Rosanna: Chic Ocean
The infamous Arena underdog who has been dominating the dome of steel and sparks finally agrees to taste the excitement of demolishing giants. Rosanna, now in her summer outfit, is ready to propel her team with incredible Sustained Damage and Damage Taken support skills. She is also adept at salvaging bosses' parts, increasing the team's ATK and Parts Damage while doing so.
Can you give a brief summary about this unit?
Rosanna: Chic Ocean (or S. Rosanna) is purely a supporter who is able to provide a variety of simple and straightforward buffs. Her burst is the main key to her usefulness, as it provides the team with Sustained Damage buffs and inflicts increased Damage Taken debuff on enemies. The latter part of the Burst is of good value and helps all allies in her team, while the former is key to her end-game use. Her main end-game use is in Solo Raids, which comes from the synergy between her and S. Sakura, as she buffs her significantly. Hence, any time S. Sakura is destroying enemy bosses in Raids, Rosanna (paired with Helm) might be a viable choice. In campaign, her performance is also impressive since she is not restricted to any other unit, and hence allows for an extra DPS or better offensive support (e.g. Maxwell). Apart from all of this, Rosanna also provides increased Damage to Parts, along with a caster's ATK buff, all of which combine to make her an extremely viable unit!
Should I pull this unit?
YES! Rosanna gives a multitude of reasons as to why one should pull her! While she is not at the top in any food chain, her immense flexibility allows her to be used in all available contents as a very decent unit. She proves to be a competitor of the famous 777 bunnies in campaign stages where healing is not a requirement since she allows for that extra DPS/support slot. In Solo Raids, she (paired with Helm) allows for a cheaper and easier-to-use (but not always better) alternative to the Tove-SG team or SW-Yulha team, basically landing a team 4/5 spot for newer or casual players. Even in Union Raids, she may be used over the Blanc-Noir duo by higher sync level players who do not require healing, and hence slotting an extra DPS in these situations would be more beneficial!
For beginners without the Duos (Tia & Naga; Blanc & Noir) or Crown, Summer Rosanna will allow you to witness nearly optimal performance from your meta DPS, making her a good pull choice. In end-game campaign however, she is not considered a Meta Unit. As for dupes, she does not need any since she is a support. Her caster's ATK buff is of low value and will not increase much with dupes, especially due to her Supporter base stats. However, the MLB lobby screen is incredibly beautiful, and might be good enough to make a case for MLB!
Kit Analysis
Rosanna: Chic Ocean (abbreviated as S. Rosanna) is a capable support unit with a balanced kit. There is not much to say about the kit other than repeating words, so we will keep it short. The massive Damage Taken will make her useful for weaker teams in Solo Raid, just inferior to the Crown & the two Duos, and her unique Sustained Damage buff will empower the already decent Summer Sakura even further. Her ATK buff is on the low side in terms of value, and the activation requires breaking parts. Thus, it may take a backseat against bosses that do not sprout parts regularly. However, since it is stackable, you can use the likes of Pepper to keep it at maximum forever.
Remember that you need to break a part to activate the ATK buff stacks, otherwise Pepper cannot increase the stack count from 0 → 1.
The Parts Damage will significantly boost the team's DPS against bosses that have a lot of parts, but if the boss doesn't have parts, then it is also useless. All in all, her kit is nothing special, but she would work just sufficiently for any kind of situation.
One disadvantage of using S. Rosanna, especially for veterans, is the fact that she is a non-healer B2. In the current trend, we usually prefer B1 CDR + B2 Healer + Three B3 DPS for our compositions. Or, in some cases such as the SG team, no CDR at all. Hence, S. Rosanna being a B2 Buffer will put her in a similar category as Novel. With that, we are limited to these less preferred alternatives, both come at a cost of DPS loss:
- Using B2 CDR like Dolla or Summer Helm, together with a B1 Healer like Pepper, so we can keep deploying 3 B3 DPS.
- Using B1 CDR with B3 Healer like Helm (ideal) or an extra B1 Healer like Bunny Alice/Rapunzel/Noise.
As far as synergy goes, it might be desirable to either pair her with Pepper + Dolla/SHelm (as Pepper will help keep S. Rosanna's ATK skill ramp up much more quickly while maintaining its otherwise volatile stacks), or run her with Helm. With Helm, your second DPS choice has restricted choices since you will have to choose a unit who can deal good damage without Bursting, in which case Modernia and Scarlet are the top choices.
As the meta develops, and depending on the boss we are facing, better tech/teams with higher DPS potential are usually uncovered. You may want to keep an eye out for those.
Usage Analysis and Tier List
Campaign (LD) - SS | Campaign (HD) - S
S. Rosanna can be used to high effect in Campaign due to her Damage Taken debuff, which has a decent value and is comparable to Blanc. In Low Deficit, she directly competes with the Bunny Duo of Blanc and Noir since healing or shielding is usually never a requirement. Hence, slotting in an extra DPS instead of using a support SG like Noir will be more effective in most cases since this will allow for a higher damage ceiling! The extra FLEX slot that she provides can be considered similar to what Crown provides since neither of them are locked to another duo, such as seen with Tia and Blanc. While not as strong as Crown, S. Rosanna can definitely compete with Blanc here!
In higher deficits, S. Rosanna's problems start becoming more apparent. The need for shields and/or heals becomes a necessity in most stages. Not only that, we start to realize that both of her Skills basically provide nothing in Campaign. There are no Parts in Campaign, hence the entirety of Skill 1 and the first part of Skill 2 are rendered useless. The second part of Skill 2 is Sustained Damage, but due to its small value and under Rosanna's supporter stats, it will be negligible. At the end, what's left is her Damage Taken debuff.
If a healer is paired with S. Rosanna, she definitely becomes worse than the support duo of Blanc and Noir due to their only being 2 DPS units. S. Sakura is not as strong of a unit in Campaign since her Sustained Damage is not strong enough to kill multiple raptures, and it is usually not ideal to burst with Helm in Campaign anyways. A strong contender for the flex spot can be Naga, but she has better pairings with Crown and Tia. In higher deficits, Rosanna cannot be considered a meta unit, but is still a decent choice if you lack other supports.
Boss (Solo) - S | Boss (Adds) - S
Everything that S. Rosanna cannot do in Campaign, she can against Bosses! Sustained Damage dealers (currently only S. Sakura) are now considered as viable units, and Bosses often come with Parts! Her resurrection provides ~13% ATK buff (when converted to Attacker Stats) and some Parts Damage buffs. The latter has a 50% uptime due to her Skill 2 having the same exact buff with the same exact value, and can be considered as a decent damage buff, especially against Bosses with regenerating boss parts! Her Burst Skill's Sustained Damage buff is now viable as well due to S. Sakura being relevant!
But, now remains one very serious problem. S. Rosanna does not heal, and neither is she a shielder like Crown. This problem may be circumvented by using units like Helm, who provides offensive Attack Damage buffs. Against bosses with parts, this pairing can be considered as a side-grade to the 777 Bunny Duo, just that instead of Ammo Buffs, we receive Bonus Damage to Parts and Sustained Damage buffs. Against Bosses where parts break often and regenerate (such as in the current Golden Kraken Solo Raid), Rosanna + Helm will be able to provide a higher damage ceiling than what the Bunny Duo can provide, and will be the better choice of supports. However, this does lead to them being a situational support structure.
Against Bosses with additional, smaller Raptures, her performance does not falter, but again, the problem lies in the fact that Rosanna cannot heal. Other competitors are able to heal and provide offensive buffs together, which leads to Rosanna having a hard time trying to slot into the the top teams.
In PvP, Rosanna can be considered as a side-grade to Poli or Crown, and a direct downgrade from Blanc. She does exactly what Blanc does, just without providing the Indomitability. She lacks Burst Gen and special skills that matter in PvP, and hence cannot be considered as a meta unit in PvP, albeit still usable.
Gear Investments
If we talk about efficiency, there is no need to OL Rosanna's gear as her caster's ATK buff has a rather low value. However, efficiency is rarely the case for tryhards of Solo Raids, so while we recommend not OL-ing her for most players, competitive players might benefit from the increased base stats. Other than that, OL-ing her should only be done for one other reason: CP padding. Be it Campaign, Tribe Tower or PvP, S. Rosanna does not need overload gear, but if you want to CP pad, go for it. She does not need any specific gear to work properly.
The strength of her ATK buff is based on caster's ATK, and since she is a support, it will only be around ~13% if you overload her.
- Essential: -
- Ideal:
- Passable:
- Priority: Low
Skill Investments
- Skill 1: 4-10
- Skill 1 is of low Priority to upgrade for a couple of reasons. The first is that the initial Parts Damage buff is a one-time buff, and it has an extremely low uptime since it is active for only 15 seconds out of 180. The second is that the ATK buff that S. Rosanna provides has a low value overall, but damage is damage, so only go for it if you are a competitive player in Solo Raids. Otherwise, 4 is a good stopping point.
- Skill 2: 4/7/10
- Rosanna's Skill 2 is where the majority of her Parts Damage buff lies. Any DPS that Bursts first will be able to take full advantage of this. Any DPS that does not need to Burst to deal damage (e.g Modernia or Scarlet) may also take full advantage of this buff as well. Strictlg timed burst activations with Snow White can also help SW take advantage of this buff!
- Burst Skill: 7~10
- Her Burst is the major part of her skill. The massive Damage Taken debuff on enemies benefits all kinds of allies, and the Sustained Damage effectively increases her synergy with S. Sakura.
Suggested Progression Path
PVE investment
1/1/1 → 4/4/4 → 4/7/10 (→ 7/10/10)
PVP investment
1/1/1 → 1/1/7 → 1/4/10 (→ 1/7/10)
Cube Investments

Rosanna does not particularly require any cube. Any generic cube works on her, but Bastion will allow her to shoot more bullets over 3 minutes. Despite that, it is recommended to use the highest level cube available for the base stat bonuses to help with her caster's ATK buff.
PvE Team Compositions
Team #1: Summer Solstice
The two summer units have high synergy together! S. Rosanna buffs S. Sakura extremely well. Her Damage Taken debuff, paired with extra Parts Damage buffs, as well as the Sustained Damage buff are all highly appreciated. Combined, they allow S. Sakura to deal immense damage to opponents. This buffs S. Sakura beyond what most other teams can, even higher than the famous bunny duo!
Team #2: 3 DPS Better Than 2 DPS
This team can effectively be used in Campaign, as well as against Bosses which do little or no damage to your team. The aim in Campaign will be not to get hit, which can prove to be a skill barrier. While it may be less comfortable, it is definitely a higher DPS ceiling than the Bunny Duo team. Making the most use of your cover and i-framing skills will be required against some harder to beat stages. The flex spot can be filled by another B3 DPS such as Modernia, Scarlet, or even offensive supporters like Maxwell. Naga or other healers like Rapunzel may also fill in this slot in low deficit gameplay.
Team #3: Stack Overload
Team catering to incomplete rosters, who may take advantage of current and upcoming Summer Banners. Here, we try to take advantage of Pepper's ability to increase stacks of stackable buffs, which in this case will be Rosanna's caster's ATK buff. Remember, to activate this buff, you need to destroy a Boss Part first, so the Boss needs to have parts. As Pepper is another wind unit, this team can perform well with Dolla against Wind Weak Bosses with Parts. This team can be expected to perform decently against Iron Weak Bosses with Parts as well, taking advantage of Summer Helm's permanent Damage Taken debuff, Pepper's healing and stacking ability, as well as Rosanna's offensive buffs to maximize damage output for the 2 B3s.
PvP Team Compositions
Team #1: 2~2.5~3RL Simple Nuke
Scarlet team is 2.5RL at base, 2RL with feed or Quantum Cubes. S. Sakura team is 3RL at base, 2.5 with feed. Fast-buffed Nukes to wipe off slower teams quickly. Expensive, but it saves Blanc.
Team #2: 3RL Simple Nuke
Slower Team, can be risky to use since no protection against opponent nukes, something that Blanc is able to provide. Can be used effectively against slow, 4RL S.Anis teams.
Pros & Cons
- Massive Damage Taken debuff on enemies.
- Powerful Sustained Damage buff - strong synergy with S. Sakura.
- Provides decent Parts Damage buff.
- Quite flexible, can be used with different B3s, and allows for extra B3.
- Insanely hot with a very lewd MLB lobby screen.
- Lacks healing, hence tough to fit into current meta.
- ATK buff is of low value and stacking is dependent on breaking parts.
- Without parts, her Skill 1 and half of Skill 2 are entirely useless.
- Cannot open Nikke on your phone in public if you have her as your lobby screen.
- Will age-restrict Youtube videos.