CassadeeInformation and Guide


Cassadee is an S-Level
character from the Mage
class who belongs to the Lightbearer
faction. Their auto-attack range is 3.

A Mage who is skilled at dealing AoE damage and imbuing buffs to allies.

To learn more about Cassadee check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

Last updated

Cassadee profile has been last updated at: January 16th, 2025.

To learn more about Cassadee check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.






Running Tide

Unlocks at level 1

Cooldown: 0s

Range: 5 tiles

Initial Energy: 0

Cassadee selects a direction and invokes a 3-tile-wide wave, dealing 280% damage to all enemies on the path and knocking them back for 2 tiles.

Unlocks at level 51: Increases damage to 300%.

Unlocks at level 111: Increases damage to 320%

Unlocks at level 171: Increases damage to 330%.

Unlocks at level 231: Increases damage to 340%.

Skill I


Unlocks at level 11

Cooldown: 8s

Range: 5 tiles

Cassadee creates a water column beneath an enemy, knocking them up dealing 240% damage and stunning them for 1.5s.

Unlocks at level 71: Increases damage to 260%.

Unlocks at level 131: Increases damage to 280%.

Unlocks at level 191: Increases damage to 300%.

Skill II

Tidal Strength

Unlocks at level 31

Cooldown: 10s

Range: 10 tiles

Cassadee selects the nearest ally when a battle starts, granting them the blessing of Tidal Strength. She deals extra 60% magic damage to the enemy when the blessed ally hits them with normal attacks. The blessing vanishes after the above effect is triggered 9 times. Cassadee will bless this ally again after 9s, which can't be dispelled.

Unlocks at level 91: The extra damage is increased to 70%.

Unlocks at level 151: Cassadee reselects the nearest ally to grant blessing after the previously blessed ally is defeated. The blessing casting cooldown is reduced to 5s.

Unlocks at level 211: The extra damage is increased to 80%.

Hero Focus

Hero Focus

Unlocks after reaching Legendary+

Cooldown: -

Range: 1 tile

Cassadee increases her Haste by 12 during battle. She gains an extra 2 Haste while the first ally blessed by Tidal Strength in battle is alive.

Level 2: Cassadee increases her Haste by 15 during battle. She gains an extra 4 Haste while the first ally blessed by Tidal Strength in battle is alive.

Level 3: Cassadee increases her Haste by 18 during battle. She gains an extra 6 Haste while the first ally blessed by Tidal Strength in battle is alive.

EX. Skill

Tidal Blessing

Unlocks after reaching Mythic+

Cooldown: -

Range: 1 tile

Running Tide grants all allied heroes on the path a temporary buff, empowering their next 6 normal attacks with the effect of Tidal Strength.

Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +5: Extends the attempt of Tidal Strength effect obtained from the skill to 8 times.

Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +10: When an enemy takes damage from Tidal Strength 6 times, they will be hit by Undercurrent once immediately.

Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +15: The Tidal Strength effect obtained from this skill takes effect 9 times.

Enhance Force

Enhance Force

Unlocks after reaching Supreme+

Affects: Ultimate

Cassadee reduces the Magic DEF of enemies hit by Running Tide by 20% for 10s.

Season 3 Charm

To check the Charm's set bonus for Cassadee go to our Season 3 Charms guide.


Cassadee images aren't available yet. They will be added soon.



Cassadee is an S-level Mage of the Lightbearer faction. Her kit is versatile and focuses on dealing damage, providing crowd control, and also buffing allies.

One of her primary gimmicks is "Tidal Strength", which causes her to target the nearest ally (seen by the target marker) with a blessing that causes her to deal additional magic damage when the affected ally attacks an enemy. At LVL 151, she routinely reapplies the buff every 5 seconds, allowing her to get some decent damage over time in. Her other skill, "Undercurrent", gives her a bit of single-target crowd control to throw around, but it isn't anything surprising.

Her Ultimate: "Running Tide", is a column attack that deals decent damage and knocks away enemies in a straight line. It is pretty wide, so it is great for displacing groups of enemies at once (especially useful if there's an annoying healer keeping opponents alive in the back).

Her Exclusive Weapon unlocks the "Tidal Blessing" skill, causing her Ultimate to apply "Tidal Strength" to allies in the path of the wave. In addition, at +10, whenever an enemy takes damage from "Tidal Strength" a certain amount of times they are automatically hit by an "Undercurrent". This, as you can guess, greatly improves both Cassadee's support and crowd control capabilities, and is an appealing EX to go for.

The problem with this, and Cassadee as a whole, is that the Mage class is criminally under-supported at the time of writing this. A lot of Mages (especially Cassadee with her EX Weapon) revolve around using their Ultimate, but their low ATK SPD and the fact that they're in the backline (and thus not getting hit) means that Energy generation can be quite a pain.

Pros & Cons

  • Great mix of crowd control and support.

  • One of the most consistent applications of crowd control with EX.

  • Decent damage over the course of extended fights.


  • Struggles with Energy generation.

  • Kit isn't that impressive without EX.

General Ratings

AFK Stages




Dream Realm (Overall)

Dream Realm Ratings

Snow Stomper


Lone Gaze




Crystal Beetle










EX Investment

Since the

Temporal Essence
Temporal Essence
Twilight Essence
Twilight Essence
are very hard to obtain, you have to be really careful with the using them to upgrade the EX weapon. And in this guide we ordered all characters by the priority when it comes to how much they need investment in their EX weapon to work well and where should you stop to get the best bang for your buck.

Why does the +8 breakpoint appear so often?

Because the raw stats you get from upgrading the EX weapon help you more than the passive in some cases. Also, to upgrade the EX from +5 to +8 you need only 30x

Temporal Essence
Temporal Essence
, while the remaining two levels require additional 45x
Temporal Essence
Temporal Essence
. So you get the best bang for your buck stopping at +8.

Color explanation:

  • +0 - the base investment for the character,
  • +5/8 - the next step that you should do when investing into that character,
  • +10/15 - the final step you should do when investing into that character - you can go beyond that later though once you have the Essences to spare.