value should remain unchanged from what is seen in this new edition of our Tier List. However, we face a new problem: two thirds of our DPS category is in our 2 top tiers, everyone else is in the 2 bottom tiers. We noticed a clear discrepancy in power — and some characters are inferior to others within their current tiers, which we'll explain below. This made us want to consider cascading the tier list down: as a result, we added a Watchlist icon. Everyone who's on our current watchlist is suspected to drop by one tier. These changes may go through for some characters, or it won't for others. We ask for your feedback and will do extensive testing to decide how we proceed about the Tier List, all updates going through with Brant's release on the second half of Patch 2.1.
We appreciate anyone who sends feedback our way, make sure to join our Discord to do so!
Baizhi - placed on Watchlist to cascade in relation to Spectro Rover, who can also fill the role of support and is especially stronger in Phoebe teams but is currently placed a tier lower.
Camellya - Camellya is our main point of discussion on the whole Watchlist. She determines a ton of stuff — we consider placing her alone in T0.5, above anyone but Jinhsi, Carlotta and Phoebe. The reasoning? Inconsistency — Camellya needs to hit her attacks for her rotations to be smooth. Against a moving target, almost any enemy in the game, this isn't happening. And the second this doesn't happen, her rotations become longer and awkward. We factor in difficulty when considering our Tier List placements, but Camellya fundamentally isn't difficult to play. The issue is simply that she doesn't reliably hit all her attacks against all enemies. So missing with Camellya is a HUGE issue which isn't exclusive to casuals — sure, on paper she sheets about the same as Jinhsi. In practice though? It's easy to observe there's little comparison to be made — in fact, after extensive testing and mathing, we found it joins Havoc Rover S6 more so than Jinhsi. So we wonder if we should drop her by herself in T0.5 for that, every other DPS going down half a tier as a consequence.
Changli - We've been considering dropping Changli for a long while now — we're unsure of what to do with her, since for casual players who aren't quickswapping constantly she would land around T1. That being said, for expert players, she's undeniably T0 and our expert tag doesn't cover a discrepancy of two tiers. So she's placed on Watchlist as we're considering simply dropping her to T1 to cater to our core casual audience and specify in her Review and Pros & Cons page that she's a T0 at Expert level.
Encore - Placed on Watchlist to cascade with Camellya & Jiyan — Jiyan and Encore go in the same tier as their singletarget performance is identical. Jiyan only has the edge in AoE but this barely matters for Tower of Adversity as it's mostly boss-focused. If Jiyan drops because of Camellya, Encore drops too.
Jiyan - Placed on Watchlist to cascade with Camellya - his damage performance simply doesn't match hers (to be expected as Jiyan is a 1.0 character). So if Camellya drops, we think he should drop a tier too.
Xiangli Yao - Placed on Watchlist to cascade with Camellya — at a casual level he's undoubtedly worse, but at an expert level with someone like Changli he catches up. So we're considering dropping him but giving him the Expert tag.
Yinlin - Placed on Watchlist to cascade with Xiangli Yao — Xiangli Yao is the best character that wants Yinlin as his best Hypercarry Hybrid, as she's outclassed by Zhezhi in Jinhsi teams. For this reason, if Xiangli Yao drops a tier, we think she should drop a tier too.
Youhu - Placed on Watchlist to cascade in relation to Baizhi, who's significantly more flexible than Youhu while retaining very similar strength in optimal Youhu teams.
List of changes:
Roccia added to the tier list (T1 Hybrid). Roccia is a specialist focused on buffing specifically Havoc Basic Attacks. This means Roccia, while strong, is dedicated to a few specific teams the main ones being Camellya’s and Havoc Rover’s. Unfortunately for Roccia, she faces stiff competition in both from S6 Sanhua who does a similar job but can also play within far more meta team compositions. As a result of this, Roccia lands herself in T1 for now. With that said it’s worth noting Roccia is an AoE gathering monster - endgame is currently very single target focused but in the future that may change. When that happens Roccia is likely to ascend the tiers as she gains an edge over her competitors.
Yangyang T2 T1.5. Yangyang has seen a substantial increase in use recently - thanks to the addition of Carlotta, who she's proven to perform strongly with being one of the best F2P options for her. This on top of her previous viability in quickswap teams with either Xiangli Yao or Changli has earned her an increase in rating.
Mortefi T0.5 T1. Mortefi has been at the top of our tier list since 1.0 and for good reason - when combined with Jiyan he formed the backbone of one of the strongest teams which still stands today. However with so many diverse damage dealers, and more meta viable teams than ever available, Mortefi still only works at the highest level with Jiyan. For this reason we’re lowering his tier for now, but expect him to be right back when we get more Heavy Attackers for him to play with, which should be soon.
Added Multirole tag to Changli. Added to better reflect her preferable playstyle with more casual players who aren't necessarily going to quickswap often.
List of changes:
Carlotta has been added to the tier list. The numbers and testing we’ve done shows that she’s one of the best DPS characters in the game who is also very easy to use. As a result we decided to put her immediately into the T0 row.
Zhezhi T0.5 T0. Already argued by some as being that strong prior to Carlotta’s release, Zhezhi proved herself in version 2.0 as the best meta Hybrid option for arguably the two best DPS characters in the game — Jinhsi and Carlotta. Her brand new Jump Cancel tech found by our theorycrafting team additionally optimizes her into a Hybrid with a very short rotation - if players are willing to push Zhezhi to her limits. We’re moving her up to T0 to reflect how wanted she is by the top team compositions in the game along with her impressive base strength.
Encore T1 T0.5. After further testing from our theorycrafting team, we’ve found out Encore’s single-target DPS matches Jiyan’s - who’s present in the tier previously above hers. Both able to be optimized, but also being more than playable in their best teams at a casual level - in either case their single-target DPS ends up matching as evenly as it gets. Their only difference is that Encore is exclusively single-target while Jiyan has huge AoE capabilities. This means Jiyan remains overall slightly stronger, but very comparable to her.
In this logic, we’re removing the Expert tag on Encore and moving her up to T0.5 — her optimized single-target DPS matches the characters in that tier, but we deem the tag unnecessary as it’s not present on Jiyan. And Encore’s best team is in actuality quite easy to play at a casual level - where she still deals about as much DPS as a casual level Jiyan, justifying her moving up.
Rover (Havoc) T1.5 T1. After a bunch of optimization both to Havoc Rover and their best support - Danjin, we’ve found out their DPS, even at a casual level, is certainly lagging behind the T0.5 characters, but not enough to justify a big gap between Havoc Rover and the high tier DPS characters like Encore, Jiyan and Xiangli Yao. To reflect the big DPS increases our new discoveries caused Havoc Rover to obtain, we’re moving them up to T1 to more accurately reflect the surprisingly impressive amount of damage they can deal. Keep in mind their position is still subject to change once we can acquire their last 3 Sequences, which might push them up even higher.
Youhu T1 T1.5. After further testing on our end, we’ve found out Youhu holds a very small niche in the meta — only being a good Support option if you don’t have Shorekeeper on your account (as pretty much every account should have Verina and Baizhi by now). Lagging behind at least slightly in regards to all three generalist healer girls mentioned prior, she treads a very fine line between remaining relevant and going completely under the radar. Judging as she’s still quite far from a terrible character, we’re moving her down to T1.5 to reflect her situation.
Lumi T2 T3. We were already hesitant on placing Lumi in T3 on her release, but with further testing, we’ve found out she holds no realistic meta niche and her meta utility is comparable to that of Taoqi’s. We tried making some Main DPS Lumi teams work, but they had and still have no commendable success whatsoever. Unfortunately lagging behind pretty much any other options, she’s being moved in the bottom tier to illustrate that. We will see if she will increase her value with Carlotta's release as she can be used there as a budget replacement to Zhezhi, but for now she will stay in T3.
Moved Yuanwu to the Support category. Yuanwu’s only realistic use case was as a budget option for Jinhsi teams. Outside of that, he holds no niche in the meta, explaining his tier placement. Following this logic, as Yuanwu is always sporting the Rejuvenating Glow set and a 3 star Originite weapon as it’s most optimal on him in Jinhsi teams, we think he currently fits a Support more so than a Hybrid.
Added new tags to multiple characters.
Tier List (Tower of Adversity)
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