Should you reroll?
Rerolling is not a must, as the game is fairly generous, and you can clear all content with whomever you want.
However, if you’re looking for a head start or for a character in specific, rerolling is a very worthwhile option, that can take between 7 and 10 minutes.
How to reroll
The first thing you will need to prepare if you plan to reroll is your phone or an emulator. While the game has a PC client available and the Guest Account feature is there, the only way to reset it is by reinstalling the whole game. By comparison, when using an emulator, you can abuse the master instance trick to quickly restart the process.
Reroll on your phone
While Reverse:1999 has a Guest Account system, it takes 15 days to delete it (via Support) and what's worse, Clearing Cache doesn't remove the Guest Account. We also tried reinstalling the game, rooting the device and none of the less-intrusive methods seem to work. This means that the only option for you to reroll on mobile is using the Salt Method.
The Salt Method abuses a mechanic available in Google Gmail. Here's how it works:
- To use a salted email, you add a +anything between the name and the @gmail portion of your e-mail address when you create an account. For example, if your gmail account name is, a salted e-mail would be
- The string behind the + symbol can be any letters or numbers of any length. Still, to easily keep track of rerolled accounts, we recommend using numbers - so the email you will use to register will look like this Any e-mails sent to a salted e-mail will be redirected to the e-mail without the salt used (and you will receive a code to input in the client to confirm account creation).
If you're super serious about rerolling, we suggest to create a sheet or a txt file where you will track what salted account got what pulls.
Once you're done with rolling, you can simply bind the account using Google or Facebook to avoid using the salt email to login.
Also, for iOS users - we're not sure if reinstalling the game will remove the guest account, but most likely it won't. So you will have to reroll on an Android device, PC or emulator, bind the account and then play on your default device.
Reroll on an emulator
This option is better for those who have a decent PC and can handle multiple instances at once - or just can reroll using a single instance. Since the game is turn-based and reaching the place where you can reroll takes roughly 10 minutes, it's easy to synchronize your instances and not lose your mind while you're doing it.
We suggest using BlueStacks for playing Reverse:1999 as the game works very well on it and allows you to easily reroll to start strong. Also, if you download BlueStacks from our link, you will support the website!
Reroll Method
Time needed: 7/10 minutes per reroll
In this reroll, you will aim to pull one or more 6✦ from the current event banner, rate up banner or, if it’s available, the banner that allows you to choose who you want as the rate up.
Currently, the Beginner Banner “The First Drop of Rain” is not worth pulling on anymore, as it doesn’t share pity with other banners and the three 6✦ characters featured there (Lilya, Eternity, Regulus) have been outclassed by newer units. More on this in the “Who to aim for” section below.
- Whenever possible, skip the story in Tutorial (a Skip button will appear in top right corner). This will save you whole 20 minutes (still, we suggest to play the tutorial at least once for the story and to learn more about the game),
- Clear 1-4 and grab the pre-register rewards from Mail (enough for 11 pulls).
- Pull in one of the featured banners. The goal here is to get either the featured character or lose the 50/50 for one of the staple units, which will give you a guaranteed for the next rate up you wish to pull for.
- If you got who you want, you're done, congrats! If not, it's time to create a new instance and try again.
Who to aim for:
Most events feature characters who are either meta defining or have the current and future patches favoring them. This guarantees a strong head start for a new account, especially since you can power level these new units by using the event shop. If you are unsure about the current banner, check out our “Should you Pull?” guides to see if that character is the right choice for you. Checking the Tier List is also good since our Tier List is updated regularly based on the CN version, so you can feel confident that your investment will last several months.
Another option is to pull on a rate up banner for a past character, or stick with a character from the standard pool who spooked you in the event banner. There are numerous characters on the standard roster who stood the test of time and are excellent investments to guarantee a smooth start to your account.
Tooth Fairy
Healer, Purify, Crit. Supp
Buffer, Debuffer, Purify
An-an Lee
Damage Dealer
Pros & Cons:
- Fits well in any game mode, both against single-target or waves of enemies;
- Self-reliant kit, with some sustain and high burst;
- Able to shut down enemy ultimates by stealing Moxie, making content easier;
- No longer the top carry in the game, now that Reality carries have better Support options;
- Can be AP greedy if you wish to stack her passive fast.
The Gacha

Below you can find the gacha rules, rates, and characters available on the standard pool.
Summoning Rates
- Basic rate of summoning 6 star characters: 1.5%
- Basic rate of summoning 5 star characters: 8.5%
- Basic rate of summoning 4 star characters: 40%
- Basic rate of summoning 3 star characters: 45%
- Basic rate of summoning 2 star characters: 5%.
Every 10 summons guarantees at least 1 4-star or better character. Under this rule, the overall chance of drawing a 6✦ is 2,36%. If you have not obtained any 6✦ character after 60 summons, the rate of summoning a 6✦ character in the next summon will rise from 1.5% to 4%. After that, every summon that doesn’t grant a 6✦ character will increase the rate by 2.5%.
- Every 70 summons guarantees 1 6✦ character.
- After you have obtained a 6✦ character, the rate will be reset to 1.5%.
- On limited and rate up banners, there’s a 50% chance you will get the featured character. If you lose the first 50/50, then the next 6✦ is guaranteed to be the featured character.
- Pity is shared between Limited and Rate Up banners, and it carries over as well.
Duplicate Characters:
- When you obtain the same 6-star character for the 2nd-6th time, the duplicate character will be converted into 1 Artifice of the character and 12 Albums of the Lost every time; starting from the 7th time, the duplicate character will be converted into 28 Albums of the Lost every time.
- When you obtain the same 5-star character for the 2nd-6th time, the duplicate character will be converted into 1 Artifice of the character and 3 Albums of the Lost every time; starting from the 7th time, the duplicate character will be converted into 7 Albums of the Lost every time.
- When you obtain the same 4-star character for the 2nd-6th time, the duplicate character will be converted into 1 Artifice of the character and 8 Tracks of the Lost every time; starting from the 7th time, the duplicate character will be converted into 12 Tracks of the Lost every time.
- When you obtain the same 3-star character for the 2nd-6th time, the duplicate character will be converted into 1 Artifice of the character and 4 Tracks of the Lost every time; starting from the 7th time, the duplicate character will be converted into 7 Tracks of the Lost every time.
- When you obtain the same 2-star character for the 2nd-6th time, the duplicate character will be converted into 1 Artifice of the character and 3 Tracks of the Lost every time; starting from the 7th time, the duplicate character will be converted into 5 Tracks of the Lost every time.