This guide contains information about Insight Materials - whether you should farm them directly or craft them instead. Huge thanks to the creators of this guide who keep track of the best stages to farm.
Purple tier materials

Bifurcated Skeleton
4-20 Hard Worth farming!
18 stamina | 34.10% drop chance
Other important drops:

Spell of Fortune
43.91% drop chance

Shattered Bones
65.65% drop chance

Spell of Banishing
202.24% drop chance
3-7 Hard Worth farming!
18 stamina | 33.59% drop chance
Other important drops:

Liquified Terror
23.21% drop chance

Shattered Bones
66.33% drop chance

Trembling Tooth
56.64% drop chance

Biting Box
5-19 Hard Worth farming!
18 stamina | 31.79% drop chance
Other important drops:

Silver Bullet
1.99% drop chance

Liquified Terror
10.09% drop chance

Silver Ore
70.34% drop chance
With the release of Chapter 5 in the 1.4 patch, it's finally worth farming Biting Box directly!

Clawed Pendulum
3-11 Hard Worth farming!
18 stamina | 31.18% drop chance
Other important drops:

Milled Magnesia
12.80% drop chance

Magnesia Crystal
36.22% drop chance

Spell of Banishing
66.86% drop chance
Despite the slightly lower than usual drop rate and underwhelming drop rates on the other materials, farming Clawed Pendulum is the best thing to do - mainly because of Solidus (one of the required Blue tier material) being a nightmare to farm/craft that will force you to use much more stamina so just pray to RNG gods and farm Clawed Pendulum directly.

Holy Silver
2-3 Hard Worth farming!
16 stamina | 34.54% drop chance
Other important drops:

Rough Silver Ingot
3.81% drop chance

Liquified Terror
2.10% drop chance

Silver Ore
166.19% drop chance
3-8 Hard A good alternative
18 stamina | 35.01% drop chance
Other important drops:

Esoteric Bones
29.25% drop chance

Shattered Bones
122.64% drop chance

Silver Ore
63.21% drop chance
Holy Armor is best farmed in the 2-3 stage as it also drops a lot of Silver Ore and has small chance to drop both Blue tier materials needed to craft it (and a few others) - on top of that, you just need 16 stamina per run, compared to the usual 18. The 3-8 stage is an alternative that you can farm if you need Esoteric Bones too.

Prophetic Bird
2-6 Hard Worth farming!
16 stamina | 45.12% drop chance
Other important drops:

Spell of Fortune
6.59% drop chance

Esoteric Bones
3.48% drop chance

Spell of Banishing
194.25% drop chance
3-9 Hard A good alternative
18 stamina | 47.52% drop chance
Other important drops:

Rough Silver Ingot
53.62% drop chance

Spell of Fortune
5.90% drop chance

Spell of Banishing
50.52% drop chance
2-6 is another one node wonder. The lower stamina cost combined with the chance to get 2 Spell of Banishing drops per run and the chance to get various Blue tier materials makes it super good. 3-9 by comparison costs a bit more stamina, but also you have a really good chance to get Rough Silver Inget - so if you don't need the materials in 2-6, this one is a great alternative to farm. Both stages also have the highest chance to drop the Purple material in the game, so ideally, you will never even bother trying to craft the Prophetic Bird.

Salted Mandrake
3-13 Hard Worth farming!
18 stamina | 34.12% drop chance
Other important drops:

Milled Magnesia
13.15% drop chance

Magnesia Crystal
68.82% drop chance

Murmur of Insanity
2.03% drop chance
4-21 Hard A good alternative
18 stamina | 30.17% drop chance
Other important drops:

Liquified Terror
20.95% drop chance

Trembling Tooth
57.82% drop chance

Magnesia Crystal
70.02% drop chance
3-13 stage is a great place to get Salted Mandrake, but it's also a great source of Magnesia - both the Blue and Green variants. As for 4-21, it's a decent alternative but the chance to obtain Mandrake is a bit lower. So pick your poison based on the Blue materials you need!

Winged Key
5-3 Hard Worth farming!
18 stamina | 27.76% drop chance
Other important drops:

Esoteric Bones
29.81% drop chance

Shattered Bones
121.63% drop chance

Silver Ore
71.15% drop chance
4-18 Worth farming!
16 stamina | 29.78% drop chance
Other important drops:

Milled Magnesia
14.68% drop chance

Magnesia Crystal
36.98% drop chance

Silver Ore
68.49% drop chance
Winged Key can be farmed in 5-3 Hard stage - while its drop chance is a bit lower compared to other purple materials, the lower rarity ones have quite a decent drop rate in this node.

Goose Neck
5-4 Hard Worth farming!
18 stamina | 30.35% drop chance
Other important drops:

Rough Silver Ingot
54.07% drop chance

Liquified Terror
2.48% drop chance

Spell of Banishing
68.58% drop chance
Goose Neck, one of the new materials added in patch 1.4, comes with a great node right out of the gate, where you can easily farm it!

Golden Beetle
3-15 Consider crafting!
14 stamina | 19.85% drop chance
Other important drops:

Esoteric Bones
3.71% drop chance

Milled Magnesia
2.41% drop chance

Shattered Bones
80.33% drop chance
5-4 Consider crafting!
18 stamina | 28.18% drop chance
Other important drops:

Esoteric Bones
13.73% drop chance

Milled Magnesia
0.43% drop chance

Liquified Terror
0.72% drop chance
Well... It had to happen. While the other two new materials have great nodes to farm the, Golden Beetle is the opposite, so consider crafting it instead (be aware - the material requires the dreaded SOLIDUS to craft). Only when Chapter 6 arrives to Global will the issue be solved.
Blue tier materials
When it comes to the Blue tier materials, you have to make a choice:
- you farm a stage that has higher drop chance of the material you want, but the other drops in that stage aren't that good,
- you choose lower drop chance for the material in exchange of better side-drops - so it translates to better stamina efficiency.
The data in the table below follows this scheme:
- Stage,
- Drop chance,
- if a material has 0% drop chance it means you can't drop it directly, but you get a good drop chance of its lower tier variant. So you farm the lower tier variant and craft the higher one,
- if there's a * mark beside the percentage the sample size is too small and the data may not be fully accurate,
- Best side-drop available.

Esoteric Bones
1-11 Hard | 73.61%
4-11 Hard | 33.51% | Prophetic Bird
4-20 Hard | 0% | Bifurcated Skeleton

Liquified Terror
1-14 Hard | 66.71%
3-7 Hard | 23.24% | Bifurcated Skeleton
4-21 Hard | 20.95% | Salted Mandrake

Milled Magnesia
4-5 Hard | 71.15%
3-13 Hard | 13.15% | Salted Mandrake

Rough Silver Ingot
3-15 Hard | 108.93%*
3-9 Hard | 53.624% | Prophetic Bird
4-10 Hard | 54.37% | Biting Box

3-5 Hard | 46.50%*
Directly farming Solidus isn't advised. There's no dedicated node that also has Purple materials so it's better to farm the following stages for its crafting materials instead: 2-3 and 2-12.

Spell of Fortune
4-16 Hard | 203.95%
4-20 Hard | 43.96% | Bifurcated Skeleton

Perpetual Cog
Coming soon!
Coming soon!

Cicada Wings
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Green tier materials
Green tier materials follow the same rules as Blue tier ones.

Magnesia Crystal
2-9 Hard | 100%
3-13 Hard | 68.82% | Salted Mandrake

Silver Ore
2-3 Hard | 167.11%
4-10 Hard | 70.22% | Biting Box

Shattered Bones
3-8 Hard | 122.64%
4-11 Hard | 114.36% | Prophetic Bird
4-20 Hard | 65.83% | Bifurcated Skeleton

Spell of Banishing
4-20 Hard | 202.55%
4-20 Hard | 202.55% | Bifurcated Skeleton

Trembling Tooth
2-12 Hard | 100%
3-7 Hard | 56.46% | Bifurcated Skeleton
4-21 Hard | 57.82% | Salted Mandrake
Because Bifurcated Skeleton has a decent droprate it's better to farm it directly instead of crafting. Whether should you farm 4-20 or 3-7 stage it depends on the lower tier materials you need.