Should You Pull? (TLDR)
You should pull Flutterpage
- If your team has a lot of follow-up attack characters, she is an easy slot in. As more action allows her to generate gusts which is one of the key parts about her gameplay.
- If you want a unit who can increase your team's AP, or have AP Greedy characters. She is the first character who can do this so far.
- If you want to boost your team's DMG output from Reality ATK, Follow-Ups, etc
Yes, you should definitely pull for Flutterpage, especially if you have a setup for her. She’s a very versatile character, especially with the increase in follow-up attack characters. While she might not be the strongest in raw damage numbers, she’s a very rewarding character when used in the right teams (Follow-Up attack teams). Her kit revolves around managing stacks of [Gust] and granting various powerful effects (Reality DMG buffs, extra attack buffs, Genesis DMG buffs, Crit buffs). Her ultimate allows her to recover Eureka and convert all her skills into a Mass Attack. She’s also the first character who can increase AP. Allowing for more actions, which also directly works with her own kit and pretty much any team benefits from increased AP.
Flutterpage is a 6 star rarity character from the Star afflatus who deals Reality damage and belongs to the Sub DPS class. Her kit revolves around managing stacks of [Gust] and utilizing them to enhance her abilities and those of her team. You gain [Gust] in several ways, first is in her skill “Knock, Knock” which just grants you a stack for simply using it and the skill itself other than that is a simple single target ATK. Then she can gain [Gust] via her Insights 1 and 3. 1 allows her to gain a stack every time an ally acts, which is so helpful that she can increase AP using her skill “Cotton Kite” and why she pairs so well with follow-up attack characters. Insight 3 gives her [Gust] when she enters battle, 10 whole stacks of it to start you off.
Now that you know how to gain [Gust] what even is it used for? It is the crux of her kit due to her generation of forcefields that are dependent on the amount of [Gust] she has. Forcefield is essentially a team buff effect, you cannot have more than one Forcefield at a time. The effects are as follows. At 5 stacks or above, she gains [Paper Parade]; at 15 stacks or above, she gains [Wave of Sheets]; at 25 stacks or above, she gains [Adieu, Mother Earth]. The more stacks, the stronger it gets, at [Paper Parade] level she increases Reality DMG, and when performing an extra action, it’ll consume 2 of her [Eureka] to deal even more Reality DMG. At [Waves of Sheets] the effect from before still exists but now she also has a buff when performing an extra action, as it increases the DMG dealt and Genesis DMG for 2% for every stack of [Gust] you have. At the last level [Adieu, Mother Earth] same as before, but now when performing an extra action, it is guaranteed to crit and DMG dealt and Genesis DMG is once again increased
That was a bit long, but it’s the most important part of her kit. With the amount of follow-up attack characters in the game now, generating [Gust] is quite easy and she can even grant more AP herself, which again just helps make her stacks greatly. Something I didn’t go in super in-depth with yet is her Ultimate which shines in these setups, as she boosts everyone's damage output while dishing out a series of Mass Attacks that can deal considerable damage, especially when the Gust stacks are maxed out. Her Ultimate is essentially a self-channel that recovers all Eureka and transforms all of her own incantations into a mass attack known as [Regards from the Sky] for about 3 rounds. She cannot gain Moxie while this is happening, but she will gain up to 3 Moxie, depending on the current amount of [Gust] after the channel effect goes away.
In summary Flutterpage is a very good character that thrives in a team that utilizes a lot of action. Especially with how many characters in recent times have Follow-Up attacks, it almost guarantees that she will be heavily utilized in future teams.
Pros & Cons
- Thrives in teams that utilize extra action. Thanks to her [Gust] stacking with any action an ally makes and force fields which are further strengthened depending on how many stacks you have, this results in a continuous loop of actions and significant damage, especially when the forcefield is at its maximum potential.
- Said forcefield increases the DMG of various types of attacks and DMG.
- Her ultimate skill converts all her skills to Mass Attacks, allowing for massive damage over several turns when her force fields are up. This is very strong in battles involving multiple enemies or when you need a burst of damage.
- She can increase AP for her team via her skill.
- She might struggle to deal damage against enemies with high reality defense.
- To truly shine, Flutterpage needs a team built around Follow-Up Attacks.
She is a 6-star character, so her portraits are not the easiest to obtain, and for F2P players, it’s quite hard to get them. However, some of her portrays are very helpful, like her first one, which increases her damage, but more importantly, it makes [Continuous Action I] last one more round. This is very beneficial as it gives you even more actions to work with for one more round. This might be worth getting as you only require one dupe.
Great Synergies
Flutterpage works best with characters who have follow-up attacks or any form of extra action. There are a variety of these characters, so I would choose based on your team's setup needs. Windsong is, of course, a great option, as she is not only a FUA character but also one of the strongest damage dealers in the game. With Flutterpage, you'll be able to boost her damage tremendously. In general, she works well with most Reality DMG dealers. Other options include pairing her with 37 or Lilya, who meet both her Star and FUA requirements. Essentially, you always want to ensure you can consistently spam FUAs for all your teams.
Notable synergies include:
Here are the best Psychubes you can use on Flutterpage:

On the Hands of Time: A Psychube made directly for her and makes use of self channeling Ultimate by boosting her DMG. It also increases CRIT Dmg every time she performs an extra action.
Addio Coda: Another great Psychube for Flutterpage due to herself being able to consume Eureka, so she can boost the DMG of all allies. And since she is a Star Afflatus character, you get some extra DMG from Impromptu.
Resonance & Resonance Pattern
R10 Crit Build (Recommended)

Resonance Pattern
A A few suggestions are listed below. 3-People teams are highlighted, with the 4th slot added at the side to provide a 4-P variation of the same team or even insights on possible variations of the 3-P team.
Standard Teams
Fluttering for the Win-dsong[GLB]
- 4th slot options: Vila
- Flutterpage allows Windsong to go from 10-turn cycles to mere 3-turn cycles, utilizing the generated FUAs to upkeep FP's Forcefield buff and thus massively increase Windsong's damage done. The short cycle also allows Lopera's buff stacks to be of note. Vila can provide healing if needed, and she doesn’t need much AP.
- 4th slot options: Ms. NewBabel
- It orients itself around FUA spam through Lilya and Ms-Newbabel, with Euphoria enabling both Flutterpage and 37 to charge simultaneously. Flutterpage should thrive under these settings, benefiting from the frequent follow-up attacks she will receive, significantly boosting the team's damage. This is an example of a great team for generating an extreme amount of constant Gust stacks. Lilya benefits greatly from the Crit support provided by Flutterpage and 37.
Star Team[GLB]
- 4th slot options: Vila
- The team is oriented around the Star [Contract] (Anjo-Nala’s passive allows her to bind herself to 37 increasing Crit Rate and Mental Debuff), allowing 37 and Anjo-Nala to permanently crowd-control (CC) the opposing team through [Captivated] while Flutterpage reliably enhances Follow-Up Attack (FUA) damage. Vila is, once again, a reliable sustain unit who is AP-friendly, capable of clearing negative statuses, and providing healing.