Should You Build? (TLDR)

As a free character, whose portrays will be provided to you eventually, and with her strong DMG and Crit buffs, along with being one of the best Star supports in general, there is very little reason not to build Lorelei for most Timekeepers. Her skills balance a mix of mostly offensive support with some damage reduction. She is extremely easy to use.


Lorelei's singing voice made the legend of the mermaids on the Rhine River come true. Her voice is melodious, and she generously sings a song for anyone in need. Perhaps people know she is not a mythical being, but they are willing to call her one out of blessing and expectation. When she sings, her hymns can bring comfort to people, but they can also drive them to madness. Fortunately, Lorelei only wishes to use her voice to heal others, rather than lead them down a path that goes against the divine.

Lorelei was a child raised with wholehearted love by her adoptive parents, from whom she inherited a steadfast and devout faith. Doing good deeds and loving your neighbor is her unquestionable way of life. Loving herself entirely is the lesson she has always strived to master. If love is impartial, then identity, age, and race should not be the rivers that separate people. If uncontrollable madness is an innate gift, she can only embrace it with an open arm and accept everything with love.


Lorelei is a 5-star character from the Star Afflatus who deals Mental damage and belongs to the Support class. You probably already noticed that she is free, and a very good one at that, unlike a certain free Star character from the past. Lorelei’s kit is overall very flexible, and she ideally fits into most Crit teams since her kit is quite self-contained. Her skill “Call of the Sea” is a mass buff that grants [Critical DMG] +25% and [DMG Taken Reduction] for 2 rounds. The crit buff values are quite high and can even reach up to 45%. “On The Shore” is a mass attack that inflicts [Weakness], which reduces the enemy's damage output.

As you can see, all of these incantations are very easy to use. Since they are all mass buffs or attacks, you don’t have to select individual targets, and there’s no real setup required, making her quite user-friendly. Her Ultimate is a bit more complicated but still remains fairly simple. “A Drifting Song” is a mass attack that deals damage and also gains bonuses based on the types of incantations in the Spelldock. If you have Attack incantations, you deal additional Mental DMG; with Buff incantations, you gain Critical Rate; and with Debuff incantations, you gain Penetration Rate.

While this might be a bit wordy, all the effects essentially just increase your damage, so there’s not much manual setup or thinking required unless you’re aiming to min-max. Her Insights are also very easy to use and integrate well into her kit. Insight I grants different effects at the start of the round, depending on the types of incantations in your Spellbook, much like her ultimate. All effects are Mass. They can range from granting an ally a DMG Buff, increasing their Critical Rate, or debuffing the enemy’s DMG Dealt. Insight III simply gives her +1 Moxie if she happens to crit while using her ultimate.

I wanted to note that it's typically not hard to max out a 5-star character. However, it is worth mentioning that you will eventually get all copies of her as you progress through the game. The effects from her portraits are mostly percentage buffs, which is always nice to have.

Lorelei is a very strong and easy-to-use support character who can fit into any Crit team. She doesn’t require much setup and should perform well simply by using her incantations at any interval.

Pros & Cons

  • She’s free and strong, I’m not sure what else can be asked of her. And her portrays will be unlocked eventually.
  • Her kit is very flexible and integrates well into most Crit teams. A majority of her skills are quite explanatory and it really just works without much setup.
  • Various buffs/debuffs including DMG Buffs, Crit Buffs and DMG Reduction against enemies.

  • While she is very strong and can benefit any team, sometimes you don’t need that many Crit Buffs. Some people might already be using Tooth Fairy and find that to be sufficient. Alternatively, you might be using a setup that relies more on other mechanics, such as [Eureka], which she doesn’t specifically support.
  • While she is overall much better than Sonetto, some people might say she lacks the flexibility that Sonetto offers. Lorelei is best suited for Crit teams, whereas Sonetto has greater versatility, albeit with less specialization and strengths.


Her portrays are all going to be given. For this event she’ll have it as a reward for completing and clearing some tasks. . More portrays will be coming over patches.

Great Synergies

Any character who benefits from DMG and Crit Buffs will work excellently with her. This includes a wide range of characters, so feel free to pick whoever you prefer. Here are just a few examples.

Notable synergies include:

Future notable synergies:


Here are the best Psychubes you can use on her:


Level 7
Level 9
Level 10



I hear of Echoes and Robotic Woman
Double Vampire[GLB]
  • 4th slot options: Secondary Attacker, 37 (To utilize her extra action)
  • Lucy is an upcoming character of the Mind Afflatus, so you don’t really need a mono team for most of what you’ll be doing with her, which is perfect for this situation. While this doesn’t fully utilize her compatibility with Eureka from her extra action, it’s still a very strong and simple team that functions very well. Every single one of Lorelei’s buffs will be useful for Lucy. Lorelei requires almost no thought to use. Tooth Fairy is an easy and the best healer slot-in for most Crit teams. She lowers the enemies' Crit Resist, which can be stacked and does not interfere with Lorelei’s buffs.
Missing Tooth[GLB]
  • 4th slot options: Mercuria,6
  • I wanted to show a setup that doesn’t need Tooth Fairy, though I still recommend using her for the most part. Yenisei is just here to keep your team alive; she doesn’t provide any particular buffs specific to Crits. However, she does her job very well, and as a 5-star character, she’s not super hard to get. Windsong is an extremely powerful character, and all of Lorelei’s effects are beneficial for Windsong. You’ve probably already seen our review for her, but the strategy is really just to use her “Rehabilitation” skill and then her ultimate, and it just works. Lorelei will provide your typical buff supports to make Windsong hit even harder.
We’re all free?? [GLB]
  • 4th slot options: Survival Options such as Dikke
  • While this team may not be the most optimal, it should still work for most content, and everyone here is free, so you likely already have them. This team might be a bit challenging to keep alive, but realistically, you should have at least some non-free units. This example is extreme, just to show that practically any setup can work with her if you configure its decently. You can also go with Matilda instead of Eagle.