A long time ago, in 2023, it used to feel like Shift Up did not know what they were doing when they released new units. The kits of units such as Viper, Cocoa, and most of the release units were quite weak all things considered. 2 years later, in 2025, it does seem like Shift Up finally has their game figured out. They know which units need what skill to be better in the current meta, and how to make units versatile across game modes, while trying to fill in gaps of what specific type of unit we lack. This is what they do with Trina. A unit who is not overly strong, and won’t brick your account if you skip her, but is still a very usable Nikke. Let’s dive into everything we know about her!
Can you give a brief summary about this unit?
Trina is a niche supporter B2 healer, designed to assist and buff Electric allies with assault rifles. Well, she can only buff 1 Electric ally with Assault Rifles but she does do that extremely well. Currently, Scarlet and Moran are the only two meta characters worth using with her, with more emphasis on Scarlet. Hence, in her current state, Trina is only viable if you have a clear strategy for pairing her with these key characters. For instance, she can significantly boost Scarlet’s firepower and burst damage. If you plan to rely on Scarlet’s Burst Skill to clear a challenging Campaign stage, the Trina–Scarlet combo can be a rewarding choice.
Alternatively, you can use Trina as a poor man’s Biscuit in PvP, boosting those Nikkes' survivability and enabling a stronger output. Her ATK DMG▲ will still be active, although her Burst Skill DMG▲ will not because it requires the presence of a certain number of Raptures. The ATK DMG, though, being over ~115% (with lvl 10 S2 + Burst Skill), is enough to allow Scarlet to one-shot everyone, given that the team is not protected by Noah, Bay, or Blanc. Not only that, Trina is a Clip RL.
Keep in mind, Trina is still usable without Scarlet and Moran. Most of her buffs will deactivate, but at least you will still be able to utilize her heals, a small portion of her ATK DMG▲, and Burst Skill DMG▲. However, under these circumstances, she would easily be overshadowed by alternatives such as Crown.
Should I get this unit?
Before pulling Trina, ask yourself: Do you have Scarlet? Do you see yourself investing into her?
In PvE content, Trina is almost ineffective without her, as her primary role is to boost Scarlet's performance and make her shine in specific scenarios, practically confirming Scarlet’s spot in lower-end teams in Electric-Weak Solo Raids. Without her, you might as well save your gems and fish her out of Ordinary using Wishlist. However, when paired with Scarlet, Trina offers tangible improvements: Her ATK DMG (and Burst Skill DMG▲) complements Scarlet's lack of ATK DMG and makes her Burst Skill satisfying again! In Campaign, this often ensures a screenwipe, allowing your team to gun down elites and bosses without worry. Yes, Trina can still be used even without Scarlet, but what makes her better than the other options? Not much.
As a TL;DR, if you have Scarlet, we recommend pulling one copy of Trina. But, if you do not plan on using Scarlet, she is an easy skip for PvE-focused players.
If your answer to the first question is no, we still have a saving grace second question: Do you love PvP? It is very true that Trina shines best with either Scarlet or Moran in PvP, and you definitely don't want to miss out on any Clip RL units as a PvP enthusiast. A must pull unit as far as PvP is concerned!
How about dupes? Thankfully, none of Trina's essential buffs scales off her stat, which means one copy of Trina is fine for everyone. Her healing kind of does but small improvements in that area would be negligible. You don't even need to OL her because she doesn't contribute much damage herself, but you might need to for CP purposes in PvP.
Is she mileage worthy? Definitely not in our opinion, at least for PvE-focused players. She will maybe have some uses in Campaign for Electric-weak stages, sure, but we are hard-pressed to find a spot for her in Raids outside of her own element, where she only allows Scarlet to shine. Her performance in PvP is stellar, though, especially when combined with Scarlet, where the 2s invulnerability + ATK DMG can confirm survival prior to Full Burst and instant wipes in super fast 2RL teams. Only competitive PvP players should consider using mileage on her.
Kit Analysis
Trina is a Clip RL unit, and she restores a lot of energy per shot (3.6%), slightly more than Anis. This makes her excellent for PvP and for Campaign if you need additional battery. Beginners who lack battery units can replace their Anis/Centi with Trina, who is objectively better than them in every aspect (except Shield).
Nature's Grace
■ Activates after Full Burst ends. Affects all allies.
Constantly recovers 4.06% of caster's final Max HP every 1 sec for 5 sec.
■ Activates when attacking with Full Charge. Affects the target(s) if the HP of 2 ally unit(s) with the lowest HP percentage is lower than 30%.
Recovers 2.03% of caster's final Max HP as HP.
■ Activates when attacking with Full Charge. Affects the target(s) if the HP of 2 ally unit(s) with the lowest HP percentage is lower than 50%.
Recovers 1.57% of caster's final Max HP as HP.
This skill has 2 simple components:
- Teamwide HP regeneration for 5s upon exiting Full Burst.
- Additional HP recovery for up to 2 allies when Full-Charging, if their HP is lower than 50% or 30%.
The first one is self-explanatory. It's similar to Blanc's end-of-burst healing, which most of us are already familiar with. They are useful for fixing the team back up after taking AoE damage or any damage in general. It's reliable because the value is not distributed (everyone gets the same amount of healing).
The second one has an ambiguous description, but the effect is pretty much similar to what you might expect. Whenever Trina shoots a fully charged shot, if there is any ally whose HP is below 50%, then she will heal that ally by 1.57%. This can apply to up to 2 allies and prioritize leftmost allies (P1 first before P2, etc). If they are below 30%, she will heal 2.03% more, adding up to 3.6% per shot at Level 10. However, this also means Trina's full charge will not heal anyone if everyone is healthy enough.
Peaceful Tree
■ Activates at the start of battle only if self survives. Affects all Electric Code allies with rifles.
Max HP ▲ 44.98% of the caster's Max HP without restoring HP constantly.
■ Activates at the start of battle. Affects Electric Code ally unit(s) with rifles on the leftmost side of the squad.
Invulnerable for 2 sec.
■ Activates when using Burst Skill. Affects 1 Electric Code ally unit(s) with rifles on the leftmost side of the squad.
Attack Damage ▲ 94.15% for 10 sec.
Reloading Speed ▲ 50.82% for 10 sec.
As long as Trina survives, any Electric allies with Assault Rifle in the team will have increased HP cap permanently. This synergizes well with Trina's S1, allowing her to heal them immediately at the start of the battle. It also pairs well with Scarlet in both PvE and PvP as she can benefit from her CRT DMG early and get healed more. Moran can also benefit from her DEF buffs early, making her tankier in PvP.
In addition, they will also be invulnerable for 2s at the start of the battle. This is useless in PvE but significant in PvP where the first few seconds matter the most. Utilize this to prevent snipes from mainly Shotguns or to ensure that whoever is in P1/P5 survives till Full Burst. Note that Scarlet’s counterattacks still trigger even when she is invulnerable!
If you only have 1 Electric AR, that unit, regardless of position, will receive this buff. If you use 2 Electric ARs in the same team, you will have to pay attention to ordering as the buff prioritizes the one leftmost.
If Trina uses her own Burst Skill, she will also grant that same ally unparalleled DPS and reload speed buffs. An empowered Moran will be able to heal more since she will get to deal more damage, whereas an empowered Scarlet will be able to maim the enemy with her auto-attacks, S2, and especially Burst Skill. The fact that Scarlet lacks personal ATK DMG and Trina gives just that is purely coincidental—surely not something that ShiftUp planned for. :)
Since the buff is provided upon Burst Skill usage, it amplifies B3's Burst Skill's damage, such as Scarlet's wipe. Huge! This is not including Trina's own Burst Skill's effects!
Mother Forest
■ Affects all allies.
Max HP ▲ 20.14% of the caster's Max HP without restoring HP for 10 sec.
Attack Damage ▲ 20.9% for 10 sec.
■ Activates when enemy count aside from Nikkes is 1. Affects all allies.
Spread Roots: Burst Skill damage of skills with "Affects all enemies" ▲ 435.6% for 5 sec.
■ Activates when enemy count aside from Nikkes is more than 2. Affects all allies.
Changes Spread Roots to Wilted Roots.
Wilted Roots: Burst Skill damage of skills with "Affects all enemies" ▲ 64.46% for 5 sec.
■ Affects all Electric Code allies with rifles.
Hit Rate ▲ 45.3% for 10 sec.
Max Ammunition Capacity ▲ 20 round(s) for 10 sec.
This skill has 3 effects:
- The first effect applies to all allies regardless of their element or weapon type. It increases their Max HP without restoring HP and mildly increases ATK DMG for 10s. This is good for enhancing certain abilities such as heals and other effects that scale off Max HP (like Cinderella's or XMaiden's).
- The second effect applies to all allies only if the number of Raptures present exceeds a certain number, which means it does not activate in PvP.
- When there is only 1, the B3's Burst Skill damage, if its description contains "Affects all enemies.", will be enhanced massively, so it can better handle single targets even with its low even output. This allows Scarlet to help snipe elites or bosses in Campaign stages that are left alone, usually after you've eradicated all other mobs—a common occurrence.
- She also does not buff all burst skills which have "Affects all enemies." written. They also need to have thet term “.... Burst Skill Damage.”
- If there are more than 1, however, the enhancement still applies, but the effect will be much weaker. It's still noticeable and definitely helps with ensuring full screen wipes in Campaign. Here's a tip: if there are only 2 mobs alive, and one of them has low HP, kill them first before starting your B2-B3 chain.
- The third effect is a special effect that only applies to Electric allies with Assault Rifles, including AR units with skill(s) that alter weapon types like Moran. It grants Hit Rate, which improves accuracy for landing core shots against medium-to-far bosses and especially mobs outside AR's comfortable range, and Max Ammo, which is particularly valuable to Scarlet due to her low default base ammo count.
By visiting Union Shooting Range and practicing against mobs, you will be able to witness first-hand how much impact the Hit Rate gives. Turn on damage numbers and observe how much more damage Scarlet deals within 10 seconds! No, it's not a game-changer in the sense that Scarlet’s shots turn into a laser beam, but it helps lower the time taken to kill in Campaign, where every millisecond matters. It's kill or be killed.
Usage Analysis and Tier List
Campaign (LD) - S | Campaign (HD) - A
Trina can help players clear Campaign stages reliant on AoE wipes. However, she faces one glaring issue—she is heavily reliant on Scarlet. Even though she is usable without her, she is limited to being useful only for AoE screen clear units like Rei Ayanami (Tentative Name) or mediocre one trick units such as Maid Privaty, Bunny Soda, or Harran. That said, her Hit Rate▲ allows Scarlet to land core shots more, which significantly boosts her follow-up auto-attack damage, and her ATK DMG▲ + Burst Skill DMG▲ can triple her Burst Skill DMG—perfect for Electric-weak Stages!
While that sounds remarkable, with the recent introduction of capable Nikkes, it is hard to justify slotting her in Campaign in place of a more competent B2 like Crown. Thus, we would consider her a luxury. If you plan to adopt a 1-2-2 setup, however, you can technically use Trina & Crown together, but do keep in mind that to take advantage of Trina's amazing buffs on Electric ARs, she needs to be the one bursting. Crown's Burst Skill can be used on off-rotations.
Fun fact: Thanks to Trina’s post-burst healing, Crown’s Skill 2 can passively activate and strengthen Burst Skill attacks in the second rotation onward.
Players with an incomplete roster especially in the B2 department can use Trina as a temporary B2. She is still better than most options and definitely helps with Missilis Tower if you don’t have Tia+Naga.
Please note that Trina's Campaign (High Deficit) Rating is in accordance with a Campaign Tier List revision that is currently in the works. In the current version of the Tier List as of this review's release, she is S tier.
Bossing - S
Trina is by no means a bad unit, but her impact in Bossing is inconsistent due to her skill restrictions. Trina + Scarlet is obviously the only reasonable duo we can assume here since Moran is not a PvE character. Together, they are powerful, but are they more powerful than other combinations players with a complete roster can come up with? No. Despite that, we can foresee the possibility of her being used in Electric-weak Raids, especially Electric-Weak Solo Raids, or when you need to run multiple times against an Electric-Weak boss in Union Raid, which is not optimal but sometimes you have no choice. We, however, don’t expect to see her in Neutral Element Raids at the top level.
When paired with Scarlet or Moran, Trina can act as a makeshift Biscuit, providing 2s invulnerability right at the start of the battle. This can prevent them from being sniped, although they would still be vulnerable after 2s have passed, so the stalling potential is weaker than Biscuit. However, it can also be used to hard-counter SG/MG teams by placing Scarlet in P1/P5 and using Trina to deny damage from the first 2 seconds, allowing Scarlet to retaliate in peace without worrying about dying to well-built SG with 4 ATK + 4 ELE.
Trina can also amplify their output through her S2 + Burst Skill buffs, giving more than 110% ATK DMG, Reload Speed▲, Ammo Up, and non-restoring Max HP. This allows Scarlet to deal much more damage with her Burst and enjoy her CRIT DMG buff early, and Moran to benefit from her DEF buffs early, making her overall tankier.
However, do note that the Burst Skill DMG▲ for "Affects all allies..." does not activate in PvP, so she is not a universal buffer (well, she is, but she only gives the first part of her Burst Skill, which is not that strong alone). She can fill in as a healer, but her offensive buffs when not paired with Scarlet or Moran will be absent.
That said, it is still justified to play Trina even without her pairs. Why is that? Well, she is a Clip RL, and we know how broken Clip RLs are for PvP! She can slot in any team as a replacement of Centi, Rumani, Jackal, and even HelmT in most team builds. A must pull unit for PvP. ‘Nuff said!
Check PvP Team Compositions for some ideas!
Gear Investments
For a Supporter who doesn’t deal damage, you don’t need to level her gear at all… until you need to OL her gear for CP padding, because OL options give a lot of CP. Just spend 1 Rock per gear and call it a day.
Charge Speed is beneficial in PvP because it allows your team to Full Burst faster. On the other hand, Max Ammo is more for PvE, allowing you to spam for burst gen more comfortably.
- Essential: -
- Ideal: 4× Charge Speed
- Passable: 1× Max Ammo
- Priority: Medium
Skill Investments
Her skills are mostly meant for Scarlet, so it’s mostly meaningless if you don’t have Scarlet or your Scarlet is not good enough. Levels can help with CP padding, though.
- Skill 1: 4
- Decent healing skill but nothing else. Just like any other healing skills, don’t invest too much here.
- Skill 2: 7/10
- This skill gives a lot of Attack Damage, but the scaling is average. You should stop at Lv 7 if you plan to use her only in PvP. That much is guaranteed to allow Scarlet to kill everyone outside Noah/Bay/CP Deficit comps. If you are a competitive player, maxing out is the play.
- Burst Skill:4/7/10
- Same reason with S2. It gives a lot of DMG for Scarlet’s Burst, but what’s your Scarlet’s Burst level? We recommend just matching that level. The buff is quite pale—no need to spend more than 4 outside PvP (Burst + S2 = 99% Attack Damage already, enough to confirm kill!). If resources are scarce and PvP is your favorite game mode, prioritize S2 first since Burst Skill DMG▲ does not activate in PvP.
Suggested Progression Path
PVE investment
1/1/1 → 4/4/4 → 4/7/7 (→ 4/10/10)
PVP investment
1/1/1 → 4/4/4 → 4/7/7 (→ 4/10/10)
Cube Investments

For PvE, use your highest level cube or Resilience/Bastion to make spamming for burst gen with her easier.

But, for PvP min-maxing, Healing/Vigor Cube is the most optimal, because she’s a healer. If you put her in S2, she may be killed by wild Laplace (due to ELE advantage), so Tempering can do too.
Doll Investments
Doll on her is optional but recommended as it gives a lot of CP and damage reduction, which helps in PVP. SR 0 or 5 is sufficient.
PvE Team Compositions
Team #1: Scarlet Treasure
The new general team composition for PvE whenever Scarlet is relevant. B3 can be any unit that can do the job for the stage or boss, but will mostly depend on game mode. RRH, Liter, and Volume are popular pairings alongside Scarlet for B1-CDR. A Doro-Priv team to allow Scarlet to achieve 100% Reload Speed is also not a bad idea if there are Boss Parts.
Team #2: Electric Wombo Combo #73
A highly competitive bossing team, where we utilise Trina’s unique Max HP buff to buff Cinderella and XMaiden. This team may also be the key team for Infinite Mode in Overclock for Electric, whenever it comes.
Team #3: Off-Burst Menace!
Scarlet can also be used as an off-burst unit in bossing. On occasions when there is no core, S.Anis gains more damage as Main B3 and hence it would be ideal to just use Scarlet as an off-burst unit especially if the player does not have XMaiden.
Team #4: Campaign Shenanigans
The best team for Scarlet in PvE is still with Crown. In Campaign, if she is relevant or if you want to use her, simply use Trina Burst with Scarlet and Crown Burst with the other B3.
Team #5: Trina the Buffer!
A team for recently released and easily available units for new players. Not an ideal team but very effective for both Campaign and Bossing.
Team #6: Syuen’s Minions
A team for Missilis Tower for players who do not have Tia Naga.
PvP Team Compositions
Team #1: 2RL - Slash or Die
SPEED! That is what this team is about. A hyper-buffed Scarlet nuke to end them all! Only blockable by fast enough Noah, Bay, or Blanc teams. Big emphasis on speed!
Team #2: Simple 3RL Nuke
Really no explanation needed, we tried to fit in units who are usually invested to make a high CP team. This is a very simple 3RL high-damage nuke team. It has a lot of counters but can beat teams where players decide to CP-stack PvE units hopefully.
Team #3: Prepare for Nukes! And Make Them double!
This team needs immense investment to work properly as a 2RL hyper-fast nuke. Both Scarlet and Rosanna need to be SR15 to match Helm Treasure’s ATK stat. Both of them, in fact, need to beat Helm’s ATK stat so that they can get the Jackal link over Helm. This way, Rosanna and Scarlet are now ready to devastate the whole enemy team!
Team #4: Moran the Absolute TANK!
A very strong stall team! Nero simply just blocks everything in P1. The usually speed of this team is 3RL. However, with 17% charge speed on both Trina and Rapunzel, this team can reach 2.5RL in speed! That is insanely fast for a strong stall team like this one!
Team #5: Anti-SG on Attack
Putting Scarlet alone in P5 and inserting Trina in the team can allow her to safely tank Shotguns aiming at P5 (default target priority for defending SGs). In this position, she functions similar to Makima but better since she will be able to harass the enemy SGs with counter-attacks. This opens up your Makima/Jackal/Biscuit, allowing you to use them for other teams instead!
Trina’s position in this team is flexible. You can also do something similar on Defense by placing Scarlet in P1 since Attacking SGs will focus in P1, but defense teams are easily countered, so practice caution.
Pros & Cons
- Insane attack damage and reload speed buff for one Electric AR unit.
- Provides decent Hit Rate and Max Ammo buffs to all electric AR allies.
- Great buffer for AoE screen wipes, but only for specific units.
- Clip RL - has insane burst generation.
- Decent heal after full burst ends.
- Provides a short invulnerability for Electric ARs, strong use-case in PvP.
- Scarlet’s Favorite Item basically.
- Do you know: They are called Tits. Literally.
- Niche Supporter - only strongly buffs Electric ARs.
- Only Scarlet and Moran are currently relevant enough units to use with her as of her release.
- Attack Damage buff is only for one ally.
- AoE Screen Wipe multiplier is severely reduced if more than one enemy rapture is on screen.
- Healing on full charged shots requires units to be below 50% HP, and can only heal units up till 50% HP. The rest of the HP only partially fills after full burst ends.
- Invulnerability duration is too short, Scarlet can often still die even before 2RL.
- Apparently her costume is that of a birch tree, and not of a cow. No milker joke :(