To learn more about Gerda check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Gerda profile has been last updated at: March 11th, 2025.
To learn more about Gerda check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Splashing Fun
Unlocks at level 1
Cooldown: 0s
Range: Global
Initial Energy: 0
Gerda uses a wooden ladle to splash spring water within a 2-tile radius, healing affected allies for 120% + 10% HP and dealing 140% + 15% damage to affected enemies. Enemies affected are also put to sleep for ls and cannot move or act.
Each time a target receives healing equal to 10% of their max HP or is healed 3 times by Gerda's hot spring, the sleep extends by 0.5s, up to 3s.
Unlocks at level 51: Increases damage dealt to 150% + 15%.
Unlocks at level 111: Increases damage dealt to 160% + 15%
Unlocks at level 171: Increases damage dealt to 170% + 15%
Unlocks at level 231: Increases damage dealt to 180% + 15%
Spring Therapy
Unlocks at level 11
Cooldown: -
Range: Global
When a battle starts, Gerda leaps forward up to 3 tiles and stomps the ground to unleash a spring, dealing 200% + 20% damage with an interruption effect to enemies within 1 tile. Then she creates a hot spring within a 2-tile radius. Allies within this area recover 25% + 2% HP per second, while enemies recover 4% HP per second (capped at 0.5% of their max HP). Gerda is unaffected when casting this skill.
Unlocks at level 71: Increases damage to 220% + 20%.
Unlocks at level 131: Increases damage to 240% + 20%.
Unlocks at level 191: Increases damage to 260% + 20%.
Mighty Smash
Unlocks at level 31
Cooldown: -
Range: 1 Tile
Gerda smashes an enemy with a wooden ladle, dealing 150% + 10% damage and stunning them for 1.5s. At the same time, Gerda gains a 340% + 30% shield for 8s.
Unlocks at level 91: Increases the shield value to 360% + 30%
Unlocks at level 151: Increases the shield value to 380% + 30%
Unlocks at level 211: Increases the shield value to 400% + 30%
Hero Focus
Unlocks after reaching Legendary+
Cooldown: -
Range: 1 tile
Gerda reduces her damage taken by 12% during battle.
Level 2: Gerda reduces her damage taken by 16% during battle.
Level 3: Gerda reduces her damage taken by 20% during battle.
Spring of Life
Unlocks after reaching Mythic+
Cooldown: -
Range: Global
Gerda increases healing received from the allied hot spring by 120%. Each time an ally is healed by it, the cooldown of Mighty Smash is reduced by 0.2s.
Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +5: Increases the healing received from the allied hot spring by 150%.
Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +10: When an ally enters an allied hot spring for the first time, they become unaffected for 5s.
Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +15: Increases the healing received from the allied hot spring by 180%.
Enhance Force
Unlocks after reaching Supreme+
Affects: Skill 1
When Gerda stomps the ground during Spring Therapy, she stuns enemies for 2s instead of interrupting them.
To check the Charm's set bonus for Gerda go to our Season 3 Charms guide.
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The EX investment information were created with the help of Seas0n, the creator of the
Gerda EX investment information aren't available yet. They will be added soon.
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