Alice: Wonderland Bunny
A tribute to all Alice stans, the world's probably most idolized princess, Alice decided to shake up the meta once again not as a DPS this time but as a support long sought by well-known pathfinders that have endured the winding and unpredictable rocky terrains. One could envisage that she would be the final piece to the fragmented SG team, but to what extent is this true?
Can you give a brief summary about this unit?
Rather below expectation in one aspect and impressive others. While she does significantly improve the reliability of SG teams, something feels unfulfilling. The exodus is close to completion but is not there yet; that's our foresight.
Does this mean is mediocre? Not at all. She alleviates 2 out of the 3 woes plaguing SG teams: the uptime/consistency of Tove's Attack Speed buff and the lack of survivability. However, she does little to stabilize Tove's S1, aka the stacks. If you are unlucky, you may need to wait a thousand centuries between Full Bursts or, worse, spend all your savings just to get her. But, overall? The improvement is already paramount even with this setback, so it doesn't in any way make her unusable.
Although her performance as an SG optimizer is slightly off perfection, she as a healer is still superior to many other options. Her healing is higher than Rapunzel's on paper. You can even use her Burst Skill as a panic button for a massive instant teamwide heal, followed by a long period of HP potency boost. She would easily fit in many teams, especially Crown's, as she needs frequent external healing to regularly activate her S2 offensive buff.
Should I pull this unit?
Just for her versatility alone, disregarding her potential in the SG team, she is worth pulling. We would not say she is a must, unless you are planning to build a full-fledged SG team, in which case you should get at least one copy. There is no reason to MLB, and she is fairly cheap to build without any destructive breakpoints gatekeeping you. No matter your choice, this cute Rabbity is ready to bestow everlasting joy!
Kit Analysis
Alice has a superficial kit that synergizes well with multiple compositions. Plain character with no jutting characteristics, her review will be short, so hang tight!
Pretty Petals Mask a Thorny Stem

Let's first talk about B. Alice's main intended purpose: fixing the SG team. So, we know at a glance that B. Alice refreshes the stacks of Water Code allies every 90 shots (they must have restricted the element to avoid overbuffing the SG team with Tove's permanent Burst Skill). Without Cube, these 90 shots take about 4.5s on average, and factoring reload in, 5.52s. That's a fairly healthy number considering Tove's stacks last 5 seconds each, so they together would make a great duo, right? Well, yes, but there is just this one complication we overlooked.
The stacks... they are only maintained on Tove (and Leona and B. Alice herself). This means B. Soda and PrivM's stacks (or any other non-Water characters) would still have the same old annoying RNG where you have to pray day and night and spend 30 hours resetting your Solo Raid runs. Just kidding; that's obviously exaggerated. While Tove would have 3 stacks "all the time" (and thus provide maximum Attack Speed uptime since that one relies on her stacks rather than each unit's stacks), you still have to RNG the 3 stacks on your DPS just before you burst to get the most ouf Tove's Burst Skill.
We guess ShiftUp is doing this to force us to invest in Tove and Bunny Alice's OL. Getting Max Ammo for Tove improves the RNG for each unit's stacks, whereas getting Max Ammo for Bunny Alice improves the RNG for Tove and other Water units' stacks (for Attack Speed uptime primarily).
Carrots in Store, Famine No More

One of Bunny Alice's specialties is healing, a proficient one at that. According to our calculation, she easily surpasses other healers when it comes to raw regenerative power. She heals others in 3-second intervals and can press a literal Panic Button (with a 40s cooldown) that immediately recovers a large portion of HP to the team as well as boosts received healing for some time after that.
Her constant healing also makes her a perfect pair to Crown because she can continually and reliably trigger her S2 offensive buff without having to worry about positioning and/or who has the lowest HP.
Last but not least, the best thing about her is that she does not need to use Burst Skill to heal, and her Panic Button has the Re-Enter hallmark. Unlike other greedy healers where using their Burst Skill(s) would prevent you from activating your damage-boosting B1's (like Liter's), Bunny Alice frees you from this harmful obligation.
The HP Potency kicks in AFTER the burst heal. It only affects her basic attacks (and healing provided by other characters).
Another thing I would like to mention is that B. Alice might be adept at healing the team as a whole from "distributed" damage. Healing a single unit who gets harassed continuously is another question, however. Beware of slot pressure too! Bringing a 3rd DPS might be more favorable! Who knows if you never test? Experiment with different combinations to see which one would push you the farthest in Raids!
What Vehicle Does a Bunny Ride? CARrot.

Ok, a terrible pun that we wanted to remove but the author wanted us to leave it in place. Anyways, the best vehicle for your team is indeed B. Alice's CARrots. The increased Max Ammo and Reload on her S2 function similarly to Noir's and is an updated, improved version. While the maximum ammo produced is inferior to Noir's integer-based buff for low-ammo weapons, it is much stronger for everything else, like MGs. It also lasts 5 seconds longer, not to mention she also provides bonus burst gen after Full Burst in addition. It will definitely drive your ammo-dependent characters to madness.
The irritating thing about it? It scales rather sharply with skill investments, which means it may not be too powerful uninvested. This does not mean we recommend leveling it to 10, though. Please read the Skill Investment section below for further detail.
Tier List
Campaign (LD) - SS | Campaign (HD) - SS
You should be able to understand by now that B. Alice works as a dual role: Healer + Ammo Support. This helps her settle in quite easily when it comes to Campaign-type missions, especially in Low Deficit campaign where healing can help survive a ton of attacks. It only strengthens B. Alice's spot that she can synergize with Crown by activating her Skill 2's attack damage with a 100% uptime. She also acts as a magazine size as well as ammo refill buffer like Noir, which can help boost overall team's damage depending on the DPS. Units like Alice can definitely make use of this Ammo buff to full effect, as well as MGs with low Ammo on OL gear like Modernia or Scarlet, who want to avoid reloading. Oh, and one more, her Burst heal doesn't cost you the opportunity to use other B1s' skills!
Boss (Solo) - SS | Boss (Adds) - S
B. Alice is versatile, has a lot of uses, and can fit in many types of teams. However, she will stand out the brightest in SG teams, with Tove mainly. Her interaction with Tove and B. Alice like we mentioned previously is the reason for this. Let's also not forget to mention her excellent synergy with Crown and units who are dependent on uptime (ammo).
B. Alice provides little to no value for PvP, wielding an SMG (Low Burst Generation) and suffering from the lower FPS cap of 30, making her heal every 4 seconds instead of 3. This weakens her healing capability. Moreover, her massive HP Potency buff is locked behind stacks that are impossible to fully accumulate before Full Burst (without sabotaging your team's speed). Hence, B. Alice is not suited to PvP.
Gear Investments
Overload Guide Announcement
We have been working on an extensive Overload Guide, which should be available in a few weeks if not days. We will be using new terms in our OL rerolling guide and have therefore included their definitions here.
- Essential: With all gear combined, your unit must have the roll(s) prescribed as minimum. Example: Charge Speed on Alice.
- Ideal: These rolls will improve your unit's performance significantly. Aim for 2 lines of Essential/Ideal per gear for maximum performance and the best Return on Investment (ROI). If you get 3, you are lucky. You can choose to only have 1 as well to save materials. Example: Elemental Damage on Scarlet.
- Passable: Low-priority line that has limited value or the impact is not as strong as other rolls. Should this show up as a bonus together with a better line, you can choose to keep them. Example: Charge Speed on Red Hood.

Credit to Mefi (mef.i) for sharing this simulation!
As discussed above, Bunny Alice relies on Max Ammo to make Tove's personal stacks more consistent (for Attack Speed uptime). While none of her skills is based off her base stats, you would still want to get several Max Ammo rolls on her. They are, however, not mandatory. For the precise amounts, you can consult with the data collected by Mefi above. Here, Tove (Solo) indicates the uptime of stacks on units that do not have the Water element, whereas Tove (+ B. Alice) indicates the uptime of stacks on units with the element Water.
- Essential: -
- Ideal: 1-4× Max Ammo
- Passable: -
Skill Investments
- Skill 1: 3-7
- As needed. Higher level = more healing. There is a jump in blue skill manual consumption from Level 3 ➔ 4 and 5 ➔ 6.
- Skill 2: 1~10
- The breakpoints are different for each player because Max Ammo is a percentage (%). Some levels will not provide Max Ammo increase, though the Instant Reload effect does become stronger.
- In general, avoid the value (Max Ammo being divisible by 3 +1) since it will make your unit reload 4 times instead of 3. To put it simply, having 13, 16, 19, 22 ammo and so on... is bad for your Clip SG. While it may be small, it is still a DPS loss regardless. Be careful when upgrading Bunny Alice's S2!
- Use our sheet featured in our Soda: Twinkling Bunny's guide, input your B. Soda's/PrivM's Max Ammo OL value, then choose one of the Alice's S2 levels that would grant them +1 Max Ammo (or more).
- For SG characters without Max Ammo OL, the default breakpoints are Level 3/7/10. Even so, if you cannot afford to obtain Max Ammo OL, do not get Level 10 because this would make them have 13 ammo. Level 1 & 2 also suffer from the same issue.
- For SR/RL characters without Max Ammo OL, the default breakpoint is Level 6.
- Burst Skill: 3~7
- As needed. Higher level = stronger panic healing button. There is a jump in blue burst manual consumption from Level 3 ➔ 4 and 5 ➔ 6.
Suggested Progression Path
PVE investment
1/1/1 → 4/4/4 → 7/7/4 (→ 7/10/4)
PVP investment
1/1/1 → 4/4/4
High (Late Game)
Cube Investments

Bastion theoretically has slightly more uptime than Resilience because of reload animation delay (built-in on all characters), but Resilience will also do just fine.
PvE Team Compositions
Team #1: The SG Meta Team
The new meta SG comp, ready to compete against other teams for a top spot in Raids! B. Alice not only provides the basic necessities of healing and Ammo Support for this team, but she also provides the very crucially needed stack count up for Tove! Not only does B. Alice allow for a permanent uptime of Tove's S2 for all of the team, she also ensures that Leona gets to keep Tove's Burst Skill stacks as well. While this team still has its drawbacks, it awaits even stronger SG units to take it to an even higher level!
Team #2: The King's Medic
B. Alice replaces Naga or Rapunzel in this comp and takes the role of the pure healer nun. While Naga is still the superior choice for Campaign, B.Alice can definitely compete for this spot against Rapunzel in Raids. Like Rapunzel, she activates Crown's S2 with ease since she heals all units. Hence, the requirement of positioning Crown in Slot 1 is not needed with B.Alice. Unlike Rapunzel, B.Alice provides ammo support on top of her already incredible heals, which makes her better than Rapunzel in a lot of situations, since ammo buffs are on the offensive!
Team #3: Back to Basics
The basic team structure for when you do not have most meta units and want to use B. Alice as purely a Healer + Ammo Support. Example teams can be a twist on the old popular campaign comps: B. Alice Liter Centi Alice Maxwell / B. Alice D. Wife Centi Scarlet Modernia. Tove can be used against bosses, but the B3 need to be SG ideally since Tove is an SG buffer. Keep in mind that B. Alice is anti-synergistic with Dorothy and Summer Anis because of her Max Ammo buff.
PvP Team Compositions
This character isn't good in PVP, so there are no PVP team compositions available. Just don't use her.
Pros & Cons
- Provides decent healing to all allies every 3 seconds.
- Increases stack count of buffs for Water units, high synergy with Tove where she assists her to make the SG team extremely relevant in Raids.
- Has mag size buff and ammo refill, allowing for her to be a great support to several ammo-dependent units, especially some SGs, MGs and SRs.
- Huge HP Potency buff when she bursts, which substantially increases the healing provided to team.
- Versatile and can fit in many teams.
- Provides burst gen filling speed, allowing the team to reach the next burst even faster.
- High flexibility since she does not need to burst to provide her heals, and can burst without hindering Full Burst rotation since she re-enters B1 stage.
- 40s cooldown on Burst. In situations where more healing is required, this becomes apparent.
- You're forced to run a 2-1-2 formation due to her Re-Enter Burst Stage I skill.
- Stack count buff is only limited to Water Units, hence Tove's stacks will not remain on non-Water SG units.