Chixia is a young Patroller who casts her jubilant figure along the streets of Jinzhou city. She's always ready to be someone's hero.
To learn more about Chixia check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
This character has no video guide yet.
Last review update
Patch 2.0
Last major build/calcs update
Patch 2.0
Last profile update*
January 1st, 2025
*Profile update means smaller edits to echoes, stats, synergies or teams that don't require new calculations.
To learn more about Chixia check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Gameplay and teams
Chixia fires up to 4 consecutive shots at a single target, dealing Fusion DMG.
Chixia enters the aiming state for a more powerful shot. The shot fired deals Fusion DMG.
Chixia consumes Stamina to continuously shoot the target in the air, dealing Fusion DMG.
Use a Basic Attack after a successful Dodge to attack the target, dealing Fusion DMG.
Whizzing Fight Spirit
Chixia unleashes a flurry of shots, dealing Fusion DMG. Whizzing Fight Spirit has 2 initial charges.
Blazing Flames
Chixia fires up fast shots at nearby enemies, dealing Fusion DMG.
Heroic Bullets
Hold Resonance Skill Whizzing Fight Spirit to enter DAKA DAKA!. In this state:
Chixia continuously consumes "Thermobaric Bullets" to attack the target, dealing Fusion DMG, considered as Resonance Skill damage.
Tap Basic Attack to cast Basic Attack IV, dealing Fusion DMG, considered as Basic Attack damage. Then she terminates "DAKA DAKA!".
If 30 "Thermobaric Bullets" have been fired when Basic Attackis activated, Chixia will cast Resonance Skill Boom Boom and terminate "DAKA DAKA!" Chixia terminates "DAKA DAKA!" when all "Thermobaric Bullets" are consumed.
Chixia deals Fusion DMG, considered as Resonance Skill damage.
Chixia can hold up to 60 "Thermobaric Bullets". Innate Skill Scorching Magazine increases Max "Thermobaric Bullets" by 10. Chixia obtains "Thermobaric Bullets" for every Normal Attack POW POW on hit. Chixia obtains "Thermobaric Bullets" upon casting Intro Skill Grand Entrance and Resonance Skill Whizzing Fight Spirit.
Scorching Magazine
Max "Thermobaric Bullets" is increased by 10 rounds. The damage for Resonance Skill Boom Boom is increased by 50%.
Numbingly Spicy!
Each "Thermobaric Bullets" that hits a target during Resonance Skill DAKA DAKA! increases ATK by 1% for 10s, stacking up to 30 times.
Grand Entrance
Chixia makes a heroic entrance and fires rapidly with her dual pistols at the target, dealing Fusion DMG.
Leaping Flames
Chixia releases a shock wave surrounding the target, dealing Fusion DMG equal to 530.00% of Chixia's ATK to enemies within the range.
Sequence Node 1
Resonance Skill Boom Boom hits will always be Critical Hits.
Sequence Node 2
During Resonance Liberation Blazing Flames, for every 1 target defeated, Chixia recovers 5 Resonance Energy, up to 20 each time.
Sequence Node 3
Resonance Liberation Blazing Flames deals 40% more damage to targets whose HP is below 50%.
Sequence Node 4
Resonance Liberation Blazing Flames grants 60 “Thermobaric Bullets” and immediately resets the Cooldown of Resonance Skill Whizzing Fight Spirit.
Sequence Node 5
When the Inherent Skill Numbingly Spicy! reaches max stacks, ATK is additionally increased by 30%.
Sequence Node 6
Resonance Skill Boom Boom increases the Basic Attack DMG Bonus of all team members by 25% for 15s.
While the source of the materials can be quickly found in the game, when it comes Belle Poppy you will have to gather them from the map. Check our Interactive map to find them quickly:
Her many ranged abilities enable her to hit moving or flying targets very easily while enabling you to stay at a distance and avoid damage;
Fundamentally simplistic character to understand and play;
Can work as both a Main and Dual DPS (notably with Changli);
She’s free!
Very little AoE potential;
Difficult to parry with as she has few options to do so;
Tied for highest Ultimate energy cost in game among damage dealers;
Subpar damage when compared to top tier DPS options;
Currently has no dedicated support option;
Timing her Boom Boom finisher skill after exactly 30 Forte charged bullets can be tricky;
Takes up noticeable amounts of field time to execute her best damaging combos;
Vulnerable to interruption while channeling her Forte charged Resonance skill, which if it happens will result in large damage losses.
Chixia is a free 4-star Fusion Pistol DPS that features one of the hardest hitting Ultimates in the game. Paired with her unique run’n’gun channeled Forte, she is generally played in teams where she can get the field time she needs to channel her Forte to maximize her damage.
Chixia’s defining ability, much like many other characters, is her Forte. Allowing her to accumulate up to 60 stacks called Thermobaric Bullets via her Basic Attacks, Intro skill and standard Resonance Skill, she can make use of them by long pressing her skill to fire bullets in quick succession while being able to move in any direction, automatically targeting a single enemy. This skill is called DAKA DAKA. After a minimum of 30 bullets have been consumed by this skill (which is how many bullets players will want to use with her), she can fire a finishing attack called Resonance Skill: Boom Boom by pressing her Basic Attack button. All of this constitutes the majority of her damage and what you will want to work towards when playing her.
However, a very good portion of her damage, almost equivalent to these 4 second-long Forte channels, comes from her Ultimate which has one of the highest multipliers in the game, hitting very slightly harder than Havoc Rover’s which is EXTREMELY powerful. Landing and being able to use Chixia’s ultimate under good buffs makes for a crucial portion of her kit as a result, not only her Forte channels.
These two tools alone actually allow Chixia to dish out some solid damage by 4 star DPS standards, despite the rest of her kit’s damage being rather subpar, as 4 star characters typically are. But they place her in an awkward position in the meta: she very clearly is designed as a DPS, but she doesn’t want to take extended field time due to a lot of her attacks being subpar in damage despite wanting to build up Forte stacks to be able to channel said stacks to do a lot of DPS. Hence, she ends up best suited for her true meta role: a Dual DPS character.
This means her meta niche will be to use her with a character that can quickswap, to work towards her own Forte channels while your other character is dishing out damage at the same time. One character is clear-cut for this as of the current patch: Changli. Able to buff Chixia massively with her Outro and having the most swap cancel windows in the game, the two end up working fantastically as a pair - and while the team is not optimal to have the fastest clear times, it sure is enough to allow at least one Chixia team to clear the tower very comfortably, making Chixia at the very least quite usable.
However, she does not come without her problems: as a gun character, it’s near-impossible to parry with her, which is inherent to her weapon class; by association, due to her weapon class, she has little AoE potential, only provided by her Ultimate; speaking of which, her Ultimate, despite being extremely powerful, is also extremely costly Energy-wise, requiring you to build Energy Regen on her; she is very difficult to play as a hypercarry, since we lack good buffing supports for Skill and Liberation damage aside from limited 5 stars who are better used elsewhere; her main Echo, Inferno Rider, is awkward to use as it needs to be placed pre-rotation; timing exactly 30 bullets during her Forte channel before casting her finisher, which is optimal for her damage, can prove to be quite tricky; finally, getting interrupted during said Forte channels is quite common, requires proper spacing to execute, and can prove to be inconsistent.
To summarize: Chixia is by no means a perfect character; however, used in the right context, provided the proper teammates and with a proper build, she has the potential to surprisingly quite comfortably allow you to clear pretty much any content in the game. However, remain wary and take her flaws into account before deciding if she is the right character for you.
Please keep in mind Wuthering Waves is a skill-based game and each character has a different playstyle, difficulty level and even special tricks and combos. Wuthering Waves is also a team based game and it's only by combining both these factors to the highest level a character can reach optimal performance.
Tower of Adversity
Whimpering Wastes
Chixia guide videos aren't available yet.
Stats at Level 90: ATK: 500 | CRIT DMG: 72%
Stats at Level 90: ATK: 587 | CRIT Rate: 24.3%
Stats at Level 90: ATK: 387 | ATK: 36.4%
Stats at Level 90: ATK: 462 | ATK: 18.2%
Stats at Level 90: ATK: 412 | ATK: 30.3%
Stats at Level 90: ATK: 412 | ATK: 30.3%
Stats at Level 90: ATK: 387 | ATK: 36.4%
Best Echo Sets show the best sets that support the main character playstyle and work out of the box while the Special Echo Sets either are situational, support an alternative playstyle or are targeted toward min-maxers. The percentage numbers showcase the relative DPS increase when you take into account the set bonus only. For some characters there's no DPS (or its equivalent) available and in that case we listed the sets in the order of priority.
2 Set: Fusion DMG% increases by 10%.
5 Set: Upon using Resonance Skill, Fusion DMG increases by 30% for 15s.
Offers a 10% unconditional Fusion DMG% boost and an additional 30% Fusion DMG% after using a Resonance Skill for a grand total of 40% additional Fusion damage.
Below you can find Main Echo options that you should be using with the set:
Substats: Energy Regeneration (Until Breakpoint) >= CRIT RATE = CRIT DMG > ATK% > Flat ATK
Important! CRIT DMG has base value of 150% and Energy Regen has a base value of 100% when you check them in game. The recommended values below don't include the base value but rather show how much on top of it you need to obtain.
ATK: 1700-2000+
HP: 13500+
DEF: 1000+
FUSION DMG%: 52%-82%+
CRIT RATE%: 50-70%+
CRIT DMG% 100-140%+
Energy Regeneration: 35-45%
Chixia has one of the most expensive damage-focused ultimates in the game - costing a whopping 150. She is also on the lower end when it comes to Resonance Energy generation, meaning she needs quite a bit of help from her team and the energy regeneration stat. To ensure she has access to her Ultimate at S0 each rotation we recommend at least 35-45% energy regeneration.
While Chixia's ultimate isn't essential for her to function it is a massive part of her damage profile, meaning playing without it will hinder your output considerably but isn't a complete deal breaker.
Below you can find the order of leveling the abilities for Chixia.
Forte Circuit
Res. Liberation
Basic Attack
Res. Skill
Intro Skill
Gameplay and teams
Below you can find optimal rotation (or rotations) for Chixia. The total time needed to perform it is 8.83 seconds. When selecting the rotations we prioritized achieving 100 Concerto as fast as possible and once that condition was fulfilled, we focused on maximizing the damage output. As or if new and more optimal rotations are found, we'll update the characters calculations as needed.
While waiting for cooldowns to reset, building energy for Chixia and cycling through your team for Concerto generation, aim to execute the following warm-up moves:
- Use a charge of Resonance Skill on cooldown, outside of burst of window to generate much required Resonance Energy and alongside her Forte Gauge. As a guideline, try to fit in two Resonance Skills in Warm-Up phase while setting aside 1 Charge before entering burst combo, unless you possess Chixia’s Sequence - 4 which allows for greater flexibility in skill usage. By executing 2 Resonance Skills in this phase, you will generate the majority of her Forte Gauge, making her ready for burst combo.
- When executing Resonance Skills in the Warm-Up phase, remember to immediately Swap-Cancel them saving you long animation times.
Chixia features one of the hardest burst combo sequences to successfully complete in endgame content due to multiple reasons such as:
Using her Echo, especially if buff related Echo such as Inferno Rider or Mech Abomination before initiating her burst combo. With her Echo buff in place, move away from target to build some distance to make landing combo easier and trigger her Intro.
Immediately after Intro skill, use her Resonance Skill to consume Forte Gauge built in Warm-Up phase. Repeat this until you reach the indicator on her Forte Gauge then tap Basic Attack to fire BOOM BOOM. A full execution of this ability takes 4 seconds and while it allows movement, failing to complete the full duration will cause massive damage loss.
While channeling Chixia’s Forte Gauge, aim for exactly 30 Bullets consumption, as any longer will leave you dry for the next channel. While channeling, she gains a massive attack boost, which is why we use it just before her Ultimate, following which use another full Forte channel into BOOM BOOM and lastly Outro, before repeating the whole sequence.
It's extremely important to note that while pairing her Forte Skills and Ultimate result in large damage increases, it is more important to land them in first place. As such, you are free to completely ignore the sequence below and instead use each ability as opportunity presents itself, even if it ends up in damage loss.
- Echo (Use before combo but refer to Echo recommendations for exact specifics for your chosen Echo)
- Intro
- Skill: Forte: Thermobaric Bullets
- Skill: Forte: BOOM BOOM
- Ultimate
- Skill: Forte: Thermobaric Bullets
- Skill: Forte: BOOM BOOM
- Outro
Below you can find a list of some of the stronger synergies between this character and others.
Don't use the damage output calculations as an indication on who is worth pulling or investing as those are just simulations and in day-to-day gameplay there's a lot variables and also the skill of the player is important - if you can't consistently perform the character's rotation, their damage will suffer.
As usual, don't compare the numbers between characters - especially between Main DPS and Hybrids as they fulfill different roles in the team.
The numbers below show the character's DPS (Damage Per Second) and DMG (total damage done). When selecting the rotations we prioritized achieving 100 Concerto as fast as possible and once that condition was fulfilled, we focused on maximizing the damage output. As or if new and more optimal rotations are found, we'll update the characters calculations as needed. Listed character calculations are done without buffs or any damage contribution from teammates (full solo). They only include what the character, their Weapon, Echo and gear are capable of during their ideal Burst or Concerto rotation when starting with their Intro and Resonance Liberation available.
Do note that DPS and DMG aren’t perfect metrics for a character’s individual value and should be taken with a grain of salt.Anything pertaining a character’s relevance in the meta is addressed in our Review and Tier List, which the numbers below shouldn’t be used for as an end-all-be-all to. Instead, DPS and DMG are good metrics for a character’s sequence value and comparison between an individual character’s different rotations. We recommend using those metrics for such purposes.
Rotation time: 8.83s
Disclaimer: Due to Chixia's reliance on channeled abilities to do damage, achieving this damage output against enemies that move around or force you to dodge is nearly impossible.
Here's the rotation we have used to calculate the DPS (Damage Per Second) shown above.
Chixia features one of the hardest burst combo sequences to successfully complete in endgame content due to multiple reasons such as: Using her Echo, especially if buff related Echo such as Inferno Rider or Mech Abomination before initiating her burst combo. With her Echo buff in place, move away from target to build some distance to make landing combo easier and trigger her Intro.
Immediately after Intro skill, use her Resonance Skill to consume Forte Gauge built in Warm-Up phase. Repeat this until you reach the indicator on her Forte Gauge then tap Basic Attack to fire BOOM BOOM. A full execution of this ability takes 4 seconds and while it allows movement, failing to complete the full duration will cause massive damage loss.
While channeling Chixia’s Forte Gauge, aim for exactly 30 Bullets consumption, as any longer will leave you dry for the next channel. While channeling, she gains a massive attack boost, which is why we use it just before her Ultimate, following which use another full Forte channel into BOOM BOOM and lastly Outro, before repeating the whole sequence.
It's extremely important to note that while pairing her Forte Skills and Ultimate result in large damage increases, it is more important to land them in first place. As such, you are free to completely ignore the sequence below and instead use each ability as opportunity presents itself, even if it ends up in damage loss.
- Echo (Use before combo but refer to Echo recommendations for exact specifics for your chosen Echo)
- Intro
- Skill: Forte: Thermobaric Bullets
- Skill: Forte: BOOM BOOM
- Ultimate
- Skill: Forte: Thermobaric Bullets
- Skill: Forte: BOOM BOOM
- Outro
And here are the Echoes and Weapons used in the calculations.
Stats at Level 90: ATK: 587 | CRIT Rate: 24.3%
2 Set: Fusion DMG% increases by 10%.
5 Set: Upon using Resonance Skill, Fusion DMG increases by 30% for 15s.
Substats: ATK (45%), CRIT Rate (42%), CRIT DMG (84%)
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