
Look at the move! Look at the skill! Rumani, what was that? Creating a gym named Body x Body on her own, Rumani is seeking to help anyone who wants to be stronger, bigger, better. But will she be able to help us commanders to pull her when the 2nd anniversary is so near?

Can you give a brief summary about this unit?

In PvE, Rumani has no special standout skills that make her unique. She is a simple filler unit by every standard you may want to set. The best TL;DR for PvE is that she is a taunter with less effective self-healing, compared to Noise, for example. If not taken care of properly, she will die very often, especially when you leave her on AUTO, which always does fully charged shots. Against Bosses, the meta is to output the most damage possible while minimizing the usage of defensive Nikke(s) who do not provide extra firepower. In view of this, Rumani is hardly a competent candidate. While she does buff Normal Attacks, it is simply not enough to warrant her presence in the overall meta.

The one redeeming quality of Rumani is her weapon. She wields Clip RL, a weapon that, to fully recharge its magazine, requires multiple iterations of “reload”. Each animation fills Rumani’s ammo 1/3rd of the way. The reason why this is important is because these types of RLs possess extremely high burst generation per hit. Notable and popular Clip RLs include Jackal, Centi, and Anis. If your team lacks burst generation, Rumani can definitely help that team get to the next burst faster so that CDR units are used more effectively. Even then, they are rarely needed in PvE settings anymore, as there are many better units now.

Since Rumani possesses a high burst generation weapon, we can obviously talk about how good she will be… in PvP! Because we will be using PvP terms to explain this, we recommend going through this guide to get a hang of the PvP jargons commonly seen in our guides:

Units with high burst generation thrive in PvP. Rumani is also only the 4th ever Clip RL to be released, so she is of high value to any PvP roster. If you have a full roster, it also opens up the possibility of having 2 easy to make 2RL speed teams, with the combos being Centi-Anis-Jackal, and Noah-Emilia-Rumani. This opens up to a new realm of super high speed combat in PvP, and may also help out in SP Arena Defense teams! With the advent of Champions Arena in PvP, Rumani might be considered an absolute must-have unit for any and all PvP lovers! Defender+Taunter+Clip RL? “Yes, please” for any PvP fan.

Should I pull this unit?

If you do not care enough about PvP, Rumani is an easy skip. Her skills provide next to nothing for PvE, and hence her use is limited only to super incomplete rosters, be it in Campaign, Bossing or even Tribe Tower. If you really want her, Rumani will be available in the wishlist by next month, and you can test your luck there. With the incoming 2nd Anniversary event and the possibility of a super meta pilgrim unit dropping, it makes absolutely no sense to pull on Rumani, at all.

At the same time, if you find yourself being a competitive PvP player, then Rumani is to be considered a must pull unit, especially with the announcement of Champions Arena being days away! You may even hunt for dupes if you are very very serious about competing for the top in Champions Arena. Otherwise, one copy should be fine since we can always hope for dupes through the wishlist.

Kit Analysis

Rumani’s kit is extremely simple so we will try to keep it concise as compared to our previous guides.


Rumani’s weapon is an RL which has partial reloading, known as a Clip RL. This allows her to have extremely high Burst Generation, which we have calculated to be 3.25% of the Burst Bar per hit, falling just short of Centi but staying above Noah in terms of how much they fill the bar.

Muscle Up

■ Activates when attacking with Full Charge. Affects self.

CMuscle Up: Max HP▲ 3.04%, stacks up to 5 time(s) and lasts for 2 sec.

■ Activates when hitting a target with Full Charge during Full Burst Time. Affects the target.

Taunt for 5 sec.

The first part of her Skill 1 is a stackable Max HP buff called ‘Muscle Up’, which increases Rumani’s own Max HP on every full charged shot. It stacks 5 times, giving a total ~15% Max HP buff. The stacks can be purposely dropped if one wants to self heal with Rumani, similar to how Noise heals herself with each shot spaced ~2s apart with manual use. This skill is not as effective as Noise’s heal sadly, but is necessary to activate her Burst’s damage reduction buff. The requirement to activate the damage reduction in her Burst Skill is ‘Muscle Up’ needs to be fully stacked.

The second part of Skill 1 is a simple taunt enemies on hit, but only if it was a fully charged shot during full burst. Particularly useful in PvP, especially when paired with Biscuit. It can work as a soft counter to S.Anis if Rumani manages to land a shot on her during Full Burst, since it would deviate her damage from DPS to herself.

Muscle Time

■ Activates when hitting a target's Parts for 5 time(s). Affects all allies.

Damage to Parts ▲ 10.05% for 5 sec.

This… is pretty simple. Once Rumani hits a part 5 times, she will activate a Damage to Parts buff that she gives to all allies, not just herself. This is where the problem rises

  • If she only fully charges her shot, she won’t be able to maintain this buff 100% of the time (5 shots will cost you roughly 6.8s, not to mention reloading).
  • Spam tapping her shot will help extend the duration, in exchange for losing S1’s buff.

Well in the end, both skills are meh anyway in PVE, so you can forget them. In PVP, she’s forced to fully charge her shot so S2 doesn’t matter beside cp padding.

Almighty Muscle

■ Affects self.

Max HP ▲ 15.13% for 10 sec.

■ Affects all allies.

Normal Attack Damage Multiplier ▲ 10.05% for 10 sec.

■ Activates when Muscle Up is fully stacked. Affects self.

Damage Taken ▼ 20.06% for 10 sec.

The first part of her burst buffs her own Max HP a bit more (considering she already does so with her Skill 1).

The second part of her burst skill buffs Normal Attack Damage Multiplier for all allies. To explain how this works, this directly affects the Damage Multiplier. We can see that, in the full kit image shown at the start of the Kit Analysis section, for Rumani this Normal Attack Damage Multiplier is 56.38%. This would increase by 10.05% on Lvl 10, and give us a new value of 62.05%, which will now become the new damage multiplier for Rumani’s normal attacks during full burst. This can be considered a good buff for shotgun allies due to their high Normal Attack Damage multiplier, and since they have prevalent use in PvP, they might just be able to enjoy this buff from Rumani to the fullest.

The final part of this skill was already discussed above. When Rumani’s Skill 1’s ‘Muscle Up’ is fully stacked, it provides a damage reduction to herself, which increases her tanking ability. Paired with her Max HP buffs, this allows her to be an okayish tank. For PvP, this skill is meaningless since it is too slow to stack up.

Usage Analysis and Tier List

Campaign (LD) - A | Campaign (HD) - B

Rumani can be effectively used as a burst generation battery and a taunter unit (think of Noise). However, taunt is a double-edged sword. If not taken care of properly, it will only be the cause of her imminent death. At the same time, it can be a useful tool for redirecting iframe-able attacks. While we do not expect Rumani to perform well in Campaign-like content and believe that she is overshadowed by many better support setups, she is still a good filler for beginners. Do note that she faces fierce competition in the B1 category.

Bossing - B

Rumani might help you survive against some rare bosses, such as Rebuild Vulcan, or even Bowtie perhaps. Versus those bosses, In Vulcan you are required to sacrifice a unit so that the team can survive and deal more damage overall. In Bowtie, it is usually easier for gameplay to have damage focused on one unit and not spread out, so that all heals and cover heals may be focused on that unit since the boss deals minimal damage to cover but detrimental damage to HP bars of units. This niche might come into play in Tetra Tribe tower, for those who lack Noise. However, other than incomplete rosters making use of Rumani, we see no point in promoting her super niche use. In the overall meta, Rumani is pretty much useless to any veteran player. If you have a complete roster, be it Boss (Adds) or Boss (Solo), Rumani will not be the ideal unit to use.


Well, all those days inside the gym weren’t for nothing. Rumani finds solace in PvP as her role is designed as a seriously high Burst Generation unit. The image below can show a proper comparison on how effective her burst generation is compared to other units. It shows the top burst generation units in PvP in order, ranked in ascending order for 2RL speed.


As you can see, Rumani comfortably sits in the Top 4 spot, with her only going down one spot due to Emilia’s “21% charge speed from S1+OL gear form” taking over her in later burst gen speeds. This just shows how strong of a choice she can be, not only for Champions Arena, but also for SP Arena, which is a constant income of gems for all players.

Not just that, but Rumani is a defender unit that can taunt. Pair that with biscuit and you have a wall in your P1 position as long as the opponent team does not have proper AoE units or units that can bypass the wall: Emilia and S.Anis. However, even then, Rumani may be used as a soft counter to S.Anis if she can manage to hit her with a fully charged shot during full burst. This would deviate the damage that the opponent S.Anis was dealing to our DPS, and instead hit Rumani for at least 3-4 rounds, allowing our DPS to deal free damage on the opponent team and have a soft edge on them. While PvP is usually all about hard counters, sometimes saving resources by properly using soft counters can immensely help team building for other rounds!

All in all, the Burst generation is still the main reason to pull Rumani. It is very high, and can be thought of as a Centi 2.0 in this case, but with a different element (Fire). Emilia might feast on her, but that’s only if she is able to hit her! Placing her in p4 and p5 is ideal because of this.


Gear Investments

As a Defender, gear and specific OL are not really important to her (because eventually, all gears will contribute too little compared to stat gain per level, and OL %Def sucks). You can OL her for A LOT OF CP padding if you like, for PvP of course. To Min-Max for PvP, we recommend the following:

  • Essential:
  • Ideal: 4× Charge Speed Ammo
  • Passable: 4× ATK, 4× Elemental Damage, 4× DEF
  • Priority: Medium (PvP)
Skill Investments

This will be very similar to how Bay’s Skill Investment page looked like.

  • Skill 1: 1-4
    • Very small gain per skill upgrade. We only recommend upgrading for CP padding.
  • Skill 2: 1-4
    • This skill is completely useless for PvP, which is where most of Rumani’s use lies. No point investing in this skill further than 4 beside CP padding.
  • Burst Skill: 1-4
    • We hate to repeat the same sentence, but yeah, keep this burst at max 4, even for CP Padding.
Suggested Progression Path

Cube Investments

Quantum Cube can effectively be used in some teams with Rumani due to her high Burst Generation. However, other PvP cubes like Tempering Cube, Vigor Cube, or Adjutant Cube may also be used to high effect.

PvE Team Compositions

Team #1: General Early Game Team
Burst 3
Burst 3

Rumani can slot in as a B1 who can provide high burst generation to the team. This can allow us to use B3 units with low burst generation with much more ease, such as Scarlet and Modernia together. Flex spot being a healer can help rumani's survivability a lot as well.

PvP Team Compositions

Team #1: Typical 2 RL nuke

This team is nothing new. We just replaced Anis (SR Version) with Rumani which is SSR. With the same investment, any SSR will have 20% more stat than the SR version in the same role. And at least Rumani can bring “something” to the table instead of Anis.

Team #2: Electric team goes Zzzttt

This team consists of 3 Electric units which are Moran, Biscuit and S.Anis. Sanis will heavily buff the Electric unit which benefits from Biscuit too. And you have Moran in P1 to protect against any funny SBS. Moran’s damage reduction helps against nukes too, and once Sanis has lifesteal, she should be able to tank a lot. Very annoying team, and Moran is better than Noise here because she’s Defender.

Team #3: Can it go faster?

This one is very tricky - the more quantum Cubes you put on those batteries (Noah + Jackal + Rumani), the faster it can be, up to 2.4 RL. It has an insane ATK buff from Red Hood, insane protection from Noah, and the sweep from QEQ/Scarlet. Pretty scary one to deal with.

Pros & Cons


  • Super high burst generation.
  • Quite tanky on her own.
  • Skills have an okayish base value.
  • Girl has no chill, and actively tries to seduce the commander.

  • Kit is so weak on the PvE side. Very little offensive buffs.
  • Scaling is also terrible; you don’t want to invest anything on her skills besides CP padding.
  • PVP is not liked by most players although it is the most common stream of gems. Hence she is a skippable unit for most.
  • Anniversary is super super close, and can be considered a bait due to her PvP prowess.
  • All that muscle, but very little to show for it against raptures (PvE Content).