Honkai: Star RailTribbieBest build, teams and other guides


Tribbie is a 5 character from the Quantum element who follows the Path of Harmony.

The Messenger departs from that holy land beloved by the tripartite prophecy, splitting herself into a thousand pieces and setting off on her journey.

O Tribios, Holy Maidens of Janusopolis, the Chrysos Heir who stole Passage's Coreflame. You shall toil for the masses, bringing the news of deliverance to all domains — Go find the children of humanity with golden blood in their veins, shatter the dimmest dark in this world, and walk toward the tomorrow where the stars gleam.

To learn more about Tribbie check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for - kit, traces, review or build guides.

Video guide

Tribbie has at least one video guide available, so if you prefer this sort of medium to learn more about a character, check it out:

Update tracker

Last review update

Patch 3.1

Last major build/calcs update

Patch 3.1

Last profile update*

March 17th, 2025

*Profile update means smaller edits to relics, stats, synergies or teams that don't require new calculations.

To learn more about Tribbie check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for - kit, traces, review or build guides.



Build and teams

MoC/PF/AS Statistics



Basic ATK

Hundred Rockets


Lv. 1

Energy gain: 20

Break: 10 + 5 adjacent

Deals Quantum DMG equal to #1[i]% of Tribbie's Max HP to one designated enemy. Deals Quantum DMG equal to #2[i]% of Tribbie's Max HP to adjacent targets.

Where'd the Gifts Go


Lv. 1

Energy gain: 30

Break: -

Gains "Numinosity," lasting for 3 turn(s). This duration decreases by 1 at the start of this unit's every turn. While Tribbie has "Numinosity," increases all ally targets' All-Type RES PEN by #1[i]%.

Guess Who Lives Here

AoE | 120 energy cost

Lv. 1

Energy gain: 5

Break: 20

Activates a Zone and deals Quantum DMG equal to #1[i]% of Tribbie's Max HP to all enemies. While the Zone lasts, increases enemy targets' DMG taken by #1[i]%. After an ally target attacks, for every 1 target hit, deals 1 instance of Quantum Additional DMG equal to #2[i]% of Tribbie's Max HP to the target that has the highest HP among the hit targets. The Zone lasts for 2 turn(s). This duration decreases by 1 at the start of this unit's every turn.

Busy as Tribbie


Lv. 1

Energy gain: 5

Break: 5

After other ally characters use Ultimate, Tribbie launches Follow-up ATK, dealing Quantum DMG equal to #1[i]% of Tribbie's Max HP to all enemies. This effect triggers up to 1 time per character. When Tribbie uses Ultimate, resets the trigger count for other ally characters. If the target was defeated before the Follow-up ATK is launched, then launches the Follow-up ATK against new enemy targets entering the battlefield.

If You're Happy and You Know It


Energy gain: 0

Break: -

After using Technique and upon entering battle, obtains "Numinosity," lasting for 3 turn(s).
Major Traces
A2Major trace

Lamb Outside the Wall...

After using Talent's Follow-up ATK, increases the DMG dealt by Tribbie by 72%. This effect can stack up to 3 time(s), lasting for 3 turn(s).
A4Major trace

Glass Ball with Wings!

While the Zone lasts, Tribbie's Max HP increases by an amount equal to 9% of the sum of all ally characters' Max HP.
A6Major trace

Pebble at Crossroads?

At the start of battle, Tribbie regenerates 30 Energy. After other ally targets attack, Tribbie regenerates 1.5 Energy for each target hit.
Minor Traces (total)

Rite of Sugar Scoop

Eidolon 1

While the Zone lasts and after ally targets attack enemies, additionally deals True DMG equal to 24% of the total DMG of this attack to targets that have been dealt Additional DMG by the Zone.


Guide of Dream Tour

Eidolon 2

The Additional DMG dealt by the Zone increases to 120% of the original DMG. When the Zone deals Additional DMG, further deals 1 instance(s) of Additional DMG.


Trove of Morning Glow

Eidolon 3

Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.


Peace of Empathy Bond

Eidolon 4

While "Numinosity" lasts, the DMG dealt by all allies ignores 18% of the target's DEF.


Clock of Wonder Origin

Eidolon 5

Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.


Morrow of Star Shine

Eidolon 6

After Tribbie uses Ultimate, launches her Talent's Follow-up ATK against all enemies. The DMG dealt by Talent's Follow-up ATK increases by 729%.

Stats and materials
Level 80
Enable Ascension
Level 80 stats
Level 1 → 80 Ascension Materials
  • Credit
    x 308000
  • Fear-Stomped Flesh
    Fear-Stomped Flesh
    x 15
  • Courage-Torn Chest
    Courage-Torn Chest
    x 15
  • Darkveil Moonlight
    Darkveil Moonlight
    x 65
  • Glory-Aspersed Torso
    Glory-Aspersed Torso
    x 15
Tono Hikaru (远野光)
Cai Shujin (蔡书瑾)
Yeon-ji Bang (방연지)

Tribbie images aren't available yet. They will be added when the character is released.


Pros & Cons

  • HP scaling for damage,

  • Excellent personal damage contribution for a Harmony,

  • Rare and powerful RES PEN buff,

  • Quite SP efficient,

  • Has a consistently activated follow-up attack,

  • Mutual benefits when paired with AoE attackers,

  • Can be slotted into virtually any team comp,

  • Easy to play.


  • High investment to reach maximum damage potential,

  • Soft reliance on AoE characters to fuel her Ultimate more consistently,

  • Wants to be paired with AoE characters to make the most of her damage,

  • Tribios will surely come back one day... right?

Review (By Sushou)

Tribbie is a powerful HP-scaling Harmony character, and a hybrid between a support and an AoE damage dealer. She provides easy access to All-Type RES PEN and DMG Vulnerability. Like Robin, she provides additional utility in directly damaging the enemy whenever allies attack during Tribbie's Ultimate, but Tribbie can inflict the additional damage on all enemies hit, making AoE attacks particularly potent. Tribbie will also automatically launch an AoE follow-up attack whenever allies use their Ultimates, resulting in a very impressive amount of damage contribution, especially for a Harmony character.

My genuine reaction any time a powerful new Harmony character gets released: ‘Hey I’ve seen this one! I’ve seen this one — this is a classic’. Harmony gets another fantastic addition in this patch with Tribbie. Truly this Path is the favourite child, since every new character it’s gotten has been outstanding. With the way she functions, Tribbie is an excellent universal support, and perfectly complements many of the strongest DPS characters.

Tribbie's Basic ATK is a Blast AoE that deals 30% of Tribbie's Max HP to the main target and 15% to adjacent targets. This is the second time a character has had a Blast AoE Basic ATK, the first being Jade. More interestingly, this indicates that Tribbie is a HP-scaler when it comes to dealing damage.

Her Skill will grant the Numinosity buff to herself. While this is active, all ally targets' All-Type RES PEN will be increased by up to 24%. This is one of the higher values of RES PEN we've gotten, and having access to this effect so easily is very strong. The duration of this buff only ticks down on the start of Tribbie's turn, so extremely fast acting units, or ones with self Action Advance, won't need to worry about losing the benefits of Numinosity early.

A reminder that RES PEN is particularly rare and powerful, and is something that becomes more effective against targets with higher resistances. Due to the abundance of more standard damage amplifying effects like ATK% and DMG%, it also means you can eke out slightly more total damage by adding in an undiluted amplification.

Tribbie's Ultimate deals up to 30% Tribbie's Max HP to all enemies and creates a Zone. While the Zone is up, all enemy targets have their DMG Taken increased by up to 30%. Whenever an ally target attacks, for every 1 enemy hit, there will be an additional instance of Quantum DMG equal to 12% of Tribbie's Max HP to the enemy with the highest HP among the targets you hit. The Zone lasts for 2 of Tribbie's turns.

This means if you use an AoE attack and hit 5 enemies, there will be 5 instances of the additional DMG being dealt to the enemy with the highest HP. This allows you to efficiently weaponise AoE attacks against high HP priority targets, something most Erudition units not named Madam Herta struggle to deal with.

With Tribbie herself, due to her innately Blast AoE Basic ATK, you can proc the Ultimate’s effects quite well and you may actually end up being quite surprised by the damage she can end up doing. While the Ultimate Zone only lasts for 2 turns, it only has an Energy cost of 120 for such a strong effect, and Tribbie has plenty of ways to ensure this Ultimate is readily available.

Tribbie's Talent allows her to automatically launch a follow-up attack when other ally characters use their Ultimates, dealing up to 18% Tribbie's Max HP to all enemies on the field. This can be triggered once per character, and using her Ultimate will reset the count for other characters. If the target is defeated before the follow-up attack is done, Tribbie will launch it against new enemy targets entering the field.

This provides Tribbie even more damage, and also maximises the Additional DMG dealt from her Ultimate's Zone, leading to, you guessed it, yet more damage. She really puts the 'Harm' in 'Harmony'. This follow-up contributes some significant Energy towards the next Ultimate usage. It's also quite significant for triggering ally On-hit effects, such as Big Herta's Energy regeneration, or Feixiao's follow-up.

If you're thinking 'but that's not enough damage for my Harmony support character to be dealing', you'll enjoy the Bonus Ability Traces. Tribbie's A2 will increase her DMG% by 72% whenever she uses her Talent's follow-up attack. This is impressive, yes, but what about if it could stack up to 3 times, for a total of a 216% DMG boost? Because it does. This boost lasts for 3 turns, and maintaining this is trivial in practice.

A4 will increase Tribbie's Max HP by 9% of the sum of all ally characters' Max HP for the duration of the Ultimate's Zone. This is a nice albeit small bonus that'll improve Tribbie's DMG output further. Do note that this specifically says 'ally characters' and not 'ally targets', meaning this explicitly does not include Memosprites in the calculation.

Lastly, A6 will provide Tribbie with an additional 30 Energy at the start of combat. Additionally, after other ally targets (now including Memosprites again) attack, Tribbie will recover 1.5 Energy for each target hit. This is absurdly good for Energy generation, and thus it is very important you gain access to this as soon as possible. Hitting 5 enemies grants Tribbie 7.5 Energy, and this Energy is affected by Energy Regeneration Rate.

As for Eidolons, as usual it's not something you need for the character to function, but can be nice to have should you choose to go for them. E1 creates an additional instance of True DMG equal to 24% of the total DMG dealt by this attack to enemies who have been dealt the Additional DMG by the Ultimate's Zone.

It's a very large potential damage increase because it considers the AoE component of the ally attack in the same way as the Zone does; if you hit one enemy, the highest HP foe takes 24% extra True DMG, but if you hit 5 enemies, the highest HP foe takes 120% extra True DMG. The smart-cleave can splash all that extra True DMG onto the boss for a massive gain, so keep in mind this is usually stronger than the description alone lets on.

E2 will increase the Additional DMG of the Zone to 120% of the original, and when the Zone deals Additional DMG, there will be an additional instance of it. E4 will improve Numinosity to also allow allies to ignore 18% of the enemies' DEF when dealing damage. E6 will allow Tribbie to activate her Talent with her own Ultimate, granting an extra follow-up attack per Ultimate, as well as increasing the Talent's follow-up DMG by... let me check my notes... 729%. Yeah.

Tribbie's just kinda good, and she fits in with all the greats we've currently got, and the potential greats we've yet to get. While she doesn't have particularly notable mechanic-altering effects or archetype-enabling functions, her buffs make her an excellent addition to almost any team that just wants more damage (which is most of them).

She specifically benefits teams looking to maximise the number of hits (for the purpose of On-hit effects), or for those looking for extra undiluted damage amplification — the most obvious examples being The Herta and Feixiao, two characters that already get more than enough of the standard DMG% type buffs and that would greatly appreciate the addition of DMG Vulnerability and RES PEN, which Tribbie just so happens to provide.

Even better is that Tribbie is really quite a simple character to play and build around, meaning you don't need to bend over backwards just to gain functionality. Because she is so offensively oriented, your relic stats may be quite different from ordinary Harmony characters, and considerably harder to maximise, but the trade off is worth it when you see what Tribbie can do.

Truly, the only negative to speak of is how Tribbie's unique nature as a damage dealing Harmony makes her investment requirement really rather high; you need to treat the process of building her as though it’s for an actual DPS, meaning good substats and actually getting all the possible Traces as quickly as possible.

In addition to that, Tribbie does specifically favour more AoE-centric teams, as this will maximise the value the team can obtain from her Ultimate. Of course, follow-up teams (mostly Feixiao) are still able to drive potent effects such as Robin's Ultimate, and now also Tribbie's Ultimate, through sheer volume of attacks, but if you’re lacking even that, Tribbie’s Ultimate can become less useful than it ought to be.

Madam Herta isn't the only shining exemplar (even though she is the best example if you ask me), plenty of other AoE driven characters are excellent pairs with Tribbie. Jade, Argenti, and Serval get to double-dip essentially as they are frequently paired with The Herta anyway, so the team as a whole gets to reach unspeakable heights, and the Remembrance Trailblazer is much the same.

Aglaea's teams generally lack the kind of AoE that can really abuse Tribbie's Ultimate, but Aglaea herself becomes so laughably speedy that it doesn't really matter, and Tribbie ends up being a very potent addition to Aglaea's teams also. Tribbie probably isn’t going to be the absolute best-in-slot for Aglaea, but like with Big Herta, Aglaea also appreciates the undiluted buffs that Tribbie can provide.

Perhaps most significant of all is that Tribbie helps to free Robin from quite a few teams; because there is a notable overlap in the way that both Tribbie and Robin provide damage to the party, they are usable in quite a lot of situations. Robin still takes the cake in follow-up teams, and her ability to 100% Action Advance the party is still invaluable, but Tribbie is pretty much the same thing outside of that — perhaps even better, depending on who you ask.

As of the writing of this we know that Mydei will also be a HP-scaling DPS, and it seems like we can expect more of this from Amphoreus characters. There are very few truly good options for characters of that nature, and Tribbie providing strong generic buffs that do not depend on super specific stats is extremely useful. It is uncertain if this trend will continue, but either way Tribbie will be an excellent pickup.

One thing is for certain.

This Path is not beating the favouritism allegations.


Honkai: Star Rail is a game where team building matters most and while our tier list takes the optimal setup into account, a lot of characters can work and do well - even those ranked lower - when you invest into them. Also for story or lower difficulties of Simulated Universe, you don't need to worry about ratings and tiers. You can safely clear that content even with F2P characters as long as you build your team correctly.

Character at 5★ are rated at their Eidolon 0 with their best in slot non-limited Light Cone.

Available ratings:

  • Memory of Chaos (MoC) - how the character performs in the Memory of Chaos. Blast and single target damage are important here while AoE has niche uses against some bosses.
  • Pure Fiction (PF) - how the character performs in the Pure Fiction. AoE is king here, followed by Blast while single target damage is mostly useless.
  • Apocalyptic Shadow (AS) - how the character performs in the Apocalyptic Shadow. Single target and Break is important here.
Support DPS






Build and teams

Best Light Cones
Best Light Cones


Increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 36/42/48/54/60%. After the wearer launches a Follow-up ATK, additionally regenerates 12 Energy and gains "Presage," lasting for 2 turn(s). While the wearer has "Presage," all ally targets' CRIT DMG increases by 48/60/72/84/96%. When entering battle, the wearer regenerates 21 Energy and gains "Presage," lasting for 2 turn(s).

Source: Event Warp (limited)

Best Light Cone for Tribbie in most scenarios. Allows her to use her Ultimate immediately at the start of battle without needing to perform any actions, grants her and her team a huge amount of CRIT DMG amplifying her own damage and her teams considerably and solves her energy problems, allowing her to build more offensive relics.


When the wearer uses their Ultimate, all allies' actions are Advanced Forward by 16/18/20/22/24%

Source: Stellar Warp

An incredibly powerful choice for Tribbie if you don't have her signature, thanks to Tribbie's ability to use her Ultimate in so few actions. As good as this Cone is, it has no energy regeneration. You'll need to focus on ERR on the rest of your gear to make up for that and even then you may miss out on your usual 2 action Ultimates in some cases.

Special Light Cones

Increases the wearer's Break Effect by 28/35/42/49/56%. When the wearer attacks, additionally regenerates 4/5/6/7/8 Energy. This effect can only be triggered 1 time per turn.

Source: Stellar Warp

Solves Tribbie's energy requirements but does little else outside of having reasonable good base stats.

After the wearer uses attacks or gets hit, additionally regenerates 4/5/6/7/8 Energy. This effect can only be triggered 1 time per turn.

Source: Stellar Warp

Like Memories of the Past, fulfills Tribbie's energy needs, but with worse base stats in exchange for extra energy for Tribbie when hit. The extra energy can result in more frequent 1 action Ultimates.

Best Relics

Best Relic Sets show the best sets that support the main character playstyle and work out of the box while the Special Relic Sets either are situational, support an alternative playstyle or are targeted toward min-maxers. The percentage numbers showcase the relative DPS increase when you take into account the set bonus only. For some characters there's no DPS (or its equivalent) available and in that case we listed the sets in the order of priority.

Best Relic Sets



Increases Quantum DMG by 10%.


Decreases the wearer's SPD by 8%. Before entering battle, if the wearer's SPD is less than 110/95, increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 20%/32%. This effect also applies to the wearer's memosprite.

Best damage focused set for Tribbie but forces her into the slow playstyle. This is well worth the trade off, as Tribbie's damage contribution on priority targets in fights is significant and definitely worth investing into.



Increases Max HP by 12%.


When the wearer is hit or has their HP consumed by an ally or themselves, their CRIT Rate increases by 8% for 2 turn(s) and up to 2 stacks.

A viable option for boosting Tribbie's damage output but relies on her losing life consistently throughout combat in order to maintain stacks. In fights with large amounts of AoE or in teams with allies that drain her life this wont be an issue. Not nearly as strong as Poet of Mourning Collapse but a usable alternative as well as being an option for fast Tribbie.



Increases CRIT Rate by 8%.


Increases DMG dealt by Skill and Ultimate by 20%. After using Ultimate, additionally increases the DMG dealt by the next Skill by 25%.


If you can't put together a top recommended 4P set with satisfactory sub/main stats, mix and match the 2P Bonuses from the following instead:

  • Longevous Disciple
    Longevous Disciple
    [HP +12%]
  • Genius of Brilliant Stars
    Genius of Brilliant Stars
    [Quantum DMG +10%]
  • Poet of Mourning Collapse
    Poet of Mourning Collapse
    [Quantum DMG +10%]
  • Messenger Traversing Hackerspace
    Messenger Traversing Hackerspace
    [Speed +6%] (Only for fast Tribbie)
  • Sacerdos' Relived Ordeal
    Sacerdos' Relived Ordeal
    [Speed +6%] (Only for fast Tribbie)
Special Relic Sets


Increases Wind DMG by 10%.


After the wearer uses Ultimate, their action is Advanced Forward by 25%.

Tribbie is capable of using her Ultimate every 2 actions (and under the right circumstances every 1 action) allowing the Wind Set to accelerate Tribbies actions in a fight and is especially strong when paired Dance! Dance! Dance! However, due to speeding her up, Eagle can affect Tribbie's energy breakpoints and ultimate uptimes when not planned around effectively. Using the Eagle set will also cost Tribbie a tremendous amount of her damage output.

Best Planetary Sets



Increases the wearer's Max HP by 12%. When the wearer's Max HP is 5000 or higher, increases the wearer's and their memosprite's CRIT DMG by 28%.

Tribbie can easily satisfy the 5000 HP requirement of this set in most builds and team compositions - and is her best damage focused Planar option. A top pick for Tribbie's not interested in any of the supportive options and who don't need energy recharge.



Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 8%. When the wearer's current CRIT Rate reaches 50% or higher, the wearer's Ultimate and follow-up attack DMG increases by 15%.

While a decent option for Tribbie, it does not affect her additional damage which makes up a large portion of her overall contribution.

The following Planars are all usable and have their own strength and weaknesses when looking for team-based supportive effects.

  • Lushaka, the Sunken Seas
    Lushaka, the Sunken Seas
    - Top option for Supporting a single ATK-scaling DPS, and for its Energy Regen (can't buff Memosprites).
  • Penacony, Land of the Dreams
    Penacony, Land of the Dreams
    - Top option for supporting teams with the same Element as the wearer, and for its Energy Regen.
  • Fleet of the Ageless
    Fleet of the Ageless
    - Ideal for supporting teams that scale on ATK.
Special Planetary Sets


Increases the wearer's Energy Regeneration Rate by 5%. When the wearer's SPD reaches 120 or higher, the wearer's action is Advanced Forward by 40% immediately upon entering battle.

Provides Tribbie energy which she may need, but more importantly grants her an action advance which in combination with enough Speed will allow her to move before most other characters to activate her Ultimate immediately and apply all the benefits of her kit at the start of the fight regardless of her team comp.

Best Stats
Planar Sphere
Quantum DMG
Quantum DMG
Link Rope
Energy Regen
Energy Regen Rate

SPD (Until desired breakpoint and only if playing Fast Tribbie) > CRIT RATE = CRIT DMG > HP%

If you want to learn more about the various stats and breakpoints, expand the section below.

How much Energy Regen Tribbie needs depends on how many enemies she and her team face, how fast she is, and how frequently her allies attack per Ultimates she uses. That is a lot of variables. Tribbie's Ultimate is also the most important part of her kit - keeping it up at all times is the highest priority. As a result of this, how much Energy Regen Tribbie needs boils down to "it depends" - fortunately she has a lot of tools in order to gain a lot of it.

Here is a general guideline to get you started - experiment with adding or taking away energy as you find the need.

Option 1:

  • Energy Recharge Rope

  • Energy Recharge Planar Set

  • Non-Energy Recharge Lightcone

Option 2:

  • HP% Rope

  • Non-Energy Recharge Planar Set

  • Energy Recharge Lightcone

Depending on if you're playing fast or slow Tribbie and how many enemies you're against plus your team's compositions you may need to mix and match parts of Options 1 and 2 to ensure you always have Tribbie's Ultimate active.

Build comments


Recommended endgame stats
  • HP: 4000 - 6000+

  • DEF: 1100 - 1250+

  • CRIT RATE: 80% - 90%+ (In Combat)

  • CRIT DMG: 160% - 180%+

  • Energy Regen: 100% - 124.4%

    • Check the Stats Comments section above for more information.

  • SPD: Base Speed OR 120+

    • Check the Speed Information section below for more information.

Traces priority
Skills priority:

Skill = Ultimate > Talent > Basic

Major Traces priority:

Pebble at Crossroads? (A6) > Lamb Outside the Wall... (A2) > Glass Ball with Wings! (A4)

Speed Information

There are two ways to approach building Tribbie - Slow and Fast - each with its own benefits and issues.

Slow Tribbie

Slow Tribbie takes greater advantage of her Bonus Ability which grants her energy each time allies attack, making hitting her coveted 2 action (and in some cases 1 action) Ultimates much more comfortable/realistic. Slow Tribbie can also build substantially more damage at very little cost, as the majority of her damage stems from additional damage triggers, her Ultimate and Follow-Up attacks none of which are directly tied to her own actions.

This damage comes in the form of easy access to offensive main stats on Relics, no need to use any specific Relic Set or waste sub-stats on Speed/energy. And also being able to use the Poet of Mourning Collapse set which specifically requires the wearer to be at or below 95 Speed at the start of combat.

The downside of Slow Tribbie is that without help she'll need to wait until her entire team acts before using her Ultimate for the first time - this can be solved via her Signature or with a team that can grant her energy via her additional ability or other means.

  • Pros:
    • More Damage.
    • More flexible Relic options.
    • Longer buff duration and as a result more comfortable Energy.
  • Cons:
    • Less actions in a fight, resulting in less attacks and therefore less SP generation and Energy from those attacks.
    • Won't have an Ultimate at the very start of the fight without help from her Signature or her team.
    • Less Ultimates overall in a fight despite similar or better buff uptime.
Fast Tribbie

Fast Tribbie has less damage, more restrictive Relic options and higher energy pressure for her rotation but in exchange is able to use her Ultimate without issue at the very beginning of the fight, granting your team another round of attacks with all of Tribbie's buffs active. There are two ways to achieve this:

  • The first is to build as much Speed on Tribbie as possible in order to outspeed the rest of your team. This will come at the cost of a lot of stats.
  • The other is to build roughly 120 Speed (more or less than this may be ideal depending on the rest of your teams Speed) and equip Sprightly Vonwaq. The combination of this Speed breakpoint plus the Planar's advance will allow Tribbie to leapfrog to the start of the action order.

In both scenarios the primary goal is for Tribbie to move first. Building Fast Tribbie comes at the cost of quite a bit of damage but has some strong supportive benefits and options - especially if you don't have her signature. Her faster Speed and more total Ultimates in a fight synergise very well with the Dance! Dance! Dance! Light Cone and Eagle of Twilight Line relic set.

  • Pros:
    • More actions in a fight resulting in more attacks, SP generation and Energy.
    • Will have access to Ultimate at the very start of the fight without help from her Signature or her team.
    • More Ultimates overall in a fight opening greater synergies with Dance! Dance! Dance! and 4P Eagle.
  • Cons:
    • Less damage.
    • Less Flexible Relic Options.
    • Shorter buff durations mean less time to generate energy from her team.

To sum it up, when deciding between the two playstyles for those with Tribbie's Signature, Slow Tribbie is the best option (unless you plan on abusing Dance! Dance! Dance! and or the 4P Eagle set). Outside of that, if you're fine with Tribbie and your team taking one round of actions to warm up in a fight to gain access to her Ultimate or if you have other ways to grant her the energy she needs for quick access, Slow Tribbie will deal more damage, be more comfortable to build and is more consistent when it comes to buff uptime.

But if you're looking to gain immediate Ultimate access, want to build into using her Ultimate more frequently for Light Cone or Relic benefits, don't have the Poet of Mourning Collapse set that makes Slow Tribbie so strong and or don't mind losing some of her personal damage, Fast Tribbie might be what you're looking for.


Below you can find a list of some of the stronger synergies between this character and others.


The Herta Premium Team

The Herta Budget Team

Aglaea Premium Team

Acheron Premium Team

Jing Yuan Premium Team

Yunli Team

Teams (MoC)

The teams in the section are generated based on the current Memory of Chaos data we have gathered. If you want to see more statistics about the mode, check the MoC/PF/AS Statistics tab.

Rank 23

App. rate: 1.62%

Avg. cycles: 6.03

The Herta

Rank 30

App. rate: 1.3%

Avg. cycles: 7.16

The Herta

Rank 37

App. rate: 1.05%

Avg. cycles: 6.58

The Herta

Rank 42

App. rate: 0.99%

Avg. cycles: 6.46

The Herta

Rank 43

App. rate: 0.96%

Avg. cycles: 7.83

The Herta

Rank 49

App. rate: 0.83%

Avg. cycles: 7.72

The Herta
Fu Xuan

Rank 54

App. rate: 0.77%

Avg. cycles: 6.59

The Herta

Rank 56

App. rate: 0.72%

Avg. cycles: 3.94

The Herta
Trailblazer • Remembrance

Rank 58

App. rate: 0.68%

Avg. cycles: 6.58

The Herta

Rank 64

App. rate: 0.63%

Avg. cycles: 6.52

The Herta
Video guides

MoC/PF/AS Statistics

MoC 3.0 / PF 3.1 / AS 3.1

This section contains information about Tribbie performance in the latest Memory of Chaos cycle (3.0), latest Pure Fiction (3.1) and the latest Apocalyptic Shadow (3.1), and the commonly used Relics and Cones in both modes. The page has been last updated on 24.03.2025.

  • For MoC the data below is based on 20771 accounts (9921 random we have scanned and 10850 self-reported).
  • For PF the data below is based on 17153 accounts (7887 random we have scanned and 9266 self-reported).
  • For AS the data below is based on 18809 accounts (8804 random we have scanned and 10005 self-reported).

If you want to share your clear information with us, you simply need to fill the form below and provide us with your UID and make your Hoyo profile public - we will automatically parse the MoC/PF clear information from your profile after that!

MoC/PF/AS Stats Form
Usage rate (MoC 12)

Characters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Memory of Chaos by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.

Usage rate (PF 4)

Characters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Pure Fiction by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.

Usage rate (AS 4)

Characters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Apocalyptic Shadow by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.

Common partners (MoC 12)

This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Tribbie in the current phase of Memory of Chaos.

Common partners (PF)

This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Tribbie in the current phase of Pure Fiction.

Common partners (AS)

This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Tribbie in the current phase of Apocalyptic Shadow.


Eidolons data comes from players we have scanned who used Tribbie in the current MoC cycle (3786), in the current PF cycle (8511) or in the current AS cycle (6412) and had the character placed in their Profile. Use the switcher below to show Tribbie Eidolon performance in the endgame modes (Default MoC) - the percentage doesn't change as it takes into account all modes already.

Change mode:





6.77 cyc.

Eidolon 0


4.05 cyc.

While the Zone lasts and after ally targets attack enemies, additionally deals True DMG equal to 24% of the total DMG of this attack to targets that have been dealt Additional DMG by the Zone.


3.41 cyc.

The Additional DMG dealt by the Zone increases to 120% of the original DMG. When the Zone deals Additional DMG, further deals 1 instance(s) of Additional DMG.


1 cyc.

Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.


1.86 cyc.

While "Numinosity" lasts, the DMG dealt by all allies ignores 18% of the target's DEF.


99.99 cyc.

Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.


0.12 cyc.

After Tribbie uses Ultimate, launches her Talent's Follow-up ATK against all enemies. The DMG dealt by Talent's Follow-up ATK increases by 729%.

Light Cones

Light Cones are ranked with usage rate among the players we have scanned who used Tribbie in the current MoC cycle (3786), in the current PF cycle (8511) or in the current AS cycle (6412) and had the character placed in their Profile. Use the switcher below to show Tribbie Light Cones performance in the endgame modes (Default MoC) - the percentage doesn't change as it takes into account all modes already.

Change mode:





6.67 cyc.

When the wearer uses their Ultimate, all allies' actions are Advanced Forward by 16/18/20/22/24%

Source: Stellar Warp


6.76 cyc.

Increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 36/42/48/54/60%. After the wearer launches a Follow-up ATK, additionally regenerates 12 Energy and gains "Presage," lasting for 2 turn(s). While the wearer has "Presage," all ally targets' CRIT DMG increases by 48/60/72/84/96%. When entering battle, the wearer regenerates 21 Energy and gains "Presage," lasting for 2 turn(s).

Source: Event Warp (limited)


7.21 cyc.

After the wearer uses attacks or gets hit, additionally regenerates 4/5/6/7/8 Energy. This effect can only be triggered 1 time per turn.

Source: Stellar Warp


7.25 cyc.

Increases the wearer's Break Effect by 28/35/42/49/56%. When the wearer attacks, additionally regenerates 4/5/6/7/8 Energy. This effect can only be triggered 1 time per turn.

Source: Stellar Warp


6.62 cyc.

Increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 32/39/46/52/60%. At the start of the battle, the wearer gains Mask, lasting for 3 turn(s). While the wearer has Mask, the wearer's allies have their CRIT Rate increased by 10/11/12/13/14% and their CRIT DMG increased by 28/35/42/49/56%. For every 1 Skill Point the wearer recovers (including Skill Points that exceed the limit), they gain 1 stack of Radiant Flame. And when the wearer has 4 stacks of Radiant Flame, all the stacks are removed, and they gain Mask, lasting for 4 turn(s).

Source: Event Warp (limited)


7.19 cyc.

Increases the wearer's Energy Regeneration Rate by 10/12/14/16/18% and regenerates 1 Skill Point when the wearer uses their Ultimate on an ally. This effect can be triggered after every 2 uses of the wearer's Ultimate. When the wearer uses their Skill, the next ally taking action (except the wearer) deals 30/35/40/45/50% more DMG for 1 turn(s).

Source: Stellar Warp


7.78 cyc.

At the start of the battle and whenever the wearer's turn begins, one of the following effects is applied randomly: All allies' ATK increases by 10/12.5/15/17.5/20%, all allies' CRIT DMG increases by 12/15/18/21/24%, or all allies' Energy Regeneration Rate increases by 6/7.5/9/10.5/12%. The applied effect cannot be identical to the last effect applied, and will replace the previous effect. The applied effect will be removed when the wearer has been knocked down. Effects of the similar type cannot be stacked.

Source: Nameless Glory


6.5 cyc.

Increases the wearer's ATK by 16/20/24/28/32%. Upon entering battle, if two or more characters follow the same Path, then these characters' CRIT DMG increases by 16/20/24/28/32%. Abilities of the same type cannot stack.

Source: Event Warp (limited)


2 cyc.

Increases the wearer's Break Effect by 60/70/80/90/100%. After the wearer uses their Ultimate, increases all allies' DMG by 24/28/32/36/40%, lasting for 3 turns. Should the wearer's Break Effect exceed or equal 150%, 1 Skill Point will be recovered. At the start of each wave, immediately regenerates 10/12.5/15/17.5/20 Energy for all allies. Effects of the same type cannot stack.

Source: Event Warp (limited)


99.99 cyc.

After the wearer uses a Basic ATK, Skill, or Ultimate, all allies gain Childishness, which increases the DMG dealt by the corresponding ability they used by 12/14/16/18/20%. Childishness only takes effect with the most recent ability used by the wearer and cannot be stacked.

Source: Forgotten Hall Store

Relic Sets

Relic Sets are ranked with usage rate among the players we have scanned who used Tribbie in the current MoC cycle (3786), in the current PF cycle (8511) or in the current AS cycle (6412) and had the character placed in their Profile. The results are limited to top 5 combinations. Flex means 2 random Relic pieces that don't combine into a Set.

Relic Sets



Increases Quantum DMG by 10%.


Decreases the wearer's SPD by 8%. Before entering battle, if the wearer's SPD is less than 110/95, increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 20%/32%. This effect also applies to the wearer's memosprite.



Increases Wind DMG by 10%.


After the wearer uses Ultimate, their action is Advanced Forward by 25%.



Increases Quantum DMG by 10%.


When the wearer deals DMG to the target enemy, ignores 10% DEF. If the target enemy has Quantum Weakness, the wearer additionally ignores 10% DEF.



Increases Max HP by 12%.


When the wearer is hit or has their HP consumed by an ally or themselves, their CRIT Rate increases by 8% for 2 turn(s) and up to 2 stacks.



Increases SPD by 6%.


When the wearer uses their Ultimate on an ally, SPD for all allies increases by 12% for 1 turn(s). This effect cannot be stacked.


Increases SPD by 6%.


When using Skill or Ultimate on one ally target, increases the ability target's CRIT DMG by 18%, lasting for 2 turn(s). This effect can stack up to 2 time(s).

Planetary Sets



Increases the wearer's Max HP by 12%. When the wearer's Max HP is 5000 or higher, increases the wearer's and their memosprite's CRIT DMG by 28%.



Increases the wearer's Energy Regeneration Rate by 5%. If the wearer is not the first character in the team lineup, then increase the ATK of the first character in the team lineup by 12%.



Increases the wearer's Energy Regeneration Rate by 5%. When the wearer's SPD reaches 120 or higher, the wearer's action is Advanced Forward by 40% immediately upon entering battle.



Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 8%. When the wearer's current CRIT Rate reaches 50% or higher, the wearer's Ultimate and follow-up attack DMG increases by 15%.



Increases the wearer's Effect RES by 10%. When the wearer's Effect RES is at 30% or higher, all allies' CRIT DMG increases by 10%.

Relic Stats

Relic Stats are shown based on the Relics used by the players we have scanned who used Tribbie in the current MoC cycle (3786), in the current PF cycle (8511) or in the current AS cycle (6412) and had the character placed in their Profile.

Main stats
- 50.49%
- 46.21%
- 3.09%
- 86.51%
- 12.87%
- 0.32%
Planar Sphere
- 85.71%
Quantum DMG
Quantum DMG
- 13.41%
- 0.21%
Link Rope
Energy Regen
Energy Regen Rate
- 79.26%
- 20.35%
- 0.24%
Average stats
Average stats
- 5433.17
- 1495.85
- 1364.35
- 90.56
- 59.66%
- 186.19%
Quantum DMG
Quantum DMG
- 13.85%
Energy Regen
Energy Regen Rate
- 16.73%
Effect RES
Effect RES
- 10.39%
Effect HIT Rate
Effect HIT Rate
- 8.21%
Break Effect
Break Effect
- 15.99%
Average sub stats
Average sub stats
- 17.01%
- 12.85%
- 15.96%
- 2
- 27.57%
- 55.96%
Effect RES
Effect RES
- 10.39%
Effect HIT Rate
Effect HIT Rate
- 8.21%
Break Effect
Break Effect
- 14.83%
Other stats
Average stats
Character level - 79.99
Light Cone level - 79.57
Basic level - 4.68
Skill level - 9.91
Ultimate level - 9.93
Talent level - 9.54


  • All Tribbie calculations presented below are her own personal damage not including any teammates or buffs. Only use these calculations to determine how much more damage your Tribbie will be doing not her impact on teams. For more info refer to the notes below.
  • Additional notes for Eidolons:
    • E1: Tribbie's Eidolon 1 provides a 24% total damage amplification for the whole team (assuming you have no other sources of True Damage), making it more valuable than other Eidolons that just focus on her own damage. With that said, its value is actually much higher than a simple 24% as it funnels all True damage calculated from all enemies toward one target, making it extremely potent in fights with a single strong enemy and many smaller enemies. A lot of the most frequent end-game bosses in Star Rail have huge HP pools and constantly summon ads until they die - in these scenarios this Eidolon is far more powerful than simply a 24% damage boost. This being a team-wide buff and in a lot of situations far more powerful than meets the eye, makes this Tribbies best Eidolon despite how little it increases her own damage compared to others.
    • E2: Tribbie's E2 is the opposite of her E1 - it only affects herself and not her team making it comparatively weaker when factoring in the rest of her allies. In addition to this her E2 gets weaker the more enemies she is against, as the additional trigger of her Ultimate it grants becomes less and less impactful. Against 1 target E2 double the amount of triggers, against 3 it's 33% more and against 5 it's only 20% more. E2 is still a good personal damage boost for Tribbie, but in the content she's best at it loses quite a bit of value.
    • E6: Like Tribbie's E2, her E6 is another personal damage boost making it less valuable compared to her E1 and other team-wide boosting effects when factoring in her allies. Also of note is the fact that her E6 becomes stronger the more frequently you can use her Ultimate. If you're able to occasionally achieve 1 action Ultimates with Tribbie, this Eidolon will perform above its listing here as you'll gain significantly more boosted Follow-Up attacks, improving its overall value.


  • Combat is simulated at 5 cycles of in-game time or 550 Action Points,
  • Units are considered to gain 5 additional energy per rotation through combat (taking a hit, killing an enemy or through party members and their Light Cone),
  • Characters and Light Cones are calculated at maximum output starting battle with ramp time removed from stacking buffs (intended to give a constant evaluation of power not dependant on length of fight that can be used to assess maximum power). Additional information about loss of damage due to ramp time can be round attached to related Light Cones, relics and characters,
  • Character rotations are smoothed removing breakpoints relating to Speed and Energy (finishing a fight with 90% energy full or 2 AV off next ability leading to skewed results).


  • Enemies are considered to always have a Break Bar resulting in units all doing 90% of real damage,
  • Enemies speed is set to 134,
  • Enemies are assumed to be at 100% of HP at start of battle and to die at exactly at the end of combat. Which means halfway through the fight they are at 50% HP,
  • Enemies are assumed to have 0 Resistance,
  • Enemies are always considered vulnerable to the attackers element,
  • Enemies are considered level 95 and with DEF included.


  • All units are level 80,
  • Traces are all unlocked, skills at Level 10 and Basic at Level 6,
  • All units have fully upgraded 5 star relics with 24 desired sub stats out of a possible 54,
  • All units use their Best In Slot 2 and 4 piece sets,
  • All units use Light Cones that are realistically obtainable by all players (including those in Herta and FH Stores and Battle Pass),
    • Because the Herta Store and farmable Light Cones are easily accessible to playerbase, we are simulating them at Superimposition 5.
Tribbie [1 target]
If Time Were a Flower
2,677,500 dmg529%
Dance! Dance! Dance!
1,923,365 dmg380%
If Time Were a Flower
2,069,852 dmg409%
Dance! Dance! Dance!
1,486,865 dmg294%
If Time Were a Flower
2,016,424 dmg398%
Dance! Dance! Dance!
1,448,485 dmg286%
If Time Were a Flower
1,822,285 dmg360%
Dance! Dance! Dance!
1,309,026 dmg259%
If Time Were a Flower
1,630,600 dmg322%
Dance! Dance! Dance!
1,171,330 dmg231%
If Time Were a Flower
873,535 dmg173%
Dance! Dance! Dance!
627,498 dmg124%
If Time Were a Flower
704,464 dmg139%
Dance! Dance! Dance!
506,047 dmg100%
Tribbie [3 targets]
If Time Were a Flower
5,934,488 dmg425%
Dance! Dance! Dance!
4,263,000 dmg305%
If Time Were a Flower
4,280,511 dmg306%
Dance! Dance! Dance!
3,074,877 dmg220%
If Time Were a Flower
4,156,854 dmg297%
Dance! Dance! Dance!
2,986,048 dmg214%
If Time Were a Flower
3,756,636 dmg269%
Dance! Dance! Dance!
2,698,554 dmg193%
If Time Were a Flower
3,372,124 dmg241%
Dance! Dance! Dance!
2,422,343 dmg173%
If Time Were a Flower
2,412,622 dmg173%
Dance! Dance! Dance!
1,733,091 dmg124%
If Time Were a Flower
1,945,663 dmg139%
Dance! Dance! Dance!
1,397,654 dmg100%
Tribbie [5 targets]
If Time Were a Flower
8,762,016 dmg415%
Dance! Dance! Dance!
6,294,136 dmg298%
If Time Were a Flower
6,061,710 dmg287%
Dance! Dance! Dance!
4,354,390 dmg206%
If Time Were a Flower
5,875,978 dmg278%
Dance! Dance! Dance!
4,220,970 dmg200%
If Time Were a Flower
5,310,244 dmg251%
Dance! Dance! Dance!
3,814,579 dmg181%
If Time Were a Flower
4,775,327 dmg226%
Dance! Dance! Dance!
3,430,325 dmg162%
If Time Were a Flower
3,646,664 dmg173%
Dance! Dance! Dance!
2,619,557 dmg124%
If Time Were a Flower
2,940,858 dmg139%
Dance! Dance! Dance!
2,112,546 dmg100%
Relic Set


Increases Quantum DMG by 10%.


Decreases the wearer's SPD by 8%. Before entering battle, if the wearer's SPD is less than 110/95, increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 20%/32%. This effect also applies to the wearer's memosprite.

Planetary Sets


Increases the wearer's Max HP by 12%. When the wearer's Max HP is 5000 or higher, increases the wearer's and their memosprite's CRIT DMG by 28%.

Relic Stats
Planar Sphere
Link Rope
Energy Regen
Energy Regen Rate

The Signature Light Cone uses HP% Rope while DDD uses ER Rope.


CRIT Rate (40.8%), CRIT DMG (88.2%)