To learn more about Alsa check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Alsa profile has been last updated at: February 16th, 2025.
To learn more about Alsa check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Twirling Rocks
Unlocks at level 1
Cooldown: 0s
Range: 6 tile
Initial Energy: 300
Alsa curls into a ball and moves to the target tile, dealing 300% + 20% damage to adjacent enemies, then enters Combat Stance till the end of the battle. In Combat Stance, Alsa consumes 500 Energy to cast Vigorous Slam and hits the targets, then back to the original spot, dealing 260% + 20% damage and stunning them for 2s. Alsa prioritizes casting Swift Evasion to deal 150% + 5% damage to adjacent enemies when taking damage from them, reducing their movement speed by 60% for 2s. Alsa rolls away from attackers afterward, gaining a shield equal to 25% of max HP for 7s. This effect can trigger once every 7s at most. Alsa becomes immune to control effects when curling into a ball.
Unlocks at level 51: Increases the damage dealt bv Vigorous Slam to 270% + 20%.
Unlocks at level 111: Increases the damage dealt bv Vigorous Slam to 280% + 20%.
Unlocks at level 171: Increases the damage dealt bv Vigorous Slam to 290% + 20%.
Unlocks at level 231: Increases the damage dealt bv Vigorous Slam to 300% + 20%.
Stone Barrier
Unlocks at level 11
Cooldown: 8s
Range: 6 Tiles
Alsa channels the power of Earth Force to blast the nearest enemy target, dealing 270% + 25% damage and stunning them for 2 + 0.25s. The blast Alsa creates earth pillars on the 3 tiles behind the target, knocking enemies standing on those tiles back I tile. There can be up to 6 earth pillars on the battlefield simultaneously.
Unlocks at level 71: Increases damage to 280% + 25%.
Unlocks at level 131: Increases damage to 290% + 25%.
Unlocks at level 191: Increases damage to 300% + 25%.
Rolling Boulder
Unlocks at level 31
Cooldown: 12s
Range: 6 tiles
Alsa senses the vibrations of leylines to locate all enemies recently affected by control effects, then forms and drops rocks on them, each dealing 250% + 25% damage.
Unlocks at level 91: Increases damage to 260% + 25%.
Unlocks at level 151: Increases damage to 270% + 25%.
Unlocks at level 211: Increases damage to 280% + 25%.
Hero Focus
Unlocks after reaching Legendary+
Cooldown: -
Range: 1 tile
Increases Haste by 10 during battles, gaining an extra 6 Haste after entering Combat Stance status.
Level 2: Increases Haste by 14 during battles, gaining an extra 7 Haste after entering Combat Stance status.
Level 3: Increases Haste by 18 during battles, gaining an extra 8 Haste after entering Combat Stance status.
Don of Terra
Unlocks after reaching Mythic+
Cooldown: -
Range: 1 Tile
Alsa increases the damage of Vigorous Slam by 50% after dealing damage with the skill, stacking up to 2 times. She also increases the shield value of Swift Evasion by 5% of her max HP after casting it, stacking up to 2 times.
Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +5: Reduces the Energy cost to 400 when the Vigorous Slam buff is stacked to its maximum.
Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +10: Reduces the cooldown to 6s when the Swift Evasion buff is stacked to its maximum.
Unlocks at Ex. Weapon +15: Increases the damage dealt by the next Vigorous Slam by 55%. This effect can stack up to 2 times.
Enhance Force
Unlocks after reaching Supreme+
Affects: Skill 2
Rolling Boulder deals an extra 180% damage to enemies recently affected by multiple control effects.
To check the Charm's set bonus for Alsa go to our Season 3 Charms guide.
Alsa images aren't available yet. They will be added soon.
Alsa is a control-type Mage from the Mauler faction. Unlike most other mages who focus purely on bursts, Alsa tries to balance between constant damage, self-sustainability and disruption. Being split like that means that Alsa isn't as easy as other damage-dealers to slot into teams, and depending on the game mode, she may need more effort to actually shine. Regardless, Alsa does come with a unique kit that is worth looking into.
Her main gimmick is the ability to create terrain through her skill "Stone Barrier". That ability can disrupt enemy formations and, in some cases, isolate targets, which can be the key to crack some stages or to gain an edge in PvP. It does come, however, with its own downsides. The first and more obvious is the fact that in order to be truly effective, sometimes the player will need to manually control Alsa. The second is the fact that as of the writing of this review, we don't have any character who benefits directly from terrain. Considering that Soren is already confirmed and will have a kit that benefits from collision, we can expect Alsa to become more versatile in the future, as her synergy options increase. Finally, the third issue is that the walls may disrupt your own team, as they can make your melee heroes unable to reach the enemy or have to spend precious seconds moving around them.
Alsa's second gimmick is her ability to relocate around the map. After using her Ultimate, "Twirling Rocks", Alsa gains two new abilities: "Combat Stance" and "Swift Evasion". The more invested Alsa is, the more effective these skills become, as her EX weapon allows them to cycle faster. At EX +5, "Combat Stance" allows Alsa to CC-lock a target, but once more, this may require manual input. "Swift Evasion" triggers every 7 seconds (6s if at EX +10, not a priority investment), and makes Alsa roll away from danger, giving her a shield. This can either be fantastic and give her the upper hand in terms of survivability among other ranged DPS, or make her kamikaze, depending on your luck.
When it comes to synergies and team composition, two main points should be taken into consideration. The first is that Alsa needs a solid frontline to keep the focus of enemies away from her. Preferably, the frontline should offer her some sort of extra boost or survivability. Great picks include Thoran, Scarlita, Brutus, Shakir and Eironn.
Eironn also brings up the second point. Being a control-type Mage, much like Carolina, Alsa benefits from having as much CC built in the team as possible. Eironn is an easy mention here as at M+ his ultimate allows Alsa an early burst through her skill "Rolling Boulder". Other great synergies include Soren, Cecia, Reinier, Smokey & Meerky, Rhys, and Cassadee.
Alsa has a lot of potential for the future, as we get more characters who can benefit from terrain and have more control effects. She's a good addition for PvP and can make a difference on PvE progression, but not without shortcomings. Her damage for bossing is also decent, but she remains below the top DPS on those modes since due to the bosses being immune to CC, she loses access to her main source of burst ("Rolling Boulder" and her S+ passive). Still, she's may be worthy bringing to Battle Drills due to her versatility and speedy clear capabilities.
As of now, Alsa is not a must-pull and not recommended to pick on the rate up banner for F2P players and low spenders. But if you have the resources and wish to invest on her, she's still a good character.
Unique ability to create walls that can disrupt the enemy team.
Can CC-lock a target.
Can deal high bursts of damage and secure a speedy victory if in a team with lots of CC.
Can function at low investment, but requires high investment to really shine.
Relies too much on being lucky or manual input.
Half of her kit doesn't work on bosses, hurting both her utility and damage potential, but thanks to the meta shift toward magical damage, she is still good there. This makes you wonder how strong would she be if her kit would work fully there...
AFK Stages
Dream Realm (Overall)
Snow Stomper
Lone Gaze
Crystal Beetle
The EX investment information were created with the help of Seas0n, the creator of the
Since the
Why does the +8 breakpoint appear so often?
Because the raw stats you get from upgrading the EX weapon help you more than the passive in some cases. Also, to upgrade the EX from +5 to +8 you need only 30x
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