Rover (Spectro)Build and Guide


Rover (Spectro) is a 5 rarity character from the
Spectro element who uses the Sword type weapon.

Awakened with an unknown past, Rover embarks on a journey to uncover the truths. As secrets are unveiled, Rover establishes deeper connections with the world.

To learn more about Rover (Spectro) check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

Video guide

This character has no video guide yet.

Update tracker

Last review update

Patch 2.1

Last major build/calcs update

Patch 2.1

Last profile update*

February 12th, 2025

*Profile update means smaller edits to echoes, stats, synergies or teams that don't require new calculations.

To learn more about Rover (Spectro) check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.




Gameplay and teams



Active skills
Passive skills
Concerto skills
Basic Attack

Vibration Manifestation

Basic Attack

Rover casts up to 4 consecutive attacks, dealing Spectro DMG.

Heavy Attack

Rover consumes Stamina, dealing Spectro DMG.

Heavy Attack: Resonance

After Basic Attack III or Heavy Attack, press the Basic Attack button at the right time to perform Heavy Attack Resonance, dealing Spectro DMG.

Heavy Attack: Aftertune

After Heavy Attack Resonance or Dodge Counter hits a target, press the Basic Attack button to perform Heavy Attack Aftertune, dealing Spectro DMG.

Mid-air Attack

Rover consumes Stamina to perform a Mid-Air Plunging Attack, dealing Spectro DMG.

Dodge Counter

Use Basic Attack after a successful Dodge to attack the target, dealing Spectro DMG.

Lv. 1
Part 1 Damage
Part 2 Damage
Part 3 Damage
Part 4 Damage
Dodge Counter Damage
Heavy Attack Damage
HA: Resonance Damage
HA: Aftertune Damage
Mid-Air Attack Damage
Heavy Attack Stamina Consumption
Mid-Air Attack Stamina Consumption
Resonance Skill

Resonating Slashes

Rover launches an attack forward, dealing Spectro DMG.

Lv. 1
Skill Damage
Con. Energy Regen
Resonance Liberation

Echoing Orchestra

Channel Spectro energy to attack the target area, causing a blast after a short delay, dealing Spectro DMG and applying 6 stack(s) of Spectro Frazzle.

Lv. 1
Skill Damage
Res. Energy Cost
Con. Energy Regen
Forte Circuit

World in a Grain of Sand

Resonance Skill: Resonating Spin

If "Diminutive Sound" exceeds 50 when Resonance Skill is used, Rover consumes 50 "Diminutive Sound" to cast Resonating Spin, dealing Spectro DMG. This damage is considered as Resonance Skill DMG and applies 2 stack(s) of Spectro Frazzle along with Shimmer.


Shimmer prevents Spectro Frazzle stacks from reducing over time.

Resonance Skill: Resonating Echoes

After Resonance Skill Resonating Spin ends, Rover performs Resonance Skill Resonating Echoes upon pressing the Basic Attack button. Rover performs attacks forward, dealing Spectro DMG considered as Resonance Skill DMG.

Diminutive Sound

Rover can hold up to 100 "Diminutive Sounds". Rover obtains "Diminutive Sound" for every Normal Attack Vibration Manifestation on hit. Rover obtains "Diminutive Sound" for every Heavy Attack aftertune on hit. Rover obtains "Diminutive Sound" upon casting Intro Skill Waveshock.

Lv. 1
Resonating Spin Damage
Resonating Whirl Damage
Resonating Echoes Part 1 Damage
Resonating Echoes Part 2 Damage
Shimmer Duration
Resonating Spin Con. Energy Regen
Resonating Echoes Con. Energy Regen
Inherent Skill


Damage dealt by Rover's Resonance Skill Resonating Echoes is increased by 60%.

Inherent Skill

Silent Listener

Rover's ATK is increased by 15% for 5s upon casting Heavy Attack Resonance.

Intro Skill


Rover attacks the target, dealing Spectro DMG.

Lv. 1
Skill Damage
Con. Energy Regen
Outro Skill


Rover generates an area of stasis surrounding the next character (or other characters on a nearby team that activates an Outro Skill) over 3s.

Resonance Chain (Dupes)

Sequence Node 1

Rover's Crit. Rate is increased by 15% for 7s when casting Resonance Skill Resonating Slashes or Resonance Skill Resonating Spin.


Sequence Node 2

Rover's Spectro DMG Bonus is increased by 20%.


Sequence Node 3

Rover's Energy Regen is increased by 20%.


Sequence Node 4

When casting Resonance Liberation Echoing Resonance, Rover continuously restores HP for all team members: HP equal to 20% of Rover's ATK will be restored every second for 5s.


Sequence Node 5

Rover's Resonance Liberation DMG Bonus is increased by 40%.


Sequence Node 6

Resonance Skill Resonating Slashes and Resonance Skill Resonating Spin reduces the target's Spectro DMG RES by 10% on hit for 20s.

Minor Fortes (Total)
Spectro DMG
Include minor fortes
Lv. 90
Max Energy
Healing Bonus
Spectro DMG
Upgrade Materials
Character Ascension (total)
  • 4x LF Whisperin Core
  • 12x MF Whisperin Core
  • 12x HF Whisperin Core
  • 4x FF Whisperin Core
  • 5x Mysterious Code
  • 60x Pecok Flower
  • 170 000 Shell Credits
Skill Upgrades (total)
  • 25x LF Whisperin Core
  • 28x MF Whisperin Core
  • 40x HF Whisperin Core
  • 57x FF Whisperin Core
  • 25x Inert Metallic Drip
  • 28x Reactive Metallic Drip
  • 55x Polarized Metallic Drip
  • 67x Heterized Metallic Drip
  • 26x Unending Destruction
  • 2 030 000 Shell Credits

While the source of the materials can be quickly found in the game, when it comes Pecok Flower you will have to gather them from the map. Check our Interactive map to find them quickly:

Voice Actors
Jane Jackson / Chase Brown
Tanaka Minami / Toshiki Masuda
Du QingQing / Ma Yang
Song Ha Rim / Kim Sin Woo


Pros & Cons

  • Is one of the few characters that can deal a great amount of damage while retaining good healing in their base kit;

  • Relevant meta character thanks to being mandatory with one of the best DPS characters in the game as they’re one of the main Spectro Frazzle appliers;

  • Can quickly fill their Forte gauge for fast rotations;

  • Able to be played with multiple Echo sets to make teambuilding flexible;

  • The character and all their sequences are available for free, unlocking the rare ability to lower enemy resistances;

  • Fast and precise attack frames that make parrying easier;

  • Outro skill slows enemies in place, providing a lot of comfort.


  • While the character has a ton of survivability built into their kit, they buff way less than other characters in the same niche;

  • Rotations aren’t straightforward and require to swap in and out of the field in unconventional ways to perform;

  • Only really wanted in a single team, solely due to their Spectro Frazzle application, making them niche to build and likely to be replaceable in the future.


Rover is the main character in Wuthering Waves, unlocked for free by default and starting as a Spectro Hybrid Sword character who is a jack-of-all-trades, capable of many roles: healing, crowd control, debuff, damage over time and Sub-DPS damage dealer. They received a lot of buffs in versions 2.0 and 2.1 that now make them desirable in specific teams linked to their new core mechanic: Spectro Frazzle.

Spectro Frazzle is a damage over time mechanic currently only inflicted and exploited by a select few Spectro characters, being Spectro Rover themselves and Phoebe as of the current patch. As said previously, it’s the mechanic that Spectro Rover’s kit revolves around. It deals damage every 3 seconds to any enemy inflicted based on the number of stacks applied, enemy defense, enemy elemental resistance, character level, and Spectro Frazzle-specific buffs, stacking up to 10 times.

Spectro Rover has two ways to apply Spectro Frazzle: their Ultimate, a simple AoE nuke, applies 6 stacks by default, and their Resonance Skill, when enhanced by their Forte gauge (more details later), applies 2 stacks. This means you need 2 Resonance Skills and 1 Ultimate to build all 10 stacks of Spectro Frazzle - considering their Skill is on a very low cooldown of 6 seconds, this means they’re able to apply full Spectro Frazzle to several enemies quickly, as their Ultimate has a good AoE.

Their Forte gauge, called Diminutive Sound, fills up to 100 points and is split in two halves. Spectro Rover consumes one half in order to enhance their Resonance Skill. To fill this gauge up, they need to use either Basic Attacks, Intro Skills, or most efficiently their Heavy Attacks, which they can follow up by a special Heavy Attack called Aftertune by attacking again. Intro skills and Aftertune each restore half of their Forte gauge, meaning they face no problems charging the gauge up for every Resonance Skill.

Their enhanced Resonance Skill, called Resonating Spin, not only applies 2 stacks of Spectro Frazzle as mentioned prior, but deals enhanced damage, spawns an extra whirling attack around Spectro Rover for even more damage, applies Shimmer to enemies hit which prevents any Spectro Frazzle stacks from diminishing for 9 seconds while still doing damage normally, and allows them to follow up with up to 2 special enhanced Skills called Resonating Echoes. Thanks to their S6, Resonating Echoes and Resonating Spin decreases the Spectro RES of any enemy hit by 10% for 20s. Keep in mind this last debuff can’t stack, but is good damage increase nonetheless.

So with all of these mechanics explained, gameplay-wise they’ll differ based on the Echo set they’re running. Keep this in mind: you access all of Spectro Rover’s sequences for free. Among these included the Spectro RES shred we just mentioned, but also a free 15% CRIT Rate after casting their Skill, a free 20% Spectro DMG bonus, a free 40% Liberation DMG bonus, and even a free 20% Energy Regen. These are a ton of free stats that make their builds way easier, but most importantly with their S4 they access healing to the whole team equal to 20% of their ATK every second for 5s after casting their Ultimate.

Realistically, this healing is small - it should amount to roughly 3000 to 4000 healing per team member in total. However, any healing is enough healing to trigger the Rejuvenating Glow set, which gives a free 15% ATK to the whole team for 30s after a heal is triggered. This makes them playable both on that set and the Moonlit Clouds set for more traditional Hybrid buffing. However, it means their gameplay and playstyle vary a fair amount depending on the role they fill in your team, said role depending on the Echo set you choose to run.

Equipped with the Rejuvenating Glow set, you won’t want to run a traditional healer - you’re looking for Spectro Rover to fill that role. The heals they provide won’t be nearly as high, but they should be enough for experienced players - worst case scenario build Healing Bonus and lots of ATK and you should be good. In this case they don’t need to build their Outro up since it doesn’t buff characters like traditional healer Outroes do - so you can skip it altogether and only focus on applying Spectro Frazzle. This shortens their actions and their field time significantly. Generally speaking, you’ll run this build with a traditional Moonlit Clouds Hybrid, or a quickswap second DPS for the more expert players.

This changes with Moonlit Clouds though. The buff to your DPS coming from it is triggered after an Outro - so you’ll want to build that up more traditionally in order to access the buff. This makes their rotations a bit longer but makes them deal more damage and allows you to run lots of healing, since you’ll pair this Spectro Rover build with a traditional healer, making for teams that have some of the highest survivability in the game.

Generally speaking though, their rotations follow the same rules of wanting to apply max Spectro Frazzle via their enhanced Skill - built after an Intro or after a Heavy Attack Aftertune - and their Ultimate. So that’s essentially what their gameplay’s about regardless.

Now, to tackle their meta relevancy: Spectro Rover finds themselves in an awkward position. Sure, they can fulfill many roles, but they’re a jack-of-all-trades, master of none. The only thing they’re a master of, which is their only meta niche, is applying Spectro Frazzle for Phoebe specifically, who needs it applied to enemies in order to deal great damage. This means currently, since we have no characters that can apply Spectro Frazzle other than Phoebe and Spectro Rover, the two are mandatory together. But other than that? Spectro Rover doesn’t buff enough, or they don’t deal enough damage, or they don’t heal enough, or they don’t debuff enough. So in other teams, they’re caught between a rock and a hard place. Besides, in terms of applying Spectro Frazzle alone, Phoebe does it better than them via her Hybrid mode. This means the second another DPS character comes out who relies on Spectro Frazzle, they’ll want Phoebe over Spectro Rover. And the second someone else generates Spectro Frazzle, but buffs more or deals more damage? They’ll take the role of Phoebe’s support over Spectro Rover.

This means Spectro Rover is currently necessary to Phoebe, but also holds an unstable future to her as well - we’re unsure whether or not more characters that will work around Spectro Frazzle will come out, and the second Spectro Rover gets outclassed in that niche, they’ll go back to having no meta relevancy - only being a budget option compared to the better ones. Regardless though, like said prior, Spectro Rover IS necessary to Phoebe, and the two together make for a team with ludicrous levels of damage, some of the very best in the entire game. So even if Spectro Rover does get outclassed in the future, you can rest assured you’ll clear ANY content in the game ridiculously easily for a long time.

To summarize, Spectro Rover is a character capable of filling a ton of roles, so far as to fill multiple possible positions on a team. Currently, though, their only viable team is with Phoebe, so there is no justification to build them other than if you own her. That being said, the team with Phoebe is way too strong, and Spectro Rover is currently necessary to make Phoebe work well - this means Spectro Rover is, undeniably, a meta character, with who you’ll enjoy great damage, healing, crowd control, buffs and debuffs for one of the best Spectro teams in the game.


Please keep in mind Wuthering Waves is a skill-based game and each character has a different playstyle, difficulty level and even special tricks and combos. Wuthering Waves is also a team based game and it's only by combining both these factors to the highest level a character can reach optimal performance.


Tower of Adversity


Whimpering Wastes

Video guides

Rover (Spectro) guide videos aren't available yet.


Best Weapons


Stats at Level 90: ATK: 587 | CRIT DMG: 48.6%

Changli's signature weapon that's not only fantastic for her but also usable on all damage-focused Sword users who have a large portion of their damage originating from Resonance Skill damage. Offers a huge main stat of CRIT DMG% granting excellent scaling, 12% permanent ATK% and up to 56% increased Resonance Skill DMG% which should be at or close to full power during the bulk of your rotation when opening with one or two resonance skills.


Stats at Level 90: ATK: 587 | CRIT Rate: 24.3%

Outstanding Sword choice, offering significantly higher base damage due to its 5★ rarity, as well as a stackable ATK% buff almost every character can effortlessly get 1 stack of (but with 2 also being easily achievable by most when played correctly). Additionally has a good amount of Energy Regen, which on most characters will allow one sub-stat of Energy Regen to be allocated elsewhere to increase damage even further. Best Sword choice across the board with only S5 4★ Swords having a chance to compete with it.


Stats at Level 90: ATK: 412 | ATK: 30.3%

Powerful sword for Resonators spending minimal time on the field - the shorter the better. Best for Hybrid characters executing their rotation fast and infrequently, but less powerful on Main DPS characters that aim to spend extended time on field.


Stats at Level 90: ATK: 462 | ATK: 18.2%

Often inferior to Commando of Conviction for DPS, this sword is still a great F2P 4* option for characters who need the energy boost. Realistically however, only consider this option over Commando of Conviction if you have energy problems on your character.


Stats at Level 90: ATK: 412 | ATK: 30.3%

Exceptional all-around generic Sword gaining its bonus close to unconditionally as most Resonators almost always aim to make use of their Intro skill and very few characters spend more than 15 seconds on field during their duration.


Stats at Level 90: ATK: 387 | ATK: 36.4%

Sword option for Heavy and Basic ATK users with an easy to trigger passive - with the only downside being its 10 second time limit. For characters that use their Skill multiple times per rotation, this downside is a non-issue but for Main DPS characters who take up a lot of field time and don't use their skill often this sword can lose value.
Best Echo Sets

Best Echo Sets show the best sets that support the main character playstyle and work out of the box while the Special Echo Sets either are situational, support an alternative playstyle or are targeted toward min-maxers. The percentage numbers showcase the relative DPS increase when you take into account the set bonus only. For some characters there's no DPS (or its equivalent) available and in that case we listed the sets in the order of priority.

Best Echo Sets


2 Set: Energy Regen increases by 10%.

5 Set: Upon using Outro Skill, ATK of the next Resonator increases by 22.5% for 15s.

Offers a 10% unconditional Energy Regen% boost taking some pressure off your gear when aiming at ER breakpoints. Also upon using Outro, grants the next character switching in a 22.5% ATK boost, amplifying any of your main damage dealers burst windows.

Below you can find Main Echo options that you should be using with the set:

  • Echo Image
    Impermanence Heron
    - Supportive Echo that can be run at the cost of a sizeable chunk of damage for the character who equips, trading personal gain for team benefits. Should always be used and immediately switch cancelled right before performing an Outro, leading to another DPS. When done so will grant the next character switching in 12% increased DMG% which when combined with the 5P Moonlit set which also grants 22.5% ATK% under the same conditions makes for a sizeable boost. While the echo does lower the damage of whoever wears it, it grants a massive chunk of energy on use usually saving 1 or sometimes even 2 Energy Regen sub stats that may otherwise be needed by the wearer allowing for some damage to be recovered.


2 Set: Healing increases by 10%.

5 Set: Upon healing allies, increase ATK of the entire team by 15%, lasting 30s.

Offers a 10% unconditional Healing% boost and an most importantly a 15% ATK% boost for the entire team, lasting 30 seconds whenever you heal yourself or any of your allies. This bonus can be triggered by character abilities and weapon effects, is easy to keep active 100% of the time and is a big help for all party members.

Below you can find Main Echo options that you should be using with the set:

  • Echo Image
    Fallacy of No Return
    - Grants 10% increased Energy Regeneration for the wearer and a team wide 10% ATK boost on use for 20 seconds. A strong option for those looking to generate as much energy as possible or who favor a more permanent party buffing effect compared to Bell-Borne Geochelone.
  • Echo Image
    Bell-Borne Geochelone
    - While nowadays a worse option for the Rejuvenating Glow set for damage than the Fallacy of No Return due to a shorter buff uptime, only granting 10% DMG Bonus for 15 seconds, the Bell-Borne Geochelone remains a good choice if you don't have a good Fallacy to use for the set. It also has increased survivability by blocking 50% of the damage from a max of 3 hits if you desire to have that in your team.
Special Echo Sets

2 Set: Spectro DMG +10%.

5 Set: Inflicting enemies with Spectro Frazzle increases Crit. Rate by 20% for 15s. Attacking enemies with 10 stacks of Spectro Frazzle grants 15% Spectro DMG Bonus for 15s.

Offers a 10% unconditional Spectro DMG% boost, a 20% CRIT RATE buff for 15 seconds after inflicting Spectro Frazzle and further 15% Spectro DMG% boost for 15 seconds after attacking an enemy that has 10 Spectro Frazzle stacks. For characters that have the capability to inflict Spectro Frazzle in their kit the 20% CRIT RATE is all but permanant, while the 15% Spectro DMG boost should maintain decent uptime in Spectro Frazzle focused teams.

Below you can find Main Echo options that you should be using with the set:

  • Sentry Construct
    Nightmare: Mourning Aix
    - Offers an unconditional 12% Spectro DMG boost when active in a resonators Main Echo Slot and gains a 100% DMG bonus to attack against enemies inflicted by Spectro Frazzle. This echo is the go to choice for most resonators capable of inflicting Spectro Frazzle, who are focusing on damage and are looking to use the 5P Eternal Radiance set bonus.
Best Echo Stats
4 cost
3 cost
Spectro DMG
3 cost
Spectro DMG
1 cost
1 cost

Substats: CRIT RATE = CRIT DMG > ATK% > Flat ATK > Liberation DMG%

Best Endgame Stats (Level 90)

Important! CRIT DMG has base value of 150% and Energy Regen has a base value of 100% when you check them in game. The recommended values below don't include the base value but rather show how much on top of it you need to obtain.

  • ATK: 1700 - 2300+

  • HP: 15000+

  • DEF: 1200+

  • SPECTRO DMG%: 72%+ (92% at Sequence 2+)

  • CRIT RATE%: 50% - 60%+

  • CRIT DMG% 100% - 120%+

  • Energy Recharge: 0-20%

    • After Sequence 3 Spectro Rover doesn't need any Energy Regeneration. If you don't have it yet you can make up for it by grabbing 15-20% on echoes instead.

Skill Priority

Below you can find the order of leveling the abilities for Rover (Spectro).

Res. Liberation

Forte Circuit

Basic Attack

Res. Skill

Intro Skill

Gameplay and teams


Below you can find optimal rotation (or rotations) for Rover (Spectro). The total time needed to perform it is 5.56 seconds. When selecting the rotations we prioritized achieving 100 Concerto as fast as possible and once that condition was fulfilled, we focused on maximizing the damage output. As or if new and more optimal rotations are found, we'll update the characters calculations as needed.


Spectro Rover's main role in the fight is to generate concerto quickly, apply and maintain Spectro Frazzle efficiently and apply their echo related buffs at the right moment. The rotation below takes advantage of Rover's fast skill cooldown and quick swap nature to achieve all of these.

Time and use Spectro Rover's Echo right before initiating your teams highest damage combos.

  • Heavy Atk
  • Resonance
  • Aftertune
  • Forte: Resonanting Spin
  • Forte: Resonanting Whirl
  • Swap while waiting for Skill CD
  • Intro
  • Ultimate
  • Basic P1
  • Basic P2
  • Forte: Resonanting Spin
  • Forte: Resonanting Whirl
  • Forte: Resonating Echoes P1
  • Forte: Resonating Echoes P2
  • Outro

Below you can find a list of some of the stronger synergies between this character and others.

Example Teams

Best Team

  • Run Mortefi if Sanhua is wanted by any other team you use. Spectro Rover should be on Rejuvenating Glow.

Expert Team

  • Only use if you have a lot of quickswap experience, else run the team above. Spectro Rover should be on Rejuvenating Glow.

Triple Spectro Team

  • Spectro Rover should be on Moonlit Clouds.


Damage Profile
Rover (Spectro) damage profile
Damage Output
Additional information

The numbers below show the character's DPS (Damage Per Second) and DMG (total damage done). When selecting the rotations we prioritized achieving 100 Concerto as fast as possible and once that condition was fulfilled, we focused on maximizing the damage output. As or if new and more optimal rotations are found, we'll update the characters calculations as needed. Listed character calculations are done without buffs or any damage contribution from teammates (full solo). They only include what the character, their Weapon, Echo and gear are capable of during their ideal Burst or Concerto rotation when starting with their Intro and Resonance Liberation available.

Do note that DPS and DMG aren’t perfect metrics for a character’s individual value and should be taken with a grain of salt.Anything pertaining a character’s relevance in the meta is addressed in our Review and Tier List, which the numbers below shouldn’t be used for as an end-all-be-all to. Instead, DPS and DMG are good metrics for a character’s sequence value and comparison between an individual character’s different rotations. We recommend using those metrics for such purposes.

Rover (Spectro) in 1 Target scenario

Rotation time: 5.56s

Details about the calculations

Here's the rotation we have used to calculate the DPS (Damage Per Second) shown above.


Spectro Rover's main role in the fight is to generate concerto quickly, apply and maintain Spectro Frazzle efficiently and apply their echo related buffs at the right moment. The rotation below takes advantage of Rover's fast skill cooldown and quick swap nature to achieve all of these.

Time and use Spectro Rover's Echo right before initiating your teams highest damage combos.

  • Heavy Atk
  • Resonance
  • Aftertune
  • Forte: Resonanting Spin
  • Forte: Resonanting Whirl
  • Swap while waiting for Skill CD
  • Intro
  • Ultimate
  • Basic P1
  • Basic P2
  • Forte: Resonanting Spin
  • Forte: Resonanting Whirl
  • Forte: Resonating Echoes P1
  • Forte: Resonating Echoes P2
  • Outro

And here are the Echoes and Weapons used in the calculations.

Stats at Level 90: ATK: 587 | CRIT Rate: 24.3%

2 Set: Energy Regen increases by 10%.

5 Set: Upon using Outro Skill, ATK of the next Resonator increases by 22.5% for 15s.

4 cost
3 cost
Spectro DMG
3 cost
Spectro DMG
1 cost
1 cost

Substats: ATK (45%), CRIT Rate (42%), CRIT DMG (84%)