Lingyang is talented and friendly member of the Liondance Troupe in Jinzhou. His passion and courage are evident as he engages with humans, showcasing his impressive physical abilities. With his unique style, he embodies the spirit of Liondancing.
To learn more about Lingyang check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
This character has no video guide yet.
Last review update
Patch 1.3
Last major build/calcs update
Patch 2.0
Last profile update*
February 12th, 2025
*Profile update means smaller edits to echoes, stats, synergies or teams that don't require new calculations.
To learn more about Lingyang check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Gameplay and teams
Majestic Fists
Perform up to 5 attacks, dealing Glacio damage.
After Resonance Skill Furious Punches is cast, Basic Attack V is replaced with Feral Roars, dealing Glacio damage.
Consume Stamina to attack the target, dealing Glacio damage.
Consume Stamina to perform a Mid-air Plunging Attack, dealing Glacio damage.
Use a Basic Attack after a successful Dodge to attack the target, dealing Glacio damage.
Ancient Arts
Attack the target, dealing Glacio damage.
When Basic Attacks III, IV, or V or Basic Attack Feral Roars hits the target, Resonance Skill Ancient Arts is replaced with Resonance Skill Swift Punches. If Lingyang uses Basic Attack after casting Basic Attack Feral Roars and Resonance Skill Swift Punches, he will start from Basic Attack III.
Lingyang's Resonance Skill will not reset his Basic Attack stage.
Strive: Lion's Vigor
Attack the target, dealing Glacio damage, and receive the blessing of Lion's Vigor, which lasts for 14 seconds.
Lingyang's Glacio DMG Bonus is increased by 50%;
Unification of Spirits
When Lion's Spirit is full, use Heavy Attack to perform Glorious Plunge, dealing Glacio damage.
When Lion's Spirit is not full, use Basic Attack after Heavy Attack to perform Tail Strike, dealing Glacio damage.
After casting Heavy Attack Glorious Plunge, enter Striding Lion state; After casting Intro Skill Lion Awakens or Resonance Liberation Strive: Lion's Vigor, if Lion's Spirit is full, use Basic Attack to enter Striding Lion state. In the Striding Lion state: Attacks can be launched in mid-air. If you are back on the ground, use Heavy Attack Glorious Plunge to get back in the air.
Lion's Spirit is continuously consumed, and the Striding Lion state ends in 5s after Lion's Spirit runs out; If Lingyang is in the Resonance Liberation Lion's Vigor state, the consumption speed of Lion's Spirit is reduced by 50%, extending Striding Lion state by up to 10s.
Lingyang's Basic Attack is replaced with Basic Attack Feral Gyrate, which performs up to 2 consecutive attacks, dealing Glacio damage. Lingyang's Resonance Skill is replaced with Mountain Roamer, dealing Glacio damage. When Lion's Spirit is less than 10, use Basic Attack to perform Stormy Kicks, dealing Glacio damage; after performing Basic Attack Stormy Kicks, the Mid-air Attack Radiant Plunge becomes available. Concerto Energy is restored when Lion's Spirit is consumed.
Lingyang can hold up to 100 Lion's Spirit. When casting Resonance Skill Furious Punches, Lion's Spirit is restored. When casting Intro Skill Lion Awakens, Lion's Spirit is restored. When casting Resonance Liberation Strive: Lion's Vigor, Lion's Spirit is restored.
Lion's Pride
The damage of the Intro Skill Lion Awakens is increased by 50%.
Diligent Practice
Under the Striding Lion state, within 3s after each Basic Attack, the next Mountain Roamer will deal an additional Glacio damage, equal to 150% of Mountain Roamer damage, considered as Resonance Skill damage.
Lion Awakens
Lingyang appears and deals Glacio damage.
Frosty Marks
Lingyang releases a shock wave centered on the skill target, dealing Glacio DMG equal to 587.94% of Lingyang's ATK to targets within the range.
Sequence Node 1
During Resonance Liberation Lion's Vigor, Lingyang's Anti-Interruption is enhanced.
Sequence Node 2
Intro Skill Lion Awakens additionally recovers 10 Resonance Energy for Lingyang, triggered once every 20s.
Sequence Node 3
During Resonance Liberation Lion's Vigor, Lingyang's Basic Attack DMG Bonus is increased by 20%, and Resonance Skill DMG Bonus increased by 10%.
Sequence Node 4
Outro Skill Frosty Marks increases the Glacio DMG Bonus of all team members by 20% for 30s.
Sequence Node 5
Resonance Liberation Strive: Lion's Vigor additionally deals Glacio DMG equal to 200% of Lingyang's ATK.
Sequence Node 6
In the Forte Circuit Striding Lion state, during the first 3s after every Resonance Skill Mountain Roamer, the Basic Attack DMG Bonus for Lingyang's next Basic Attack is increased by 100%.
While the source of the materials can be quickly found in the game, when it comes Coriolus you will have to gather them from the map. Check our Interactive map to find them quickly:
Can Fly!
Unique playstyle not found anywhere else
Gains the most free stats from his baseline S0 kit of any character thanks to his Ultimate boost
Button mashing combo that is hard to mess up
Can juggle enemies in the air (excluding elites and bosses), comboing them continuously and rendering them immobile
Can ignore some boss and enemy mechanics while in the air
Falls slightly behind other damage dealers with a similar role
Flying can be disorienting for some players
Flying mobility is somewhat limited, making dodging, retargeting and moving while airborne harder without practice
Some bosses have unusual hitboxes which can make striking them while airborne a challenge, resulting in damage losses
Takes more time to get used to and learn than many other characters
Lingyang is a 5-star Glacio Gauntlet wielder DPS that is most often played in Hyper Carry teams. As Lingyang deals the majority of his damage during his Ultimate burst window, which takes up a considerable amount of field time incentivizing him being played with supports to buff him to the max before using his Ultimate Skill. Lingyang also has very little incentive to switch out during his Ultimate burst window with it often resulting in a damage loss meaning you’ll want to pair him with characters that can give him the field time he needs.
Lingyang recharges his Forte Gauge with his second Resonance Skill, Intro Skill and Ultimate Skill, though an interesting thing to note is that his Forte Gauge can be completely filled by performing his Intro followed by his Ultimate Skill once. This allows players to bypass having to use his Basic Attacks and Resonance Skill to generate Forte Gauge. Once full, he can perform a Heavy Attack to enter Striding Lion state, sending him airborne and enhancing all of his abilities for a short duration. It is during this state that Lingyang’s DPS potential is at maximum and should be played attentively giving him all the buffs and support he needs during it.
Lingyang features two Resonance Skills with no cooldown. The first Resonance Skill; Ancient Arts is a simple punch that deals a small amount of Glacio damage to its target, though it is rarely used. His second Resonance Skill; Furious Punches can be only utilized after he has either used Basic Attack 3/4/5 or his Special Basic Attack - Feral Roars. This skill also deals a small amount of Glacio damage, however it generates a significant amount of his Forte Gauge along with allowing him to follow it up with Basic Attack 3 directly. This allows you to quickly juggle his Basic Attack 3 and Furious Punches, quickly filling his Forte Gauge.
His Ultimate deals a large strike in front of him, causing Glacio damage, generating Concerto Energy and a major portion of his Forte Gauge. It also increases his Glacio damage by 50% and further empowers his Forte Gauge empowerment to increase its duration.
In regards to field time, he is required to stay for the entire duration of his Ultimate enhanced Forte, which allows him to bring solid burst damage during this window. He has a unique aerial combat flair which while makes you immune to some ground attacks, also makes some significantly harder to dodge in return. This can be a drawback of his combat style, as it takes time to become accustomed to it, making actions like hitting enemies, repositioning and target changes harder to execute. Similar to Jiyan, he lacks the opportunity to leave the field mid-rotation as it causes him to lose a considerable amount of damage, making him more suited to the Hyper Carry archetype as mentioned earlier.
Lingyang is a mixed bag when it comes to play difficulty. On one hand, he is easy to play in the sense that all he requires is building enough Resonance Energy to use his Ultimate then unload all the attacks he can to maximize his damage during the burst window. On other hand, his unique Aerial combat makes it rough to navigate him, and it takes extra practice to master. Having to learn timing to dodge attacks and discern which attacks will hit you or not while airborne contributes massively to his low usage among players.
As a Main DPS he will prefer damage maximization. As such, you can equip him with damage-focused Echo and set.
Overall, due to Lingyang’s damage being on the lower side of 5-stars, combined with his unique airborne gameplay that requires extra work to manage, he lags behind in usage compared to most other DPS in endgame.
Please keep in mind Wuthering Waves is a skill-based game and each character has a different playstyle, difficulty level and even special tricks and combos. Wuthering Waves is also a team based game and it's only by combining both these factors to the highest level a character can reach optimal performance.
Tower of Adversity
Whimpering Wastes
Lingyang guide videos aren't available yet.
Stats at Level 90: ATK: 587 | CRIT Rate: 24.3%
Stats at Level 90: ATK: 587 | ATK: 36.4%
Stats at Level 90: ATK: 462 | ATK: 18.2%
Stats at Level 90: ATK: 412 | ATK: 30.3%
Stats at Level 90: ATK: 412 | CRIT Rate: 20.2%
Best Echo Sets show the best sets that support the main character playstyle and work out of the box while the Special Echo Sets either are situational, support an alternative playstyle or are targeted toward min-maxers. The percentage numbers showcase the relative DPS increase when you take into account the set bonus only. For some characters there's no DPS (or its equivalent) available and in that case we listed the sets in the order of priority.
2 Set: ATK increases by 10%.
5 Set: While on the field, ATK increases by 5% every 1.5s, stacking up to 4 times. Outro Skill DMG increases by 60%.
Offers a 10% unconditional ATK% boost and an additional 5% ATK% for every 1.5 seconds the equipped character has been in combat - up to 20% after 6 seconds, totalling 30% additional ATK% after fully ramped. This set almost almost loses out to most characters signature elemental sets, but is generically usable across all damage characters regardless of their element.
Below you can find Main Echo options that you should be using with the set:
2 Set: Resonance Skill DMG +12%.
5 Set: Casting Resonance Skill grants 22.5% Glacio DMG Bonus for 15s and casting Resonance Liberation increases Resonance Skill DMG by 18%, lasting for 5s. This effect stacks up to 2 times.
Frosty Resolve grants permanent Resonance Skill DMG% and huge temporary Glacio/Resonance Skill DMG% bonuses. Glacio DMG% bonus is easily accessible for most characters via a single Resonance skill use but temporary Resonance Skill DMG% bonus is only suitable for characters capable of using their Resonance Liberation either frequently and or multiple times at once.
Below you can find Main Echo options that you should be using with the set:
2 Set: Glacio DMG increases by 10%.
5 Set: Upon using Basic Attack or Heavy Attack, Glacio DMG increases by 10%, stacking up to three times, lasting for15s.
Offers a 10% unconditional Glacio DMG% boost and up to an additional 30% Glacio DMG% after you land 3 Basic or Heavy Attacks for a grand total of 40% additional Glacio damage after fully ramped.
Below you can find Main Echo options that you should be using with the set:
Substats: Energy Regeneration (Until Breakpoint) >= CRIT RATE = CRIT DMG > ATK% > Flat ATK
Important! CRIT DMG has base value of 150% and Energy Regen has a base value of 100% when you check them in game. The recommended values below don't include the base value but rather show how much on top of it you need to obtain.
ATK: 2000-2600+
HP: 15000+
DEF: 1200+
GLACIO DMG%: 42%-72%+
CRIT RATE%: 50-70%+
CRIT DMG% 100-140%+
Energy Regeneration (Minimum): 10-25%
Lingyang only has one mode of play and that is going all in on his ultimate burst window with little to no warm-up needed. To make this work, getting the appropriate amount of Energy Regen is essential. How much you'll need will vary from team to team and depending on which main Echo you opt to use, but we recommend 10-25% just to be safe,
If you find your Lingyang missing out on your ultimate, you may need a bit more - or to reassess your team comp, echo choice, or rotations.
Below you can find the order of leveling the abilities for Lingyang.
Forte Circuit
Res. Liberation
Intro Skill
Res. Skill
Basic Attack
Gameplay and teams
Below you can find optimal rotation (or rotations) for Lingyang. The total time needed to perform it is 13.47 seconds. When selecting the rotations we prioritized achieving 100 Concerto as fast as possible and once that condition was fulfilled, we focused on maximizing the damage output. As or if new and more optimal rotations are found, we'll update the characters calculations as needed.
Unlike other characters, Lingyang can directly jump into action without any Warm-Up phase. Only thing to focus outside of his Ultimate burst combo is ensuring usage of Echo at appropriate time, that is, if Buff Echo, use it right before burst combo execution, if direct damage Echo (such as Glacial Predator), use it whenever off cooldown.
Lingyang’s combo is incredibly simple, just make sure you have full energy available on him before Swapping to him and enter with his Intro to generate a portion of his Forte Gauge required. Follow it up with his Ultimate and perform a Heavy Attack to become airborne.
While airborne, alternate between using a single Basic Attack and a single Resonance Skill to take advantage of his Inherent Skill: Diligent Practice. Ensure that you do not chain 2 of same type together while alternating between them, as it is very easy to accidentally do the same and lose damage overall.
Under ideal circumstances, you can execute 9 independant attacks during his Ultimate duration, but if you get Stunned or use Dodge, this number will reduce. While the damage loss from this isn’t a disaster, you may need to spend extra time building energy via other characters to make up for it. While his Ultimate is on cooldown or he lacks the energy, utilize that time on the rest of the team recharging their Concerto Energy and preparing buffs for his next burst combo.
- Echo (Use before combo but refer to Echo recommendations for exact specifics for your chosen Echo)
- Intro
- Ultimate
- Heavy Attack: Glorious Plunge (Used to enter Forte and become airborne)
- Basic Attack: Feral Gyrate P1
- Skill: Mountain Roamer
- Basic Attack: Feral Gyrate P2
- Skill: Mountain Roamer
- Basic Attack: Feral Gyrate P1
- Skill: Mountain Roamer
- Basic Attack: Feral Gyrate P2
- Skill: Mountain Roamer
- Basic Attack: Feral Gyrate P1
- Basic Attack: Stormy Kicks
- Mid-Air Attack: Tail Strike
- Outro
Below you can find a list of some of the stronger synergies between this character and others.
Don't use the damage output calculations as an indication on who is worth pulling or investing as those are just simulations and in day-to-day gameplay there's a lot variables and also the skill of the player is important - if you can't consistently perform the character's rotation, their damage will suffer.
As usual, don't compare the numbers between characters - especially between Main DPS and Hybrids as they fulfill different roles in the team.
The numbers below show the character's DPS (Damage Per Second) and DMG (total damage done). When selecting the rotations we prioritized achieving 100 Concerto as fast as possible and once that condition was fulfilled, we focused on maximizing the damage output. As or if new and more optimal rotations are found, we'll update the characters calculations as needed. Listed character calculations are done without buffs or any damage contribution from teammates (full solo). They only include what the character, their Weapon, Echo and gear are capable of during their ideal Burst or Concerto rotation when starting with their Intro and Resonance Liberation available.
Do note that DPS and DMG aren’t perfect metrics for a character’s individual value and should be taken with a grain of salt.Anything pertaining a character’s relevance in the meta is addressed in our Review and Tier List, which the numbers below shouldn’t be used for as an end-all-be-all to. Instead, DPS and DMG are good metrics for a character’s sequence value and comparison between an individual character’s different rotations. We recommend using those metrics for such purposes.
Rotation time: 13.47s
Here's the rotation we have used to calculate the DPS (Damage Per Second) shown above.
Lingyang’s combo is incredibly simple, just make sure you have full energy available on him before Swapping to him and enter with his Intro to generate a portion of his Forte Gauge required. Follow it up with his Ultimate and perform a Heavy Attack to become airborne.
While airborne, alternate between using a single Basic Attack and a single Resonance Skill to take advantage of his Inherent Skill: Diligent Practice. Ensure that you do not chain 2 of same type together while alternating between them, as it is very easy to accidentally do the same and lose damage overall.
Under ideal circumstances, you can execute 9 independant attacks during his Ultimate duration, but if you get Stunned or use Dodge, this number will reduce. While the damage loss from this isn’t a disaster, you may need to spend extra time building energy via other characters to make up for it. While his Ultimate is on cooldown or he lacks the energy, utilize that time on the rest of the team recharging their Concerto Energy and preparing buffs for his next burst combo.
- Echo (Use before combo but refer to Echo recommendations for exact specifics for your chosen Echo)
- Intro
- Ultimate
- Heavy Attack: Glorious Plunge (Used to enter Forte and become airborne)
- Basic Attack: Feral Gyrate P1
- Skill: Mountain Roamer
- Basic Attack: Feral Gyrate P2
- Skill: Mountain Roamer
- Basic Attack: Feral Gyrate P1
- Skill: Mountain Roamer
- Basic Attack: Feral Gyrate P2
- Skill: Mountain Roamer
- Basic Attack: Feral Gyrate P1
- Basic Attack: Stormy Kicks
- Mid-Air Attack: Tail Strike
- Outro
And here are the Echoes and Weapons used in the calculations.
Stats at Level 90: ATK: 587 | ATK: 36.4%
2 Set: ATK increases by 10%.
5 Set: While on the field, ATK increases by 5% every 1.5s, stacking up to 4 times. Outro Skill DMG increases by 60%.
Substats: ATK (45%), CRIT Rate (42%), CRIT DMG (84%), Energy Regen (9.6%)
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