Honkai: Star RailBronyaBest build, teams and other guides


Bronya is a 5 character from the Wind element who follows the Path of Harmony.

Heir to the Supreme Guardian of Belobog, she is the young and capable commander of the Silvermane Guards. Bronya received rigorous education from an early age, and possesses the grace and affinity as expected of an heir. However, after witnessing the abysmal conditions in the Underworld, seeds of doubt began growing in Belobog's future leader's mind. "Can all the training I've received really help me lead the people to the lives they want?"

To learn more about Bronya check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for - kit, traces, review or build guides.

Video guide

Bronya has at least one video guide available, so if you prefer this sort of medium to learn more about a character, check it out:

Update tracker

Last review update

Patch 3.0

Last major build/calcs update

Patch 3.0

Last profile update*

January 25th, 2025

*Profile update means smaller edits to relics, stats, synergies or teams that don't require new calculations.

To learn more about Bronya check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for - kit, traces, review or build guides.



Build and teams

MoC/PF/AS Statistics



Basic ATK

Windrider Bullet

Single Target

Lv. 1

Energy gain: 20

Break: 10

Deals Wind DMG equal to #1[i]% of Bronya's ATK to a single enemy.

Combat Redeployment


Lv. 1

Energy gain: 30

Break: -

Dispels a debuff from a single ally, allows them to immediately take action, and increases their DMG by #1[i]% for #3[i] turn(s). When this Skill is used on Bronya herself, she cannot immediately take action again.

The Belobog March

Support | 120 energy cost

Lv. 1

Energy gain: 5

Break: -

Increases the ATK of all allies by #1[i]%, and increases their CRIT DMG equal to #2[i]% of Bronya's CRIT DMG plus #3[i]% for #4[i] turn(s).

Leading the Way


Lv. 1

Energy gain: 5

Break: 10

After using her Basic ATK, Bronya's next action will be Advanced Forward by #1[i]%.

Banner of Command


Energy gain: 0

Break: -

After using Bronya's Technique, at the start of the next battle, all allies' ATK increases by #1[i]% for #2[i] turn(s).
Major Traces
A2Major trace


The CRIT Rate for Basic ATK increases to 100%.
A4Major trace


At the start of the battle, all allies' DEF increases by 20% for 2 turn(s).
A6Major trace

Military Might

When Bronya is on the field, all allies deal 10% more DMG.
Minor Traces (total)
Wind DMG
Wind DMG
Effect RES
Effect RES

Hone Your Strength

Eidolon 1

Using Bronya's Skill has a 50% fixed chance of recovering 1 Skill Point. This effect has a 1 turn cooldown.


Quick March

Eidolon 2

When using Skill, the target ally's SPD increases by 30% after taking action, lasting for 1 turn.



Eidolon 3

Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.


Take by Surprise

Eidolon 4

After an ally uses Basic ATK on an enemy with Wind Weakness, Bronya immediately launches a follow-up attack on the target, dealing Wind DMG equal to 80% of Bronya's Basic ATK DMG. This effect can only be triggered 1 time per turn.



Eidolon 5

Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Basic ATK Lv. +1. up to a maximum of Lv. 10.


Piercing Rainbow

Eidolon 6

The duration of the DMG Boost effect placed by the Skill on the target ally increases by 1 turn(s).

Stats and materials
Level 80
Enable Ascension
Level 80 stats
Level 1 → 80 Ascension Materials
  • Credit
    x 308000
  • Silvermane Badge
    Silvermane Badge
    x 15
  • Silvermane Insignia
    Silvermane Insignia
    x 15
  • Storm Eye
    Storm Eye
    x 65
  • Silvermane Medal
    Silvermane Medal
    x 15
Madeline Reiter
Asumi Kana (阿澄佳奈)


Pros & Cons

  • Absurd offensive buffs,

  • 100% Action Advance on Skill,

  • Flexible playstyles,

  • Scales tremendously well with Eidolons.


  • Skill's 1 turn buff doesn't work well with some damage dealers,

  • Really wants her E1 to help with SP issues,

  • Overall game knowledge checker with a high floor and high ceiling.

Review (By Sushou)

Bronya is a potent Harmony support who specializes in helping Hypercarry DPS. She can Advance a single ally's Action by 100%, functionally giving them another turn before their time, and gives them a large DMG boost. She also increases the whole team's ATK and additionally their CRIT DMG based on how much CRIT DMG Bronya herself has. She is a quintessential support character for hypercarry setups where SP consumption is not a concern.

Bronya is possibly one of the most complex characters in the game to maximise. Her abilities lend themselves perfectly to boosting the absolute heck out of a single teammate but require her to be perfectly tuned to said teammate's SPD. Add in the potential to shift Bronya herself in the turn order from her Talent and you have the biggest headache in this game. Not even Yukong is as mentally taxing as Bronya is.

Because SPD is such an important stat when talking about Bronya, you may think that it is important that you understand what SPD is. It's convoluted, that's for sure, but I can safely say that you do not need to understand SPD at its most fundamental to be able to use Bronya.

All of this is essentially because you want to maximise the value of the 100% Action Advance on Bronya's Skill. She targets a single ally, dispels 1 debuff from them, increases their DMG by up to 66%, and Action Advances them by 100%, meaning it is now their turn once more. The best way for this Skill to be used is literally immediately after your damage dealer has already acted — and I do mean immediately. That little number you see on character portraits in the turn order? Yeah, Bronya should be immediately after your current damage dealer's turn and that number should ideally be as close to 1 as possible.

This is what has lead to colloquial descriptions of Bronya playstyles such as 'Slow Bronya' in which she is SPD tuned to have 1 fewer point of SPD compared to the DPS (so if your DPS has 134 SPD, Bronya should have 133 or so), or 'Hyper Bronya' in which Bronya goes plus ultra on her SPD stat to around the 160s or even higher if that's even possible, and you just relentlessly Action Advance your preferably low SPD damage dealer.

This gets even more interesting with Bronya's Talent. After using her Basic ATK, Bronya's own Action will be Advanced Forward by up to 30%. You get more turn per turn, essentially. This is also how Bronya can 'fix' her spot in the turn order by quite literally just shifting herself up until she's where she needs to be. This leads to other various forms of 'alternating' playstyles, in which Bronya alternates between Skill and Basic ATK to keep herself and her damage dealer aligned.

It's... a lot, I know. However, I will say that you can definitely get a feel for all of this by just playing her over time, especially under unfavourable circumstances. Bronya's Talent and Skill can fix a lot of unsavoury situations during combat, and there's really no need to strictly adhere to one SPD value or Bronya playstyle unless you're trying to be fully, maximally, optimal. Again, there are plenty of resources online for figuring all of this out, as well as calculators to find your optimal speeds.

Bronya's Ultimate increases the ATK of all allies by up to 55%, and increases their CRIT DMG by up to 16% of Bronya's CRIT DMG plus 20% for 2 turns. This can result in a very powerful CRIT buff for your damage dealers, especially if Bronya is built for a lot of CRIT DMG. At an average cost of 120 Energy, this can be up fairly frequently, potentially having full uptime with the proper Light Cones and maybe some luck here and there. CRIT buffs are extremely powerful because they're usually quite rare, and now factoring in her Skill as well, Bronya is capable of providing ATK%, DMG%, and CDMG% to your damage dealer.

Amusingly enough, the single strongest thing she has is the Action Advance — more turns equals more damage. It's probably the simplest part of her whole kit. The only issue with this is the exorbitant SP costs attempting to maintain frequent Skill usages. This is where the alternating playstyles come in, but these playstyles have inexorable damage losses associated with them compared to just spamming her Skill. Maintaining good SP economy is paramount to seeing success with Bronya over extended fights. I specify extended because if you just kill the enemies fast enough that you don't run out of SP, well then you no longer really have a problem there.

Bronya's Bonus Traces don't really change anything besides providing nice passive bonuses. A2 increases the CRIT chance of her Basic ATK to 100%, A4 provides a 20% DEF boost for 2 turns upon entering combat, and A6 provides a permanent 10% DMG buff for as long as Bronya is alive and on the field.

Her Eidolons are something that players may get over time due to her being a standard 5-star character. They are all quite impressive, meaning Bronya scales even better with Eidolons. E1 is a great starting point since it gives her Skill a 50% fixed chance of refunding a Skill Point on use, with a 1 turn cooldown. This greatly alleviates the SP concerns from spamming her Skill and is so valuable that many players opt to use their 300 standard pull guarantee on a second copy of Bronya just for this. That decision is ultimately up to the player, but it is verifiably good.

Because of Bronya's Skill's 1-turn duration, the DMG boost actually doesn't catch a fair few things from certain damage dealers, making the pair rather incompatible. The biggest ones to note are follow-up attackers like Topaz, Dr. Ratio, and especially Jing Yuan, characters where the vast majority of their damage comes outside of their turn. This is why E6 Bronya is the dream, as E6 extends the duration of the DMG buff from 1 turn to 2 turns, meaning everyone gets to benefit from it unconditionally.

Overall, Bronya has a lot more competition these days, mostly from Sunday and Sparkle who are the two other Hypercarry Supports, but also from Ruan Mei and Robin. Still, despite all that, Bronya found her home with Boothill who doesn't really use her CRIT DMG buff, but loves the additional actions she grants him.


Honkai: Star Rail is a game where team building matters most and while our tier list takes the optimal setup into account, a lot of characters can work and do well - even those ranked lower - when you invest into them. Also for story or lower difficulties of Simulated Universe, you don't need to worry about ratings and tiers. You can safely clear that content even with F2P characters as long as you build your team correctly.

Character at 5★ are rated at their Eidolon 0 with their best in slot non-limited Light Cone.

Available ratings:

  • Memory of Chaos (MoC) - how the character performs in the Memory of Chaos. Blast and single target damage are important here while AoE has niche uses against some bosses.
  • Pure Fiction (PF) - how the character performs in the Pure Fiction. AoE is king here, followed by Blast while single target damage is mostly useless.
  • Apocalyptic Shadow (AS) - how the character performs in the Apocalyptic Shadow. Single target and Break is important here.






Build and teams

Best Light Cones
Best Light Cones


After the wearer uses Skill or Ultimate on one ally character, the wearer regenerates 6/6.5/7/7.5/8 Energy and the ability's target receives 1 stack of "Hymn" for 3 turn(s), stacking up to 3 time(s). Each stack of "Hymn" increases its holder's DMG dealt by 15/17.25/19.5/21.75/24%. After every 2 instance(s) of Skill or Ultimate the wearer uses on one ally character, recovers 1 Skill Point.

Source: Event Warp (limited)

Sunday’s Signature Light Cone refunds 1 Skill Point every other Skill usage, while also providing a strong ramping DMG% buff, making it the top pick for Bronya.


Increases the wearer's Energy Regeneration Rate by 10/12/14/16/18% and regenerates 1 Skill Point when the wearer uses their Ultimate on an ally. This effect can be triggered after every 2 uses of the wearer's Ultimate. When the wearer uses their Skill, the next ally taking action (except the wearer) deals 30/35/40/45/50% more DMG for 1 turn(s).

Source: Stellar Warp

A top option for characters that advance others via their skill, guaranteeing the DMG% boost of this Cone. Useful even on characters without the ability, thanks to the Energy Regen and skill point generation.


When the wearer uses their Skill, then the next ally taking action (except the wearer) deals 16/20/24/28/32% increased DMG for 1 turn(s).

Source: Echo of War  | Forgotten Hall Store  | Mission Reward

F2P option and alternative to But The Battle Isn't Over for characters that advance others via their Skill, guaranteeing the DMG% boost of this Cone.

Special Light Cones

Alternative or more specialized Light Cones that also are viable options for the character.

When the wearer uses their Ultimate, all allies' actions are Advanced Forward by 16/18/20/22/24%

Source: Stellar Warp

Allows characters with high Speed and/or an accessible Ultimate to grant substantial action boosts to themselves and the team allowing for higher Speed (and cycle) breakpoints. Strongest on characters who can access their Ultimate at least once every 3 (but ideally 2) actions. Specifically strong when combined with other additional action advances or energy generation. When playing Bronya according to the -1 Speed build exercise caution when using this set bonus as it can ruin your Speed tuning unless carefully managed.

Best Relics

Best Relic Sets show the best sets that support the main character playstyle and work out of the box while the Special Relic Sets either are situational, support an alternative playstyle or are targeted toward min-maxers. The percentage numbers showcase the relative DPS increase when you take into account the set bonus only. For some characters there's no DPS (or its equivalent) available and in that case we listed the sets in the order of priority.

Best Relic Sets



Increases SPD by 6%.


When using Skill or Ultimate on one ally target, increases the ability target's CRIT DMG by 18%, lasting for 2 turn(s). This effect can stack up to 2 time(s).

Incredibly powerful set for characters with Ultimates and or Skills which target a single ally and who work well in teams with a sole damage dealer who can benefit from CRIT DMG.



Increases SPD by 6%.


When the wearer uses their Ultimate on an ally, SPD for all allies increases by 12% for 1 turn(s). This effect cannot be stacked.


If you can't put together a top recommended 4P set with satisfactory sub/main stats, mix and match the 2P Bonuses from the following instead:

  • Sacerdos' Relived Ordeal
    Sacerdos' Relived Ordeal
    [Speed +6%]
  • Rainbow set - if you have great pieces with Speed from other sets, you can use them here.
Special Relic Sets


Increases SPD by 6%.


When the wearer uses their Ultimate on an ally, SPD for all allies increases by 12% for 1 turn(s). This effect cannot be stacked.

Good team wide supportive option for characters with Ultimates which target allies. With this set equipped Ultimates are best timed carefully to ensure the Speed buff is active on key members for as long as possible. When playing Bronya according to the -1 Speed build exercise caution when using this set bonus as it can ruin your Speed tuning unless carefully managed (challenging).


Increases Wind DMG by 10%.


After the wearer uses Ultimate, their action is Advanced Forward by 25%.

Allows characters with accessible Ultimates to reach higher Speed (and cycle) breakpoints compared to just stacking Speed. Strongest on characters with powerful ultimate related effects or who can access their ultimate at least once every 3 (but ideally 2) actions. Particularly strong when combined with other action advancement effects. When playing Bronya according to the -1 Speed build exercise caution when using this set bonus as it can ruin your Speed tuning unless carefully managed (challenging).

Best Planetary Sets



Increases the wearer's Effect RES by 10%. When the wearer's Effect RES is at 30% or higher, all allies' CRIT DMG increases by 10%.

An option for supports stacking Effect RES, while also increasing the entire team's CRIT DMG. Requires at least 30% Effect RES to activate.

The following Planars are all usable and have their own strength and weaknesses when looking for team-based supportive effects.

  • Fleet of the Ageless
    Fleet of the Ageless
    - Ideal for supporting teams that scale on ATK.
  • Penacony, Land of the Dreams
    Penacony, Land of the Dreams
    - Top option for supporting teams with the same Element as the wearer, and for its Energy Regen.
  • Lushaka, the Sunken Seas
    Lushaka, the Sunken Seas
    - Top option for Supporting a single ATK-scaling DPS, and for its Energy Regen.
Special Planetary Sets


Increases the wearer's Energy Regeneration Rate by 5%. When the wearer's SPD reaches 120 or higher, the wearer's action is Advanced Forward by 40% immediately upon entering battle.

Incredibly potent option for buff/debuff based characters. The advance from this set allows the wearer to apply their buffs/debuffs before the rest of the team acts, accelerate rotations, allows access to ultimates closer to the start of the fight and also grants Energy Regen - a valuable stat for many supports.

Best Stats
Planar Sphere
Link Rope
Energy Regen
Energy Regen Rate

SPD (Until breakpoint) > CRIT DMG > HP = DEF > Effect RES% (30% If Keel)

Build comments

Can be played 2 ways, either Tune her SPD to be 1 below main DPS and spam Skill, or maximize her SPD to alternate between Basics and Skills to remain SP Neutral.

Recommended endgame stats
  • HP: 3000 - 4000+

  • DEF: 800 - 1100+

  • SPD: 1-2 Speed slower than carry / 160+ (0 Speed Carry)

  • ENERGY REGEN: 19.44%+

  • CRIT DMG: 175 - 210%+

Traces priority
Skills priority:

Skill > Ultimate > Talent > Basic

Major Traces priority:

Command (A2) > Military Might (A6) > Battlefield (A4)

Sparkle vs Bronya vs Sunday

If you want to learn how Sparkle compares to Bronya and Sunday, check the Calculations tab for a very detailed analysis.


Below you can find a list of some of the stronger synergies between this character and others.

Teams (MoC)

The teams in the section are generated based on the current Memory of Chaos data we have gathered. If you want to see more statistics about the mode, check the MoC/PF/AS Statistics tab.

Rank 51

App. rate: 0.79%

Avg. cycles: 3.14


Rank 139

App. rate: 0.22%

Avg. cycles: 99.99


Rank 139

App. rate: 0.22%

Avg. cycles: 99.99


Rank 165

App. rate: 0.19%

Avg. cycles: 99.99

Fu Xuan

Rank 196

App. rate: 0.15%

Avg. cycles: 99.99


Rank 196

App. rate: 0.15%

Avg. cycles: 7.58


Rank 196

App. rate: 0.15%

Avg. cycles: 4.8

Trailblazer • Remembrance

Rank 196

App. rate: 0.15%

Avg. cycles: 99.99

Tingyun • Fugue
Ruan Mei

Rank 196

App. rate: 0.15%

Avg. cycles: 99.99

Fu Xuan

Rank 221

App. rate: 0.13%

Avg. cycles: 99.99

March 7th • The Hunt
Video guides

MoC/PF/AS Statistics

MoC 3.0 / PF 3.0 / AS 3.1

This section contains information about Bronya performance in the latest Memory of Chaos cycle (3.0), latest Pure Fiction (3.0) and the latest Apocalyptic Shadow (3.1), and the commonly used Relics and Cones in both modes. The page has been last updated on 07.03.2025.

  • For MoC the data below is based on 19851 accounts (9466 random we have scanned and 10385 self-reported).
  • For PF the data below is based on 19266 accounts (10073 random we have scanned and 9193 self-reported).
  • For AS the data below is based on 12337 accounts (4805 random we have scanned and 7532 self-reported).

If you want to share your clear information with us, you simply need to fill the form below and provide us with your UID and make your Hoyo profile public - we will automatically parse the MoC/PF clear information from your profile after that!

MoC/PF/AS Stats Form
Usage rate (MoC 12)

Characters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Memory of Chaos by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.

Usage rate (PF 4)

Characters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Pure Fiction by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.

Usage rate (AS 4)

Characters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Apocalyptic Shadow by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.

Common partners (MoC 12)

This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Bronya in the current phase of Memory of Chaos.

Common partners (PF)

This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Bronya in the current phase of Pure Fiction.

Common partners (AS)

This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Bronya in the current phase of Apocalyptic Shadow.


Eidolons data comes from players we have scanned who used Bronya in the current MoC cycle (683), in the current PF cycle (589) or in the current AS cycle (1165) and had the character placed in their Profile. Use the switcher below to show Bronya Eidolon performance in the endgame modes (Default MoC) - the percentage doesn't change as it takes into account all modes already.

Change mode:





7 cyc.

Eidolon 0


99.99 cyc.

Using Bronya's Skill has a 50% fixed chance of recovering 1 Skill Point. This effect has a 1 turn cooldown.


7.33 cyc.

When using Skill, the target ally's SPD increases by 30% after taking action, lasting for 1 turn.


99.99 cyc.

Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.


99.99 cyc.

After an ally uses Basic ATK on an enemy with Wind Weakness, Bronya immediately launches a follow-up attack on the target, dealing Wind DMG equal to 80% of Bronya's Basic ATK DMG. This effect can only be triggered 1 time per turn.


7 cyc.

Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Basic ATK Lv. +1. up to a maximum of Lv. 10.


99.99 cyc.

The duration of the DMG Boost effect placed by the Skill on the target ally increases by 1 turn(s).

Light Cones

Light Cones are ranked with usage rate among the players we have scanned who used Bronya in the current MoC cycle (683), in the current PF cycle (589) or in the current AS cycle (1165) and had the character placed in their Profile. Use the switcher below to show Bronya Light Cones performance in the endgame modes (Default MoC) - the percentage doesn't change as it takes into account all modes already.

Change mode:





7.5 cyc.

Increases the wearer's Energy Regeneration Rate by 10/12/14/16/18% and regenerates 1 Skill Point when the wearer uses their Ultimate on an ally. This effect can be triggered after every 2 uses of the wearer's Ultimate. When the wearer uses their Skill, the next ally taking action (except the wearer) deals 30/35/40/45/50% more DMG for 1 turn(s).

Source: Stellar Warp


6.5 cyc.

When the wearer uses their Ultimate, all allies' actions are Advanced Forward by 16/18/20/22/24%

Source: Stellar Warp


99.99 cyc.

When the wearer uses their Skill, then the next ally taking action (except the wearer) deals 16/20/24/28/32% increased DMG for 1 turn(s).

Source: Echo of War  | Forgotten Hall Store  | Mission Reward


99.99 cyc.

After the wearer uses Skill or Ultimate on one ally character, the wearer regenerates 6/6.5/7/7.5/8 Energy and the ability's target receives 1 stack of "Hymn" for 3 turn(s), stacking up to 3 time(s). Each stack of "Hymn" increases its holder's DMG dealt by 15/17.25/19.5/21.75/24%. After every 2 instance(s) of Skill or Ultimate the wearer uses on one ally character, recovers 1 Skill Point.

Source: Event Warp (limited)


99.99 cyc.

At the start of the battle and whenever the wearer's turn begins, one of the following effects is applied randomly: All allies' ATK increases by 10/12.5/15/17.5/20%, all allies' CRIT DMG increases by 12/15/18/21/24%, or all allies' Energy Regeneration Rate increases by 6/7.5/9/10.5/12%. The applied effect cannot be identical to the last effect applied, and will replace the previous effect. The applied effect will be removed when the wearer has been knocked down. Effects of the similar type cannot be stacked.

Source: Nameless Glory


99.99 cyc.

Upon battle entry, if an ally deals the same DMG Type as the wearer, DMG dealt increases by 12/15/18/21/24%.

Source: Stellar Warp


99.99 cyc.

Increases the wearer's Break Effect by 60/70/80/90/100%. After the wearer uses their Ultimate, increases all allies' DMG by 24/28/32/36/40%, lasting for 3 turns. Should the wearer's Break Effect exceed or equal 150%, 1 Skill Point will be recovered. At the start of each wave, immediately regenerates 10/12.5/15/17.5/20 Energy for all allies. Effects of the same type cannot stack.

Source: Event Warp (limited)


99.99 cyc.

After the wearer uses attacks or gets hit, additionally regenerates 4/5/6/7/8 Energy. This effect can only be triggered 1 time per turn.

Source: Stellar Warp

Relic Sets

Relic Sets are ranked with usage rate among the players we have scanned who used Bronya in the current MoC cycle (683), in the current PF cycle (589) or in the current AS cycle (1165) and had the character placed in their Profile. The results are limited to top 5 combinations. Flex means 2 random Relic pieces that don't combine into a Set.

Relic Sets



Increases SPD by 6%.


When the wearer uses their Ultimate on an ally, SPD for all allies increases by 12% for 1 turn(s). This effect cannot be stacked.



Increases SPD by 6%.


When using Skill or Ultimate on one ally target, increases the ability target's CRIT DMG by 18%, lasting for 2 turn(s). This effect can stack up to 2 time(s).



Increases SPD by 6%.


When the wearer uses their Ultimate on an ally, SPD for all allies increases by 12% for 1 turn(s). This effect cannot be stacked.


Increases SPD by 6%.


When using Skill or Ultimate on one ally target, increases the ability target's CRIT DMG by 18%, lasting for 2 turn(s). This effect can stack up to 2 time(s).



Increases SPD by 6%.


When the wearer uses their Ultimate on an ally, SPD for all allies increases by 12% for 1 turn(s). This effect cannot be stacked.




Increases Wind DMG by 10%.


After the wearer uses Ultimate, their action is Advanced Forward by 25%.

Planetary Sets



Increases the wearer's Effect RES by 10%. When the wearer's Effect RES is at 30% or higher, all allies' CRIT DMG increases by 10%.



Increases the wearer's Energy Regeneration Rate by 5%. If the wearer is not the first character in the team lineup, then increase the ATK of the first character in the team lineup by 12%.



Increases the wearer's Energy Regeneration Rate by 5%. When the wearer's SPD reaches 120 or higher, the wearer's action is Advanced Forward by 40% immediately upon entering battle.



Increases wearer's Energy Regeneration Rate by 5%. Increases DMG for all other allies with the same DMG Type as the wearer by 10%.



Increases the wearer's ATK by 12%. When the wearer's SPD is equal to or higher than 135/160, the wearer deals 12%/18% more DMG.

Relic Stats

Relic Stats are shown based on the Relics used by the players we have scanned who used Bronya in the current MoC cycle (683), in the current PF cycle (589) or in the current AS cycle (1165) and had the character placed in their Profile.

Main stats
- 90.13%
- 4.21%
- 3.52%
- 96.33%
- 0.64%
- 0.5%
Planar Sphere
- 49.32%
- 24.41%
Wind DMG
Wind DMG
- 5.03%
Link Rope
Energy Regen
Energy Regen Rate
- 95.17%
- 1.42%
- 0.94%
Average stats
Average stats
- 3957.22
- 1657.86
- 1302.98
- 147.9
- 11.28%
- 188.29%
Wind DMG
Wind DMG
- 20.13%
Energy Regen
Energy Regen Rate
- 26.18%
Effect RES
Effect RES
- 32.92%
Effect HIT Rate
Effect HIT Rate
- 10.57%
Break Effect
Break Effect
- 17.05%
Average sub stats
Average sub stats
- 12.94%
- 12.88%
- 16.92%
- 18.87
- 7.06%
- 49.13%
Effect RES
Effect RES
- 17.88%
Effect HIT Rate
Effect HIT Rate
- 10.47%
Break Effect
Break Effect
- 16.11%
Other stats
Average stats
Character level - 79.82
Light Cone level - 78.37
Basic level - 4.73
Skill level - 10.44
Ultimate level - 11.14
Talent level - 10.44


Sparkle vs Bronya vs Sunday - who is better?

In this guide we’ll briefly offer a comparison between Sunday, Bronya and Sparkle to highlight their benefits and shortcomings. Light Cones are not included in this evaluation and can add further boosts to each character, but we have added a section at the end that gives additional information about the LC impact.

  • All characters have 220% CRIT DMG.
  • All characters are E0.
  • Bronya is the -1 Speed variant.
  • Sunday is the -1 Speed variant.
  • Sparkle is the Hyperspeed variant.

When it comes to Advance, Sunday’s is the most powerful and the clear winner but only if you’re playing him in a summoner team. Outside of summoner teams his Advance is identical in power to Bronya’s with Sparkle’s being the weakest. Sunday and Bronya are both effective in the -1 and Hyperspeed playstyles but Sparkle is more limited to the Hyperspeed playstyle due to her weaker advance.

Crit DMG

Sparkle and Sunday both have strong CRIT DMG buffs they can keep active at all times on their carry with Sparkle having a slight edge in most cases. Bronya’s CRIT DMG boost is weaker and has poor uptime due to its 2 turn duration, being tied to her allies turns and triggering from her Ultimate. Sunday does not have this issue as his Ultimate is based on his own turns with a longer duration.

Crit Rate

Sunday is the only one of the three with a CRIT RATE buff and it’s a massive one applying in any team. This buff more than makes up for his lack of ATK% buffs and for most characters is even preferable.


Bronya has the strongest DMG% boost but it isn’t always fully active due to her Skill's 1 turn duration clashing with her -1 Speed playstyle, resulting in half the carries attacks being unbuffed. Sparkle can maintain her buff by Ulting the carry on their turn and Sunday’s buff lasts 3 turns, ensuring it’s always active. Bronya is most powerful if you can align powerful cooldowns during her short window, Sparkle is most consistent and Sunday has the weakest DMG% outside of summoner teams in which he smashes everyone.


Similar to her CRIT DMG% buff, Bronya’s ATK% buff suffers the same fate, being tied to her Ultimate which results in poor uptime. Sparkle provides a weak ATK% buff in rainbow teams but a much stronger one in Mono Quantum teams. Sunday has no ATK% buff but more than makes up for this in other areas.

Energy Regen

Also unique to Sunday is his Energy Regen, adding even more value to his kit where he was already competing nicely.

Skill Points

Perhaps most important part of the comparison. Sparkle is slightly SP Positive, but offset by the fact she can’t fully play within the -1 playstyle to take advantage of it due to her 50% Advance. Bronya is very SP negative making the -1 playstyle challenging but doable in a limited amount of teams. Sunday is fully capable of the -1 playstyle and is SP neutral (assuming Sunday gets hit once every 3 actions to get the missing energy - which in the current AoE heavy meta, will happen even more often), unlocking the playstyle for vastly more teams than Bronya allowed.


When considering each character with their signature Light Cones, all of them gain a boost to their capabilities. Here are the changes they make - if you have access to these make sure to factor them into your evaluation of the characters.


Who is better between the three comes down to the damage dealer of your choice and the specific setup you're using, but in most cases, Sunday will be the primary choice in Hypercarry teams moving forward - with or without his Signature, but without you will have to rely on getting hit from time to time to achieve the 3-turn rotation.