SonjaInformation and Guide


Sonja is an S-Level
character from the Warrior
class who belongs to the Lightbearer
faction. Their auto-attack range is 1.

To learn more about Sonja check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

Last updated

Sonja profile has been last updated at: February 16th, 2025.

To learn more about Sonja check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.






Tempest Thrusts

Unlocks at level 1

Cooldown: 0s

Range: 3 Tiles

Initial Energy: 0

Sonja delivers 8 Piercing Strikes on enemies in a designated frontal area (3-tile wide and 3-tile long), each dealing 35% damage. Each strike also deals extra damage equal to 4% of the enemy's current HP, up to 160% of Sonja's own ATK. She then charges to the far end of the struck area, dealing 180% damage to enemies within it. While casting this skill, Sonja is immune to all control effects.

Unlocks at level 51: Increases the damage of each Piercing Strike to 40%.

Unlocks at level 111: Increases the damage of each Piercing Strike to 45%.

Unlocks at level 171: Increases the damage of each Piercing Strike to 50%.

Unlocks at level 231: Increases the damage of Sonja's charge to 220%.

Skill I

Crimson Covenant

Unlocks at level 11

Cooldown: -

Range: 1 Tile

When a battle starts, Sonja forms Crimson Covenant with two allies placed to her left and right (prioritizing those in the front over those in the back), increasing their ATK by 10% and their Phys & Magic DEF by 15%. While Crimson Covenant is active, the two allies gain an extra 3% ATK and 4% Phys & Magic DEF every 6s, stacking up to 6 times. Sonja is immune to all control effects while casting this skill.

Crimson Covenant is terminated if either of the buffed allies is defeated. In this case, Sonja absorbs the accumulated stat bonuses from both allies, gaining them for herself until the battle ends.

Unlocks at level 71: Increases Crimson Covenant's initial ATK bonus to 13%. and its initial Phys & Magic DEF bonus to 18%.

Unlocks at level 131: Grants allies with Crimson Covenant an extra 4% ATK and 5% Phys and Magic DEF every 6s.

Unlocks at level 191: Increases Crimson Covenant's initial ATK bonus to 16%. and its initial Phys & Magic DEF bonus to 21%.

Skill II

Stunning Reception

Unlocks at level 31

Cooldown: 12s

Range: 1 Tile

Sonja spins, slashing enemies within 1 tile twice with her cloak. Each slash deals 120% damage and stuns the enemies hit for 1s.

Unlocks at level 91: Increases the damage of each slash to 130%.

Unlocks at level 151: Increases the damage of each slash to 140%.

Unlocks at level 211: Extends the stun duration to 1.5s.

Hero Focus

Hero Focus

Unlocks after reaching Legendary+

Cooldown: -

Range: 1 tile

Sonja increases her Haste by 7.2 during battle. She gains an extra 7.2 Haste after casting Tempest Thrusts for the first time.

Level 2: Sonja increases her Haste by 9.6 during battle. She gains an extra 9.6 Haste after casting Tempest Thrusts for the first time.

Level 3: Sonja increases her Haste by 12 during battle. She gains an extra 12 Haste after casting Tempest Thrusts for the first time.

EX. Skill

Unbreakable Bond

Unlocks after reaching Mythic+

Cooldown: -

Range: Global

Sonja gains 100 extra Initial Energy. She permanently enhances Crimson Covenant after casting her first Tempest Thrusts.

Instead of only gaining stat bonuses when a buffed ally is defeated, she continuously benefits from the accumulated stat bonuses while the buffed allies are alive.

Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +5: Increases Sonja's Initial Energy to 200.

Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +10: Reduces damage taken by 40% for a covenant member if any other member is alive. 50% of the reduced damage is shared by other members, but this will not cause them to be defeated.

Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +15: Reduces damage shared bv other members to 40% of the total amount reduced.

Enhance Force

Enhance Force

Unlocks after reaching Supreme+

Affects: Ultimate

Sonja converts 20% of the damage dealt by Tempest Thrusts into self-healing.

Season 3 Charm

To check the Charm's set bonus for Sonja go to our Season 3 Charms guide.


Sonja images aren't available yet. They will be added soon.



Sonja is a S-rank Lightbearer Warrior who primarily functions as a buffer by protecting two other allies and herself, providing additional ATK & DEF and can also dish out some damage.

At the start of battle, Sonja will be linked to the two allies nearest to her on the left and right side, increasing their stats. If an ally dies, Sonja then absorbs all the accumulated stat gain from both allies making her a capable DPS that can also be quite tanky.

Her kit also features some CC in the form of a short Stun from one of her attacks, and her Ultimate skill deals damage in a large area in front of herself.

Performance in Various Game Modes:
  • Story and AFK stages – Sonja is a great addition for AFK stage pushing, as she not only makes her team tankier, but also deals great damage herself.  Able to survive at high deficit combined with the open maps, make her restrictive positioning a non-issue.

  • Dream Realm – Sonja can be used at 1 dupe as a “budget” alternative to Reinier in most teams, or as a buffer for events that require multiple teams. On the higher end of investment, Sonja has proven to perform the best in the new Harak meta teams, but does not perform as well when slotted into old non-Harak meta teams due to clashing Faction Synergy bonuses.

  • PVP – Sonja on paper has everything to be a great PVP staple, but suffers from being a Lightbearer in a meta where Lightbearers are not as popular as the other factions (Vala being a notable exception), which ends up with her being in an awkward position to get the faction bonus. Further, her restrictive positioning requirements makes her unable to fully utilize her own kit in some maps, most notably the popular “Arena V” and “Arena V – Special” maps. However, on open maps Sonja performs her buffer role quite well and can even heal from near death to full HP thanks to her Supreme+ Lifesteal ability. She performs especially well in Supreme Arena as the greater variety of maps makes it possible to minimize the positioning awkwardness of her kit.

  • Battle Drills – Sonja performs adequately at all aspects of Battle Drills - Mob Stages and Bosses included.


Sonja works with a single copy for Dream Realm, but for other game modes she will need dupes to survive, as she is prone to getting sniped early on during battles.

  • Legendary+ gives her extra Haste.

  • Mythic+ gives her extra starting Energy, and allows her to gain stats even while allies are still alive. She also gains a massive 40% damage reduction to herself and linked allies.

  • Supreme+ gives her 20% Lifesteal on Ultimate.

Recommend upgrading her to Mythic+ and EX +10 for the damage resistance for PVP, AFK Stages and other PVE content.


Sonja is great at enabling other great characters to perform better. Pull for her if you haven’t invested in Reinier yet, grabbing at least 1 copy, or go all in if you want a great general-purpose buffer for PVP and AFK Stages.

Pros & Cons

  • Good in all content.

  • Makes the team grow stronger over the course of a battle.

  • Resistant to CC effects while dishing out CC herself.

  • Can self-heal on Ultimate.


  • Can be sniped at the start of battles while she is still squishy for a Melee character.

  • Requires specific positioning which may be impossible depending on the map.

  • Ultimate is slow to charge.

  • Poor Faction Synergy.

General Ratings

AFK Stages




Dream Realm (Overall)

Dream Realm Ratings

Snow Stomper


Lone Gaze




Crystal Beetle










EX Investment

Since the

Temporal Essence
Temporal Essence
Twilight Essence
Twilight Essence
are very hard to obtain, you have to be really careful with the using them to upgrade the EX weapon. And in this guide we ordered all characters by the priority when it comes to how much they need investment in their EX weapon to work well and where should you stop to get the best bang for your buck.

Why does the +8 breakpoint appear so often?

Because the raw stats you get from upgrading the EX weapon help you more than the passive in some cases. Also, to upgrade the EX from +5 to +8 you need only 30x

Temporal Essence
Temporal Essence
, while the remaining two levels require additional 45x
Temporal Essence
Temporal Essence
. So you get the best bang for your buck stopping at +8.

Color explanation:

  • +0 - the base investment for the character,
  • +5/8 - the next step that you should do when investing into that character,
  • +10/15 - the final step you should do when investing into that character - you can go beyond that later though once you have the Essences to spare.