LumontInformation and Guide


Lumont is an S-Level
character from the Tank
class who belongs to the Mauler
faction. Their auto-attack range is 1.

A courageous Tank who is skilled at absorbing damage and melee combat.

To learn more about Lumont check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

Last updated

Lumont profile has been last updated at: March 7th, 2025.

To learn more about Lumont check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.






Lumont's Charge

Unlocks at level 1

Cooldown: 0s

Range: 8 tiles

Initial Energy: 0

Lumont selects a tile in range and charges at it, knocking enemies in his path toward the selected tile. When he reaches the selected tile, Lumont deals 240% damage to all surrounding enemies and taunts them for 3s. Lamont is unaffected while casting the skill.

Unlocks at level 51: Increases damage to 260%.

Unlocks at level 111: Increases the duration of taunt to 4s.

Unlocks at level 171: Increases damage to 280%.

Unlocks at level 231: Increases damage to 300%.

Skill I

Totem Power

Unlocks at level 11

Cooldown: 15ss

Range: Global

Lumont harnesses the Totem Power, gaining a shield that can block 450% damage for 12s. For every adjacent enemy, the shield value is increased by 30%. He also increases Phys DEF of 2 closest allies by 30% for 7s.

Unlocks at level 71: Increases the shield value by 35% for every adjacent enemy.

Unlocks at level 131: Increases the shield value by 40% for every adjacent enemy.

Unlocks at level 191: Increases the shield value by 45% for every adjacent enemy.

Skill II

War Stomp

Unlocks at level 31

Cooldown: 6s

Range: 1 tile

Lumont stomps the ground, dealing 240% damage to adjacent enemies and stunning them for 1s.

Unlocks at level 91: Increases damage to 260%.

Unlocks at level 151: Reduces this skill's cooldown by 1s for every enemy hit.

Unlocks at level 211: Increases damage to 280%.

Hero Focus

Hero Focus

Unlocks after reaching Legendary+

Cooldown: -

Range: 1 tile

Lumont increases his Haste by 9 during battle. His Haste is increased by an extra 6 when there are at least 2 enemies nearby.

Level 2: Lumont increases his Haste by 12 during battle. His Haste is increased by an extra 8 when there are at least 2 enemies nearby.

Level 3: Lumont increases his Haste by 15 during battle. His Haste is increased by an extra 10 when there are at least 2 enemies nearby.

EX. Skill


Unlocks after reaching Mythic+

Cooldown: 0s

Range: 1 tile

Lumont smashes the ground with totem 3 times after receiving damage equal to 40% of his max HP, dealing 150% damage to enemies within 1, 2, and 3 tiles in order and reducing their ATK by 25% for 6s. Lamont is unaffected while casting the skill.

Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +5: An extra skill attempt is granted when a battle starts or an ally is defeated for the first time.

Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +10: Increases damage to 180%.

Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +15: Increases damage to 210%.

Enhance Force

Enhance Force

Unlocks after reaching Supreme+

Affects: Skill 1

Lumont recovers 7% of his max HP per second while shielded by Totem Power.

Season 3 Charm

To check the Charm's set bonus for Lumont go to our Season 3 Charms guide.


Lumont images aren't available yet. They will be added soon.



Lumont is an S-Level Tank of the Mauler faction. His kit revolves around tanking mostly but also about moving opponents around.

His most iconic skill is his Ultimate, "Lumont's Charge", which causes him to select a tile and start charging towards it, dragging all enemies with him before inflicting a taunt on them. This is great for moving enemies out of range and gathering them up to unleash being AoEs on, but it doesn't provide any defensive coverage, so unless Lumont has his next skill up he will struggle to stay alive.

"Totem Power" is his only survivability tool, and it forms a shield that scales with the amount of enemies caught in the cast. This also provides a PDEF buff to his 2 closest allies for a short duration. His other skill "War Stomp" is a hit of AoE damage that also briefly stuns targets it hits, with the added benefit - at later levels - of reducing the skill's cooldown for every opponent hit.

His Exclusive Weapon unlocks the "Rage" skill, which makes him slam his totem down on the ground several times either when he takes a certain amount of damage (or at +5 at the start of battle/when an ally first dies) and reducing the ATK of enemies hit.

Lumont sounds good on paper, gathering up opponents, taunting them to keep them close and occasionally running a shield to keep himself alive. The problem is that while the shield is a decent size, especially if he's near enemies, it's his only survival tool, and it's on a long cooldown. This means that the moment his shield is taken down, he blows up like no other.

Pros & Cons

  • Great at rounding up enemies and getting them into a favorable spot for your team.

  • Decent crowd control and interruption tools.


  • Dies too quickly due to having very little self-sustain and too much aggro-generation.

General Ratings

AFK Stages




Dream Realm (Overall)

Dream Realm Ratings

Snow Stomper


Lone Gaze




Crystal Beetle










EX Investment

Since the

Temporal Essence
Temporal Essence
Twilight Essence
Twilight Essence
are very hard to obtain, you have to be really careful with the using them to upgrade the EX weapon. And in this guide we ordered all characters by the priority when it comes to how much they need investment in their EX weapon to work well and where should you stop to get the best bang for your buck.

Why does the +8 breakpoint appear so often?

Because the raw stats you get from upgrading the EX weapon help you more than the passive in some cases. Also, to upgrade the EX from +5 to +8 you need only 30x

Temporal Essence
Temporal Essence
, while the remaining two levels require additional 45x
Temporal Essence
Temporal Essence
. So you get the best bang for your buck stopping at +8.

Color explanation:

  • +0 - the base investment for the character,
  • +5/8 - the next step that you should do when investing into that character,
  • +10/15 - the final step you should do when investing into that character - you can go beyond that later though once you have the Essences to spare.