An Assassin who can switch between ranged attack and melee attack modes during battles, and pose a huge threat the backline enemies.
To learn more about Vala check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Vala profile has been last updated at: January 16th, 2025.
To learn more about Vala check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Swift Shift
Unlocks at level 1
Cooldown: 0s
Range: Global
Initial Energy: 0
When Vala casts the skill at an empty tile, she jumps to the tile and switches to the Skyblaster mode. She prioritizes shooting the marked enemy, dealing 450% damage and stunning them for 4s.
When Vala casts the skill at an enemy, she switches to the Sword mode. She rushes to slash the target, dealing 420% true damage. And all her normal attacks become melee attacks.
In Auto Battle mode, Vala switches to the Sword mode and prioritizes the marked enemy if their HP ratio is lower than 50%. Otherwise, she switches to the Skyblaster mode to shoot the enemy and remains at a safe distance.
Unlocks at level 51: In Skyblaster Mode, Vala deals 40% more damage to enemies with a HP ratio higher than 50%.
Unlocks at level 111: In Sword mode, Vala deals additional damage to enemies with a HP ratio lower than 50%. Damage dealt equals to 10% of target's lost HP, up to 300% of Vala's ATK.
Unlocks at level 171: In Skyblaster Mode, Vala deals 45% more damage to enemies with a HP ratio higher than 50%.
Unlocks at level 231: In Sword mode, Vala deals additional damage to enemies with a HP ratio lower than 50%. Damage dealt equals to 12% of target's lost HP. up to 300% of Vala's ATK.
Notice Beforehand
Unlocks at level 11
Cooldown: 0s
Range: Global
Vala sends a Notice to mark the farthest enemy when a battle starts. She attacks the Noticed enemy in priority, absorbing 90 Energy for each hit. When the Noticed enemy is defeated, Vala sends the Notice Beforehand to the farthest enemy if she is in Skyblaster Mode or to the nearest enemy if she is in Sword Mode.
Unlocks at level 71: Increases Energy absorbed to 100.
Unlocks at level 131: Increases Energy absorbed to 110.
Unlocks at level 191: Increases Energy absorbed to 120.
Unlocks at level 31
Cooldown: 12s
Range: 7 tiles
In Skyblaster mode, Vala shoots with an exclusive anesthetic bullet, dealing 230% damage to an enemy and reducing their Haste by 60 for 8s. In Sword mode, Vala launches 3 consecutive strikes to an enemy. Each strike deals 100% damage and stuns them for 1s.
Unlocks at level 91: Increases the damage with Skyblaster to 240%; Increases the damage with each Sword hit to 105%.
Unlocks at level 151: Increases the damage with Skyblaster to 250%; Increases the damage with each Sword hit to 110%.
Unlocks at level 211: Increases the damage with Skyblaster to 260%; Increases the damage with each Sword hit to 115%.
Hero Focus
Unlocks after reaching Legendary+
Cooldown: -
Range: 1 tile
Vala increases her ATK by 9% during battle. She also gains an extra 3% ATK every time a non-summoned enemy is defeated.
Level 2: Vala increases her ATK by 12% during battle. She also gains an extra 4% ATK every time a non-summoned enemy is defeated.
Level 3: Vala increases her ATK by 15% during battle. She also gains an extra 5% ATK every time a non-summoned enemy is defeated.
Night Maneuver
Unlocks after reaching Mythic+
Cooldown: -
Range: 3 Tiles
When a marked enemy is defeated, Vala hides in the darkness and can only be targeted after all other allies are defeated, increasing her movement speed by 60% and Haste by 80 for 10s.
Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +5: Increases her movement speed by 80% and Haste by 100 under this status.
Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +10: Vala restores 40% of her max HP when a marked enemy is defeated.
Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +15: Increases her movement speed by 90% and Haste by 120 under this status.
Enhance Force
Unlocks after reaching Supreme+
Affects: Skill 1
Vala's damage dealt to the marked enemy is increased by 10%
To check the Charm's set bonus for Vala go to our Season 3 Charms guide.
Vala images aren't available yet. They will be added soon.
Vala is an S-Level Assassin of the Lightbearer faction. She is a unique and powerful Assassin who switches between a ranged and melee mode to soften up her targets before diving in for the kill.
Her trademark is "Notice Beforehand", whereby Vala targets the enemy that's furthest away from her (denoted by the purple mark before the battle starts). Whenever she attacks the marked target, she gains a burst of Energy, and when it dies she reapplies the mark (furthest enemy in Ranged mode, nearest enemy in Melee mode). Her other skill "Checkmate" is a simple attack that either reduces Haste massively if performed in Ranged mode or inflicts a long stun in Melee mode.
Then what she is most known for: "Swift Shift". If she targets an empty tile, she jumps to it (switching to Ranged mode if in Melee) and fires a shot at her marked target that deals damage and stuns them for some time. If she targets an enemy, she lunges at them (switching to Melee mode if in Ranged) and deals a burst of True damage. At higher levels, her Ranged mode attack deals additional damage against enemies above half HP while the Melee mode attack deals additional damage against enemies below half HP. This skill, especially when used manually, allows Vala to carefully pick her targets, and decide when she wants to engage/disengage.
While that alone makes her one of the better Assassins currently available, her Exclusive Weapon grants her access to the "Night Maneuver" skill. This skill causes Vala to become untargetable (permanent until the last ally dies) after marked target is killed, gaining a massive movement speed and Haste buff. At +10 this is further exacerbated, allowing her to self-heal off of killing targets marked with "Notice Beforehand". This dramatically enhances Vala's already great survivability, allowing her to maneuver around the battlefield, dodging AoE attacks and carefully striking names off her kill-list.
Amazing quality of use and decent AI to decide whether she goes in or not in auto-battle.
Great single-target damage.
Extremely safe and can cheat out a lot of stages with stuns and picking off annoying targets like healers.
Prone to be counter-sniped by Silvina due to the Faction's disadvantage.
AFK Stages
Dream Realm (Overall)
Snow Stomper
Lone Gaze
Crystal Beetle
The EX investment information were created with the help of Seas0n, the creator of the
Since the
Why does the +8 breakpoint appear so often?
Because the raw stats you get from upgrading the EX weapon help you more than the passive in some cases. Also, to upgrade the EX from +5 to +8 you need only 30x
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