Emilia banner will be available: 3/21 (after maintenance) ~ 4/11 04:59 (UTC+9)
An unexpected encounter that bridges two different universes, Emilia opens the curtain to an amusing crossover between a post-apocalyptic wasteland and a fantasy realm. Emilia wields a staff, a rocket launcher replica with extended range and freezing power. She is outfitted with a special mechanic that amplifies her Charge Damage relative to her ammo capacity, but even that is not as spicy as her Burst Skill that invokes a powerful slow-acting spell that sweeps over an enormous area, dealing a significant amount of instantaneous damage. Her kit may seem dull at first glance, but her true performance shall be revealed in the upcoming raids.
Kit Analysis
- Unlike most other RLs, and identical to A2's, Emilia's weapon has a default explosion range of 750 — 1.5x larger than the default 500. This allows her to hit 3 enemies simultaneously in Arena, inflating her natural burst regen. With Burst Skill, this can further be expanded to 1500, with which she can strike all opposing Nikke(s) at the same time!
- Emilia's wider range helps her hit more parts or mobs at once, potentially doubling or tripling her potential damage.
- Compared to A2, Emilia's buffs are consistent and will not decrease whether there is a part present or not. Meanwhile, A2's Part Damage will ultimately become useless after all parts are destroyed. Hence, she can be considered an upgrade to our NieR comrade.
- Emilia's kit is also packed with so many enhancements that improve her damage multiplier(s) but ATK. While this is horrendous in some cases, especially with major CP deficits and stat penalty in campaign, it also means Emilia scales extremely well with ATK buffs from her allies. Thus, the gap in her output when supported versus unsupported can be enormous!
Skill 1
■ Activates when attacking with Full Charge. Affects self.
Charge Speed ▲ 13.01% for 1 round(s).
Charge Damage ▲ 2.01% for every unit in the final Max Ammunition Capacity.
Lasts for 1 round(s).
- Whenever she releases a fully charged attack, for the next shot, she obtains bonus Charge Speed and Charge Damage proportional to her max ammo capacity.
- At Level 10, she gains a maximum of ~13% Charge Speed, which translates to around 10.6% damage increase as long as she keeps delivering fully charged shots. The subtraction is due to the animation in between shots particularly on AUTO.
- She also gains a Charge Damage enhancement equal to ~2% multiplied by her max ammo count (capped at 50).
- This may seem trivial, but to a trained pair of eyes, one would realize this could become massive in the right situation. It is true that, with her base charge damage at 250%, an increase of 2% amounts to just 0.8% TDM (Total Damage Multiplier).
- However, this value is hardly diluted, since Charge Damage buffs are uncommon (let's just ignore her Burst Skill). Should you provide Emilia with a stack of Max Ammo OL and appropriate buffs from other allies, this buff will quickly become apparent.
Skill 2
■ Activates when attacking with Full Charge. Affect target(s).
Deals Fixed Damage to the main body equal to 58.99% of the damage dealt by self.
■ Activates when entering Full Burst. Affects self.
Max Ammunition Capacity ▲ 3 round(s) for 10 sec.
- A true classic. Treat her second ability as pure TDM (Total Damage Multiplier). Any damage she deals is multiplied by the percentage shown in the first component.
- It's also permanent, assuming she constantly delivers fully charged shots.
- In total, at Level 10, she can enjoy a ~59% TDM. This is way more than what her other skills provide and should be maxed ASAP.
- When entering Full Burst, she also raises her Max Ammo capacity, momentarily enhancing the effects of Skill 1.
Since the damage enhancement does not belong to any typical buff categories, it also scales well with other common buffs because there is no dilution involved. This makes Emilia one of the easiest units to support!
■ Affects self.
Explosion Range ▲ 101.24% for 10 sec.
Freezing Witch
Function: Decreases Charge Speed and increases Charge Damage for 1 shot(s).
Effect 1: Charge Speed ▼ 300%.
Effect 2: Charge Damage ▲ 1300.53%
- 'Extends' her charge time considerably to increase charge damage for one shot.
- The default delay is +3s, uniform across all levels.
- The maximum boost is ~1300% Charge Damage, equal to ~5.2x of normal attack damage.
- Burst Skill attack does NOT activate S1!
- In AUTO, you can perform 3 Full Charge attacks in place of this enhanced blast, which means the maximum damage difference is (1+~5.2x)/3 = ~2.067 shots.
- However, you will lose the explosion range buff, which scales per level and caps at ~101%. This in turn elevates her radius to around 1500, enough to hit all enemies in PvP simultaneously, akin to A2's range. Useful against distant parts and mobs.
- Can overkill parts if timed correctly.
The damage difference between using Burst Skill and not is not that significant unless it is necessary for her to utilize that explosion range buff to hit parts that are more distant. Otherwise, if other units offer more powerful Burst Skill, prioritize theirs first.
Her performance in campaign can be considered to be similar to 3 units: A2 Scarlet, and surprisingly Centi.
Emilia has the same splash radius as A2, and she can deal a ton of damage to clustered mobs from her shots during Burst. This is where the comparison to Scarlet stems from. Regardless, there is a significant difference in her playstyle. While Scarlet's nuke is instant, Emilia takes 4 seconds to charge her nuke. And while Scarlet's nuke can hit everyone on the screen, Emilia cannot. She can only hit the enemies that are within the Blast Radius of her nuke. It's worth mentioning that her damage outside of Burst, while worse than Scarlet, is pretty satisfactory due to her Skill 2's TDM. Finally, the comparison to Centi can be made through the simple fact that you can spam Emilia's low-charge shots on buildings to rapidly accrue high amounts of energy, due to her higher splash radius.
Overall, she is a solid situational unit to use for campaign, and can be used as a Main B3. However, she cannot compete with the likes of Scarlet in full-screen clearing capability or SBS/SnowWhite in boss nuking capacity. She is a jack-of-all-trades but master of none.
As Emilia's DPS is not dependent on Burst Skill that much, her damage is pretty stable, which is always useful in campaign for mopping breadcrumbs. This is not an asset that many meta characters have, i.e. Alice, Red Hood, and SBS. It is also the reason Modernia and Scarlet are preferred in some stages. These two units are still better, though, because they have inherent ATK buffs. Furthermore, Emilia's splash damage is uniform, unlike SBS's distributed one, which means she is exempt from the "too much splitting" curse. She also does not harm herself like A2 or Scarlet and will not randomly lose buffs for the same reason.
While she may not be particularly useful for Union Raids, she will definitely hold her ground against Solo Raid bosses. The second best Rocket Launcher unit to be released yet powercreeps A2. Not only that, she is definitely the second best water element DPS as well (after xLudmilla)! Emilia will do surprisingly well against Bosses with at least 2 parts, which is not uncommon in Nikke, and will be able to compete with the likes of Modernia! Her favourite meal will be in the form of a fiery dragon, Nihilister, which sports 4 parts. Wielding the element of PSID, she is the ultimate counter to Nihilister!
Simulation Overclock
There are not many Water DPS in Nikke. After xLudmilla, Emilia will definitely be the B3 of choice in case we ever need to fulfill the requirement of raptures being weak to water element.
If you haven't heard enough praise, it is time to talk about the game mode that Emilia will shine like the star she is! Emilia has a base burst gen of 1.4%, a splash radius of 750, and a charge time of 1 second with no animation hold like A2 has. In simple words, firstly, her Splash Radius means that she will be hitting 3 people, hence pressuring P1+P2 and P3! Secondly, all of those numbers we told you above make her the 4th most powerful battery in the game!
If you want the equation, Emilia hits 3 Nikke(s) * 2 ticks each because of Skill 2, plus 3 covers, resulting in 9 total procs. 9 * 1.4% = 12.6% burst generation per hit.
This means that even if you don't slot her in as a Burst 3, she will act a passive battery for your PvP team! For PvP Players, this is basically a Clip RL in disguise and a superb asset to have. If this wasn't sweet enough, Emilia seems to have the Biggest Base AoE Nuke out of everyone in PvP! Even higher than Scarlet!
The drawback is quite clear here, that it takes 4 seconds to charge. But even this drawback finds a use! Usually, Noah, with her 3s of Invincibility, can be used to block the AoE nuke of Nikkes like Scarlet, Maiden, 2B, and many more, assuming teams are of similar burst gen speeds. Emilia, on the other hand, takes 4 seconds to charge her nuke, which means that she can wait out the invincibility timeframe, then hit the enemy team as soon as it drops!
We can assure you with full confidence that Emilia is one of the strongest attackers you can probably use in PvP. Just make sure to give her enough survivability if you burst with her. We can probably talk more about her use in PvP, but we won't do that here. We hope you look forward to our Half Anniversary Update of the PvP Guide!
Gear Investments
Like any other DPS, you would want to have Elemental Damage and ATK buffs for Emilia. Neither of them are diluted and are amazing buffs on her. As for any other rolls, she performs well with charge speed and max ammo:
For PvP, her major target priority will be a minimum of 2 Charge Speed rolls.
8%+ Charge Speed total from OL in tandem with S1 Level 10 will make her shoot 3 shots in 2.5RL speed in PvP. It also helps you shoot considerably more shots in 3 minutes in PvE as well. Similarly, while it is super expensive and practically impossible to reach, 24.7+% charge speed total from OL together with S1 Level 10 allows Emilia to shoot 3 shots in 2RL speed in PvP!
Emilia also appreciates Max Ammo Capacity rolls, since they work well with her Skill 1, but they work similarly to Charge Speed or Charge Damage lines. Overall, we recommend having 1-2 Ammo on her because it also concerns her uptime.
Four Max Ammo OL each providing a boost of 4 ammo sums up to an aggregate of 12.8% increased damage output (relative to 250%). This is a nice uplift, but do note that she also benefits more or less the same from Charge Damage or Charge Speed lines (which can offer higher values more easily). With Max Ammo, however, her uptime will further be extended.
Skill Investments
- Skill 1: 4-7
- While not as major of a buff as Skill 2, it works well to boost Emilia's damage. Barely diluted. We recommend keeping it at 4 and only upgrading it to 7 if you have extra materials that you haven't planned on using yet. For PvP lovers, this skill can be maxed out to level 10 for the extra charge speed.
- This skill is more efficient the more Max Ammo OLs Emilia has. Real value wise, at 20 base ammo, every level yields a maximum of ~0.9% TDM, but this will gradually decrease as the level goes up.
- Skill 2: 7-10
- Skill 2 is straight up a TDM. Breakpoints at Level 4 (Max Ammo +2) and 7 (Max Ammo +3). Upgrade it to 7, despite it having poor scaling (1.43x). If you don't have many high priority skills to work on, this skill should eventually be maxed out to 10.
- Real value wise, expect a maximum of ~1.4% TDM per level, but this will decrease gradually as the level goes up. An extra of around ~0.6% is provided at Level 4 and 7, at maximum level of Skill 1 (less if diluted by having more ammo).
- Burst: 7-10
- Level 7 is the bare minimum Emilia needs to hit 5 people in PvP with her Nuke during burst. It will also allow you to hit all parts of a Boss with multiple parts, like Nihilister, if you hit the Boss in the middle. Upgrade it to 7 first. It is up to you whether you want to increase it to 10, but do know that Rem, according to our initial analysis, will most definitely want Level 10 Burst Skill too.
Cube Investments

In PvE, the primary cubes are always Bastion and Resilience because they provide the highest uptime bonus. Since Emilia also scales with Max Ammo, you can also consider Wingman if highly leveled, which will make her S1 more effective.
In PvP, you can additionally consider Vigor for increased survival, Adjutant if that helps with reaching the breakpoint informed in Gear Investments section, or Quantum for bonus burst gen.
PVE Team Compositions
Team #1: Basic Duo Teams
Liter JKs or Liter Bunnies, both are decent comps where Emilia can easily fit in to. You can expect her to perform well in Campaign and Bosses in these teams. Liter and Naga/Noir provide ATK buffs that Emilia lacks, whereas Tia and Blanc provide separate damage multipliers that can boost her damage substantially! Naga and Blanc also provides heals in case she needs them. One thing to note about the Bunnies comp is their inherent lack of burst gen, which is remedied by using Emilia as B3!
Team #2: Rem Synergy
Rem is not out yet, but her skills are! We believe that with heals and Buffs for RLs that Rem provides, Emilia and Rem will be able to make a great combo against Bosses, and maybe even Campaign...
PVP Team Compositions
Team #1: Emilia as Burst Gen Battery
Both of these teams replace Anis/Centi for Emilia, who not only provides extra damage pressure on P1+P2+P3, but also prevents the demotion of Burst Speed Tier. Additionally, a common problem High Sync Level Players face is that they struggle to use Anis against opponents as it leads to a significant loss in Team CP. Hence, Emilia provides a very strong choice as a replacement.
Team #2: Emilia as the Main B3
Simple team with one goal in mind: Get Indomitability on Emilia. You want Emilia to be the lowest HP unit among the 2 highest attack units in your team (who will probably be Emilia and RedHood in this case), so that Blanc is able to provide her with Indomitability. Since Emilia won't be able to die now, It is simply a matter of time that the opponent team falls to their deaths by her hands. Note that, Emilia can be countered by a slow Noah (3/4RL+ beyond). The faster you burst with Emilia, the more likely she is to be counterable.
Team #3: Just Yet Another God Comp
The combos are Noise + Rapunzel (Rookie Arena God Comp) or Biscuit + RedHood (Common Stall Team). Nothing much to be said about either comp. You all probably already know how tough it is to deal with the God Comp. For the other team, Noah + Biscuit hold P1 and attract all the damage to themselves, while Emilia charges her nuke and prepares to finish her opponents.
Should You Pull
Yes, especially if you care about PvP. One copy is enough. Not only is she absolutely meta in PvP, we believe her performance will be unexpectedly good in Solo Raids as a DPS, especially with Rem. As for dupes, if you care about competition in PvP, and especially if you want to prepare for Champions Arena, you should definitely consider pulling for MLB (or even core 7, if you are a high spender).
You might have a question in your mind — what about exchanging Golden Mileage for her? Unless you really care about PvP, we discourage such interchange. If you want any other reason for using your coupons on her, the fact that she is a limited collab character and will not be available again could validate this proposition.
But remember: coupons are extremely valuable, and you don't want to miss out on the upcoming good DPS, which will probably have a bigger influence on your account. Half anniversary is only around the corner!
Pros & Cons
- Excessive abnormal gear in stock (for most players).
- Fourth highest burst generation in PvP with potential to be first with heavy investments.
- Scales really well with ATK buffs.
- Shots can be spammed like Centi toward environmental destructibles for burst gen in Campaign.
- Highly flexible for PvP; can act as burst gen battery or main Burst 3 unit.
- Highest base AoE attack nuke for PvP.
- Auto-friendly, no need to manual her at all unless you need to aim for a specific spot for her nuke, or need extra burst gen.
- Has the highest range for an RL (equal to A2).
- Her AoE nuke can bypass Noah's invincibility time frame.
- Limited unit.
- Buffs reliant on Full Charge(s).
- No innate ATK buff.
- Her base attack ratio is 61.3%, which is the lowest in RL category, shared with Vesti and some other units.
- With no Boss Parts, Emilia cannot compete in damage against Meta B3 against Solo Bosses.
- 4-second charge time on AoE attack can be a liability in PvP Defense Teams, and can be hard to execute well in Campaign.
- In PvP, her fully charged shots can count up to 4-5 hits per shot if she hits 2 Jackal-linked Nikkes, which means she can be highly susceptible to dying against Scarlet's Skill 2.
- Skill scaling per level is less than 1.69x (default for most skills) on average.
- As Water Element, if she gets hit by Elemental OL Scarlet/SAnis (Electric) in PVP, she can die very fast.
- Her burst nuke can actually miss in PvP, due to whiffing or target dies.