A swordsman who abandoned his body to become a blade. Birth name unknown. He pledges loyalty to Destiny's Slave, and possesses a terrifying self-healing ability. Blade wields an ancient sword riddled with cracks, just like his body and his mind.
To learn more about Blade check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for - kit, traces, review or build guides.
Blade has at least one video guide available, so if you prefer this sort of medium to learn more about a character, check it out:
Last review update
Patch 3.0
Last major build/calcs update
Patch 3.1
Last profile update*
March 4th, 2025
*Profile update means smaller edits to relics, stats, synergies or teams that don't require new calculations.
To learn more about Blade check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for - kit, traces, review or build guides.
Build and teams
MoC/PF/AS Statistics
Shard Sword
Single Target
Energy gain: 20
Break: 10
Forest of Swords
Energy gain: 30
Break: 20 + 10 adjacent
Energy gain: 0
Break: -
Death Sentence
Blast | 130 energy cost
Energy gain: 5
Break: 20 + 20 adjacent
Shuhu's Gift
Energy gain: 10
Break: 10
Karma Wind
Energy gain: 0
Break: 20
Vita Infinita
Neverending Deaths
Cyclone of Destruction
Blade Cuts the Deepest in Hell
Eidolon 1
Blade's Ultimate deals additionally increased DMG to a single enemy target, with the increased amount equal to 150% of Blade's total HP loss in the current battle. The total HP Blade has lost in the current battle is capped at 90% of his Max HP. This value will be reset and re-accumulated after his Ultimate has been used.
Ten Thousand Sorrows From One Broken Dream
Eidolon 2
When Blade is in the Hellscape state, his CRIT Rate increases by 15%.
Hardened Blade Bleeds Coldest Shade
Eidolon 3
Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Rejected by Death, Infected With Life
Eidolon 4
When Blade's current HP drops to 50% or lower of his Max HP, increases his Max HP by 20%. Stacks up to 2 time(s).
Death By Ten Lords' Gaze
Eidolon 5
Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.
Reborn Into an Empty Husk
Eidolon 6
The maximum number of Charge stacks is reduced to 4. The DMG of the follow-up attack triggered by Blade's Talent additionally increases by 50% of his Max HP.
Excellent self-sustain,
Very low SP consumption,
Not very Ultimate Reliant.
While he can heal himself decently well, you need to pair a strong healer with him to keep him alive at all times,
Does not benefit from outside ATK increases due to HP scaling which limits the Harmony units that can support him.
‘Local man literally too angry to die’ is an apt description for this Stellaron Hunter. Blade is a durable and hard-hitting damage dealer. As a berserker-style character, he consumes his own HP to deal damage against both lone foes as well as groups of enemies and is able to recover that HP on his own terms, creating a very self-sufficient loop to decimate all his adversaries.
Particularly important to note right off the bat, Blade scales with his HP in addition to his ATK, in fact, his HP scaling is notably better than his ATK scaling to the point where it’s better to focus on HP over ATK. This has the rather powerful and rare result of vastly improving his damage output as well as his survivability, gaining HP values far exceeding those of any other character.
Blade’s gameplay revolves heavily around his Talent. Whenever Blade sustains damage or consumes his own HP, he gains 1 stack on his Talent, up to a max of 5, and he can only get 1 stack from every individual attack against him (so no multi-hit shenanigans). At 5 stacks, Blade immediately launches a follow-up attack on all enemies, consuming all stacks and dealing up to 40% of his ATK plus 110% of his Max HP at max Trace level. In addition to this he also heals 25% of his Max HP at all levels. It is important to mention that any of his own attacks that consume HP cannot reduce him below 1 HP, and if his HP is insufficient then it’ll just get set to 1 HP and the action will continue.
This Talent makes it so that Blade does not care too much about being attacked, in fact, he may actually enjoy it. Having a follow-up on a Destruction character is uncommon, but especially with the way it works, getting to attack out of turn is already phenomenal, but having that huge of a heal, in addition, is the cherry on top. Considering his Skill and Ultimate interface with Blade’s HP as well, it’s very easy to rack up stacks on his Talent without needing to rely on getting hit.
His Skill consumes 30% of his Max HP to enter the Hellscape state for 3 turns, and grants him an Extra Action upon use. Interestingly because of the Extra Action, the 3 turn Hellscape state technically lasts for 4 turns, so it’s really quite efficient. While under Hellscape, Blade cannot use his Skill again, but his Basic ATK is Enhanced to become a Blast AoE, dealing up to 40% of his ATK plus 100% of his Max HP against the primary target and dealing 16% of his ATK plus 40% of his Max HP against adjacent foes. Using this Enhanced Basic also consumes 10% of his Max HP.
This Enhanced Basic cannot generate Skill Points, but it also doesn’t consume any extra SP, meaning only the initial cost of the Skill is factored in. Despite this, this particular Enhanced Basic actually restores 30 Energy meaning it restores more Energy than you would otherwise expect. The additional Toughness damage is also very appreciated and allows Blade to have a much easier time breaking enemies in both single target and AoE. Every instance of HP consumption from this, meaning the initial Skill use and any subsequent Enhanced Basics, also adds to the stacks on his Talent.
The HP consumption from his Skill is steep, but since all of it contributes stacks to his Talent, it’s not unreasonable to heal most of that HP back without any enemy interference. You may notice that it’s not actually enough HP recovery to offset the full cost of the Skill and its 3 Enhanced Basics, but that’s where his Ultimate comes in.
Blade’s Ultimate sets his current HP to be 50% of his Max HP and does a Blast AoE against the targeted foe, dealing up to 40% of his ATK plus 100% of his Max HP at max Trace level, with adjacent foes taking 16% ATK plus 40% Max HP. This then deals additional damage based on the amount of HP Blade has lost in the current battle, capping out at 90% of his Max HP. This value is stored and dealt to the enemy upon using his Ultimate, 100% of the stored value going to the main target and 40% to adjacent foes. This value then resets and starts counting again until his next Ultimate, repeating again.
Setting Blade’s HP value to be 50% of his Max HP means that if you’re below that amount then you’ll heal, but if you’re above it then you will consume HP. There is an opportunity cost present here where it can either be used as potentially a massive self-heal to get back to a reasonable HP value, or it can be used at higher HP values to add an extra stack to his Talent. Typically this is likely to be used primarily as a method of healing, since Blade already deals plenty of damage on his own, but with the huge Energy cost of 130, you’ll have plenty of time to gauge whether or not you want to try and optimise his damage a little further.
Blade is not particularly reliant on his Ultimate to deal damage, as the brunt of the work is done by his Talent and Hellscape, but with the improved Energy generation Blade has from his Enhanced Basics and his Talent’s follow-up attack, he’ll have it up quite often.
Do know that Blade can absolutely still be killed. He is not invincible with zero effort unless backed by a good healer and even then you should always pay attention. Blade absolutely does not need any outside help to be unkillable, but it certainly does lessen the burden of the player to play him well enough to reach that state, and without that safety net, Blade can actually be nightmarishly difficult to optimise for the average player. His playstyle is inherently risky and difficult, regardless of how much his kit tries to alleviate said risk.
Blade’s Major Traces help him to continue the carnage without losing too much momentum. A2 grants an Incoming Healing boost of 20% whenever he is below 50% Max HP, and A4 lets him restore 5% of his Max HP plus 100 whenever his Enhanced Basic hits a Weakness Broken enemy. At A6, Blade gets a significant damage increase by having a 20% DMG boost added to his Talent follow-up attack. His Minor Traces are also worth mentioning, since he gets a collective 12% CRIT Rate from them, making him have an easier time meeting CRIT requirements.
Because of Blade’s unique interactions and scalings, he actually does not really benefit at all from most Harmony characters as they often focus on boosting ATK. He likes SPD, and he likes to act frequently, and as such his optimal pairing is with a hypercarry support that can allow this so Bronya, Sunday, or Sparkle. They do everything Blade wants, and with Blade’s very low SP consumption, they can afford to consistently use their Skill on Blade every single turn, boosting his damage output tremendously, albeit requiring some team SPD tuning beforehand. Outside of Bronya, Robin can be paired with Blade, granting him more actions and valuable CRIT DMG and DMG% buffs, and she's actually the support of choice for the Sub-DPS or Dual DPS teams that you use Blade in.
When it comes to Dual DPS teams, Blade can be paired with Jade whose Skill consumes HP, triggering his Talent way more often. This pairing works well in Pure Fiction, but honestly, Jade can be used with other characters or just by herself to outperform the Blade pairing.
Overall, while Blade's glory days are long over, he still remains a solid pick that shines in some scenarios - and let's not forget that he's really fun to use!
Honkai: Star Rail is a game where team building matters most and while our tier list takes the optimal setup into account, a lot of characters can work and do well - even those ranked lower - when you invest into them. Also for story or lower difficulties of Simulated Universe, you don't need to worry about ratings and tiers. You can safely clear that content even with F2P characters as long as you build your team correctly.
Character at 5★ are rated at their Eidolon 0 with their best in slot non-limited Light Cone.
Available ratings:
Build and teams
The numbers show the percentage damage output increase/decrease compared to the Light Cone marked with 100%.
Increases the wearer's CRIT rate by 18/21/24/27/30% and increases their Max HP by 18/21/24/27/30%. When the wearer is attacked or consumes their own HP, their DMG increases by 24/28/32/36/40%. This effect is removed after the wearer uses an attack.
Source: Event Warp (limited)
Greatly increases the odds that the wearer will be attacked and increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 36/42/48/54/60%. After the wearer uses their Ultimate, they receive 1 stack of Firedance, lasting for 2 turns and up to 2 stacks. Each stack of Firedance increases the DMG dealt by the wearer's follow-up attack by 36/42/48/54/60%.
Source: Event Warp (limited)
Increases the wearer's Max HP by 12/15/18/21/24%. When losing or restoring this unit's HP, increases CRIT DMG by 18/22.5/27/31.5/36%, lasting for 2 turn(s). This effect can only trigger once per turn.
Source: Event Warp (limited)
Increases DMG dealt by the wearer by 20/25/30/35/40%. The wearer also deals an extra 20/25/30/35/40% of DMG to enemies whose current HP percentage is equal to or higher than the wearer's current HP percentage.
Source: Stellar Warp
When the HP lost by the wearer during a single attack exceeds 25% of their Max HP, or if the HP they consume is greater than 25% of their Max HP, then immediately heals them for 15% of their Max HP while also increasing the DMG they deal by 25/31/38/44/50% for 2 turn(s). This effect can only be triggered once every 3 turn(s).
Source: Forgotten Hall Store
The percentage numbers showcase the relative DPS increase when you take into account the set bonus only. For some characters there's no DPS (or its equivalent) available and in that case we listed the sets in the order of priority.
Increases Max HP by 12%.
When the wearer is hit or has their HP consumed by an ally or themselves, their CRIT Rate increases by 8% for 2 turn(s) and up to 2 stacks.
Increases CRIT Rate by 8%.
Increases DMG dealt by Skill and Ultimate by 20%. After using Ultimate, additionally increases the DMG dealt by the next Skill by 25%.
If you can't put together a top recommended 4P set with satisfactory sub/main stats, mix and match the 2P Bonuses from the following instead:
ATK increases by 12%.
The wearer's SPD increases by 6% and Basic ATK DMG increases by 10%.
Increases the wearer's Max HP by 12%. When the wearer's Max HP is 5000 or higher, increases the wearer's and their memosprite's CRIT DMG by 28%.
Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 8%. When the wearer's current CRIT Rate reaches 70% or higher, the wearer's Basic ATK and Skill DMG increase by 20%.
Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 8%. When the wearer's current CRIT Rate reaches 50% or higher, the wearer's Ultimate and follow-up attack DMG increases by 15%.
ActiveIncreases the wearer's ATK by 12%. When entering battle, if at least one other ally follows the same Path as the wearer, then the wearer's CRIT Rate increases by 12%.
SPD (breakpoint) > CRIT RATE = CRIT DMG > HP%
HP: 5000 - 7000+
DEF: 800 - 900+
CRIT RATE: 75% - 85%+ (Including 4P Longevous)
CRIT DMG: 150% - 170%+
SPD: Base Speed (Hyperspeed Sparkle/Bronya) / 134 / 135 (With Bronya)
Basic > Talent = Skill >= Ultimate
Cyclone of Destruction (A6) > Neverending Deaths (A4) > Vita Infinita (A2)
Below you can find a list of some of the stronger synergies between this character and others.
The teams in the section are generated based on the current Memory of Chaos data we have gathered. If you want to see more statistics about the mode, check the MoC/PF/AS Statistics tab.
MoC/PF/AS Statistics
This section contains information about Blade performance in the latest Memory of Chaos cycle (3.0), latest Pure Fiction (3.1) and the latest Apocalyptic Shadow (3.1), and the commonly used Relics and Cones in both modes. The page has been last updated on 24.03.2025.
If you want to share your clear information with us, you simply need to fill the form below and provide us with your UID and make your Hoyo profile public - we will automatically parse the MoC/PF clear information from your profile after that!
MoC/PF/AS Stats FormCharacters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Memory of Chaos by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.
Characters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Pure Fiction by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.
Characters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Apocalyptic Shadow by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.
This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Blade in the current phase of Memory of Chaos.
This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Blade in the current phase of Pure Fiction.
This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Blade in the current phase of Apocalyptic Shadow.
Eidolons data comes from players we have scanned who used Blade in the current MoC cycle (72), in the current PF cycle (109) or in the current AS cycle (255) and had the character placed in their Profile. Use the switcher below to show Blade Eidolon performance in the endgame modes (Default MoC) - the percentage doesn't change as it takes into account all modes already.
8.54 cyc.Eidolon 0
6.33 cyc.Blade's Ultimate deals additionally increased DMG to a single enemy target, with the increased amount equal to 150% of Blade's total HP loss in the current battle. The total HP Blade has lost in the current battle is capped at 90% of his Max HP. This value will be reset and re-accumulated after his Ultimate has been used.
8 cyc.When Blade is in the Hellscape state, his CRIT Rate increases by 15%.
9 cyc.Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
9 cyc.When Blade's current HP drops to 50% or lower of his Max HP, increases his Max HP by 20%. Stacks up to 2 time(s).
99.99 cyc.Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.
6.33 cyc.The maximum number of Charge stacks is reduced to 4. The DMG of the follow-up attack triggered by Blade's Talent additionally increases by 50% of his Max HP.
Light Cones are ranked with usage rate among the players we have scanned who used Blade in the current MoC cycle (72), in the current PF cycle (109) or in the current AS cycle (255) and had the character placed in their Profile. Use the switcher below to show Blade Light Cones performance in the endgame modes (Default MoC) - the percentage doesn't change as it takes into account all modes already.
8 cyc.Increases the wearer's CRIT rate by 18/21/24/27/30% and increases their Max HP by 18/21/24/27/30%. When the wearer is attacked or consumes their own HP, their DMG increases by 24/28/32/36/40%. This effect is removed after the wearer uses an attack.
Source: Event Warp (limited)
99.99 cyc.Increases DMG dealt by the wearer by 20/25/30/35/40%. The wearer also deals an extra 20/25/30/35/40% of DMG to enemies whose current HP percentage is equal to or higher than the wearer's current HP percentage.
Source: Stellar Warp
8 cyc.Increases the wearer's Max HP by 12/15/18/21/24%. When losing or restoring this unit's HP, increases CRIT DMG by 18/22.5/27/31.5/36%, lasting for 2 turn(s). This effect can only trigger once per turn.
Source: Event Warp (limited)
99.99 cyc.Greatly increases the odds that the wearer will be attacked and increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 36/42/48/54/60%. After the wearer uses their Ultimate, they receive 1 stack of Firedance, lasting for 2 turns and up to 2 stacks. Each stack of Firedance increases the DMG dealt by the wearer's follow-up attack by 36/42/48/54/60%.
Source: Event Warp (limited)
99.99 cyc.Increases the wearer's Max HP by 18/21/24/27/30% and Incoming Healing by 20/25/30/35/40%. When using Skill or Ultimate, consumes HP equal to 6/6.5/7/7.5/8% of the wearer's Max HP and increases the DMG dealt by this attack by 30/35/40/45/50%. If this effect's consumed HP is greater than 500, the DMG additionally increases by 30/35/40/45/50%.
If the current HP is not sufficient, this effect reduces the wearer's current HP down to 1.
Source: Event Warp (limited)
99.99 cyc.Increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 20/23/26/29/32%. When an ally gets attacked or loses HP, the wearer gains 1 stack of Eclipse, up to a max of 3 stack(s). Each stack of Eclipse increases the DMG of the wearer's next attack by 14/16.5/19/21.5/24%. When 3 stack(s) are reached, additionally enables the attack to ignore 12/14/16/18/20% of the enemy's DEF. This effect will be removed after the wearer uses an attack.
Source: Event Warp (limited)
99.99 cyc.When the HP lost by the wearer during a single attack exceeds 25% of their Max HP, or if the HP they consume is greater than 25% of their Max HP, then immediately heals them for 15% of their Max HP while also increasing the DMG they deal by 25/31/38/44/50% for 2 turn(s). This effect can only be triggered once every 3 turn(s).
Source: Forgotten Hall Store
Relic Sets are ranked with usage rate among the players we have scanned who used Blade in the current MoC cycle (72), in the current PF cycle (109) or in the current AS cycle (255) and had the character placed in their Profile. The results are limited to top 5 combinations. Flex means 2 random Relic pieces that don't combine into a Set.
Increases Max HP by 12%.
When the wearer is hit or has their HP consumed by an ally or themselves, their CRIT Rate increases by 8% for 2 turn(s) and up to 2 stacks.
Increases Wind DMG by 10%.
After the wearer uses Ultimate, their action is Advanced Forward by 25%.
Increases Max HP by 12%.
When the wearer is hit or has their HP consumed by an ally or themselves, their CRIT Rate increases by 8% for 2 turn(s) and up to 2 stacks.
Increases Max HP by 12%.
When the wearer is hit or has their HP consumed by an ally or themselves, their CRIT Rate increases by 8% for 2 turn(s) and up to 2 stacks.
Increases follow-up attack DMG by 20%.
When the wearer uses follow-up attacks against the target enemy, increase the wearer's ATK by 6% for every time the follow-up attack deals DMG. This effect can stack for a maximum of 8 times and lasts for 3 turns. This effect is removed the next time the wearer uses a follow-up attack.
Increases Wind DMG by 10%.
After the wearer uses Ultimate, their action is Advanced Forward by 25%.
Increases Max HP by 12%.
When the wearer is hit or has their HP consumed by an ally or themselves, their CRIT Rate increases by 8% for 2 turn(s) and up to 2 stacks.
Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 8%. When the wearer's current CRIT Rate reaches 70% or higher, the wearer's Basic ATK and Skill DMG increase by 20%.
Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 8%. When the wearer's current CRIT Rate reaches 50% or higher, the wearer's Ultimate and follow-up attack DMG increases by 15%.
Increases the wearer's Max HP by 12%. When the wearer's Max HP is 5000 or higher, increases the wearer's and their memosprite's CRIT DMG by 28%.
When allies use follow-up attacks, the wearer receives 1 stack of Merit, stacking up to 5 times. Every stack of Merit increases the DMG dealt by the wearer's follow-up attacks by 5%. When there are 5 stacks, additionally increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 25%.
Increases the wearer's Effect RES by 10%. When the wearer's Effect RES is at 30% or higher, all allies' CRIT DMG increases by 10%.
Relic Stats are shown based on the Relics used by the players we have scanned who used Blade in the current MoC cycle (72), in the current PF cycle (109) or in the current AS cycle (255) and had the character placed in their Profile.
Don't use the damage output calculations as an indication on who is worth pulling or investing as those are just simulations and in day-to-day gameplay there's a lot variables. Use the numbers only to supplement your knowledge and treat them as the 'floor' of a character's damage output which you can further scale with proper team and investment.
The simulation showcases characters damage potential in the 5 cycle turn limit of Memory of Chaos against 1 target and 3 targets. The section below has all the rules listed.
Disclaimer for this particular calculations:
Blade can gain and lose SUBSTANTIAL amounts of damage based on how many times he is hit. These calculations assume he is hit ONCE per every full action he takes for the purpose of his talent charges.
And here are the Relics and the Light Cone used in the calculations above:
Increases the wearer's Max HP by 12/15/18/21/24%. When losing or restoring this unit's HP, increases CRIT DMG by 18/22.5/27/31.5/36%, lasting for 2 turn(s). This effect can only trigger once per turn.
Source: Event Warp (limited)
Increases Max HP by 12%.
When the wearer is hit or has their HP consumed by an ally or themselves, their CRIT Rate increases by 8% for 2 turn(s) and up to 2 stacks.
Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 8%. When the wearer's current CRIT Rate reaches 70% or higher, the wearer's Basic ATK and Skill DMG increase by 20%.
Crit Rate (37.9%), CRIT DMG (64.1%), SPD (13.8)
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While Blade scales both off ATK and HP, investing into HP% is much better as it scales harder. Still, CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG stats are what you want to focus on, but try to keep the 1:2 ratio.