Should You Pull? (TLDR)

Lopera is a very strong offensive Support with the possibility of becoming a Tuesday-like requirement for Bullet teams specifically, consider grabbing Lopera if:

  • You’re missing a strong Generalist Support such as Mercuria or Argus
  • You’re looking to make a Bullet team once it becomes viable
  • You’re looking to optimize Windsong’s damage output
  • You enjoy the [Burn] niche


Lopera is a 6-star Arcanist of the Beast Afflatus. She doesn't follow a particular niche at the moment, but has the potential to become Tuesday's [Bullet] counterpart as a key unit for that archetype.

Her kit is one large gimmick, so let's start with that. First is her "Winning Chips" Incantation, which grants Lopera stacks of [Flaming Bullet] which allows her to apply [Burn] on hit, and enters her into the [Ready to Shoot] channel. While channeling, at the end of the round, she attacks with "Bull's Eye" which is a single-target attack that grants all allies [Right on Target]; a buff that increases Crit DMG by a percentage of Lopera's own. This buff is increased if the target has at least 20 stacks of [Burn].

But there's more to do with [Flaming Bullet]. With "Double Backups" she can turn [Flaming Bullet] into [Incantation Bullet] (increasing Incantation Might) for allies in front of her, and [Ritual Bullet] (increasing Ultimate Might) for allies behind her. This allows her to work in both in teams oriented around casting Incantations as well as Ultimates. Further helping this cycle of [Bullet] to DMG are her Insights, which grant her +1 Moxie upon [Bullet] trigger and additional Moxie upon entering combat, allowing her to quickly cycle her Array.

The interesting part is her Ultimate "More Than Alchemy". It creates the [Crucible Arsenal] Array that provides a few very powerful effects:

  • Any [Bullet]s carried by allies do not go below 1 stack, making them effectively infinite so long as the Array exists.
  • It grants +40% Crit Rate.
  • Up to 40% of excess Crit Rate gets converted into Crit DMG.
  • For every type of [Bullet] carried by an ally, the excess conversion is increased by 10% (up to 5 times).

This is great for Crit-based characters to begin with, but it has the potential to completely carry the [Bullet] team once it gets a proper Damage Dealer.


As perturbed as I am by Lopera stealing Sonetto's face, she's at least got a really good kit to back it up.

The Bullet distribution is definitely the most important part of her kit, but the entire kit works in tandem really well. The [Flaming Bullet] can go infinite in the Array, allowing for easy access to [Incantation Bullet] and [Ritual Bullet], while also letting Lopera stay in her channel infinitely. In addition, the Crit buff from the Array quickly scales up Lopera's Crit DMG through the conversion, which then gets granted to allies via [Ready to Shoot].

I'm not sure why exactly she gets to ST heal 50% of an ally's Lost HP when triggering a [Bullet], given she'll be triggering it on every attack, but it's a nice addition to her kit. The [Burn] requirement for [Ready to Shoot] to give 20% instead of 10% of her Crit DMG is kind of whack, and she probably won't be meeting it on her own which makes Isolde or J necessary to maximize her supporting capabilities, but she is strong enough without them.

Outside of that, it means that Lopera will have 2 main uses: a [Bullet] battery and as a Crit relay. If you need either of those, Lopera will be a very solid option and also a possible replacement for Mercuria or Argus.

Pros & Cons

  • Can make [Bullet]s permanent, potentially becoming the Tuesday of the [Bullet] archetype.
  • Extremely easy to cycle Ultimate that also grants large amounts of Crit.
  • Has access to a wide variety of offensive buffs.
  • Can heal a surprising amount in the right teams.

  • Can't fully realize her potential without a bit of [Burn] help
  • Doesn't have a Damage Dealer for her primary archetype


Completely fine at P0.

If you’re looking to invest into Lopera, the only real viable Portrait in terms of Supporting will be Portrait one. It increases the Crit gained from her Array and increases the Crit conversion too. Portrait 2 is another option to enhance her self-sufficiency and help with more Crit, but the rest is pretty redundant (Portrait 5 is obviously good but not necessary at all).

Great Synergies

Lopera generally synergizes with Bullet, Follow-Up, Crit and Bullet teams. Especially the last one, but there aren’t any Damage Dealers that can make full use of that yet.

Notable synergies include:

Future notable synergies:


Here are the best Psychubes you can use on Lopera:

The Third Commitment
The Third Commitment
Blasphemer of Night
Blasphemer of Night
Stray Off the Path
Stray Off the Path


R10 ATK Build (Recommended)


A few suggestions are listed below.

Standard Teams
Bullet Hell[GLB]
  • 4th slot options: Lopera
  • Contracted: Lucy
  • A lot of people don’t know, but Lucy’s [Ammunition] counts as a [Bullet]. Due to this, using Lucy and Anjo in conjunction with Lopera’s [Incantation Bullet] on top of making [Ammunition] infinite under her Array makes her spam incredibly strong. Add Vila for the [Song of Passion] and you’ve got a fairly solid defensive core with a lot of damage.
Team Rocket Blasting Off Again [2.3][CN]
  • 4th slot options: Lopera
  • Probably one of the strongest teams available come 2.3, Flutterpage unlocks Windsong’s short-cycle potential by massively boosting FUA damage on top of performing various ones herself. The support here comes in the form of Vila, whose [Song of Passion] is a known contender for best Windsong buff, and Lopera, who while her Array is up can spam [Incantation Bullet] to enhance Windsong while also providing additional FUAs for Lopera.