If you haven’t checked our previous guide about Anomaly Interception, make sure to drop a view
For today, we will start with the most famous boss: Kraken (because it drops Custom Modules)
Kraken is an Iron boss that is weak against Wind-code Nikkes, and when you pass a certain stage, the reward (mostly Custom Modules) will increase. The rewards are:
Stage | Reward |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
As you noticed, there are a few good checkpoints here:
- Stage 3: Better % drop Custom Module than 2 previous stages.
- Stage 6: Not only the % drop increases, but also the amount of CM can drop is increased up to 3.
- Stage 7: Max reward
We know that Kraken is a Wind-weak Rapture, that’s why we should use Wind-DPS here with as high Elemental Damage as possible (unless your Wind-dps are not invested enough). However, the fact is that we are forced to bring a wind unit against Kraken because of their being a QTE (red circles that you need to destroy before time runs out) which only Wind Code Nikkes can hit. The following are the ideal Wind DPS units to use:
Scarlet: Black Shadow: The goat of all Wind DPS. Your Kraken run will be so much more comfortable if you have a good SBS in hand.
Sakura: Bloom in Summer: If you by chance have a well built Summer Sakura, then don’t hesitate and put her in the team. She's an auto friendly Nikke (Assault Rifle) and Kraken spawns a lot of parts for Sakura to repeatedly trigger her D.o.T.
Alice: She deals good damage (should be one third of peak SBS), but her role in the team is mostly buffing SBS’s damage by 30%.
Red Hood: She is always a good choice for when you lack any meta DPS. If you do not have any other meta DPS, use Red Hood. In the teams mentioned below, if you do not have the mentioned built properly or do not have the unit at all, just use Red Hood!
Noir: People remember Noir for 2 things, and we will add the third one! A strong Shotgun DPS for Wind weak, and she can perform well solo, not like her little sister.
Guilty: She’s also a decent DPS, and people have run her against Wind-weak Rapture before. Not as great as the other 3 but usable.
D: Don’t get us wrong, D is actually insane here due to her insanely high amount of Ele self buff. We even saw some run in Elysion tower clearing Modernia (Wind-weak). Problem is, we don’t think many people invest in D, and if you have SBS, you mostly won’t need D to reach Stage 7 anyway. But hey, your resources, your choice.
Here are some example teams you can try:
Team #1: SBS Center
The funneling SBS team, also the most used one against Kraken currently. It has healing, shield, and insane DPS. The only problems of this team are: Naga is Electric (which she will receive extra damage from Kraken) and Alice is kinda required to fast tap to maximize her damage. You can run her on auto, it’s fine. Her damage is not the main factor this time.
Team #2: The Green Deal
There are a bunch of Nikke players who run this team instead of the above one. It has no healing so you may need to dodge some damage once or twice (depending on Crown’s shield). Because Sakura can farm a lot of parts, her damage is pretty solid. Alice is there to buff SBS so you don’t burst with her. You can also try Noir instead of Alice if your Noir has enough elemental, so she can make up for 30% DPS loss from SBS. You may also try out RedHood over S.Sakura if you happened to miss out on her limited banner.
Team #3: The Pilgrim-less
This is for people who fail to roll SBS and Crown (which are all Pilgrims and to hell with their abysmal rate), you can try this team. The main burst 3 users should be S.Sakura and D, with the support of Noir (because her burst deals nothing).
Team #4: I’m the wind that’s coming
Featuring NO LIMITED OR PILGRIMS Nikkes. The damage dealers will be D and Guilty, with the help of Noir. It’s not great, but it’s not terrible either. Blanc should keep your team so healthy that you can turn on auto most of the time (and make sure you break the QTE). D with her part damage buff for all attackers will melt those tentacles very fast.
Team #5: Bring in the Shotguns
Another team with no Limited or Pilgrim Nikkes. Wind has 2 decent SGs in Noir and Guilty, which may be used against Kraken if you have them built enough. Guilty also keeps up Tove’s ATK buff stacks on Wind allies, and Noir’s hit rate buffs help a lot with core hits on the ever-exposed core of Kraken.
Unleash the Kraken
Now you have your team, it’s time to fight Kraken. Kraken HP is verified by some top players who managed to kill it (and achieve the title: Prince of the sea)
Stage | Damage requirement |
1 | 0 ~ 178,000,000 |
2 | 178,000,001 ~ 475,000,000 |
3 | 475,000,001 ~ 890,000,000 |
4 | 890,000,001 ~ 1,364,000,000 |
5 | 1,364,000,001 ~ 2,194,000,000 |
6 | 2,194,000,001 ~ 3,382,000,000 |
7 | 3,023,000,001 ~ 4,500,000,000 |
8 | 3,853,000,001 ~ 5,394,000,000 |
9 | 5,394,000,001+ |
Phase I

Phase 1 of Kraken will have some mechanics you should notice. Which are
- Destroy 2 back tentacles as fast as you can. They have very little HP, but if they survive long enough, they will spawn yellow drills which hurt your Nikke.
- The front tentacle is extremely tanky, and you should deal with it as much as you can. Because if they are not broken, Kraken will hit all 5 Nikkes, and it pierces through cover. The damage is not that high, except Naga will die very quickly

- Notice that the front Tentacle has an exposed core, try to aim it for even more damage (because SBS can’t pierce so she can only hit core during phase 1 through those tentacles).
Tips: if you are on PC, turning off this setting will make the cursor not sync with crosshair. To move the crosshair, you will have to click and drag it instead. In exchange, your crosshair will be super sticky to the target, which is a strategy top players always use to deal with wiggle enemies (Indivilla for example). You won’t miss those core shots anymore.

After you have destroyed 2 front Tentacles (or they expire after beating you), Kraken will start charging Whirlwind like this.

Make sure to cover your Nikke if Crown shield is expired/lost, or you don’t have Tia/Crown at all. The damage can be serious, and even lethal to Naga.
After this attack, Kraken will summon Elemental Shield. Only Wind-code Nikke can break those circles, so control SBS to break them manually, or if you are in Full Burst, just aim those circles.

After 4 Front Tentacles are destroyed (or expired), Kraken will enrage and reach phase II.
Phase II

The core is now exposed so SBS will deal a lot of damage here. A few mechanics you should take notes:
- Front tentacles will now have low HP too, but they will attack sooner. Make sure to destroy it asap, or your Naga is gone.
- You will reach a QTE check before phase 2, and it has fail-cancel ring, so cover everyone, and only control 1 Nikke to break circles (try not using Shotgun, the spread is big so it may break fail-cancel rings instead)

Failing this phase will end up in a wipe, so in case you fail, retry fast or your run is ruined.
In phase 2, the rhythm goes like:
Kraken summons 2 back tentacles + 1 front. When all are destroyed, it respawns the 3 tentacles. This scenario repeats a total of 4 times (4 front Tentacles + 8 back tentacles) before it summons Elemental shield.

After the shield is gone, it will charge the whirlwind again. Duck or bye Naga.

After this attack, the pattern goes back to spawn 4 Front Tentacles + 8 Back Tentacles => Elemental shield => Whirlwind till the end.
Tips: Knowing that ONLY AFTER 4 Front Tentacles are destroyed, Kraken will summon elemental shield, you can purposely DELAY the destroying of front tentacles (but don’t take too long, if it attacks it hurts so bad) to make sure most of Alice’s burst is within the non elemental shield period (Because she will deal no damage during the shield), and SBS’s burst is within E-shield.
Well, Kraken is not a heavy mechanic boss. It ’s more about how many core shots you can land, and how much % Elemental Damage you have. We hope you can enjoy the 10 rock drops everyday, Prince of the Sea!