DionelInformation and Guide


Dionel is an S-Level
character from the Marksman
class who belongs to the Celestial
faction. Their auto-attack range is 5.

An outstanding Marksman who makes a big difference under allied reinforcement and continuously deals massive AoE damage.

To learn more about Dionel check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

Last updated

Dionel profile has been last updated at: January 16th, 2025.

To learn more about Dionel check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.






Dawn Light

Unlocks at level 1

Cooldown: 1.25s

Range: Global

Initial Energy: 0

Dionel soars into the air and cannot be targeted for 6s, during which he attacks the area with the most enemies using sword shock, dealing 170% damage to all adjacent enemies. The last hit of sword shock knocks the enemy up, and its damage dealt is increased to 250%.

Unlocks at level 51: Gains a Nectar Feast buff within the effect duration. Using this skill won't shorten its duration until the skill ends if Dionel has already been buffed.

Unlocks at level 111: Increases the damage of sword shock to 180% and the damage of its last hit to 260%.

Unlocks at level 171: The skill duration is extended by 2s if Dionel achieves an Assist or Kill, triggered only once per casting.

Unlocks at level 231: Increases the damage of sword shock to × 190% and the damage of its last hit to 270%.

Skill I

Starry Void

Unlocks at level 11

Cooldown: 0s

Range: Global

Passive: Dionel's normal attack turns into a Penetration attack, dealing 145% damage to all enemies along the way.

Unlocks at level 71: Increases the Penetration attack damage to 150%.

Unlocks at level 131: Flashes to a better attacking position if not in a good spot, triggered once every 6s.

Unlocks at level 191: Increases the Penetration attack damage to 155%.

Skill II

Nectar Feast

Unlocks at level 31

Cooldown: 22s

Range: Global

Passive: Dionel gains a stack of Intoxication when receiving the non-permanent stats boost from an ally, increasing 15% ATK and 15 ATK SPD up to 3 stacks, triggered once only by each ally,

Active: Dionel drinks the divine nectar to increase 20% ATK and 20 ATK SPD for 12s.

Unlocks at level 91: For each Intoxication stack, the ATK bonus is increased to 16%, and the ATK SPD bonus is increased to 16.

Unlocks at level 151: For each Intoxication stack, the ATK bonus is increased to 18%, and the ATK SPD bonus is increased to 18.

Unlocks at level 211: The bonuses from active casting are increased to 25% ATK and 25 ATK SPD.

Hero Focus

Hero Focus

Unlocks after reaching Legendary+

Cooldown: -

Range: 1 tile

Dionel's normal attack permanently increases his ATK SPD by 3 during battle, for a maximum ATK SPD bonus of 30.

Level 2: Dionel's normal attack permanently increases his ATK SPD by 4 during battle, for a maximum ATK SPD bonus of 40.

Level 3: Dionel's normal attack permanently increases his ATK SPD by 5 during battle, for a maximum ATK SPD bonus of 50.

EX. Skill

Celestial Spear

Unlocks after reaching Mythic+

Cooldown: 15s

Range: Global

Dionel summons a light spear after a short delay, dealing 200% true damage to all enemies, up to 3 casting per battle. The skill is only available when the owned Intoxication is fully stacked.

Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +5: Increases the skill damage dealt to 210%.

Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +10: Deals extra true damage equal to 20% of the target's current HP when first casting the skill in a battle. Reduces target's Vitality by 60 in the next 8s. The extra damage is no more than 1000% of ATK.

Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +15: Increases the skill damage dealt to 220%.

Enhance Force

Enhance Force

Unlocks after reaching Supreme+

Affects: Skill 2

Dionel increases Execution by 20 within the duration of Nectar Feast if it's been activated.

Season 3 Charm

To check the Charm's set bonus for Dionel go to our Season 3 Charms guide.


Dionel images aren't available yet. They will be added soon.



Dionel is an S-Level Marksman of the Celestial Faction. His kit is centered around dealing AoE damage and gobbling up all the buffs that his team provides to him to increase his damage output.

Passively, Dionel's attack penetrates his enemies, dealing damage in a line. But the bread and butter of his kit is "Nectar Feast", which causes him to gain a massive stacking ATK and ATK SPD buff while its active component causes Dionel to sip on some wine to gain additional ATK and ATK SPD buffs. This means that Dionel realistically wants two things: allies that can provide enough buffs to stack the passive part and something that allows him to cycle his active more cleanly.

His Ultimate "Dawn Light" causes Dionel to fly up, become untargetable, and continuously throw down spears at the opposing team before knocking them up with the last strike. While this is certainly powerful, it's not anything impressive like most other Ultimates.

His Exclusive Weapon unlocks the "Celestial Spear" skill which occasionally causes him to deal True Damage to all enemies, though this effect can only be triggered when his "Nectar Feast" is maxed out.

As a strict DPS, Dionel relies more on investment than other units due to requiring all the stats he can to optimize his damage output and while he has a lot of potential, we currently lack units that can properly stack his "Nectar Feast" attack, as the unit variety at the moment of writing this isn't that big and you'd be hard pressed to combine certain factions to make it work. Beyond that, as more buff units appear, Dionel will see increased use (and power)!

Pros & Cons

  • Unconditional and continuous AoE damage.

  • Fully stacked Nectar Feast grants the biggest offensive buff in the game when combined with its active component (+65% ATK, +65 ATK SPD which increases to a max of +95 ATK SPD with Hero Focus).

  • Has Untargetability in case he needs to dodge any unwanted attention.


  • Reliant on buffers to supplement his damage output and currently we lack a buffer who can fully activate his kit by himself.

  • Doesn't do anything else besides AoE damage in a (PVP) meta where "just doing damage" isn't enough.

General Ratings

AFK Stages




Dream Realm (Overall)

Dream Realm Ratings

Snow Stomper


Lone Gaze




Crystal Beetle










EX Investment

Since the

Temporal Essence
Temporal Essence
Twilight Essence
Twilight Essence
are very hard to obtain, you have to be really careful with the using them to upgrade the EX weapon. And in this guide we ordered all characters by the priority when it comes to how much they need investment in their EX weapon to work well and where should you stop to get the best bang for your buck.

Why does the +8 breakpoint appear so often?

Because the raw stats you get from upgrading the EX weapon help you more than the passive in some cases. Also, to upgrade the EX from +5 to +8 you need only 30x

Temporal Essence
Temporal Essence
, while the remaining two levels require additional 45x
Temporal Essence
Temporal Essence
. So you get the best bang for your buck stopping at +8.

Color explanation:

  • +0 - the base investment for the character,
  • +5/8 - the next step that you should do when investing into that character,
  • +10/15 - the final step you should do when investing into that character - you can go beyond that later though once you have the Essences to spare.