Your favorite gamer is making her debut! Elegg, dressed in her flashy voguish costume, is ready to leave a mark in everyone's life... devices, we mean. Part of the newly revealed Electric Shock team, she wanders the entertainment universe installing a revolutionary modification called Boom that amplifies the team's Distributed Damage.
Kit Analysis
Elegg can be played in two different playstyles. As a buffer or as a semi-DPS, or a little bit of both, depending on the circumstances. Although she is a support and doesn't seem to boast many offensive skills, MGs have a naturally high basic attack multiplier per second, which in turns helps her become a semi-DPS. Regardless, in both roles, she is played the same way. The difference is that, when serving as a DPS, she wants to maximize her uptime by spending less time reloading as that is a heavy detriment to MGs. This requires you to invest in her more, from upgrading skills to rerolling OL lines, which can be costly even for veterans. For more information, visit the PvE Team Building section. For now, let's analyze her skills.
Skill 1
■ Activates when entering battle. Affects all allies.
When attacking an enemy projectile, damage dealt to that projectile ▲ 59.66 % continuously.
■ Activates after landing 100 normal attack(s). Affects the target and 2 surrounding enemy unit(s) if the target is in BOOM Install.
Deals 91.03% of final ATK as Distributed Damage.
Who doesn't want free increased damage against projectiles? Whenever Elegg is in the team, all allies now shatter certain projectiles faster, allowing them to waste less time shooting these pesky irritants. The buff value is substantial too, unlike the ones offered thus far in the game. This may be valuable against bosses that regularly toss destructibles such as Crystal Chamber and Land Eater. Besides that, this skill also allows her to deal more damage against enemies whenever they are affected by the debuff Boom Install, which is applied by her Burst Skill.
On an average run against a single target with her being the only unit to use Burst Skill in B2 position, this would translate to around ~10% of her damage output.
Skill 2
■ Activates after landing 60 normal attack(s). Affects all allies if the target is in BOOM Install.
ATK ▲ 13.09 % of caster's ATK for 5 sec.
■ Activates when the target appears. Affects all allies.
Fills Burst Gauge by 100%. Activates once per battle.
Similar to what D offers, Elegg can immediately fill your Burst Gauge at the start of the battle to quickly get the gear rolling. This may not seem significant, but with that time saved, you may be able to squeeze more juice out of the final Full Burst, which is especially useful in Raids. Furthermore, whenever Elegg hits enemies affected by Boom Install a certain number of times, she also grants the team a moderate caster's ATK buff.
In one Full Burst and without reloading in the final few seconds of the debuff, Elegg's ATK buff should last around ~14s because it refreshes just before the debuff expires. In certain teams, for example with Dorothy & Alice, you can try to quickly fill Burst Gauge within 4s so that Dorothy's Burst Skill can enjoy that increased ATK.
■ Affects all allies.
Distributed Damage dealt ▲ 39.74 % for 10 sec.
■ Affects the enemy nearest to the crosshair.
Deals 79.2 % of final ATK as damage.
BOOM Install: DEF ▼ 35.64 % for 10 sec.
Deals negligible damage to the enemy closest to crosshair and administers Boom Install, reducing their DEF while boosting the team's Distributed Damage. The DEF reduction should amount to around ~9% bonus ATK in Solo Raid but varies across game modes. Meanwhile, the "undiluted" Distributed Damage buff is what makes this skill powerful. This niché augmentation couples well with Dorothy's Burst Skill (increasing its cap), SBS's Skill 1, and 2B's Burst Skill. However, among the three, Dorothy and SBS are the ones benefitting from this skill the most as 2B's Burst Skill is split into two types of damage. 2B also profits more from Mast (and potentially Ade).
When using Burst Skill and fighting against multiple mobs, make sure to manual Elegg and apply debuff on the tankiest enemy to benefit more out of it. This is because, if the enemy is killed, the debuff prematurely ends, and she cannot activate S1 & S2. When correctly used, expect >20% DPS boost on Dorothy and SBS if Burst Skill is maxed.
An okay campaign unit which can be helpful for newer players due to MG having an unlimited reach without much DPS loss outside their optimal range. The Boom Install debuff expiring early due to the enemy being killed may, however, make her other buffs less lucrative.
Missilis Tower
Okay to use for non-meta havers but heavily outclassed by Liter, Tia, and Naga combo that has been circulating for the past few months. Also, she competes with Centi, which has inarguably proved her worth in Campaign before the duos arrived.
Should see some usage in Solo Raid and potentially Union Raid as both DPS and a support. Her being able to buff one of the strongest DPS in-game, namely SBS, is something too big to miss. Her compatibility with Dorothy is a rare sight too.
Simulation Overclock
DEF debuff from Install Boom may be handy for newer players struggling with damage in Simulation Overclock and should be more noticeable when Rapture's DEF buff is selected. Otherwise, unless there are absurd limitations, she is outshined by other B2.
Why are you thinking about this? Just no. No, the Burst Gauge immediate fill does NOT work in PvP. Don't think about it. Just don't.
Gear Investments
As a support, you may want to OL her gear for the increased ATK stat to boost her buff's strength, mainly her Helmet and Gloves (and to a much lesser extent Body Armor). As a DPS, you want to go further by giving her the proper OL lines. Note that this is mandatory for her to work optimally. Since she will be paired with SAnis & Privaty as a DPS, you want to avoid reloading outside Full Burst at any cost. This requires you to have a minimum of 1–2 Max Ammo. After that, feel free to give her ATK & Elemental Damage, alongside some CRIT lines perchance?
If Privaty's S1 is maxed, you can get away with Bastion and one line of Max Ammo. Otherwise, aim for two for extra leeway and equip Resilience. The >109% Reload Speed threshold just cuts ~11 frames, which are negligible. We do recommend spending as little rocks as possible, so if you can only get one line, then take the hit and move on!
Skill Investments
- Skill 1: 4-7
- Projectile damage buff is nice to have, and levels also boost Elegg's DPS slightly. The impact is minimal regardless, so at most level it to 7.
- Skill 2: 4-7
- ATK buff is nice, but the value is quite low, so maybe it's not worth the time you grind in Simulation Room.
- Burst: 5-10
- Powerful buffs that help meta units shime brighter. While the scaling isn't that great, they are probably the most rewarding out of the three. Leave at 4 to save Purple Matz, 5 to save Blue Matz, or 7 to save Gold Matz.
Cube Investments

You need to make sure that Elegg takes less time to reload. As a support, this is trivial, but as a DPS, it creates a noticeable difference. In most teams, Bastion is obviously the better choice. However, in reload speed teams (SAnis + Privaty), you need to do some testing first. Either Resilience or Bastion would fit your situation better, depending on Privaty's S1 investment as well as the number of OL lines. Boot into Shooting Range without equipping any cube and do normal rotations. Just before Full Burst ends, force-reload Elegg. Now, keep shooting until you reach the next Full Burst. Here are several outcomes:
- If Elegg reloads outside Full Burst, use Bastion. If you still need to reload, get 1 Max Ammo line and try again. Or, you can try to time your reload so that it starts before Privaty's buff disappears and finishes after Privaty's debuff disappears. This way, Elegg reloads to her full ammo capacity.
- If Elegg does not reload outside Full Burst, you can use either cube, but Resilience can save you ~11 frames per reload by reaching the >109% threshold. Do provide some leeway. For instance, having ±30 ammo when Full Burst begins is too tight. You can always get more Max Ammo lines, but it may not be efficient.
- For both cases above, you need to make sure that Elegg does not lose fire rate when reloading by making sure Privaty's S1 is invested well enough. No, it doesn't have to be >100% or >109%. Without sufficient reload speed, reloads will cause uncomfortable hiccups during Full Burst. If this occurs, use Resilience instead and reload outside Full Burst (still reload at the end of Full Burst), or obtain Max Ammo lines.
- That being said, we do recommend minimum 1–2 Max Ammo lines as a DPS.
PVE Team Compositions
Elegg is a good roleplayer. She can be a DPS or a support, whichever route you want her to take. However, as a DPS, she is pretty much bound to SAnis & Privaty for the unlimited reload composition. Here are some examples:
Team #1: RATATATA DPS Team
An all-rounder with a FLEX spot that can be filled with any unit as required. Here, Elegg serves a DPS (and a support), and her goal is to shoot as much as possible. Insert Biscuit for cover repair & healing (note that Elegg is just a sitting duck if she doesn't use Burst Skill), or Scarlet/Guillotine for more damage, assuming that healing is unnecessary. Helm can be a good alternative too.
If you are confused, going with Biscuit is always the safest choice. It's easy to run and features high survivability. Note that the Biscuit variant has been extensively tested to outdamage the Marciana Scarlet (as well as Poli & Mast) variant, which is incredible!
Team #2: The Sword Pledge Team
Elegg's main purpose here is to buff SBS's Skill 1, which constitutes her primary damage output. The FLEX can be Dorothy & Privaty (with Alice being the self-healer) or other units that would fit the situation best. You can also remove Alice if you want.
Team #3: Copium 2B Team
As we mentioned earlier, Mast buffs 2B better than anyone else. If you don't have Mast, however, then feel free to use Elegg. Just don't hold too much expectation, okay?
Should You Pull
Elegg is a decent unit and definitely worth acquiring one copy, but after reading this review, we are sad to inform you that you will be one to ultimately decide your own destiny. We do recommend one copy if you are serious about Raids as she seems to be promising and should hold some value. Otherwise, it is okay to skip and put her in Wishlist. There might be better units incoming, so manage your resources wisely. You can always wait until the last day of the banner, when we will obtain official information about the next unit's kit.
Pros & Cons
- Offers a unique Distributed Damage buff that can even empower Dorothy.
- ATK buff that lasts a long time.
- Notable damage boost to projectiles constantly.
- Machine guns have unlimited reach.
- Can both be DPS & support for meta units.
- A voluptuous egg.
- Reliant on Max Ammo as DPS.
- Distributed Damage is a niché type of damage.
- Boom Install debuff expires prematurely if affected enemy is killed and deactivates the trigger requirements for Skill 1 & 2.
- Boom Install can be applied on the wrong enemy if Elegg is not manualed when activating.
- Addicted to Boom; addiction is never good, so tell us — how much time do you spend in Nikke?.