Honkai: Star RailDr. RatioBest build, teams and other guides


Dr. Ratio is a 5 character from the Imaginary element who follows the Path of Hunt.

A candid and self-centered Intelligentsia Guild member, who often conceals his appearance with a strange plaster sculpture. He demonstrated unparalleled intelligence and talent since his youth, but now refers to himself as a "Mundanite." He firmly believes that intellect and creativity are not confined to geniuses. He seeks to distribute knowledge to the entire universe to cure the persistent disease named ignorance.

To learn more about Dr. Ratio check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for - kit, traces, review or build guides.

Video guide

Dr. Ratio has at least one video guide available, so if you prefer this sort of medium to learn more about a character, check it out:

Update tracker

Last review update

Patch 3.0

Last major build/calcs update

Patch 3.0

Last profile update*

January 25th, 2025

*Profile update means smaller edits to relics, stats, synergies or teams that don't require new calculations.

To learn more about Dr. Ratio check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for - kit, traces, review or build guides.



Build and teams

MoC/PF/AS Statistics



Basic ATK

Mind is Might

Single Target

Lv. 1

Energy gain: 20

Break: 10

Deals Imaginary DMG equal to #1[i]% of Dr. Ratio's ATK to a single target enemy.

Intellectual Midwifery

Single Target

Lv. 1

Energy gain: 30

Break: 20

Deals Imaginary DMG equal to #1[i]% of Dr. Ratio's ATK to a single target enemy.

Syllogistic Paradox

Single Target | 140 energy cost

Lv. 1

Energy gain: 5

Break: 30

Deals Imaginary DMG equal to #1[i]% of Dr. Ratio's ATK to a single target enemy and applies Wiseman's Folly. When Dr. Ratio's allies attack a target afflicted with Wiseman's Folly, Dr. Ratio launches his Talent's follow-up attack for 1 time against this target. Wiseman's Folly can be triggered for up to #2[i] times and only affects the most recent target of Dr. Ratio's Ultimate. This trigger count resets after Dr. Ratio's Ultimate is used.

Cogito, Ergo Sum

Single Target

Lv. 1

Energy gain: 5

Break: 10

When using his Skill, Dr. Ratio has a #2[i]% fixed chance of launching a follow-up attack against his target for 1 time, dealing Imaginary DMG equal to #1[i]% of Dr. Ratio's ATK. For each debuff the target enemy has, the fixed chance of launching follow-up attack increases by #3[i]%. If the target enemy is defeated before the follow-up attack triggers, the follow-up attack will be directed at a single random enemy instead.

Mold of Idolatry


Energy gain: 0

Break: -

After using Technique, creates a special dimension that Taunts nearby enemies, lasting for #1[i] second(s). After entering battle with enemies in this special dimension, there is a #2[i]% base chance to reduce each single enemy target's SPD by #3[i]% for #4[i] turn(s). Only 1 dimension created by allies can exist at the same time.
Major Traces
A2Major trace


When Dr. Ratio uses his Skill, for every debuff on the target, his CRIT Rate increases by 2.5% and CRIT DMG by 5%. This effect can stack up to 6 time(s).
A4Major trace


When Skill is used to attack an enemy target, there is a 100% base chance to reduce the attacked target's Effect RES by 10% for 2 turn(s).
A6Major trace


When dealing DMG to a target that has 3 or more debuff(s), for each debuff the target has, the DMG dealt by Dr. Ratio to this target increases by 10%, up to a maximum increase of 50%.
Minor Traces (total)

Pride Comes Before a Fall

Eidolon 1

The maximum stackable count for the Trace "Summation" increases by 4. When a battle begins, immediately obtains 4 stacks of Summation. Needs to unlock Summation first.


The Divine Is in the Details

Eidolon 2

When his Talent's follow-up attack hits a target, for every debuff the target has, additionally deals Imaginary Additional DMG equal to 20% of Dr. Ratio's ATK. This effect can be triggered for a maximum of 4 time(s) during each follow-up attack.


Know Thyself

Eidolon 3

Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.


Ignorance Is Blight

Eidolon 4

When triggering the Talent, additionally regenerates 15 Energy for Dr. Ratio.


Sic Itur Ad Astra

Eidolon 5

Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.


Vincit Omnia Veritas

Eidolon 6

Increases the trigger count for Wiseman's Folly by 1. The DMG dealt by the Talent's follow-up attack increases by 50%.

Stats and materials
Level 80
Enable Ascension
Level 80 stats
Level 1 → 80 Ascension Materials
  • Credit
    x 308000
  • Thief's Instinct
    Thief's Instinct
    x 15
  • Usurper's Scheme
    Usurper's Scheme
    x 15
  • Suppressing Edict
    Suppressing Edict
    x 65
  • Conqueror's Will
    Conqueror's Will
    x 15
Jordan Paul Haro
武内駿輔 (Takeuchi Shunsuke)
桑毓泽 (Sang Yuze)
이동훈 (Lee Donghoon)


Pros & Cons

  • Great single-target damage damage when ramped up,

  • Follow-ups give absurd amounts of Toughness damage and great Energy economy,

  • Stat monster that can reach ridiculous CRIT values,

  • Many powerful relic options to choose from,

  • Imaginary Breaks greatly assist in keeping the team alive,

  • Some limited potential to deal with multiple targets.


  • Needs ramp-up time to reach his potential,

  • Requires at least 3 debuffs on targets for consistent follow-ups,

  • Signature Light Cone notably outperforms all other current options,

  • Outside of his slight multi-target capabilities when killing enemies, he’s still ultimately a single-target unit.

Review (By Sushou)

Dr. Ratio is a very powerful single-target damage dealer that was given out for free to all players from 1.6 to until the start of 2.1. He specialises in dealing damage through follow-ups and accumulating permanent CRIT buffs in combat. He also benefits noticeably from attacking debuffed enemies, guaranteeing his follow-up at 3 debuffs and receiving a DMG bonus per stack, maxing out at 5 debuffs. The ways he can use his follow-up attack both provide more Energy over time than other characters and can somewhat alleviate the usual inherent weakness of Hunt characters.

The abrasive meme-lord with a heart of gold, Dr. Veritas Ratio finally graces us with his presence. Giving us the ability to play him early with a Trial version taught us much about his capabilities, and now that he’s here for real, it’s fairly apparent that he was actually holding out on us.

Before going into the usual breakdown, some important information first. Since debuffs are very important for Dr. Ratio’s kit, you should know what exactly constitutes a debuff in this game. The rule is this: if a Status Effect features a small red arrow pointing downwards, this is considered a debuff. If you are in doubt, you can inspect the Enemy Details window in combat and the Status Summary at the bottom will explicitly state how many debuffs they are currently afflicted with. If you don’t read this paragraph, you forfeit the right to complain later when you discover Hanya’s Burden isn’t a debuff.

Dr. Ratio’s Skill is a standard single-target Skill, dealing up to 150% of his ATK to a single enemy. This may initially seem rather low but this Skill works in tandem with his Talent as well as his Bonus Ability Traces, leading to far greater damage numbers for the meagre cost of 1 Skill Point.

His Talent is his main source of damage. When using his Skill, he has a 40% fixed chance to launch a follow-up attack against his target, dealing up to an impressive 270% ATK. Each debuff the target of his Skill is affected by will increase the fixed chance of this follow-up occurring by 20%. This means that if the targeted enemy has at least 3 debuffs on them, Dr. Ratio will always follow a Skill usage with a Talent follow-up, dealing a combined 420% ATK to a single enemy. Very dank, and very strong.

It should be noted that if his Skill defeats the target before the follow-up can be launched, Ratio will launch it anyway against a random other enemy. This prevents much of the value from being lost due to an early enemy death, but more importantly it helps to alleviate the natural downside of the Path of The Hunt, namely that they are exclusively single-target focused. In a similar sort of vein as Seele can use lesser enemies to bolster her offence, Ratio can pick off smaller foes and weakened stragglers and still deal damage against the remaining foes; with an upfront damage multiplier of 150% on his Skill, it is not unreasonable to expect this to deal with trash adds outright with proper setup.

Dr. Ratio’s Ultimate deals up to 240% ATK to a single enemy and applies a status effect called Wiseman’s Folly (it's not a debuff). Whenever allies attack a target with Wiseman’s Folly, Dr. Ratio will automatically launch a follow-up attack against them out of turn. This can happen 2 times before the status effect is automatically removed. This lasts indefinitely unless the afflicted enemy dies or until the trigger count is met.

This Ultimate allows Ratio to deal even more damage outside of his turn and use buffs even more efficiently. There is however an issue with this Ultimate, and that is that the debuff is removed when the enemy dies. It does not hop like Topaz’s Proof of Debt, meaning if an enemy dies before the trigger count is met for Ratio’s Ultimate, he completely loses the effects of the Ultimate. Given that this admittedly strong Ultimate has a steep cost of 140 Energy, losing its effects is miserable to have happen even if you’ve already gotten one follow-up off. Mostly if this happens, sorry, it’s a skill issue. This should only ever naturally occur at the very end of combat when it doesn’t matter anymore.

Another important thing to note is that because of the amount of follow-ups Ratio throws, his Energy economy is actually surprisingly good since each Talent follow-up gives 5 Energy; assuming you’re attacking an enemy with at least 3 debuffs, his Skill gives 35 Energy per cast, and his Ultimate provides 10 additional Energy once the Wiseman’s Folly follow-ups have been expended. The amount of follow-ups also contributes to a very impressive amount of overall Toughness damage, with each one dealing 30 Toughness damage, the same as a typical Basic ATK. Combining with his Skill again, each one of his turns he will be dealing 90 Toughness damage, the equivalent of all single-target Ultimates besides Xueyi’s.

Dr. Ratio’s Bonus Ability Traces provide some very powerful additional effects. A2 will provide permanent stacks of 2.5% CRIT Rate and 5% CRIT DMG whenever he uses his Skill against a debuffed enemy. The number of stacks he gets depends on the number of debuffs the enemy has on them, and he can have up to 6 stacks in total, granting 15% CRIT Rate and 30% CRIT DMG. This passive has sparked some confusion due to its wording, so to be as clear as possible, the bonuses do not need to be obtained concurrently; if an enemy has only 3 debuffs on them, you will gain the full 6 stacks after two Skill uses against them; if they only have 2, you will need three Skill uses to get the 6 stacks.

His A4 gives his Skill a 100% base chance to reduce the target’s Effect RES by 10% for 2 turns, giving Ratio an inherent debuff to apply to enemies. This debuff also becomes easier to maintain on enemies after its initial application due to the Effect RES reduction it provides. This also means teammates only need to provide 2 additional debuffs to meet the 100% follow-up chance on Skill use from his Talent. Do note that this debuff is only applied after the follow-up check occurs, meaning if you’re relying on this as your 3rd debuff, your first follow-up won’t have a 100% fixed chance to happen.

A6 will grant Ratio a DMG% buff for attacking debuffed enemies. This effect starts functioning at 3 debuffs and maxes out at 5, providing 10% DMG dealt for each debuff. This means that having 5 debuffs will give him a bonus 50% DMG dealt against the target with a 100% fixed chance to throw follow-ups on Skill uses, resulting in colossal damage output, but so long as you can meet the 3 debuff threshold for his Talent, 30% DMG dealt is perfectly acceptable as well. 100% chance for his follow-up is the most important milestone to reach, so don’t bend over backwards going for 5 debuffs if the team can’t attain it or if it’d result in a worse team composition.

Dr. Ratio also gets 12% CRIT Rate from his Minor Traces as well as 28% ATK. ‘Why are you mentioning ATK Traces?’ Because, as of the time of writing this, Dr. Ratio has the absolute highest Base ATK value in the game of 776, meaning ATK% bonuses will have a more noticeable impact on his overall ATK rating (it's actually funny how this is still true in 2.5 - nearly 8 months after his release).

Dr. Ratio’s Eidolons are downright silly. Absolutely none of them are necessary in any way. Ratio is immaculate by default, at E0. However, for those… ‘Driven’ few who will pursue his Eidolons, you may see actual oneshots. E1 allows A6 CRIT buffs to stack to 10, E2 causes his follow-up to deal 20% additional ATK damage per debuff against debuffed enemies, up to an 80% ATK bonus per follow-up, E4 basically refills Ratio’s Energy bar in mere moments by giving 15 Energy back per follow-up, and E6 increases the number of Ultimate triggers to 3 while also increasing the DMG dealt by the follow-up by a massive 50%.

As you can no doubt tell from what’s been said already, a very significant portion of Ratio’s total damage comes from his follow-up attack, but even more than that, it’s a majority of his damage. If you are unable to meet the minimum requirements of 3 debuffs to activate his follow-up attack, you will haemorrhage damage. There are only benefits to reap by meeting this baseline as it unlocks all the aforementioned great parts of his kit: his overall damage throughput, his remarkable Energy economy and Toughness damage, and even a minor ability to break out of his otherwise pure single-target damage profile.

As such, Ratio pairs very well with characters that can enable or amplify his capabilities. For the strongest single-target specialist team in the game, pairing him with Topaz is very powerful. Topaz has been waiting for a follow-up damage dealer who is able to both benefit from her debuff and increase the frequency of her own follow-up attacks, and Dr. Ratio fits that description perfectly. Ratio already deals so much single-target damage that it’s a viable strategy to focus down and kill summoner enemies outright, ignoring their summons entirely, and with Topaz’s powerful Vulnerability debuff, Ratio can do this even easier. Do note that without Topaz’s E1 or S1, you will need to find a source of at least 1 more debuff.

To that end, the usual suite of Nihility debuffers are fantastic to round out the rest of the team. It’s important to know that all Nihility characters can equip the Light Cone Resolution Shines As Pearls of Sweat, providing an extra debuff and decreasing enemies’ DEF.

Here are some great options for this spot:

  • Pela can keep her Ultimate’s DEF Shred up pretty much indefinitely on all enemies, making it easier to switch to new targets when Ratio’s chalk deals the finishing blow, but it is only 1 consistent debuff without Resolution.

  • Silver Wolf is understandably fantastic for racking up huge amounts of debuffs on single targets even at E0, and with the right setup, a single Skill usage from Silver Wolf can very nearly enable Dr. Ratio’s entire kit while also being able to ensure the enemy has an Imaginary Weakness thanks to her Skill’s Weakness Implant.

  • Jiaoqiu is another great option for the debuffer spot that easily can fill the debuff quota for Dr. Ratio and provide some additional damage. Especially in AoE scenarios, this can greatly offset Ratio’s weaker AoE capabilities by either dealing with smaller enemies outright, or by softening them up enough that Ratio can kill them with his Skill and then throw his follow-up on a completely different target.

If gaining enough debuffs is not a concern then Ratio of course also has access to the usual suite of Harmony characters as well. Bronya, Ruan Mei, and Tingyun are all very good at significantly increasing the damage Dr. Ratio can deal; Bronya can double Ratio’s action count with the right SPD tuning, Tingyun’s Benediction blessing getting a lot of value due to follow-ups not consuming it, and Ruan Mei for even faster and stronger Breaking. Ruan Mei in particular also provides a debuff of her own thanks to her Ultimate but, due to its cost, this should not be relied on to meet the minimum debuff threshold for Dr. Ratio.

A final note is that Dr. Ratio’s signature Light Cone is exceptionally powerful on him in particular. Ratio is absolutely fine and strong with the likes of Cruising in the Stellar Sea, but his performance goes up by that much more with his signature Light Cone, and it provides better quality of life than trying to maintain the passives of other Light Cone options. Again, Ratio is being evaluated here with the easily and freely accessible options and he’s already guaranteed to swat everything away with little effort, but he gets that much stronger with his sig. It’s very much a case of ‘gold versus platinum’ so it’s up to the individual to decide if they think it’s worth chasing that extra dazzle.

Dr. Ratio is not a complicated character once you’ve understood how he works, and he works with a vast array of other characters, fitting in nicely among the rest of the roster. He has a few peculiarities that he needs met to really get going, but once he does he really gets going.

If you’re reading this from the future after 2.1 when Ratio leaves our collective inboxes, and you’ve missed out on getting him for free, you had ample time to pick the man up because that’s months away from the time I’m writing this. Take this L, sans the Ratio, obviously.

For the rest of us, the doctor… Is in.


Honkai: Star Rail is a game where team building matters most and while our tier list takes the optimal setup into account, a lot of characters can work and do well - even those ranked lower - when you invest into them. Also for story or lower difficulties of Simulated Universe, you don't need to worry about ratings and tiers. You can safely clear that content even with F2P characters as long as you build your team correctly.

Character at 5★ are rated at their Eidolon 0 with their best in slot non-limited Light Cone.

Available ratings:

  • Memory of Chaos (MoC) - how the character performs in the Memory of Chaos. Blast and single target damage are important here while AoE has niche uses against some bosses.
  • Pure Fiction (PF) - how the character performs in the Pure Fiction. AoE is king here, followed by Blast while single target damage is mostly useless.
  • Apocalyptic Shadow (AS) - how the character performs in the Apocalyptic Shadow. Single target and Break is important here.
Damage dealer






Build and teams

Best Light Cones

The numbers show the percentage damage output increase/decrease compared to the Light Cone marked with 100%.


Increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 20/23/26/29/32%. For every debuff on the enemy target, the wearer's CRIT DMG dealt against this target increases by 8/9/10/11/12%, stacking up to 3 times. When using Ultimate to attack the enemy target, the wearer receives the Disputation effect, which increases DMG dealt by 36/42/48/54/60% and enables their follow-up attacks to ignore 24/28/32/36/40% of the target's DEF. This effect lasts for 2 turns.

Source: Event Warp (limited)

Clear best Light Cone for Ratio assuming you can maintain 3 debuffs on the enemy. Becomes even more powerful when including teammates that can shred DEF like Pela or Silver Wolf.


Increase the wearer's CRIT Rate by 18/21/24/27/30% and their follow-up attacks' DMG by 30/35/40/45/50%. After the wearer uses a follow-up attack, apply the Tame state to the target, stacking up to 2 stacks. When allies hit enemy targets under the Tame state, every Tame stack increases the CRIT DMG dealt by 12/14/16/18/20%.

Source: Event Warp (limited)

Less powerful than Ratio's signature but still a reasonable choice, boasting the advantage of applying a debuff of its own with its in-built effect. This debuff boosts other damage dealers' attack as well as Ratios while also counting as a debuff for Ratio to take advantage of.


Increases ATK of its wearer by 16/20/24/28/32%. If there are 2 or fewer enemies on the field, increases wearer's CRIT Rate by 12/15/18/21/24%.

Source: Stellar Warp

An alternative to Cruising as a somewhat accessible option but only at S5 and in battles you can quickly narrow down to 2 enemies or less. More situational and difficult to make use of than the other Cones.


Increases the wearer's CRIT rate by 8/10/12/14/16%, and increases their CRIT rate against enemies with HP less than or equal to 50% by an extra 8/10/12/14/16%. When the wearer defeats an enemy, their ATK is increased by 20/25/30/35/40% for 2 turn(s).

Source: Herta's Store


Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 18/21/24/27/30%. While the wearer is in battle, for every 10 SPD that exceeds 100, the DMG of the wearer's Basic ATK and Skill is increased by 6/7/8/9/10% and the CRIT DMG of their Ultimate is increased by 12/14/16/18/20%. This effect can stack up to 6 time(s).

Source: Event Warp (limited)

Calcs contain some reallocation of ATK%, CRIT RATE, and CRIT DMG% to SPD in order to achieve 4-6 stacks of the bonus. With better relics and teams that grant more Speed this Cone's performance will improve comparatively.
Best Relics

The percentage numbers showcase the relative DPS increase when you take into account the set bonus only. For some characters there's no DPS (or its equivalent) available and in that case we listed the sets in the order of priority.

Best Relic Sets


100% uptime


Increases DMG dealt to enemies with debuff by 12%.


Increases CRIT Rate by 4%. The wearer deals 8%/12% increased CRIT DMG to enemies with at least 2/3 debuffs. After the wearer inflicts a debuff on enemy targets, the aforementioned effects increase by 100%, lasting for 1 turn.



Increases Imaginary DMG by 10%.


When attacking debuffed enemies, the wearer's CRIT Rate increases by 10%, and their CRIT DMG increases by 20% against Imprisoned enemies.



Increases follow-up attack DMG by 20%.


When the wearer uses follow-up attacks against the target enemy, increase the wearer's ATK by 6% for every time the follow-up attack deals DMG. This effect can stack for a maximum of 8 times and lasts for 3 turns. This effect is removed the next time the wearer uses a follow-up attack.


If you can't put together a top recommended 4P set with satisfactory sub/main stats, mix and match the 2P Bonuses from the following instead:

  • Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters
    Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters
    [DMG to debuffed enemies +12%] (Recommended)
  • Scholar Lost in Erudition
    Scholar Lost in Erudition
    [CRIT Rate +8%]
  • Musketeer of Wild Wheat
    Musketeer of Wild Wheat
    [ATK +12%]
  • Prisoner in Deep Confinement
    Prisoner in Deep Confinement
    [ATK +12%]
  • The Wind-Soaring Valorous
    The Wind-Soaring Valorous
    [ATK +12%]
  • Wastelander of Banditry Desert
    Wastelander of Banditry Desert
Best Planetary Sets



When allies use follow-up attacks, the wearer receives 1 stack of Merit, stacking up to 5 times. Every stack of Merit increases the DMG dealt by the wearer's follow-up attacks by 5%. When there are 5 stacks, additionally increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 25%.

Best planar option for Dr. Ratio due to all of his teams featuring a good amount of Follow-Up attack triggers.



Increases the wearer's ATK by 12%. When entering battle, if at least one other ally follows the same Path as the wearer, then the wearer's CRIT Rate increases by 12%.

Gives a lot of CRIT Rate as long as you play Dr. Ratio with another Hunt character.


135 Speed


Increases the wearer's ATK by 12%. When the wearer's SPD is equal to or higher than 135/160, the wearer deals 12%/18% more DMG.



Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 8%. When the wearer's current CRIT Rate reaches 50% or higher, the wearer's Ultimate and follow-up attack DMG increases by 15%.

Best Stats
Planar Sphere
Imaginary DMG
Imaginary DMG
Link Rope

SPD (breakpoint) > CRIT RATE = CRIT DMG > ATK%

Build comments

Reaching an acceptable Speed breakpoint for MoC and Pure Fiction while also hitting a high Crit Ratio is your top priority when searching for sub-stats. After achieving these goals ATK% can be searched for as a bonus.

Recommended endgame stats
  • HP: 2800 - 3000+

  • DEF: 900 - 1000+

  • ATK: 2700 - 3100+

  • CRIT RATE: 90% - 100% (including Dr. Ratio self-buffs)

  • CRIT DMG: 180% - 200%+ (including Dr. Ratio self-buffs)

  • SPD: Base Speed / 134 (Recommended) / 143 / 161

Traces priority
Skills priority:

Talent > Skill > Ultimate > Basic

Major Traces priority:

Summation (A2) > Deduction (A6) > Inference (A4)


Below you can find a list of some of the stronger synergies between this character and others.

Teams (MoC)

The teams in the section are generated based on the current Memory of Chaos data we have gathered. If you want to see more statistics about the mode, check the MoC/PF/AS Statistics tab.

Rank 65

App. rate: 0.65%

Avg. cycles: 8.61

Dr. Ratio
Topaz & Numby

Rank 184

App. rate: 0.16%

Avg. cycles: 9.27

Dr. Ratio

Rank 221

App. rate: 0.13%

Avg. cycles: 9

Dr. Ratio

Rank 279

App. rate: 0.09%

Avg. cycles: 10

Dr. Ratio

Rank 301

App. rate: 0.08%

Avg. cycles: 8.57

Dr. Ratio
March 7th • The Hunt

Rank 373

App. rate: 0.05%

Avg. cycles: 6.5

Dr. Ratio
Silver Wolf

Rank 404

App. rate: 0.04%

Avg. cycles: 9.5

Dr. Ratio

Rank 507

App. rate: 0.03%

Avg. cycles: 8.67

Dr. Ratio
Trailblazer • Remembrance

Rank 607

App. rate: 0.02%

Avg. cycles: 99.99

Dr. Ratio

Rank 607

App. rate: 0.02%

Avg. cycles: 99.99

Dr. Ratio
Video guides

MoC/PF/AS Statistics

MoC 3.0 / PF 3.0 / AS 3.1

This section contains information about Dr. Ratio performance in the latest Memory of Chaos cycle (3.0), latest Pure Fiction (3.0) and the latest Apocalyptic Shadow (3.1), and the commonly used Relics and Cones in both modes. The page has been last updated on 07.03.2025.

  • For MoC the data below is based on 19851 accounts (9466 random we have scanned and 10385 self-reported).
  • For PF the data below is based on 19266 accounts (10073 random we have scanned and 9193 self-reported).
  • For AS the data below is based on 12337 accounts (4805 random we have scanned and 7532 self-reported).

If you want to share your clear information with us, you simply need to fill the form below and provide us with your UID and make your Hoyo profile public - we will automatically parse the MoC/PF clear information from your profile after that!

MoC/PF/AS Stats Form
Usage rate (MoC 12)

Characters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Memory of Chaos by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.

Usage rate (PF 4)

Characters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Pure Fiction by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.

Usage rate (AS 4)

Characters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Apocalyptic Shadow by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.

Common partners (MoC 12)

This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Dr. Ratio in the current phase of Memory of Chaos.

Common partners (PF)

This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Dr. Ratio in the current phase of Pure Fiction.

Common partners (AS)

This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Dr. Ratio in the current phase of Apocalyptic Shadow.


Eidolons data comes from players we have scanned who used Dr. Ratio in the current MoC cycle (241), in the current PF cycle (5) or in the current AS cycle (38) and had the character placed in their Profile. Use the switcher below to show Dr. Ratio Eidolon performance in the endgame modes (Default MoC) - the percentage doesn't change as it takes into account all modes already.

Change mode:





9.06 cyc.

Eidolon 0


7 cyc.

The maximum stackable count for the Trace "Summation" increases by 4. When a battle begins, immediately obtains 4 stacks of Summation. Needs to unlock Summation first.


8 cyc.

When his Talent's follow-up attack hits a target, for every debuff the target has, additionally deals Imaginary Additional DMG equal to 20% of Dr. Ratio's ATK. This effect can be triggered for a maximum of 4 time(s) during each follow-up attack.


6 cyc.

Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.


99.99 cyc.

When triggering the Talent, additionally regenerates 15 Energy for Dr. Ratio.


99.99 cyc.

Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.


2.5 cyc.

Increases the trigger count for Wiseman's Folly by 1. The DMG dealt by the Talent's follow-up attack increases by 50%.

Light Cones

Light Cones are ranked with usage rate among the players we have scanned who used Dr. Ratio in the current MoC cycle (241), in the current PF cycle (5) or in the current AS cycle (38) and had the character placed in their Profile. Use the switcher below to show Dr. Ratio Light Cones performance in the endgame modes (Default MoC) - the percentage doesn't change as it takes into account all modes already.

Change mode:





9.3 cyc.

Increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 20/23/26/29/32%. For every debuff on the enemy target, the wearer's CRIT DMG dealt against this target increases by 8/9/10/11/12%, stacking up to 3 times. When using Ultimate to attack the enemy target, the wearer receives the Disputation effect, which increases DMG dealt by 36/42/48/54/60% and enables their follow-up attacks to ignore 24/28/32/36/40% of the target's DEF. This effect lasts for 2 turns.

Source: Event Warp (limited)


8.4 cyc.

Increases the wearer's CRIT rate by 8/10/12/14/16%, and increases their CRIT rate against enemies with HP less than or equal to 50% by an extra 8/10/12/14/16%. When the wearer defeats an enemy, their ATK is increased by 20/25/30/35/40% for 2 turn(s).

Source: Herta's Store


8.75 cyc.

Increase the wearer's CRIT Rate by 18/21/24/27/30% and their follow-up attacks' DMG by 30/35/40/45/50%. After the wearer uses a follow-up attack, apply the Tame state to the target, stacking up to 2 stacks. When allies hit enemy targets under the Tame state, every Tame stack increases the CRIT DMG dealt by 12/14/16/18/20%.

Source: Event Warp (limited)


10 cyc.

For each time the wearer hits the same target, DMG dealt increases by 8/10/12/14/16%, stacking up to 5 time(s). This effect will be dispelled when the wearer changes targets.

Source: Stellar Warp


9 cyc.

Increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 30/35/40/45/50%. When the wearer's Basic ATK or Skill does not result in a CRIT Hit, increases their CRIT Rate by 36/42/48/54/60% for 1 turn(s). This effect can only trigger once every 3 turn(s).

Source: Stellar Warp


7 cyc.

Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 18/21/24/27/30%. While the wearer is in battle, for every 10 SPD that exceeds 100, the DMG of the wearer's Basic ATK and Skill is increased by 6/7/8/9/10% and the CRIT DMG of their Ultimate is increased by 12/14/16/18/20%. This effect can stack up to 6 time(s).

Source: Event Warp (limited)


9 cyc.

Increases ATK of its wearer by 16/20/24/28/32%. If there are 2 or fewer enemies on the field, increases wearer's CRIT Rate by 12/15/18/21/24%.

Source: Stellar Warp


99.99 cyc.

Increases the wearer's ATK by 12/14/16/18/20%. When the wearer lands a CRIT hit on enemies, they will gain a stack of Good Fortune. This effect can be stacked 4 time(s). Every stack of Good Fortune the wearer has will increase their CRIT DMG by 8/9/10/11/12%. Good Fortune will be removed at the end of the wearer's turn.

Source: Forgotten Hall Store

Relic Sets

Relic Sets are ranked with usage rate among the players we have scanned who used Dr. Ratio in the current MoC cycle (241), in the current PF cycle (5) or in the current AS cycle (38) and had the character placed in their Profile. The results are limited to top 5 combinations. Flex means 2 random Relic pieces that don't combine into a Set.

Relic Sets



Increases DMG dealt to enemies with debuff by 12%.


Increases CRIT Rate by 4%. The wearer deals 8%/12% increased CRIT DMG to enemies with at least 2/3 debuffs. After the wearer inflicts a debuff on enemy targets, the aforementioned effects increase by 100%, lasting for 1 turn.



Increases DMG dealt to enemies with debuff by 12%.


Increases CRIT Rate by 4%. The wearer deals 8%/12% increased CRIT DMG to enemies with at least 2/3 debuffs. After the wearer inflicts a debuff on enemy targets, the aforementioned effects increase by 100%, lasting for 1 turn.


Increases follow-up attack DMG by 20%.


When the wearer uses follow-up attacks against the target enemy, increase the wearer's ATK by 6% for every time the follow-up attack deals DMG. This effect can stack for a maximum of 8 times and lasts for 3 turns. This effect is removed the next time the wearer uses a follow-up attack.



ATK increases by 12%.


The wearer's SPD increases by 6% and Basic ATK DMG increases by 10%.


Increases follow-up attack DMG by 20%.


When the wearer uses follow-up attacks against the target enemy, increase the wearer's ATK by 6% for every time the follow-up attack deals DMG. This effect can stack for a maximum of 8 times and lasts for 3 turns. This effect is removed the next time the wearer uses a follow-up attack.



Increases follow-up attack DMG by 20%.


When the wearer uses follow-up attacks against the target enemy, increase the wearer's ATK by 6% for every time the follow-up attack deals DMG. This effect can stack for a maximum of 8 times and lasts for 3 turns. This effect is removed the next time the wearer uses a follow-up attack.


Increases Imaginary DMG by 10%.


When attacking debuffed enemies, the wearer's CRIT Rate increases by 10%, and their CRIT DMG increases by 20% against Imprisoned enemies.



Increases DMG dealt to enemies with debuff by 12%.


Increases CRIT Rate by 4%. The wearer deals 8%/12% increased CRIT DMG to enemies with at least 2/3 debuffs. After the wearer inflicts a debuff on enemy targets, the aforementioned effects increase by 100%, lasting for 1 turn.

Planetary Sets



Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 8%. When the wearer's current CRIT Rate reaches 50% or higher, the wearer's Ultimate and follow-up attack DMG increases by 15%.



When allies use follow-up attacks, the wearer receives 1 stack of Merit, stacking up to 5 times. Every stack of Merit increases the DMG dealt by the wearer's follow-up attacks by 5%. When there are 5 stacks, additionally increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 25%.



Increases the wearer's ATK by 12%. When the wearer's SPD is equal to or higher than 135/160, the wearer deals 12%/18% more DMG.



Increases the wearer's ATK by 12%. When entering battle, if at least one other ally follows the same Path as the wearer, then the wearer's CRIT Rate increases by 12%.



Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 8%. When the wearer's current CRIT Rate reaches 70% or higher, the wearer's Basic ATK and Skill DMG increase by 20%.

Relic Stats

Relic Stats are shown based on the Relics used by the players we have scanned who used Dr. Ratio in the current MoC cycle (241), in the current PF cycle (5) or in the current AS cycle (38) and had the character placed in their Profile.

Main stats
- 62.55%
- 36.67%
- 0.79%
- 87.78%
- 11.42%
Planar Sphere
Imaginary DMG
Imaginary DMG
- 88.8%
- 10.4%
- 0.79%
Link Rope
- 97.94%
Energy Regen
Energy Regen Rate
- 2.06%
Average stats
Average stats
- 2973.96
- 3098.29
- 1226.74
- 135.25
- 72.84%
- 172.97%
Imaginary DMG
Imaginary DMG
- 34.85%
Energy Regen
Energy Regen Rate
- 0.54%
Effect RES
Effect RES
- 7.43%
Effect HIT Rate
Effect HIT Rate
- 8.8%
Break Effect
Break Effect
- 11.41%
Average sub stats
Average sub stats
- 7.92%
- 19.79%
- 9.13%
- 7.48
- 30.66%
- 69.19%
Effect RES
Effect RES
- 7.43%
Effect HIT Rate
Effect HIT Rate
- 8.8%
Break Effect
Break Effect
- 11.41%
Other stats
Average stats
Character level - 80
Light Cone level - 80
Basic level - 4.62
Skill level - 9.97
Ultimate level - 9.94
Talent level - 10.13


Damage Output

The simulation showcases characters damage potential in the 5 cycle turn limit of Memory of Chaos against 1 target and 3 targets. The section below has all the rules listed.


  • Combat is simulated at 5 cycles of in-game time or 550 Action Points,
  • Units are considered to gain 5 additional energy per rotation through combat (taking a hit, killing an enemy or through party members and their Light Cone),
  • Characters and Light Cones are calculated at maximum output starting battle with ramp time removed from stacking buffs (intended to give a constant evaluation of power not dependant on length of fight that can be used to assess maximum power). Additional information about loss of damage due to ramp time can be round attached to related Light Cones, relics and characters,
  • Character rotations are smoothed removing breakpoints relating to Speed and Energy (finishing a fight with 90% energy full or 2 AV off next ability leading to skewed results).


  • Enemies are considered to always have a Break Bar resulting in units all doing 90% of real damage (this doesn't apply to Break characters - they simulate the Break bar correctly),
  • Enemies Speed is set to 140,
  • Enemies are assumed to be at 100% of HP at start of battle and to die at exactly at the end of combat. Which means halfway through the fight they are at 50% HP,
  • Enemies are assumed to have 0 Resistance,
  • Enemies are always considered vulnerable to the attackers element,
  • Enemies are considered level 95 and with DEF included.


  • All units are level 80,
  • Traces are all unlocked, skills at Level 10 and Basic at Level 6,
  • All units have fully upgraded 5 star relics with 24 desired sub stats out of a possible 54,
  • All units use their Best In Slot 2 and 4 piece sets,
  • All units use Light Cones that are realistically obtainable by all player (excluding Limited LC).
Dr. Ratio in 1 Target scenario

Disclaimer for this particular calculations:

The calculations assume you are hitting a debuffed target (no value on the debuff we just calculated that it is there) to activate the Crit Rate/Crit DMG trace, so you need to pair Dr. Ratio with someone who can provide the debuffs as he can not do it by himself.

And here are the Relics and the Light Cone used in the calculations above:

Light Cone

Increases the wearer's CRIT rate by 8/10/12/14/16%, and increases their CRIT rate against enemies with HP less than or equal to 50% by an extra 8/10/12/14/16%. When the wearer defeats an enemy, their ATK is increased by 20/25/30/35/40% for 2 turn(s).

Source: Herta's Store

Relic Set


Increases DMG dealt to enemies with debuff by 12%.


Increases CRIT Rate by 4%. The wearer deals 8%/12% increased CRIT DMG to enemies with at least 2/3 debuffs. After the wearer inflicts a debuff on enemy targets, the aforementioned effects increase by 100%, lasting for 1 turn.

Planetary Sets


When allies use follow-up attacks, the wearer receives 1 stack of Merit, stacking up to 5 times. Every stack of Merit increases the DMG dealt by the wearer's follow-up attacks by 5%. When there are 5 stacks, additionally increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 25%.

Relic Stats
Planar Sphere
Imaginary DMG
Imaginary DMG
Link Rope

Crit Rate (35%), CRIT DMG (81.6%), Speed (6.9)