Honkai: Star RailRobinBest build, teams and other guides


Robin is a 5 character from the Physical element who follows the Path of Harmony.

A Halovian singer born in Penacony and rose to cosmic fame. An elegant and demure young lady. This time, she has been invited home by The Family to grace everyone with a song at the Charmony Festival. She can use the power of Harmony to broadcast her music, manifesting "resonance" among not only her fans but all manner of lifeforms.

To learn more about Robin check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for - kit, traces, review or build guides.

Video guide

Robin has at least one video guide available, so if you prefer this sort of medium to learn more about a character, check it out:

Update tracker

Last review update

Patch 2.6

Last major build/calcs update

Patch 2.7

Last profile update*

February 15th, 2025

*Profile update means smaller edits to relics, stats, synergies or teams that don't require new calculations.

To learn more about Robin check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for - kit, traces, review or build guides.



Build and teams

MoC/PF/AS Statistics



Basic ATK

Wingflip White Noise

Single Target

Lv. 1

Energy gain: 20

Break: 10

Deals Physical DMG equal to #1[i]% of Robin's ATK to a single target enemy.

Pinion's Aria


Lv. 1

Energy gain: 30

Break: -

Increase DMG dealt by all allies by #1[i]%, lasting for 3 turn(s). This duration decreases by 1 at the start of Robin's every turn.

Vox Harmonique, Opus Cosmique

Support | 160 energy cost

Lv. 1

Energy gain: 5

Break: -

Robin enters the Concerto state and makes all other allies immediately take action. When in the Concerto state, increase all allies' ATK by #1[i]% of Robin's ATK plus #2[i]. Moreover, after every attack by allies, Robin deals Additional Physical DMG equal to #3[i]% of her ATK 1 time, with a fixed CRIT Rate for this damage set at 100% and fixed CRIT DMG set at 150%. When in the Concerto state, Robin is immune to Crowd Control debuffs, and cannot enter her turn or take action until Concerto state ends. A Concerto countdown appears on the Action Order bar. When the countdown's turn begins, Robin exits the Concerto state and immediately takes action. The countdown has its own fixed SPD of 90.

Tonal Resonance


Lv. 1

Energy gain: 0

Break: -

Increase all allies' CRIT DMG by #1[i]%. Moreover, after allies attack enemy targets, Robin additionally regenerates 2 Energy for herself.

Overture of Inebriation


Energy gain: 0

Break: -

After using Technique, creates a dimension around the character that lasts for 15 seconds. Enemies within this dimension will not attack Robin and will follow Robin while the dimension is active. After entering battle while the dimension is active, Robin regenerates 5 Energy at the start of each wave. Only 1 dimension created by allies can exist at the same time.
Major Traces
A2Major trace

Coloratura Cadenza

When the battle begins, this character's action is Advanced Forward by 25%.
A4Major trace

Impromptu Flourish

While the Concerto state is active, the CRIT DMG dealt when all allies launch follow-up attacks increases by 25%.
A6Major trace

Sequential Passage

When using Skill, additionally regenerates 5 Energy.
Minor Traces (total)

Land of Smiles

Eidolon 1

While the Concerto state is active, all allies' All-Type RES PEN increases by 24%.


Afternoon Tea For Two

Eidolon 2

While the Concerto state is active, all allies' SPD increases by 16%. The Talent's Energy Regeneration effect additionally increases by 1.


Inverted Tuning

Eidolon 3

Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.


Raindrop Key

Eidolon 4

When using the Ultimate, dispels Crowd Control debuffs from all allies. While Robin is in the Concerto state, increases the Effect RES of all allies by 50%.


Lonestar's Lament

Eidolon 5

Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10. Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.


Moonless Midnight

Eidolon 6

While the Concerto state is active, the CRIT DMG of the Additional Physical DMG caused by the Ultimate increases by 450%. The effect of Moonless Midnight can trigger up to 8 time(s). And the trigger count resets each time the Ultimate is used.

Stats and materials
Level 80
Enable Ascension
Level 80 stats
Level 1 → 80 Ascension Materials
  • Credit
    x 308000
  • Dream Collection Component
    Dream Collection Component
    x 15
  • Dream Flow Valve
    Dream Flow Valve
    x 15
  • IPC Work Permit
    IPC Work Permit
    x 65
  • Dream Making Engine
    Dream Making Engine
    x 15
Alice Himora & Chevy
名冢佳织 (Nazuka Kaori) & Chevy
钱琛 (Qian Chen) & Chevy
신온유 (Shin On-yu) & Chevy


Pros & Cons

  • Top-tier offensive buffs,

  • Toppest tier buffs for follow-up attackers,

  • Has teamwide 100% Action Advance on her Ultimate,

  • Contributes extremely substantial personal damage,

  • Very SP efficient,

  • Very easy to build.


  • Personal damage benefits the most from fast-acting allies,

  • Very high Ultimate cost at 160,

  • Energy regeneration can be wildly inconsistent,

  • Need galaxybrain to always fully benefit from teamwide Action Advance,

  • Auto-battle is passable but highly inefficient with the Ultimate’s Action Advance.

Review (By Sushou)

Robin is an exceptionally potent Harmony support. She provides highly competitive teamwide buffs at relatively high SP efficiency, while also contributing a very significant amount of her own damage through her Ultimate. She possesses the highly coveted ability to Action Advance teammates, only she is capable of Advancing the entire party, excluding herself. Her method of contributing damage cannot be interrupted by enemy Crowd Control effects and is directly tied to how many attacks the team as a whole can launch, with even further benefits for follow-up-centric teams.

I'll cut to the chase this time around, this is yet another unsurprising slam-dunk for Harmony. Robin is on a similar power level to that of Ruan Mei, being better in some particular specialized teams and worse in others. Even despite that, there is a fairly good amount of overlap where they can be used, and Robin may prove to be an even more enticing option for the practiced player.

With that bar established, let's elaborate on why exactly Robin reaches these heights, starting with the less dramatic portion of her kit, her Skill. It's a simplistic teamwide DMG buff of up to 50%, lasting for 3 of Robin's turns. This makes it quite an efficient boost for the whole party as you're not having to constantly keep up a buff on specific teammates. Robin's Talent is also simple, providing a permanent CRIT DMG boost to the whole party of up to 20%. It also has the added effect of granting Robin 2 additional points of Energy whenever allies attack enemy targets.

The iconic part of Robin's kit is her Ultimate. She brings an entire concert to life upon use, immediately Action Advancing all other characters by 100%, and Robin herself enters the Concerto state, increasing all allies' ATK by up to 22.8% of Robin's ATK plus a flat 200. She starts to sing and a countdown shows up in the Action Order bar, essentially acting as a way to keep track of when Robin's Concerto state will end. During Concerto, Robin has a fixed SPD of 90 with absolutely no way of affecting this; when the countdown ends, Robin will take her turn, but cannot be Action Advanced, Delayed, or affected by Crowd Control or SPD influencing effects.

If you are familiar with how the likes of Bronya and Sparkle work, you may already understand why being able to instantly grant the entire rest of the party an immediate additional Action is so ridiculously powerful. You grant more total Actions over the course of a fight than you would otherwise be allowed, and can bring allies up into a cycle that's about to end, essentially cheating out extra time to finish the fight or potentially sparing yourself from a powerful enemy attack.

Sending Robin to SPD purgatory by design may seem like a steep price to pay, especially since the cost of the Ultimate itself is a staggering 160 Energy, and this would definitely be the case were it not for the second part of the Ultimate. While Robin is in the Concerto state, in addition to the ATK increase and Action Advance, she will deal additional Physical DMG whenever any ally launches an attack against an enemy, dealing up to 120% ATK per attack action. This damage also has a fixed CRIT Rate of 100% and a fixed CRIT DMG of 150%.

Now, in addition to the other benefits she's providing with her Ultimate, Robin is also dealing damage of her own, and let me tell you that it's very substantial — in other supports' reviews it's been mentioned that their damage output is 'non-negligible' meaning it's nice to have but shouldn't be likely to be a significant portion of the team's overall damage. This is absolutely not the case with Robin, her damage is absolutely a massive increase and is actually quite easy to account for.

If upon reading 'per attack action' your mind immediately went to follow-up teams, you're right on the money. Any action that lands a hit on the enemy will cause Robin to chuck a treble-clef at the enemy, including Ultimates and especially follow-ups. The low SPD that the Concerto state enforces on Robin is therefore actually a boon, giving the team more opportunities to proc Robin's additional damage. Even better is that since her Skill's duration is based on Robin's own turns, she can keep a single Skill activation going for an incredibly long time, making her extremely SP efficient to boot, and of course thanks to her Talent, she is able to regain Energy even during the Concerto state.

The steep Energy cost of the Ultimate is absolutely justified, and careful usage of it can result in downright illegal maneuvers against even the toughest enemies — heck, even haphazard usage is strong enough in pretty much all cases. It's unlikely that you will be able to keep up the Ultimate indefinitely even with outside sources of Energy like Turbulence effects, and even if you do regain enough to prolong the effects, you're usually better off waiting until the last character before Robin has acted before using Robin's Ultimate, as this is the most efficient way to utilise the 100% Action Advance the Ultimate provides. However, if you're pressed for time and overall Actions like in Pure Fiction, you may want to maximize how many Ultimates Robin can get off, in which case it's better not to wait.

Robin's Bonus Ability Traces also tie into her powerful performance. The A2 will give Robin a 25% Action Advance at the beginning of a fight, making it much easier to use her Skill before any of your other DPS characters get their first actions off. A4 will improve upon the innate follow-up synergies by granting follow-up attacks a 25% CRIT DMG boost during the Concerto state, and A6 will make Robin's Skill regenerate an additional 5 Energy on use. A6 in particular can make it quite a compelling choice to use Robin's Skill even if she doesn't need to refresh it purely for the massive influx of Energy it provides.

Talking about Eidolons for limited 5-star characters is becoming increasingly redundant as they all follow the same pattern for the most part. As always, absolutely no Eidolons are necessary for Robin to excel, and she is not rated with them in mind. E1 provides a teamwide 24% All-Type RES PEN while Robin is in the Concerto state, and E2 will also increase all allies' SPD by 16% also during Concerto, while also increasing the Energy gained from her Talent to 3. E4 will instantly dispel all Crowd Control debuffs on allies when they get Action Advanced by the Ultimate, and will also improve their Effect RES by 50% during Concerto. Finally, E6 makes Robin really put the 'Harm' in Harmony, giving herself 8 uses of a hyper-enhanced additional DMG instance during her Ultimate, having a 600% CRIT DMG bonus instead of the usual 150%, going back to the usual amount after 8 attacks have been launched and resetting the stack count when the Ultimate is used again. It, uh, destroys pretty much everything in the blink of an eye. Have fun with that, Anemone.

Because of the unique way that Robin plays out, her stat requirements as a Harmony character are very non-standard; thanks to the Concerto state setting her SPD to a fixed value of 90, she doesn't really care about SPD that much beyond being able to get the first Action of a fight, something that is rather easy to achieve thanks to her A2 passive, meaning a paltry SPD value of around 120 is good enough in most cases unless your DPS character is a speed demon. Additionally, because the Concerto state’s additional attacks have fixed CRIT values, literally any amount from stats or substats is entirely wasted. Robin cares almost exclusively about ATK, and can make very good use of it, meaning it's very reasonable to focus on defensive stats after you've hit the ATK and SPD values you were aiming for.

Energy is a bit of a sore spot, not only because of the aforementioned high Energy cost of 160, but also because how much Energy exactly Robin will be getting depends entirely on the team you're running her with, as well as the enemies you happen to be facing. It's quite free-form and you'll have to get a feel for it for yourself, so the general recommendation is to get as much Energy Regeneration Rate as you can without it hindering Robin's supportive capabilities. For this reason, it's also recommended to place Robin in the middle of the team to increase the likelihood of her getting clipped by enemy AoE attacks for that sweet 'hit me' Energy — another good reason to invest in defensive stats. This makes Robin arguably the easiest support character to build in the entire game, almost laughably so. When pretty much every other support wants to be as fast as possible and aim for having around 160 SPD or even greater, the paltry requirements of Robin are a very, very welcome change of pace.

In terms of teams, Robin is highly flexible. For clarity, Robin is not an exclusively follow-up centric support. She's giving Ruan Mei a run for her money in pretty much all teams that aren't explicitly Break focused. Having said that... Robin does see the greatest benefits in follow-up teams. Feixiao, Dr. Ratio, Topaz, and Aventurine all have easily accessed follow-up attacks that can frequently trigger Robin's extra DMG and self Energy restore, while also benefiting from the near-permanent 25% extra CRIT DMG offered exclusively to follow-up attacks, getting a total of 45% CRIT DMG from Robin just existing, really. Topaz especially will always be benefiting from this as all of her attacks count as follow-ups.

Huohuo is also particularly noteworthy as a good general sustain to pair with Robin if one does not have Aventurine, as Huohuo's Ultimate restores a percentage of Energy to all other allies. With Robin having a Energy cost of 160, this results in a very significant amount of Energy coming back with just a single Huohuo Ultimate. The ATK buff provided by Huohuo will also naturally increase Robin's own damage output during the Concerto state. This is particularly amusing to see in the now classic Damage over Time (DoT) team with Kafka and Black Swan, where Robin feels surprisingly at home, mostly in part thanks to Kafka's extremely frequent and consistent follow-up and the rest due to DoT teams being naturally very SPD heavy in the first place. The sheer amount of ATK buffs in that team makes the DoT damage staggeringly high.

If one does not have these other 5-star limited characters, Clara is also someone who benefits from Robin — extremely so, to the point where Robin could very well be a best-in-slot support for Clara moving forward. The only limit on how many follow-ups Clara can throw out is how often she can get hit, meaning in particularly enemy-dense encounters or against speed demon bosses, Clara can output a very impressive amount of damage when bolstered by Robin, and Robin can do much the same thanks to Clara.

If you are of a… particularly driven nature, you can try assembling a team of alacritous assistants attempting to aid Robin's attacks, by which I mean: fast team makes Robin hit more, so more SPD is good. You'd be shifting the focus more onto Robin herself by trying to eke out as many additional hits from her Ultimate as possible, so Asta would see great value in this regard, especially as she herself offers a very powerful teamwide ATK buff that Robin can also benefit from. This support pairing works very well with a great many DPS characters and is highly accessible due to Asta being a free 4-star character. It's not the most recommended setup for more storied players with access to more limited 5-star characters, but it definitely does work, and it's funny when things go zoom.

As I said in the beginning, Harmony stays winning, and Robin is another fantastic addition to the roster. I've made the analogy before of 'it's like comparing gold to platinum' when there's something great and something that's also great but slightly better, but when it comes to the Harmony characters, they’re all so good that having any of them is going to be great for you. Sure there are cases where one shines more than the others, but for the overwhelming majority of people, it's the same picture. There are only winners in this race.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go listen to Robin's Ultimate song for 10 hours. It's a bop and everyone knows it.


Honkai: Star Rail is a game where team building matters most and while our tier list takes the optimal setup into account, a lot of characters can work and do well - even those ranked lower - when you invest into them. Also for story or lower difficulties of Simulated Universe, you don't need to worry about ratings and tiers. You can safely clear that content even with F2P characters as long as you build your team correctly.

Character at 5★ are rated at their Eidolon 0 with their best in slot non-limited Light Cone.

Available ratings:

  • Memory of Chaos (MoC) - how the character performs in the Memory of Chaos. Blast and single target damage are important here while AoE has niche uses against some bosses.
  • Pure Fiction (PF) - how the character performs in the Pure Fiction. AoE is king here, followed by Blast while single target damage is mostly useless.
  • Apocalyptic Shadow (AS) - how the character performs in the Apocalyptic Shadow. Single target and Break is important here.






Build and teams

Best Light Cones
Best Light Cones


Every time any ally attacks, the wearer gains 1 stack of Cantillation. Each stack of Cantillation increases the wearer's Energy Regeneration Rate by 3/3.5/4/4.5/5%, stacking up to 5 times. When the wearer uses their Ultimate, removes Cantillation and gains Cadenza. Cadenza increases the Wearer's ATK by 48/60/72/84/96% and all allies' DMG dealt by 24/28/32/36/40%, lasting for 1 turn(s).

Source: Event Warp (limited)

Robin’s Signature Light Cone will allow for the most consistent Energy rotations by increasing her Energy Regeneration Rate by 15%. Its high base ATK and 48% self-ATK boost will also significantly improve her ATK buff and Additional DMG proc provided by her Ultimate, and the whole team gets a 24% DMG buff for the duration of Robin’s Ultimate.


Increases the wearer's Energy Regeneration Rate by 10/12/14/16/18% and regenerates 1 Skill Point when the wearer uses their Ultimate on an ally. This effect can be triggered after every 2 uses of the wearer's Ultimate. When the wearer uses their Skill, the next ally taking action (except the wearer) deals 30/35/40/45/50% more DMG for 1 turn(s).

Source: Stellar Warp

Despite not gaining much use from the primary effect of this Cone, the Energy Regeneration Rate, high base stats and additional Skill points make it a viable option compared to alternatives for Robin.


Increases the wearer's ATK by 16/20/24/28/32%. After the wearer uses their Ultimate, increases their DMG dealt by 18/21/24/27/30%, lasting for 1 turn.

Source: Mission Reward

The 4* Event Light Cone slightly improves the ATK buff provided by Robin’s Ultimate, but mainly focuses on her personal DMG during her Ultimate.

Special Light Cones

Alternative or more specialized Light Cones that also are viable options for the character.

After the wearer uses attacks or gets hit, additionally regenerates 4/5/6/7/8 Energy. This effect can only be triggered 1 time per turn.

Source: Stellar Warp

One of the strongest energy generating Cone in the game - especially in encounters where the wearer is getting hit many times as each hit grants 8 energy. Will help a lot with Energy issues, but at the cost of all other supportive effects and base stats.

Increases the wearer's ATK by 16/20/24/28/32%. Upon entering battle, if two or more characters follow the same Path, then these characters' CRIT DMG increases by 16/20/24/28/32%. Abilities of the same type cannot stack.

Source: Event Warp (limited)

Specialized option usable when supporting teams with 2 damage dealers of the same path who scale their damage through CRIT. Performs better on Harmony characters that have abilities that scale with ATK%.

Best Relics

Best Relic Sets show the best sets that support the main character playstyle and work out of the box while the Special Relic Sets either are situational, support an alternative playstyle or are targeted toward min-maxers. The percentage numbers showcase the relative DPS increase when you take into account the set bonus only. For some characters there's no DPS (or its equivalent) available and in that case we listed the sets in the order of priority.

Best Relic Sets



ATK increases by 12%.


The wearer's SPD increases by 6% and Basic ATK DMG increases by 10%.


Robin has no dedicated 4P Relic set that is ideal for her. Mix and match the 2P Bonuses from the following instead:

  • Sacerdos' Relived Ordeal
    Sacerdos' Relived Ordeal
    [Speed +6%]
  • Messenger Traversing Hackerspace
    Messenger Traversing Hackerspace
    [Speed +6%]
  • Prisoner in Deep Confinement
    Prisoner in Deep Confinement
    [ATK +12%]
  • The Wind-Soaring Valorous
    The Wind-Soaring Valorous
    [ATK +12%]
Best Planetary Sets



Increases the wearer's Energy Regeneration Rate by 5%. When the wearer's SPD reaches 120 or higher, the wearer's action is Advanced Forward by 40% immediately upon entering battle.

Incredibly potent option for buff/debuff based characters. The advance from this set allows the wearer to apply their buffs/debuffs before the rest of the team acts, accelerate rotations, allows access to ultimates closer to the start of the fight and also grants Energy Regen - a valuable stat for many supports.

The following Planars are all usable and have their own strength and weaknesses when looking for team-based supportive effects.

  • Fleet of the Ageless
    Fleet of the Ageless
    - Ideal for supporting teams that scale on ATK.
  • Broken Keel
    Broken Keel
    - An option for supports stacking Effect RES, while also increasing the entire team's CRIT DMG. Requires at least 30% Effect RES to activate.
  • Penacony, Land of the Dreams
    Penacony, Land of the Dreams
    - Top option for supporting teams with the same Element as the wearer, and for its Energy Regen.
  • Lushaka, the Sunken Seas
    Lushaka, the Sunken Seas
    - Top option for Supporting a single ATK-scaling DPS, and for its Energy Regen.
Special Planetary Sets


Best Stats
Planar Sphere
Physical DMG
Physical DMG
Link Rope
Energy Regen
Energy Regen Rate

ATK% >= SPD > HP% = DEF%

If you want to learn more about the various stats and breakpoints, expand the section below.

Additional notes for sub-stats
  • SPEED:

    • Unlike some other supports, Robin doesn't "need" Speed as during her Ultimate her Speed is fixed at 90 and she spends a good amount of time within that state. She also doesn't rely solely on her own actions for generating Energy and in many cases generates more Energy from her team and taking damage than herself. For these reasons, Speed is not essential.

    • It is recommended however that you build enough Speed on your Robin so that she always takes the first action in combat and applies her 50% damage increase to all allies. Thanks to her 25% action advance bonus ability it doesn't take much for Robin to outspeed even the fastest team setups. Generally, 120/121 Speed will allow you to outspeed allies at around 160 Speed (you can use even less Speed than this if you're running a slow team and a non-speed scaling planar).

    • If you're using supports that similarly start with action advances like Robin you may want to look into running Sprightly Vonwacq to ensure she always moves first. Outside of ensuring Robin moves first, Speed is no longer essential but can still hold value in allowing Robin quicker actions outside of her ultimate which may or may not be the difference between landing an Ultimate at a more opportune time or gaining another one entirely.

  • ATK% & DMG%

    • Robin's biggest buffs and all her damage can be scaled with ATK%, making it by far her best stat and the one you should focus on stacking as much as possible of.

    • If you're interested in seeking out more personal damage for Robin though, DMG% and PHYS% can in many cases be more valuable than ATK%. Many Robin builds end up with 180%-200%+ increased ATK% easily and the only source of DMG% Robin has naturally is her skill which grants her 50% (+ whatever she can manage from her Light Cone). This means the DMG% multiplier ends up being much lower compared to ATK%.

    • For maximizing damage experimenting with a PHYS% orb or other sources of DMG% can help you gain more from your Robin as long as you're not giving up too much in the form of ATK and losing out on Robin's supportive capabilities.

  • Energy Recharge%

    • Exactly how much Energy you need to achieve casting Robin's Ultimate every 1, 2 or 3 actions will change based on your team, the fight, and random chance. As the more your team is able to hit the more energy Robin will gain, the more the enemy attacks, and the more of their attacks are AoE, the higher chance Robin has to gain substantial energy from taking damage. And of course, based on luck she may or may not get hit by more or less attacks. For all these reasons, it's not possible to say exactly how much Energy Regeneration you need but getting as much as possible without sacrificing Robin's personal damage and team buffs is advised.

Build comments

ATK% is the sole sub-stat that scales Robin's damaging and buffing kit as such stack as much of it as possible. While doing so it's recommended you ensure your Robin is fast enough alongside her action advance that she is always the first to act in combat. To guarantee this is always the case for almost all standard-built teams ensure she has 120-121 Speed. This will cover you even for fast compositions like 160-speed Sparkle (120 is good most of the time but if she's not first get a bit more). After stacking as much ATK as possible and satisfying your Speed needs, you can invest into Defence or invest into more Speed - although it is no longer essential after you've ensured Robin is moving first but can situationally still be helpful in certain teams and content.

Recommended endgame stats
  • HP: 3200+

  • ATK: 3000-4400+

  • DEF: 800+

  • SPD: 120+ (get a bit more if Robin isn't the first to act at the start of the battle)

  • Energy Regeneration Rate: 19.44%+

Traces priority
Skills priority:

Ultimate > Skill > Talent > Basic

Major Traces priority:

Coloratura Cadenza (A2) > Impromptu Flourish (A4) > Sequential Passage (A6)

Tips and Tricks
Kit interactions
  • Robin's Signature Light Cone, Flowing Nightglow, despite removing 5 stacks of its Energy Recharge buff upon using her ultimate can be immediately re-stacked allowing for close to 80-90% uptime on the 15% energy regeneration buff,
  • Every separate action performed by an ally that strikes an enemy including Ultimates, standard abilities and follow-up attacks all trigger Robin's talent to generate energy,
  • Hits from entry Techniques count as hits for Robin's energy regeneration granting her an additional 2 energy at the start of combat,
  • Always place Robin in the centre of your team composition and if possible next or in between whichever characters have the highest chance to be hit by enemies (Preservation or tanks). This will grant her a tonne of free energy from being hit,
  • Robin's Skill generates substantially more energy than her Basic Attack. If you have Skill Points to spare and Robin is close to gaining her ultimate consider using her Skill instead of the basic even if it's not time to refresh it's duration,
  • Robin's Ultimate does not advance summons such as Jing Yuan's Lightning Lord or Topaz's Trotter Numby.
How many buffs does Robin provide?
    • 50% DMG%,
    • 20% CRIT DMG,
    • 1000-1400 Flat ATK (equivalent to a 80-100% ATK% increase),
    • 25% FUA CRIT DMG.
    • 100% full team Action Advance,
    • 24% All-Type RES PEN (E1),
    • 16% Speed (E2).
When should I use Robin's Ultimate?

There are multiple factors to consider when choosing the best time to use Robin's Ultimate. At the most basic level you should aim to use it after all of your team has just moved allowing the entire team to be fully boosted, granting each of them a full action advance. On a more advanced level in endgame there are a few more things to consider.

  • In Pure Fiction you have a set amount of cycles in which to slay as many enemies as possible. Your goal with Robin should be to maximize the uptime of her Ultimate but also to gain as many activations of it as possible for as many free advances as you can. To achieve this, it can sometimes be correct to use Robin's Ultimate earlier than described above so she doesn't end up overcapping her energy and losing out on a potential Ultimates later on in combat. Balancing early Ultimates with full team advances is something to be on the look out for in Pure Fiction,
  • In Memory of Chaos getting clears in as few cycles as possible means everything and Robin's Ultimate, when used correctly, can guarantee you a better performance. After you clear a wave in Memory of Chaos all characters and enemies Speeds are reset, which introduces a new consideration on when you might want to use Robin's Ultimate to ensure you gain from this change and don't lose character actions:
    • The first new timing for using Robin's Ultimate is at the first start of a new wave right as every characters actions are reset - so you can immediately perfectly advance all your team mates right as the new wave starts gaining full value from Robin's ultimate.
    • The second new timing is to use Robin's Ultimate right before a cycle ends and all enemies and allies have moved to grant your team 1 full additional round of actions, potentially saving you a cycle and earning you a 3 star rating. Another advantage of using Robin's Ultimate to finish off an existing wave is that she'll start the next wave with a fully refreshed Ultimate duration as the duration of her Ultimate is based on the Speed mechanic and that speed is reset each new wave.
How is Robin on Auto?

Robin isn't bad on auto but she will most of the time immediately use her Ultimate as soon as it's available regardless of your team's current points in the action order, potentially completely wasting the action advance portion of her Kit. The rest of her AI gameplay is intelligent and smooth.

Do I need to use ERR Rope and Sprightly Vonwacq / Penacony, Land of the Dreams on Robin?

While an ERR Rope is a must have on Robin, Sprightly Vonwacq / Penacony, Land of the Dreams are not. Though the 5% Energy Regeneration can situationally be incredibly powerful.

How many attacks do allies need to deal to secure permanent uptime on Robin's Ultimate?

Worst case, you want your Robin to achieve a 3-action rotation of 1 Skill and 2 Basics. You can refer to the table below to see the impact of different Light Cones and energy generation on how many allied attacks are required to make that 3-action rotation work without taking hits in combat.

Total ERR refers to the total energy regeneration that Robin has with a specific setup. Rotation Energy refers to how much energy Robin will generate from 2 basic attacks and 1 skill without taking combat damage. Required ally attacks refers to how many attacks and as a result triggers of her 2 energy talent you need in order to make the rotation work flawlessly.

Remember that taking combat damage especially with Robin placed in the middle of the team is very real and will happen, lowering the amount of required ally attacks needed and potentially allowing for 2 or even 1-action rotations.

Light ConeERR RopeERR SetTotal ERRRotation EnergyRequired Ally Attacks
Flowing Nightglow
Flowing Nightglow(S1)
Flowing Nightglow
Flowing Nightglow(S1)
Flowing Nightglow
Flowing Nightglow(S1)
For Tomorrow's Journey
For Tomorrow's Journey(S5)
For Tomorrow's Journey
For Tomorrow's Journey(S5)
For Tomorrow's Journey
For Tomorrow's Journey(S5)
But the Battle Isn't Over
But the Battle Isn't Over(S1)
But the Battle Isn't Over
But the Battle Isn't Over(S1)
But the Battle Isn't Over
But the Battle Isn't Over(S1)
Memories of the Past
Memories of the Past(S5)
Memories of the Past
Memories of the Past(S5)
Memories of the Past
Memories of the Past(S5)
Meshing Cogs
Meshing Cogs(S5)
Meshing Cogs
Meshing Cogs(S5)
Meshing Cogs
Meshing Cogs(S5)

Below you can find a list of some of the stronger synergies between this character and others.

Teams (MoC)

The teams in the section are generated based on the current Memory of Chaos data we have gathered. If you want to see more statistics about the mode, check the MoC/PF/AS Statistics tab.

Rank 2

App. rate: 5.9%

Avg. cycles: 7.31


Rank 5

App. rate: 4.44%

Avg. cycles: 8.25

Topaz & Numby

Rank 10

App. rate: 3.18%

Avg. cycles: 8.51

March 7th • The Hunt

Rank 11

App. rate: 3.09%

Avg. cycles: 8.73

Jing Yuan

Rank 15

App. rate: 2.36%

Avg. cycles: 8.26

The Herta

Rank 18

App. rate: 2.04%

Avg. cycles: 8.94

The Herta

Rank 25

App. rate: 1.51%

Avg. cycles: 7.48

The Herta

Rank 38

App. rate: 1.08%

Avg. cycles: 9.2


Rank 38

App. rate: 1.08%

Avg. cycles: 8.1

Trailblazer • Remembrance

Rank 41

App. rate: 1.02%

Avg. cycles: 8.65

Jing Yuan
Video guides

MoC/PF/AS Statistics

MoC 3.0 / PF 3.0 / AS 3.1

This section contains information about Robin performance in the latest Memory of Chaos cycle (3.0), latest Pure Fiction (3.0) and the latest Apocalyptic Shadow (3.1), and the commonly used Relics and Cones in both modes. The page has been last updated on 07.03.2025.

  • For MoC the data below is based on 19851 accounts (9466 random we have scanned and 10385 self-reported).
  • For PF the data below is based on 19266 accounts (10073 random we have scanned and 9193 self-reported).
  • For AS the data below is based on 12337 accounts (4805 random we have scanned and 7532 self-reported).

If you want to share your clear information with us, you simply need to fill the form below and provide us with your UID and make your Hoyo profile public - we will automatically parse the MoC/PF clear information from your profile after that!

MoC/PF/AS Stats Form
Usage rate (MoC 12)

Characters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Memory of Chaos by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.

Usage rate (PF 4)

Characters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Pure Fiction by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.

Usage rate (AS 4)

Characters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Apocalyptic Shadow by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.

Common partners (MoC 12)

This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Robin in the current phase of Memory of Chaos.

Common partners (PF)

This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Robin in the current phase of Pure Fiction.

Common partners (AS)

This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Robin in the current phase of Apocalyptic Shadow.


Eidolons data comes from players we have scanned who used Robin in the current MoC cycle (7352), in the current PF cycle (8177) or in the current AS cycle (7753) and had the character placed in their Profile. Use the switcher below to show Robin Eidolon performance in the endgame modes (Default MoC) - the percentage doesn't change as it takes into account all modes already.

Change mode:





8.39 cyc.

Eidolon 0


5.89 cyc.

While the Concerto state is active, all allies' All-Type RES PEN increases by 24%.


4.18 cyc.

While the Concerto state is active, all allies' SPD increases by 16%. The Talent's Energy Regeneration effect additionally increases by 1.


4.2 cyc.

Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.


5.31 cyc.

When using the Ultimate, dispels Crowd Control debuffs from all allies. While Robin is in the Concerto state, increases the Effect RES of all allies by 50%.


7 cyc.

Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10. Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.


1.43 cyc.

While the Concerto state is active, the CRIT DMG of the Additional Physical DMG caused by the Ultimate increases by 450%. The effect of Moonless Midnight can trigger up to 8 time(s). And the trigger count resets each time the Ultimate is used.

Light Cones

Light Cones are ranked with usage rate among the players we have scanned who used Robin in the current MoC cycle (7352), in the current PF cycle (8177) or in the current AS cycle (7753) and had the character placed in their Profile. Use the switcher below to show Robin Light Cones performance in the endgame modes (Default MoC) - the percentage doesn't change as it takes into account all modes already.

Change mode:





8.71 cyc.

Increases the wearer's ATK by 16/20/24/28/32%. After the wearer uses their Ultimate, increases their DMG dealt by 18/21/24/27/30%, lasting for 1 turn.

Source: Mission Reward


7.61 cyc.

Every time any ally attacks, the wearer gains 1 stack of Cantillation. Each stack of Cantillation increases the wearer's Energy Regeneration Rate by 3/3.5/4/4.5/5%, stacking up to 5 times. When the wearer uses their Ultimate, removes Cantillation and gains Cadenza. Cadenza increases the Wearer's ATK by 48/60/72/84/96% and all allies' DMG dealt by 24/28/32/36/40%, lasting for 1 turn(s).

Source: Event Warp (limited)


8.51 cyc.

Increases the wearer's Energy Regeneration Rate by 10/12/14/16/18% and regenerates 1 Skill Point when the wearer uses their Ultimate on an ally. This effect can be triggered after every 2 uses of the wearer's Ultimate. When the wearer uses their Skill, the next ally taking action (except the wearer) deals 30/35/40/45/50% more DMG for 1 turn(s).

Source: Stellar Warp


8.4 cyc.

Increases the wearer's ATK by 16/20/24/28/32%. Upon entering battle, if two or more characters follow the same Path, then these characters' CRIT DMG increases by 16/20/24/28/32%. Abilities of the same type cannot stack.

Source: Event Warp (limited)


8.29 cyc.

At the start of the battle and whenever the wearer's turn begins, one of the following effects is applied randomly: All allies' ATK increases by 10/12.5/15/17.5/20%, all allies' CRIT DMG increases by 12/15/18/21/24%, or all allies' Energy Regeneration Rate increases by 6/7.5/9/10.5/12%. The applied effect cannot be identical to the last effect applied, and will replace the previous effect. The applied effect will be removed when the wearer has been knocked down. Effects of the similar type cannot be stacked.

Source: Nameless Glory


8.7 cyc.

After the wearer uses attacks or gets hit, additionally regenerates 4/5/6/7/8 Energy. This effect can only be triggered 1 time per turn.

Source: Stellar Warp


5 cyc.

Increases the wearer's Break Effect by 60/70/80/90/100%. After the wearer uses their Ultimate, increases all allies' DMG by 24/28/32/36/40%, lasting for 3 turns. Should the wearer's Break Effect exceed or equal 150%, 1 Skill Point will be recovered. At the start of each wave, immediately regenerates 10/12.5/15/17.5/20 Energy for all allies. Effects of the same type cannot stack.

Source: Event Warp (limited)


9 cyc.

Upon battle entry, if an ally deals the same DMG Type as the wearer, DMG dealt increases by 12/15/18/21/24%.

Source: Stellar Warp


9.25 cyc.

When the wearer uses their Skill, then the next ally taking action (except the wearer) deals 16/20/24/28/32% increased DMG for 1 turn(s).

Source: Echo of War  | Forgotten Hall Store  | Mission Reward


8 cyc.

When the wearer uses their Ultimate, all allies' actions are Advanced Forward by 16/18/20/22/24%

Source: Stellar Warp

Relic Sets

Relic Sets are ranked with usage rate among the players we have scanned who used Robin in the current MoC cycle (7352), in the current PF cycle (8177) or in the current AS cycle (7753) and had the character placed in their Profile. The results are limited to top 5 combinations. Flex means 2 random Relic pieces that don't combine into a Set.

Relic Sets



ATK increases by 12%.


The wearer's SPD increases by 6% and Basic ATK DMG increases by 10%.


Increases ATK by 12%.


For every DoT the target enemy is afflicted with, the wearer will ignore 6% of target's DEF when dealing DMG to them. This effect is valid for a max of 3 DoTs.



Increases SPD by 6%.


When the wearer uses their Ultimate on an ally, SPD for all allies increases by 12% for 1 turn(s). This effect cannot be stacked.


Increases ATK by 12%.


For every DoT the target enemy is afflicted with, the wearer will ignore 6% of target's DEF when dealing DMG to them. This effect is valid for a max of 3 DoTs.



ATK increases by 12%.


The wearer's SPD increases by 6% and Basic ATK DMG increases by 10%.



ATK increases by 12%.


The wearer's SPD increases by 6% and Basic ATK DMG increases by 10%.




ATK increases by 12%.


The wearer's SPD increases by 6% and Basic ATK DMG increases by 10%.


Increases ATK by 12%.


While the wearer's memosprite is on the field, increases the wearer's SPD by 6%. When the wearer's memosprite attacks, increases the wearer and memosprite's CRIT DMG by 30% for 2 turn(s).

Planetary Sets



Increases the wearer's Energy Regeneration Rate by 5%. When the wearer's SPD reaches 120 or higher, the wearer's action is Advanced Forward by 40% immediately upon entering battle.



Increases the wearer's Max HP by 12%. When the wearer's SPD reaches 120 or higher, all allies' ATK increases by 8%.



Increases the wearer's Energy Regeneration Rate by 5%. If the wearer is not the first character in the team lineup, then increase the ATK of the first character in the team lineup by 12%.



Increases the wearer's Effect RES by 10%. When the wearer's Effect RES is at 30% or higher, all allies' CRIT DMG increases by 10%.



Increases the wearer's ATK by 12%. When the wearer's SPD reaches 120 or higher, the wearer's ATK increases by an extra 12%.

Relic Stats

Relic Stats are shown based on the Relics used by the players we have scanned who used Robin in the current MoC cycle (7352), in the current PF cycle (8177) or in the current AS cycle (7753) and had the character placed in their Profile.

Main stats
- 99.77%
- 0.07%
- 0.07%
- 93.33%
- 6.59%
- 0.04%
Planar Sphere
- 86.78%
Physical DMG
Physical DMG
- 12.12%
- 0.5%
Link Rope
Energy Regen
Energy Regen Rate
- 97.15%
- 2.6%
- 0.02%
Average stats
Average stats
- 3848.86
- 4172.04
- 1129.2
- 124.38
- 13.1%
- 66.2%
Physical DMG
Physical DMG
- 4.86%
Energy Regen
Energy Regen Rate
- 23.91%
Effect RES
Effect RES
- 16.2%
Effect HIT Rate
Effect HIT Rate
- 11.58%
Break Effect
Break Effect
- 16.85%
Average sub stats
Average sub stats
- 16.52%
- 28.24%
- 19.09%
- 16.99
- 8.1%
- 16.2%
Effect RES
Effect RES
- 15.64%
Effect HIT Rate
Effect HIT Rate
- 11.58%
Break Effect
Break Effect
- 17.59%
Other stats
Average stats
Character level - 79.98
Light Cone level - 79.89
Basic level - 3.41
Skill level - 9.99
Ultimate level - 10.02
Talent level - 9.93



This calculator can give you an idea of the total amount of damage that can be achieved during a single Robin Ultimate. Use the slider to adjust how many attacks you expect to be able to launch during Robin’s 90 speed ultimate duration - keep in mind that all allies are advanced immediately and each attack counts.

For example, Dr. Ratio first advanced skill would be 2 hits, his Ultimate would count for 3 hits and due to the slow Speed of Robin’s ultimate, he’ll get another skill in for another 2 hits for a total of 7 minimum just from his standard combo. It’s safe to assume that most standard teams can achieve at least 12-15 hits while the specialist teams, like the dedicated Follow-up ones, are capable of achieving 20-30 hits when things go their way.

Robin + Flowing Nightglow (S1)

Robin stats in the simulation: 4648 ATK, 123 Speed, and 38.8% Phys DMG. She's also equipped with 2-piece Musketeer of Wild Wheat and 2-piece Prisoner in Deep Confinement Relics Sets and Sprightly Vonwacq for the Planar set. Her 50% DMG% from the skill is also included.