Honkai: Star RailYanqingBest build, teams and other guides


Yanqing is a 5 character from the Ice element who follows the Path of Hunt.

The spirited lieutenant of the Xianzhou Luofu, and also its most proficient swordsman. He is born for swords and obsessed with them. Whenever a sword rests in his hand, none would dare to underestimate this genius still in the early days of his youth.

Perhaps the only thing capable of dulling his treasured blade's sharp edge is time.

To learn more about Yanqing check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for - kit, traces, review or build guides.

Video guide

This character has no video guide yet.

Update tracker

Last review update

Patch 2.6

Last major build/calcs update

Patch 2.6

Last profile update*

January 14th, 2025

*Profile update means smaller edits to relics, stats, synergies or teams that don't require new calculations.

To learn more about Yanqing check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for - kit, traces, review or build guides.



Build and teams

MoC/PF/AS Statistics



Basic ATK

Frost Thorn

Single Target

Lv. 1

Energy gain: 20

Break: 10

Deals Ice DMG equal to #1[i]% of Yanqing's ATK to a single enemy.

Darting Ironthorn

Single Target

Lv. 1

Energy gain: 30

Break: 20

Deals Ice DMG equal to #1[i]% of Yanqing's ATK to a single enemy and activates Soulsteel Sync for 1 turn.

Amidst the Raining Bliss

Single Target | 140 energy cost

Lv. 1

Energy gain: 5

Break: 30

Increases Yanqing's CRIT Rate by #1[i]%. When Soulsteel Sync is active, increases Yanqing's CRIT DMG by an extra #2[i]%. This buff lasts for one turn. Afterwards, deals Ice DMG equal to #3[i]% of Yanqing's ATK to a single enemy.

One With the Sword

Single Target

Lv. 1

Energy gain: 10

Break: 10

When Soulsteel Sync is active, Yanqing is less likely to be attacked by enemies. Yanqing's CRIT Rate increases by #1[i]% and his CRIT DMG increases by #2[i]%. After Yanqing attacks an enemy, there is a #3[i]% fixed chance to perform a follow-up attack, dealing Ice DMG equal to #4[i]% of Yanqing's ATK to the enemy, which has a #6[i]% base chance to Freeze the enemy for 1 turn. The Frozen target cannot take action and receives Additional Ice DMG equal to #5[i]% of Yanqing's ATK at the beginning of each turn. When Yanqing receives DMG, the Soulsteel Sync effect will disappear.

The One True Sword


Energy gain: 0

Break: -

After using his Technique, at the start of the next battle, Yanqing deals #2[i]% more DMG for #3[i] turn(s) to enemies whose current HP is #1[i]% or higher.
Major Traces
A2Major trace

Icing on the Kick

When Yanqing attacks, deals additional Ice DMG equal to 30% of Yanqing's ATK to targets with Ice Weakness.
A4Major trace

Frost Favors the Brave

When Soulsteel Sync is active, Effect RES increases by 20%.
A6Major trace

Gentle Blade

When a CRIT Hit is triggered, increases SPD by 10% for 2 turn(s).
Minor Traces (total)

Svelte Saber

Eidolon 1

When Yanqing attacks a Frozen enemy, he deals Additional Ice DMG equal to 60% of his ATK.


Supine Serenade

Eidolon 2

When Soulsteel Sync is active, Energy Regeneration Rate increases by an extra 10%.


Sword Savant

Eidolon 3

Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.


Searing Sting

Eidolon 4

When the current HP percentage is 80% or higher, Ice RES PEN increases by 12%.


Surging Strife

Eidolon 5

Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.


Swift Swoop

Eidolon 6

If the Ultimate's buffs are still in effect when an enemy is defeated, their duration is extended by 1 turn.

Stats and materials
Level 80
Enable Ascension
Level 80 stats
Level 1 → 80 Ascension Materials
  • Credit
    x 308000
  • Thief's Instinct
    Thief's Instinct
    x 15
  • Usurper's Scheme
    Usurper's Scheme
    x 15
  • Gelid Chitin
    Gelid Chitin
    x 65
  • Conqueror's Will
    Conqueror's Will
    x 15
Amber May
Marina Inoue (井上 麻里奈)
Miaojiang (喵酱)


Pros & Cons

  • Fantastic free stats that carry you through the early game,

  • Has limited crowd control with his follow-up,

  • Deals with Ice-weak foes easily.


  • Exclusively single-target with no way around it,

  • Requires very heavy investment and a Shielder to even have a chance of dealing damage,

  • Ends up being very resource-hungry trying to maintain his Talent,

  • Impossible to avoid wasted stats leading to lower damage values than expected,

  • Can absolutely ruin your 50/50.

Review (By Sushou)

Yanqing is a standard 5-star character and a single-target specialist. He has competent damage against single foes and has impressive CRIT buffs through his Talent and Ultimate. His Talent also allows him to occasionally launch a follow-up attack after attacking with a chance of Freezing the foe. He relies on not taking any damage at all to maintain these strong buffs, losing them immediately if this condition is not met, and requiring an additional turn to regain the benefits.

This poor boy. I’m sure he’s actually one of the strongest people on the Luofu, but he just keeps picking fights with, like, the precious few people stronger than him. Sadly it doesn’t get too much better for him in actual gameplay. I will lead with the statement that Yanqing can do very considerable damage — IF everything goes his way, but I will show you why that may be far more difficult to achieve than you’d expect.

Yanqing’s Talent gives him a buff called Soulsteel Sync and is activated by his Skill. While Soulsteel Sync is active, Yanqing is less likely to be targeted by enemies and gains up to an extra 20% CRIT Rate and 30% CRIT DMG. With Soulsteel Sync active, any attack that Yanqing makes has a 60% fixed chance of launching a follow-up attack on the attacked foe, dealing up to 50% ATK and having a 65% base chance to Freeze the target.

As far as stat-boosting Talents go, this is certainly one of the more impressive ones, and can result in a great deal of damage coming out, especially if the follow-up occurs even semi-frequently, and — huh? What’s this last line here… ‘When Yanqing receives DMG, the Soulsteel Sync effect will disappear.’ Oh.

Yeah… This sounds like it’s not something that should be too difficult to maintain but this is quite literally any amount of damage. Even a literal single digit point of damage — even literally 1 damage, and all of the benefits of this Talent vanish into thin air. Worse still is that when Yanqing uses his Skill to activate this Talent, he’ll only start benefiting from its effects after his turn ends, meaning you have an entire turn of downtime if you take any damage at all.

This was far less of an issue in the early moments of the game when enemies were simple and predictable. Nowadays, enemies can quite frequently bust out AoE attacks without much warning, both Blast and full AoE. AoE abilities don’t really care about Yanqing’s reduced likelihood of being targeted because, quite simply, who cares when you can just hit everyone, right? This makes it extremely challenging to maintain this Talent’s effects, making whatever powerful bonuses it does provide completely moot.

Yanqing’s Skill deals up to 220% ATK to a single enemy and will activate Soulsteel Sync for 1 turn. Herein lies the next issue; Soulsteel Sync only has a 1-turn duration, so if Yanqing is ever afflicted by crowd control effects like Concussion or Freeze, and his turn is skipped, this will also result in needing to wait for the next turn over to make use of Soulsteel Sync once more.

Yanqing’s Ultimate first buffs his CRIT Rate by 60%, with up to an additional 50% CRIT DMG if Soulsteel Sync is active. These buffs last for 1 turn and stack additively with his Talent’s CRIT buffs. He then deals up to 350% ATK to a single enemy. Without his Talent’s effects active, Yanqing loses a considerable amount of damage from this Ultimate and on the following turn. It also has a very high Energy cost of 140.

Everything revolves around this Talent for him, and it’s got the harshest penalties for even the slightest thing going awry. Took a single point of damage? No more Talent. Missed your turn because of unavoidable crowd control? Must be a skill issue. Didn’t have the SP to use his Skill without interruption? Okay, that might actually be a skill issue…

Perhaps now you see why it’s difficult to maintain Yanqing’s damage profile. His ability multipliers are also lower than you’d expect for a unit entirely limited to single-target damage and that’s mostly to account for the large amounts of free CRIT stats he gets from his Talent and Ultimate. The issue of course is that if Soulsteel Sync ever drops for whichever of the many reasons it might, Yanqing’s damage vanishes in a flash, and it takes a lot to get back to it.

A team for Yanqing must contain a Shielder. Only damage done to Yanqing’s actual HP bar will disable Soulsteel Sync, so Shields are outright necessary for him to function in the end game where there is frequent incoming AoE damage. This currently limits you to Aventurine and Gepard.

If you want to be safe as well, having a way to cleanse Yanqing is also useful because you don’t want to have your turn forcibly skipped, and the only way you can do that without having to run a double sustain comp is to use Bronya for her Skill’s cleanse before the Action Advance. This is yet another standard 5-star character that you may not have access to, and another character who is better spent on other less temperamental DPS characters. 

Finally because of his extremely high-cost Ultimate, the last unit will almost certainly be Tingyun, and this takes her away from other Ultimate-reliant units who can do far more damage against far more enemies with the Energy Tingyun grants them.

This is the dilemma. Even if your Yanqing is well-built and well-invested, he has a crippling reliance on his other teammates to actually be able to use the power he has, because again, if everything goes his way he actually deals very considerable damage.

But actually, what about those CRIT stats? 20% CRIT Rate and 30% CRIT DMG from his Talent is pretty good, this is true, but then an additional 60% CRIT Rate from his Ultimate means that with no further investment, Yanqing naturally sits at 85% during his Ultimate. See, this is an issue because it’s a colossal overcap if you’re trying to build Yanqing with Planar sets like Rutilant Arena in mind.

Yeah, it’s ironic how the best thing about Yanqing at lower levels is also his biggest headache at the end game. It’s pretty much impossible to not waste stats with this guy. My advice is just accept that you’re going to have crazy overcapping of CRIT Rate and just go for the maximum consistency. This is especially true due to his Bonus Traces.

Yanqing’s A2 will deal an additional 30% ATK to Ice-weak foes. His A4 will increase his Effect RES by 20% during Soulsteel Sync, and his A6 grants him a 10% SPD increase for 2 turns upon scoring a CRIT. It’s very easy to maintain this SPD bonus, and it’s also quite appreciated due to Yanqing’s high base SPD of 109. Against specifically Ice-weak foes, Yanqing will definitely destroy them if you can facilitate the rest of his kit.

As a standard 5-star character, it is not unlikely to get Eidolons for Yanqing over time. It is with a heavy heart that I must say I don’t think they really improve much for Yanqing as his issues are not with his damage. Amusingly I think E6 might be the one that makes things a little easier, and even then it’s a bit of a coin toss. The worst part about him is that he can show up to ruin your pity, and depending on who you ask, that makes him far and away the worst character in this game. 

In the original version of this review I said ‘I encourage you to experiment to see where the pitfalls start and end, and adjust your setups accordingly’, and I can safely say we are all now very well aware of where the pitfalls start. What I can’t see is where they end. 


Honkai: Star Rail is a game where team building matters most and while our tier list takes the optimal setup into account, a lot of characters can work and do well - even those ranked lower - when you invest into them. Also for story or lower difficulties of Simulated Universe, you don't need to worry about ratings and tiers. You can safely clear that content even with F2P characters as long as you build your team correctly.

Character at 5★ are rated at their Eidolon 0 with their best in slot non-limited Light Cone.

Available ratings:

  • Memory of Chaos (MoC) - how the character performs in the Memory of Chaos. Blast and single target damage are important here while AoE has niche uses against some bosses.
  • Pure Fiction (PF) - how the character performs in the Pure Fiction. AoE is king here, followed by Blast while single target damage is mostly useless.
  • Apocalyptic Shadow (AS) - how the character performs in the Apocalyptic Shadow. Single target and Break is important here.
Damage dealer






Build and teams

Best Light Cones

The numbers show the percentage damage output increase/decrease compared to the Light Cone marked with 100%.


Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 18/21/24/27/30%. While the wearer is in battle, for every 10 SPD that exceeds 100, the DMG of the wearer's Basic ATK and Skill is increased by 6/7/8/9/10% and the CRIT DMG of their Ultimate is increased by 12/14/16/18/20%. This effect can stack up to 6 time(s).

Source: Event Warp (limited)

Calcs contain some reallocation of ATK%, CRIT RATE, and CRIT DMG% to SPD in order to achieve 4-6 stacks of the bonus.


For each time the wearer hits the same target, DMG dealt increases by 8/10/12/14/16%, stacking up to 5 time(s). This effect will be dispelled when the wearer changes targets.

Source: Stellar Warp

Assumes full access to all 5 stacks throughout the entire duration of the fight. In fights where target swapping is required this Cone performance can be reduced substantially.


Increases ATK of its wearer by 16/20/24/28/32%. If there are 2 or fewer enemies on the field, increases wearer's CRIT Rate by 12/15/18/21/24%.

Source: Stellar Warp

Assumes the fight is limited to 2 or fewer enemies at all times. In fights where more than two enemies are present for any portion of it, this Cone performance will drop.


Increases the wearer's CRIT rate by 8/10/12/14/16%, and increases their CRIT rate against enemies with HP less than or equal to 50% by an extra 8/10/12/14/16%. When the wearer defeats an enemy, their ATK is increased by 20/25/30/35/40% for 2 turn(s).

Source: Herta's Store


Increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 30/35/40/45/50%. When the wearer's Basic ATK or Skill does not result in a CRIT Hit, increases their CRIT Rate by 36/42/48/54/60% for 1 turn(s). This effect can only trigger once every 3 turn(s).

Source: Stellar Warp

Buffs Yanqing's Crit Rate during Ultimate Downtime
Best Relics

The percentage numbers showcase the relative DPS increase when you take into account the set bonus only. For some characters there's no DPS (or its equivalent) available and in that case we listed the sets in the order of priority.

Best Relic Sets



Increases CRIT Rate by 8%.


Increases DMG dealt by Skill and Ultimate by 20%. After using Ultimate, additionally increases the DMG dealt by the next Skill by 25%.



Increases Ice DMG by 10%.


After the wearer unleashes their Ultimate, their CRIT DMG increases by 25% for 2 turn(s).



Increases CRIT Rate by 8%.


Increases DMG dealt by Skill and Ultimate by 20%. After using Ultimate, additionally increases the DMG dealt by the next Skill by 25%.


If you can't put together a top recommended 4P set with satisfactory sub/main stats, mix and match the 2P Bonuses from the following instead:

  • Hunter of Glacial Forest
    Hunter of Glacial Forest
    [Ice DMG +10%] (Recommended)
  • Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters
    Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters
    [DMG to debuffed enemies +12%]
  • Musketeer of Wild Wheat
    Musketeer of Wild Wheat
    [ATK +12%]
  • Prisoner in Deep Confinement
    Prisoner in Deep Confinement
    [ATK +12%]
  • The Wind-Soaring Valorous
    The Wind-Soaring Valorous
    [ATK +12%]
Best Planetary Sets


135 Speed


Increases the wearer's ATK by 12%. When the wearer's SPD is equal to or higher than 135/160, the wearer deals 12%/18% more DMG.



Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 8%. When the wearer's current CRIT Rate reaches 70% or higher, the wearer's Basic ATK and Skill DMG increase by 20%.



Increases the wearer's ATK by 12%. When the wearer's SPD reaches 120 or higher, the wearer's ATK increases by an extra 12%.

Best Stats
Planar Sphere
Link Rope

SPD (breakpoint) > CRIT RATE (Until soft cap) = CRIT DMG > ATK% > CRIT RATE (After soft cap)

Build comments

Yanqing's kit grants himself up to 80% Crit Rate. With high uptime on the buff, any Crit Rate above 20% is essentially wasted.

Recommended endgame stats
  • HP: 2800 - 3000+

  • DEF: 800 - 900+

  • ATK: 2500 - 2900+

  • CRIT RATE: 20%

  • CRIT DMG: 160% - 200%+

  • SPD: Base Speed (Hyperspeed Sparkle/Bronya) / 134 (Recommended) / 143

Traces priority
Skills priority:

Skill > Ultimate > Talent > Basic

Major Traces priority:

Icing on the Kick (A2) > Gentle Blade (A6) > Frost Favors the Brave (A4)


Below you can find a list of some of the stronger synergies between this character and others.

Teams (MoC)

The teams in the section are generated based on the current Memory of Chaos data we have gathered. If you want to see more statistics about the mode, check the MoC/PF/AS Statistics tab.

Rank 749

App. rate: 0.01%

Avg. cycles: 99.99

March 7th • The Hunt

Rank 749

App. rate: 0.01%

Avg. cycles: 99.99


Rank 749

App. rate: 0.01%

Avg. cycles: 99.99

Ruan Mei

Rank 749

App. rate: 0.01%

Avg. cycles: 99.99

Video guides

Yanqing guide videos aren't available yet.

MoC/PF/AS Statistics

MoC 3.0 / PF 3.0 / AS 3.1

This section contains information about Yanqing performance in the latest Memory of Chaos cycle (3.0), latest Pure Fiction (3.0) and the latest Apocalyptic Shadow (3.1), and the commonly used Relics and Cones in both modes. The page has been last updated on 07.03.2025.

  • For MoC the data below is based on 19851 accounts (9466 random we have scanned and 10385 self-reported).
  • For PF the data below is based on 19266 accounts (10073 random we have scanned and 9193 self-reported).
  • For AS the data below is based on 12337 accounts (4805 random we have scanned and 7532 self-reported).

If you want to share your clear information with us, you simply need to fill the form below and provide us with your UID and make your Hoyo profile public - we will automatically parse the MoC/PF clear information from your profile after that!

MoC/PF/AS Stats Form
Usage rate (MoC 12)

Characters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Memory of Chaos by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.

Usage rate (PF 4)

Characters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Pure Fiction by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.

Usage rate (AS 4)

Characters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Apocalyptic Shadow by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.

Common partners (MoC 12)

This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Yanqing in the current phase of Memory of Chaos.



Common partners (PF)

This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Yanqing in the current phase of Pure Fiction.

Common partners (AS)

This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Yanqing in the current phase of Apocalyptic Shadow.


Eidolons data comes from players we have scanned who used Yanqing in the current MoC cycle (6), in the current PF cycle (0) or in the current AS cycle (15) and had the character placed in their Profile. Use the switcher below to show Yanqing Eidolon performance in the endgame modes (Default MoC) - the percentage doesn't change as it takes into account all modes already.

Change mode:





99.99 cyc.

Eidolon 0


99.99 cyc.

When Yanqing attacks a Frozen enemy, he deals Additional Ice DMG equal to 60% of his ATK.


99.99 cyc.

When Soulsteel Sync is active, Energy Regeneration Rate increases by an extra 10%.


99.99 cyc.

Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.


99.99 cyc.

When the current HP percentage is 80% or higher, Ice RES PEN increases by 12%.


99.99 cyc.

Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.


99.99 cyc.

If the Ultimate's buffs are still in effect when an enemy is defeated, their duration is extended by 1 turn.

Light Cones

Light Cones are ranked with usage rate among the players we have scanned who used Yanqing in the current MoC cycle (6), in the current PF cycle (0) or in the current AS cycle (15) and had the character placed in their Profile. Use the switcher below to show Yanqing Light Cones performance in the endgame modes (Default MoC) - the percentage doesn't change as it takes into account all modes already.

Change mode:





99.99 cyc.

Increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 30/35/40/45/50%. When the wearer's Basic ATK or Skill does not result in a CRIT Hit, increases their CRIT Rate by 36/42/48/54/60% for 1 turn(s). This effect can only trigger once every 3 turn(s).

Source: Stellar Warp


99.99 cyc.

For each time the wearer hits the same target, DMG dealt increases by 8/10/12/14/16%, stacking up to 5 time(s). This effect will be dispelled when the wearer changes targets.

Source: Stellar Warp

Relic Sets

Relic Sets are ranked with usage rate among the players we have scanned who used Yanqing in the current MoC cycle (6), in the current PF cycle (0) or in the current AS cycle (15) and had the character placed in their Profile. The results are limited to top 5 combinations. Flex means 2 random Relic pieces that don't combine into a Set.

Relic Sets



Increases CRIT Rate by 8%.


Increases DMG dealt by Skill and Ultimate by 20%. After using Ultimate, additionally increases the DMG dealt by the next Skill by 25%.



ATK increases by 12%.


The wearer's SPD increases by 6% and Basic ATK DMG increases by 10%.


Increases Ice DMG by 10%.


After the wearer unleashes their Ultimate, their CRIT DMG increases by 25% for 2 turn(s).



Increases DMG dealt to enemies with debuff by 12%.


Increases CRIT Rate by 4%. The wearer deals 8%/12% increased CRIT DMG to enemies with at least 2/3 debuffs. After the wearer inflicts a debuff on enemy targets, the aforementioned effects increase by 100%, lasting for 1 turn.

Planetary Sets



Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 8%. When the wearer's current CRIT Rate reaches 70% or higher, the wearer's Basic ATK and Skill DMG increase by 20%.



Increases the wearer's ATK by 12%. When the wearer's SPD is equal to or higher than 135/160, the wearer deals 12%/18% more DMG.



Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 8%. When the wearer's current CRIT Rate reaches 50% or higher, the wearer's Ultimate and follow-up attack DMG increases by 15%.

Relic Stats

Relic Stats are shown based on the Relics used by the players we have scanned who used Yanqing in the current MoC cycle (6), in the current PF cycle (0) or in the current AS cycle (15) and had the character placed in their Profile.

Main stats
- 100%
- 91.67%
- 8.33%
Planar Sphere
- 61.67%
- 38.33%
Link Rope
- 85%
Energy Regen
Energy Regen Rate
- 15%
Average stats
Average stats
- 2916.9
- 3036.48
- 1011.31
- 143.19
- 41.51%
- 198.02%
- 40.71%
Energy Regen
Energy Regen Rate
- 3.89%
Effect RES
Effect RES
- 6.61%
Effect HIT Rate
Effect HIT Rate
- 10.49%
Break Effect
Break Effect
- 14.12%
Average sub stats
Average sub stats
- 5.09%
- 21.61%
- 13.29%
- 10.26
- 24.51%
- 77.72%
Effect RES
Effect RES
- 6.61%
Effect HIT Rate
Effect HIT Rate
- 10.49%
Break Effect
Break Effect
- 14.12%
Other stats
Average stats
Character level - 80
Light Cone level - 80
Basic level - 5
Skill level - 10.32
Ultimate level - 10.17
Talent level - 10.17


Damage Output

The simulation showcases characters damage potential in the 5 cycle turn limit of Memory of Chaos against 1 target and 3 targets. The section below has all the rules listed.


  • Combat is simulated at 5 cycles of in-game time or 550 Action Points,
  • Units are considered to gain 5 additional energy per rotation through combat (taking a hit, killing an enemy or through party members and their Light Cone),
  • Characters and Light Cones are calculated at maximum output starting battle with ramp time removed from stacking buffs (intended to give a constant evaluation of power not dependant on length of fight that can be used to assess maximum power). Additional information about loss of damage due to ramp time can be round attached to related Light Cones, relics and characters,
  • Character rotations are smoothed removing breakpoints relating to Speed and Energy (finishing a fight with 90% energy full or 2 AV off next ability leading to skewed results).


  • Enemies are considered to always have a Break Bar resulting in units all doing 90% of real damage (this doesn't apply to Break characters - they simulate the Break bar correctly),
  • Enemies Speed is set to 140,
  • Enemies are assumed to be at 100% of HP at start of battle and to die at exactly at the end of combat. Which means halfway through the fight they are at 50% HP,
  • Enemies are assumed to have 0 Resistance,
  • Enemies are always considered vulnerable to the attackers element,
  • Enemies are considered level 95 and with DEF included.


  • All units are level 80,
  • Traces are all unlocked, skills at Level 10 and Basic at Level 6,
  • All units have fully upgraded 5 star relics with 24 desired sub stats out of a possible 54,
  • All units use their Best In Slot 2 and 4 piece sets,
  • All units use Light Cones that are realistically obtainable by all player (excluding Limited LC).
Yanqing in 1 Target scenario

Disclaimer for this particular calculations:

Yanqing will deal more damage post E1 when placed in teams that can consistently Freeze. These calculations assume Yanqing is never hit in battle.

And here are the Relics and the Light Cone used in the calculations above:

Light Cone

Increases the wearer's CRIT rate by 8/10/12/14/16%, and increases their CRIT rate against enemies with HP less than or equal to 50% by an extra 8/10/12/14/16%. When the wearer defeats an enemy, their ATK is increased by 20/25/30/35/40% for 2 turn(s).

Source: Herta's Store

Relic Set


Increases CRIT Rate by 8%.


Increases DMG dealt by Skill and Ultimate by 20%. After using Ultimate, additionally increases the DMG dealt by the next Skill by 25%.

Planetary Sets


Increases the wearer's ATK by 12%. When the wearer's SPD is equal to or higher than 135/160, the wearer deals 12%/18% more DMG.

Relic Stats
Planar Sphere
Link Rope

CRIT DMG (81.6%), ATK (54.4%)