A foxian healer from the Xianzhou Yaoqing and a counselor. Often greets people with a smile, but is rather cunning. Born into a prestigious Alchemy Commission family, he once withdrew from practicing medicine due to a broken heart. However, he returned to the field to treat "the Merlin's Claw," General Feixiao. Skilled in the study of alchemical prescription that views food as medicine, especially those that induce a sensation of spiciness. They invented a cauldron-based medicinal formula known as the "nine-squared grid."
To learn more about Jiaoqiu check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for - kit, traces, review or build guides.
Jiaoqiu has at least one video guide available, so if you prefer this sort of medium to learn more about a character, check it out:
Last review update
Patch 3.0
Last major build/calcs update
Patch 2.7
Last profile update*
February 15th, 2025
*Profile update means smaller edits to relics, stats, synergies or teams that don't require new calculations.
To learn more about Jiaoqiu check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for - kit, traces, review or build guides.
Build and teams
MoC/PF/AS Statistics
Heart Afire
Single Target
Energy gain: 20
Break: 10
Scorch Onslaught
Energy gain: 30
Break: 20 + 10 adjacent
Pyrograph Arcanum
AoE | 100 energy cost
Energy gain: 5
Break: 20
Quartet Finesse, Octave Finery
Energy gain: 0
Break: -
Fiery Queller
Energy gain: 0
Break: -
Pyre Cleanse
Hearth Kindle
Seared Scent
Pentapathic Transference
Eidolon 1
Allies deal 40% increased DMG to enemy targets afflicted with Ashen Roast. Whenever inflicting Ashen Roast on an enemy target via triggering the Talent's effect, additionally increases the number of Ashen Roast applied this time by 1.
From Savor Comes Suffer
Eidolon 2
When an enemy target is afflicted with Ashen Roast, increases the multiplier for the Fire DoT dealt by Ashen Roast to the target by 300%.
Flavored Euphony Reigns Supreme
Eidolon 3
Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.
Leisure In, Luster Out
Eidolon 4
When the Zone exists, reduces enemy target's ATK by 15%.
Duel in Dawn, Dash in Dusk
Eidolon 5
Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Nonamorphic Pyrobind
Eidolon 6
When an enemy target gets defeated, their accumulated "Ashen Roast" stacks will transfer to the enemy with the lowest number of "Ashen Roast" stacks on the battlefield. The maximum stack limit of Ashen Roast increases to 9, and each "Ashen Roast" stack reduces the target's All-Type RES by 3%.
Jiaoqiu images aren't available yet. They will be added when the character is released.
Strong DMG vulnerability debuffs for both ST and AoE,
Additional Ultimate DMG vulnerability that buffs Ult-heavy DPS characters,
Can easily reach 100% Uptime on his debuffs,
Provides 3 debuffs all on his own and can apply debuffs during enemy turns,
Debuffs carry over automatically to new waves and newly spawned enemies,
Laughably easy to play.
Outside of Acheron teams, he's a weaker support than most of the top Harmony units,
Lower than average base SPD,
Provides less value to Ultimate reliant DPS that can't Energy sustain themselves.
Jiaoqiu is a strong debuffing support with decent DoT capabilities. He can continually apply a stacking vulnerability debuff to all enemies on the field and can apply this to enemies entering the field with his Ultimate's Zone. This vulnerability debuff also doubles as his personal DoT, allowing him to contribute a decent amount of damage as well. His Ultimate will also provide an additional vulnerability debuff specifically for all Ultimate DMG received, and he gives enemies a chance to be afflicted with more vuln stacks on their turn, making him a strong and consistent support.
The definitely not aptly-named 'healer', Jiaoqiu, is a good support character from the Path of Nihility. He is capable of boosting the team's damage quite considerably and is able to do it consistently as well, making him a rather strong generalist unit. He is particularly excellent for Acheron teams due to his unparalleled debuff reapplication, and his Damage over Time (DoT) makes him a worthy unit to use in Kafka DoT teams, especially since his debuff increases all damage enemies receive. He won't be winning any stand-out awards for some other teams where other support slots are pretty much locked, but he's solid anywhere and everywhere, and should not be underestimated.
Jiaoqiu's Talent is the source of his debuff. Whenever Jiaoqiu hits an enemy with a Basic, Skill, or Ultimate, he has a 100% base chance to inflict 1 stack of Ashen Roast on them. The first stack of Ashen Roast inflicts up to a 15% DMG vulnerability on them, and each subsequent stack adds an extra 5%. Ashen Roast caps out at 5 stacks, for a total of up to 35% DMG vulnerability. Ashen Roast lasts for 2 turns, but the duration will reset upon reapplication. In addition to this, enemies affected by Ashen Roast will take Fire DoT at the start of their turn, up to 180% ATK (this DoT ignores Burn Immunity).
A 35% vulnerability that can be maintained indefinitely is extremely good. Though the upfront effect is less significant than say a Pela's Ultimate with S5 Pearls, the sheer uptime of it can actually end up being much stronger over the course of a fight. The DoT attached to this is not massively impressive, so you shouldn't count on that damage alone being massively impactful to your fight, but it is a nice extra. In Kafka setups where you're constantly detonating the compounded DoT effects on enemies, this can be very nice to have, especially due to the aforementioned 35% vuln enemies will have once this is stacked.
Jiaoqiu's Skill is a Blast AoE that deals up to 150% ATK to the primary target, and up to 90% ATK to adjacent foes. There's a 100% base chance to apply 1 Ashen Roast to the primary target. This effect stacks with his Talent, meaning that his Skill can apply 2 Ashen Roast stacks to his main foe and 1 stack to adjacent ones, speeding up the process of stacking the debuff. This is also unlikely to be used for its upfront damage, but is invaluable in AoE scenarios, or when you want to speed up the stacking onto a single enemy, so you’ll be using it quite frequently.
His Ultimate will deploy a zone. Inside this zone, all enemy's Ashen Roast stacks will be equal to the highest amount on the field (so if there's an enemy with 5 Ashen Roast stacks, all enemies will now have 5 as well), and this is then followed up by dealing up to 100% ATK to all enemies. Inside the zone, enemies will take up to an additional 15% increase damage from Ultimate DMG. There is also a 60% base chance that enemies will be inflicted with 1 stack of Ashen Roast when taking action, with a limit of 1 application per individual enemy action, and a total application limit of 6 times per Jiaoqiu's Ultimate usage. The zone lasts for 3 of Jiaoqiu's turns. The Ultimate vulnerability is a separate debuff.
This is how he quickly spreads Ashen Roast across the entire battlefield and keeps it at maximum. The extra Ultimate DMG enemies receive is additive with his Ashen Roast's 35% vulnerability, making for a combined 50% vulnerability to Ultimate DMG while his zone is active and at 5 stacks of Ashen Roast. The extra stacks of Ashen Roast on enemy action is actually per individual action, meaning an Elite enemy that acts twice per turn will have two separate chances to get afflicted with the debuff. This Ultimate also has a very low Energy cost of only 100, so it's very possible to have this up permanently and never really need to worry about your Ashen Roast stacks again.
Jiaoqiu's Bonus Ability Traces also help him get ramped up faster. A2 will regenerate 15 Energy at the start of combat, allowing him to get a first turn Ultimate as long as you have some Energy Regeneration Rate, granting a massive boost to the team right out of the gate and without any further shenanigans. A4 will increase Jiaoqiu's ATK based on how much Effect Hit Rate he has that goes beyond 80%; 60% ATK per 15% EHR, for a total of 240% bonus ATK when Jiaoqiu has a total of 140% EHR. Due to his lower base chances, you are already highly incentivised to build Effect Hit Rate to raise his consistency, so this is a nice bonus for doing what you should have already been doing.
His A6 is the really big one, as it will boost his Ultimate's zone; when the zone is up, enemies that enter combat will also be inflicted with Ashen Roast stacks equal to the current maximum on the field, so again if 5 is the max, new enemies entering combat will instantly gain the max stacks. This not only works for the Pure Fiction style of combat where enemies are constantly spawning in, this will actually also work for new waves inside of Memory of Chaos, meaning once Jiaoqiu is set up during the first wave of enemies, he will not ramp down in any way provided his Ultimate is still active when the next wave comes in.
It is at this point that I must reiterate that Jiaoqiu is a SUPPORT. He may deal some damage, but he is not a 'damage dealer', so please do not treat him as such. It can be easy to compare Jiaoqiu to some of our already existing Nihility support units and not take away the correct impression of him. Pela has her AoE DEF Shred on her Ultimate, Silver Wolf has massive single-target debuffing and DEF Shred, and Guinaifen is pretty much the same unit as him if you choose to ignore Jiaoqiu’s massively improved debuff application, duration of said debuffs, and even debuff strength. To say this is to show you've not been paying attention, and it all comes back to a specific word mentioned earlier in the review: uptime. Specifically on his team benefits.
Jiaoqiu ramps up fast and never ramps down again, he is permanently providing his maximum bonuses and that's irrespective of his other teammates or what enemies he is against. 35% all DMG vulnerability and a 50% Ultimate DMG vulnerability is nothing to scoff at, and the time you would have lost attacking non-debuffed enemies with other supports is refunded and amplified further with Jiaoqiu. Calling him a '5-star Guinaifen' is not wholly inaccurate (especially since they clearly shop at the same place), but it is deliberately ignoring the sweeping benefits Jiaoqiu has over many other supports, not just Guinaifen. Even then, calling anyone similar to Guinaifen is pretty high praise in my eyes — everyone's favourite in-universe streamer is quite powerful and still quite underrated.
Aside from the fact that Jiaoqiu is kerchow-ing with his debuff application, and even ignoring that he has 100% uptime on all his team benefits... The man is easy. He's just easy. He is not hard to build, he is not hard to play, and he doesn't really have much at all that he can optimise, excluding some cases with the Resolution Shines as Pearls of Sweat Light Cone and some optional micro-managing of the debuff from his Signature Light Cone. He provides maximum reward for minimal effort, and it is absolutely a huge selling point, I'd say. Not needing to time things to make sure your allies hit hardest, or accidentally fat-fingering an Ultimate when you didn't mean to — none of this matters with Jiaoqiu. Both forced and unforced errors are completely meaningless for Jiaoqiu; the former doesn't reduce his efficacy, and the latter simply can't happen unless you DIE.
Which brings me to the big synergy he's got: Acheron. Because of his Ultimate's debuff application on enemy action, he is able to provide Acheron so very many more points of Slashed Dream for her Ultimate, more than any other character in the game, and not by a small margin; every Jiaoqiu Ultimate alone will be giving Acheron 6 points of Slashed Dream, and this is without even considering Jiaoqiu's own turns with his Skill or Basic, or the rest of the team's debuff application either. Include enemies that spawn in, and it goes sky high.
It's like a turbo-charged version of the Trend of the Universal Market setup that also allowed Acheron to gain points of Slashed Dream during the enemy turns, only now it's 100% consistent and does not require you to run a sub-optimal setup with the Preservation Trailblazer. Ashen Roast's Vulnerability is something that Acheron teams lack along with DEF Shred, but the difference in damage between the two is not very large, and the vastly increased Ultimate uptime that Jiaoqiu provides Acheron more than makes up for the paltry difference. Then you just pair Jiaoqiu with either Pela or Silver Wolf depending on what you're against, be it AoE or single-target respectively, and you're golden.
Jiaoqiu is also quite potent for Dr. Ratio, providing 2 permanent debuffs all by himself (3 with his Signature Light Cone) and allowing Ratio to hit the 100% guarantee on his Skill’s follow-up without any other units considered. It's undoubtedly weaker than if you were to put Robin with Dr. Ratio in his optimal team, but it's vastly more viable for E0S0 holders of these characters, as without signature Light Cones for Topaz and Aventurine, Dr. Ratio is struggling to even meet the requirements for a 100% follow-up chance on his Skill, and Jiaoqiu remedies this.
Really, you can put Jiaoqiu pretty much anywhere you'd put Pela and you'll see similar if not better results, with more consistency to boot. The issue may come when you start comparing him to Harmony supports, as that becomes a lot less favourable very quickly. I mentioned it near the start but there's quite a few teams whose support slots are 'locked' to specific units with little room for it to change. Jiaoqiu is great, but he ain't Robin or Ruan Mei. Only one of each of those exist. However this goes both ways, since if those powerful Harmony supports are already occupied, Jiaoqiu makes for an excellent substitute, so he's especially useful if you only have the supports for one really strong team. While he's a wonderful generalist unit outside of his undisputed locked spot in Acheron teams, if players have the means to specialise their teams then their efforts are ultimately better spent elsewhere — for now, at least.
Jiaoqiu's Eidolons are decent but unnecessary, though they can be a nice boost to players looking to vertically invest (you should go for his Light Cone first). E1 will let allies have a 40% DMG bonus against enemies afflicted by Ashen Roast and will increase the number of stacks his Talent applies by 1. E2 increases the DMG multiplier of his Ashen Roast DoT to 480% ATK. E4 reduces enemy ATK by 15% while his Ultimate's Zone exists (10/10 Eidolon). E6 will let Ashen Roast stacks automatically transfer from a defeated enemy to a new enemy with the lowest stacks; Ashen Roast has its stack limit raised to 9, and each stack additionally reduces the enemy's All-Type RES by 3%. This means at E6, 9 stacks of Ashen Roast are providing 60.5% DMG vulnerability (because of the prior Eidolons), 27% All-Type RES Down, and a 480% ATK DoT.
All in all, Jiaoqiu is a very solid character with good potential to improve later down the line. More and more, we're gaining many team compositions to serve as alternatives to the typical hypercarry setup of old. That sort of world is exactly the kind that Jiaoqiu could thrive in.
Honkai: Star Rail is a game where team building matters most and while our tier list takes the optimal setup into account, a lot of characters can work and do well - even those ranked lower - when you invest into them. Also for story or lower difficulties of Simulated Universe, you don't need to worry about ratings and tiers. You can safely clear that content even with F2P characters as long as you build your team correctly.
Character at 5★ are rated at their Eidolon 0 with their best in slot non-limited Light Cone.
Available ratings:
Build and teams
Increases the wearer's Effect Hit Rate by 60/70/80/90/100%. After the wearer uses Basic ATK, Skill, or Ultimate to attack an enemy target, there is a 60% base chance to inflict "Unarmored" on the target. While in the Unarmored state, the enemy target receives 10/12/14/16/18% increased DMG, lasting for 2 turn(s). If the target is under a DoT state inflicted by the wearer, there is a 60% base chance to upgrade the "Unarmored" state inflicted by the wearer to the "Cornered" state, which additionally increases the DMG the target enemy receives by 14/16/18/20/22%, lasting for 2 turn(s). During this period, the wearer cannot inflict "Unarmored" on the target.
Source: Event Warp (limited)
Incredibly strong team-wide supportive option for DoT based Nihility supports seeking a large amount of Effect Hit Rating and who can apply and maintain their DoT throughout combat.
Increases Effect Hit Rate of its wearer by 20/25/30/35/40% and increases DoT by 24/30/36/42/48%.
Source: Stellar Warp
Solid option for those seeking a strong amount of Effect Hit Rating and or a large boost to DoT damage.
When the wearer hits an enemy and if the hit enemy is not already Ensnared, then there is a 60/70/80/90/100% base chance to Ensnare the hit enemy. Ensnared enemies' DEF decreases by 12/13/14/15/16% for 1 turn(s).
Source: Stellar Warp
One of the top Nihility supportive options available. Must be played around effectively due to its 1 turn duration - aim to apply this during the enemies turn or right after it. Becomes more powerful when combined with other sources of DEF% reduction.
Alternative or more specialized Light Cones that also are viable options for the character.
Increases the wearer's Effect Hit Rate by 20/25/30/35/40%. When the wearer attacks enemies that have reduced DEF, regenerates 4/5/6/7/8 Energy.
Source: Mission Reward
Specialty Cone only useful when the enemy already has a DEF% reduction applied to them. Benefits characters looking for Effect Hit Rating and substantial amounts of additional Energy generation. Easiest to use on characters that apply a DEF% reduction in their kit.
Increases the wearer's Break Effect by 20/25/30/35/40%. When the wearer unleashes their Ultimate, increases DoT dealt by the wearer by 24/30/36/42/48% for 2 turn(s). Defeating the target suffering from the wearer's DoT allows the wearer to regenerate 4/4.5/5/5.5/6 Energy.
Source: Herta's Store
Specialty Energy Regeneration Cone for DoT users that grants tremendous Energy generation in endgame modes with many enemies that can be killed quickly like Pure Fiction, allowing for Ult spamming assuming the wearer can apply their DoT's fast enough. Also provides solid DoT DMG% and some Break Effect as an additional bonus.
Best Relic Sets show the best sets that support the main character playstyle and work out of the box while the Special Relic Sets either are situational, support an alternative playstyle or are targeted toward min-maxers. The percentage numbers showcase the relative DPS increase when you take into account the set bonus only. For some characters there's no DPS (or its equivalent) available and in that case we listed the sets in the order of priority.
Increases Wind DMG by 10%.
After the wearer uses Ultimate, their action is Advanced Forward by 25%.
Allows characters with accessible Ultimates to reach higher Speed (and cycle) breakpoints compared to just stacking Speed. Strongest on characters with powerful ultimate related effects or who can access their ultimate at least once every 3 (but ideally 2) actions. Particularly strong when combined with other action advancement effects. The additional actions from this set are particularly powerful when playing Jiaoqiu alongside Acheron who benefits from the increased debuff application they provide.
Increases SPD by 6%.
When the wearer uses their Ultimate on an ally, SPD for all allies increases by 12% for 1 turn(s). This effect cannot be stacked.
If you can't put together a top recommended 4P set with satisfactory sub/main stats, mix and match the 2P Bonuses from the following instead:
Increases ATK by 12%.
For every DoT the target enemy is afflicted with, the wearer will ignore 6% of target's DEF when dealing DMG to them. This effect is valid for a max of 3 DoTs.
Exceptional damage set for DoT-focused characters that play within teams that can consistently apply and maintain 3 DoT's to enemies. Becomes more powerful when combined with other sources of DEF% reduction. A good option for E2+ Jiaoqiu.
Increases the wearer's Energy Regeneration Rate by 5%. When the wearer's SPD reaches 120 or higher, the wearer's action is Advanced Forward by 40% immediately upon entering battle.
Incredibly potent option for buff/debuff based characters. The advance from this set allows the wearer to apply their buffs/debuffs before the rest of the team acts, accelerate rotations, allows access to ultimates closer to the start of the fight and also grants Energy Regen - a valuable stat for many supports.
The following Planars are all usable and have their own strength and weaknesses when looking for team-based supportive effects.
Increases the wearer's Effect Hit Rate by 10%. Meanwhile, the wearer's ATK increases by an amount that is equal to 25% of the current Effect Hit Rate, up to a maximum of 25%.
Option for Effect Hit Rate focused characters searching for additional accessible source of Effect Hit Rating. When factoring the bonus Effect Hit Rating, alongside the ATK% boost can be a competitive damage option as well.
EHR (Until 140%) > SPD > ATK%
If you want to learn more about the various stats and breakpoints, expand the section below.
Effect Hit Rate: Some amount of Effect Hit Rate is essential in order for Jiaoqiu to land his abilities on end-game bosses who have 30-40% Effect Resistance. In his kit, he has debuffs that have both a 100% and 60% base chance to land - both of which are important to his combat potential.
Attempting to build him in order to land all his debuffs against all enemies is not realistic so instead it's better to aim to guarantee you'll hit against the bulk of enemies who have 30% Resistance while still having a decent shot of landing debuffs against 40% Resistance enemies.
The magic number for this is 140% which just so happens to also max out his bonus ability granting him 240% ATK - getting any less than this will cause Jiaoqiu to miss debuffs against common enemies and lose out on a damage increase.
Speed: As a support, Jiaoqiu must move before whoever he is supporting - this means stacking enough Speed to ensure he's one of the first characters to move so he can apply all of his debuffs to the enemy.
How much Speed you'll need for this depends on the character Jiaoqiu is supporting. Sprighly Vonwaq can also be used to make this requirement significantly easier to manage thanks to the action advance passive built into its bonus.
HP: 3000+
DEF: 900+
ATK: 4000+ (In combat with maxed 240% ATK Boost)
Effect Hit Rate: 140%+ (More can be useful against 40%+ Resistant enemies)
SPD: As much as is needed to outspeed all DPS characters and even more than this if desired.
Talent > Ultimate > Skill > Basic
Seared Scent (A6) > Pyre Cleanse (A2) > Hearth Kindle (A4)
Below you can find a list of some of the stronger synergies between this character and others.
The teams in the section are generated based on the current Memory of Chaos data we have gathered. If you want to see more statistics about the mode, check the MoC/PF/AS Statistics tab.
MoC/PF/AS Statistics
This section contains information about Jiaoqiu performance in the latest Memory of Chaos cycle (3.0), latest Pure Fiction (3.0) and the latest Apocalyptic Shadow (3.1), and the commonly used Relics and Cones in both modes. The page has been last updated on 07.03.2025.
If you want to share your clear information with us, you simply need to fill the form below and provide us with your UID and make your Hoyo profile public - we will automatically parse the MoC/PF clear information from your profile after that!
MoC/PF/AS Stats FormCharacters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Memory of Chaos by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.
Characters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Pure Fiction by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.
Characters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Apocalyptic Shadow by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.
This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Jiaoqiu in the current phase of Memory of Chaos.
This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Jiaoqiu in the current phase of Pure Fiction.
This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Jiaoqiu in the current phase of Apocalyptic Shadow.
Eidolons data comes from players we have scanned who used Jiaoqiu in the current MoC cycle (2581), in the current PF cycle (4165) or in the current AS cycle (1798) and had the character placed in their Profile. Use the switcher below to show Jiaoqiu Eidolon performance in the endgame modes (Default MoC) - the percentage doesn't change as it takes into account all modes already.
8.6 cyc.Eidolon 0
6.22 cyc.Allies deal 40% increased DMG to enemy targets afflicted with Ashen Roast. Whenever inflicting Ashen Roast on an enemy target via triggering the Talent's effect, additionally increases the number of Ashen Roast applied this time by 1.
5.16 cyc.When an enemy target is afflicted with Ashen Roast, increases the multiplier for the Fire DoT dealt by Ashen Roast to the target by 300%.
6 cyc.Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.
6 cyc.When the Zone exists, reduces enemy target's ATK by 15%.
99.99 cyc.Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
0.67 cyc.When an enemy target gets defeated, their accumulated "Ashen Roast" stacks will transfer to the enemy with the lowest number of "Ashen Roast" stacks on the battlefield. The maximum stack limit of Ashen Roast increases to 9, and each "Ashen Roast" stack reduces the target's All-Type RES by 3%.
Light Cones are ranked with usage rate among the players we have scanned who used Jiaoqiu in the current MoC cycle (2581), in the current PF cycle (4165) or in the current AS cycle (1798) and had the character placed in their Profile. Use the switcher below to show Jiaoqiu Light Cones performance in the endgame modes (Default MoC) - the percentage doesn't change as it takes into account all modes already.
8.33 cyc.Increases the wearer's Effect Hit Rate by 60/70/80/90/100%. After the wearer uses Basic ATK, Skill, or Ultimate to attack an enemy target, there is a 60% base chance to inflict "Unarmored" on the target. While in the Unarmored state, the enemy target receives 10/12/14/16/18% increased DMG, lasting for 2 turn(s). If the target is under a DoT state inflicted by the wearer, there is a 60% base chance to upgrade the "Unarmored" state inflicted by the wearer to the "Cornered" state, which additionally increases the DMG the target enemy receives by 14/16/18/20/22%, lasting for 2 turn(s). During this period, the wearer cannot inflict "Unarmored" on the target.
Source: Event Warp (limited)
8.83 cyc.Increases Effect Hit Rate of its wearer by 20/25/30/35/40% and increases DoT by 24/30/36/42/48%.
Source: Stellar Warp
8.29 cyc.Increases the wearer's Effect Hit Rate by 20/25/30/35/40%. When the wearer attacks enemies that have reduced DEF, regenerates 4/5/6/7/8 Energy.
Source: Mission Reward
8.8 cyc.Increases the wearer's Break Effect by 20/25/30/35/40%. When the wearer unleashes their Ultimate, increases DoT dealt by the wearer by 24/30/36/42/48% for 2 turn(s). Defeating the target suffering from the wearer's DoT allows the wearer to regenerate 4/4.5/5/5.5/6 Energy.
Source: Herta's Store
8 cyc.When the wearer hits an enemy and if the hit enemy is not already Ensnared, then there is a 60/70/80/90/100% base chance to Ensnare the hit enemy. Ensnared enemies' DEF decreases by 12/13/14/15/16% for 1 turn(s).
Source: Stellar Warp
9 cyc.Increases wearer's Effect Hit Rate by 40/45/50/55/60%. When the wearer deals DMG to an enemy inflicted with Wind Shear, Burn, Shock, or Bleed, they will individually gain 1 stack of Prophet. This effect can stack up to 4 times. In a single battle, each type of DoT can only generate 1 stack of Prophet. Every stack of Prophet increases wearer's ATK by 5/6/7/8/9% and the DoT dealt will ignore 7.2/7.9/8.6/9.3/10% of the target's DEF.
Source: Event Warp (limited)
7 cyc.Increases the wearer's Effect Hit Rate by 24/28/32/36/40%. When the wearer deals DMG to an enemy with 3 or more debuffs, increases CRIT Rate by 12/14/16/18/20%. After the wearer uses their Basic ATK, Skill, or Ultimate, there is a 100% base chance to implant Aether Code on a random hit target that does not have it yet. Targets with Aether Code receive 12/14/16/18/20% increased DMG for 1 turn.
Source: Event Warp (limited)
10 cyc.For every debuff the target enemy has, the DMG dealt by the wearer increases by 12/15/18/21/24%, stacking up to 3 time(s). This effect also applies to DoT.
Source: Stellar Warp
Relic Sets are ranked with usage rate among the players we have scanned who used Jiaoqiu in the current MoC cycle (2581), in the current PF cycle (4165) or in the current AS cycle (1798) and had the character placed in their Profile. The results are limited to top 5 combinations. Flex means 2 random Relic pieces that don't combine into a Set.
Increases Wind DMG by 10%.
After the wearer uses Ultimate, their action is Advanced Forward by 25%.
Increases SPD by 6%.
When the wearer uses their Ultimate on an ally, SPD for all allies increases by 12% for 1 turn(s). This effect cannot be stacked.
Increases DMG dealt to enemies with debuff by 12%.
Increases CRIT Rate by 4%. The wearer deals 8%/12% increased CRIT DMG to enemies with at least 2/3 debuffs. After the wearer inflicts a debuff on enemy targets, the aforementioned effects increase by 100%, lasting for 1 turn.
Increases SPD by 6%.
When the wearer uses their Ultimate on an ally, SPD for all allies increases by 12% for 1 turn(s). This effect cannot be stacked.
Increases ATK by 12%.
For every DoT the target enemy is afflicted with, the wearer will ignore 6% of target's DEF when dealing DMG to them. This effect is valid for a max of 3 DoTs.
Increases ATK by 12%.
For every DoT the target enemy is afflicted with, the wearer will ignore 6% of target's DEF when dealing DMG to them. This effect is valid for a max of 3 DoTs.
Increases SPD by 6%.
When the wearer uses their Ultimate on an ally, SPD for all allies increases by 12% for 1 turn(s). This effect cannot be stacked.
Increases SPD by 6%.
When using Skill or Ultimate on one ally target, increases the ability target's CRIT DMG by 18%, lasting for 2 turn(s). This effect can stack up to 2 time(s).
Increases the wearer's Energy Regeneration Rate by 5%. When the wearer's SPD reaches 120 or higher, the wearer's action is Advanced Forward by 40% immediately upon entering battle.
Increases the wearer's Effect Hit Rate by 10%. Meanwhile, the wearer's ATK increases by an amount that is equal to 25% of the current Effect Hit Rate, up to a maximum of 25%.
Increases the wearer's Effect RES by 10%. When the wearer's Effect RES is at 30% or higher, all allies' CRIT DMG increases by 10%.
Increases the wearer's Energy Regeneration Rate by 5%. If the wearer is not the first character in the team lineup, then increase the ATK of the first character in the team lineup by 12%.
Increases the wearer's ATK by 12%. When the wearer's SPD is equal to or higher than 135/160, the wearer deals 12%/18% more DMG.
Relic Stats are shown based on the Relics used by the players we have scanned who used Jiaoqiu in the current MoC cycle (2581), in the current PF cycle (4165) or in the current AS cycle (1798) and had the character placed in their Profile.
Don't use the damage output calculations as an indication on who is worth pulling or investing as those are just simulations and in day-to-day gameplay there's a lot variables. Use the numbers only to supplement your knowledge and treat them as the 'floor' of a character's damage output which you can further scale with proper team and investment.
The simulation showcases characters damage potential in the 5 cycle turn limit of Memory of Chaos against 1 target and 3 targets. The section below has all the rules listed.
Increases SPD by 6%.
When the wearer uses their Ultimate on an ally, SPD for all allies increases by 12% for 1 turn(s). This effect cannot be stacked.
Increases DMG dealt to enemies with debuff by 12%.
Increases CRIT Rate by 4%. The wearer deals 8%/12% increased CRIT DMG to enemies with at least 2/3 debuffs. After the wearer inflicts a debuff on enemy targets, the aforementioned effects increase by 100%, lasting for 1 turn.
Increases the wearer's Max HP by 12%. When the wearer's SPD reaches 120 or higher, all allies' ATK increases by 8%.
ATK (11.7%), EHR (35%), Speed (27)
The Signature variant use more DPS-oriented build as it's mainly targeted at players who plan to invest more into Jiaoqiu and running him as a DPS rather than a Support.
Increases ATK by 12%.
For every DoT the target enemy is afflicted with, the wearer will ignore 6% of target's DEF when dealing DMG to them. This effect is valid for a max of 3 DoTs.
Increases the wearer's ATK by 12%. When the wearer's SPD is equal to or higher than 135/160, the wearer deals 12%/18% more DMG.
ATK (31.1%), EHR (15.5%), Speed (27)
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Focus on EHR till you reach 140% and then build Speed, followed by ATK%.