
Raid Boss

A returning boss from the Notes of Shuori (1.6) event, the Isle Cryptid touches down in Mane’s Bulletin as a signature raid for any character that can easily upgrade either their own or other’s cards. Prime that Tuning and prepare your upgrades, you’ll be in the way of thunder itself this time.

There are a total of 3 types of enemies in this fight:

  • The Isle Master who appears as the great green stag.
  • The Shepherd who rides into battle on a horse.
  • The Cupbearer provides its allies with drinks.

Field Hazards [Endless Mode]

  • Plant Afflatus characters have increased stats.
  • Mental characters deal increased damage. If they cast a rank 2/3 incantation, they gain a layer of [Rousing Morale].
  • While the Isle Master is in the [Shield] status, it takes reduced damage. When the [Shield] is broken, the Isle Master takes massively increased damage for a single round.

Boss Mechanics [Endless Mode]

Isle Master
  • Call From Above - When attacked, gains 1 stack of [Thunderous Movement]; if attacked with a rank 2/3 incantation, gain an additional 2/4 stacks. At the end of the round, consume all stacks of [Thunderous Movement] to trigger any of the following effects:
    • At 8-13 stacks, cast [Sky Cloud] as a follow-up attack. At 13+ stacks, deal damage to self.
    • → [Sky Cloud]: Deals Mental DMG to 2 enemies. If in the [Shield] status, this attack gains additional Penetration Rate.
      • The idea here is that you overload the boss by continuously attacking it with rank 2/3 while ensuring that its [Shield] never stays on for long.
  • Roar of Thunder - If in the [Shield] state, gain Penetration Rate. When attacking, if under the effect of 2+ [Stats Down] or [Neg Status], DMG Dealt decreased.
    • Further encouraging players to remove the shield as quickly as possible and inciting you to bring a debuffer to help mitigate damage further.
  • Control Immunity - As is standard with the main body of a boss, the Isle Master is immune to [Control] effects.
  • Like the other Raid Bosses, when maximum [Eureka] is reached, the boss enters a [Shield] phase for 2 rounds before casting its Ultimate. If the [Shield] is broken, they are knocked out for a round and lose all their [Eureka].
  • [Attack] Card - Deals damage to 1 target and grants Isle Master a [Shield] for 2 rounds.
  • [Attack] Card - Deals damage to 2 targets. Gains extra Penetration Rate if the Isle Master has a [Shield].
  • Empathic Sorcery - At the end of the round, if this unit hasn’t taken any damage for the round, enters [Taunt] for 1 round. The [Taunt] is dispelled if attacked by a rank 2/3 incantation.
    • This promotes the use of Mass/Splash attackers or those with access to damage over time effects.
  • New Spring - When taking lethal damage, grants 3 stacks of [Thunderous Movement] to the Isle Master. Then, this unit recovers some HP and enters the [Disarm] status for 2 rounds.
    • This invites you to apply as many Mass attacks as possible, as the idea is to get the Isle Master to +13 stacks of [Thunderous Movement] as soon as possible.
  • New Spring- When taking lethal damage, grants 3 stacks of [Thunderous Movement] to the Isle Master. Then, this unit recovers some HP and enters the [Disarm] status for 2 rounds.


Mental DMG carries shine in this fight, especially if Plant Afflatus. Star and Beast can also work if they upgrade their cards consistently.

General carry examples:

  • Marcus: Explained in detail below
  • Satsuki: High ST DMG potential with Penetration Rate and good synergy with the other Plant options
  • 37: Gets a good boost on her performance if paired with Isolde.
  • Charlie: High burst DMG, and has Dispel on her ultimate.

Characters with Dispel are very useful in this fight, but unfortunately most of them are of Mineral Afflatus and will get hurt a lot by the boss. For this reason, if you're struggling with enemy buffs and have him built, X can be a decent option to bring along that can fit in any team.

Nerding Out

A team surrounding the new Plant Carry, Marcus, that is focused on upgrading cards as often as possible in order to quickly generate stacks of [Thunderous Movement] and keep the boss occupied.

  • Marcus is the core of the team here, able to quickly upgrade her own cards through the consumption of Eureka which allows for constant [Thunderous Movement] generation. The team is more or less specific, however, as An-An Lee and 6 fulfill the [Perusal] requirements or Marcus stops feeling all that powerful.
  • An-An Lee is here of course, being the only other 6-star currently centered around upgrading her own cards which can be used for Tuning in order to shuffle more Marcus cards into the hand or throw out big buffs.
  • 6 is here for multiple reasons: a defensive anchor, since Marcus loses [Perusal] if her team stops having 3 Plant/Intellect/Spirit characters in it. Secondly, because he gets access to a somewhat consistent [Incantation Empowerment I] through his Eureka. And finally, because he has very consistent semi-Mass debuffs that help trigger -DMG Dealt effects on the boss.
  • There is an even split between Tooth Fairy and Yenisei here, and I would argue Yenisei has the potential to overtake Tooth Fairy in this fight. Why? Because Marcus’ Crit Tech is abysmal, she doesn’t see much use from Tooth Fairy’s debuffs.

For other options:

  • Yenisei - As a powerful defensive healer, the further you go into Endless mode, the more valuable she becomes. In addition, her access to upgrading her own cards through her [Flow] buff greatly aided in this fight specifically.
  • Druvis III - Not as useful as characters with upgrade mechanics, Druvis can be used to support with her [Circle of Life] buff and great Mass damage.
Burning Up

This team is focused around Spathodea and the [Burn] debuff, preferring to forgo the immediate focus on rank 2/3 incantations and honing in on massive burst damage instead.

  • Spathodea performs very well with her extremely high single-target damage. Not only is her damage consistent with Isolde’s presence on the field, she has a niche addition in generating rank 2/3 cards with rank 2/3 “Ignition Point” casts.
  • Isolde is the Support of all time. In this case, her constant application of [Burn] in a semi-Mass way allows her to satisfy -DMG Dealt conditions on the enemies and her ramping amount of FUAs especially with Spathodea there helps deal with the Shepherd and Cupbearer ads.
  • Getian’s focus on Reality DMG allows him to pair well with the powerful Physical attackers we have at our disposal and the newly introduced Isolde, providing -Reality DEF on a consistent basis and also an Array that provides a substantial DMG Dealt bonus to specifically Reality DMG teammates. The extra Moxie he gains at the start of combat does limit him somewhat in his team building options but that is easier to resolve in Raids than elsewhere.
  • There is an even split between Tooth Fairy and Yenisei here, and I would argue Yenisei has the potential to overtake Tooth Fairy in this fight. It mostly comes down to how squishy your Spathodea and Isolde are, and what Portray your Spathodea is carrying. With more Portrays comes less need for Crit RES debuffing.

For other options:

  • Jiu Niangzi - Jiu has Afflatus Disadvantage in this fight, and it hits really hard, so use her with caution.
  • Yenisei - As a powerful defensive healer, the further you go into Endless mode, the more valuable she becomes. In addition, her access to upgrading her own cards through her [Flow] buff greatly aided in this fight specifically.