Scavenger Dives (Dive Lvls 46-50) are some of the most difficult dive floors in the game. While the boss fight in Lvls 46 and 47 can still be cleared with a generic PVE team, Lvls 48-50 contain bosses and enemies who are both difficult to kill and have special mechanics.
This guide will explain how to properly clear Lvls 48-50, starting with an explanation of certain Dive mechanics you should be aware of, before introducing two of the most common team comps used for the boss fight.
As a side note, parts of this guide will be explained from a first person perspective of the author (TripBitShooter) to better aid explanations.
Support system
What are supports?
Employees who have been assigned as leaders in their respective ships will become available as support units in battle. In other words, the leaders of other teams can be deployed to help the current team in battle.
These leader support units do not use deployment cost; instead, their deployment is time based. This timer itself is based on how much the units cost.
Order of supports
Supports are made available based on the order of your teams, shown below:

For example, if team 2 is currently in a battle, team 1’s leader support will be made available first, followed by team 3’s, and then finally team 4’s.
However, if a team is defeated in battle (i.e. the ship goes boom), their leader support unit will not be available anymore.
Does the order of your supports matter?
It most definitely does. Different comps will require the usage of different leader support units and orders to best optimise the comp.
Artifacts are items in Dives that can be obtained for special buffs and debuffs. It is important to choose your artifacts carefully, as some will give better benefits to your team than others.
Examples of Good Artifacts (not exhaustive):
- Offense Reactor (Ally Counter ATK +10%)
- Offense Dual Reactor (Ally Ally Counter Ultimate Skill DMG +25%, Skill Haste +10%)
- Charging Cube (Ally Skill Haste +10%)
- HP Cube (Ally HP +15%)
- Resource Cube (Significantly increases Deployment Resource gain +5%)
- Critical Cube (Ally Units CRIT DMG +50%)
There are also different versions of the same artifact. For example, the Critical Cube has another version that only buffs CRIT DMG by 20%, while the Offense Reactor has another version that only buffs Counter ATK by 5%. Variants of the same artifact can appear within the same run, even if you already selected one of them, making it really easy to stack useful buffs.
Save-scumming bug
As of 07/4/2023, you are able to retry any fight in a Dive by full-quitting the game and waiting for 10 minutes before logging back in. This is usually used to retry the boss fight if something goes wrong.
- Saves Dive Permits (these will not be refunded if you quit or fail the Dive)
- Saves the artifacts in the current dive
- No need to fight the prior nodes again
- 10 minutes of your life you are not getting back
- Could possibly be treated as bug abusing and lead to a ban - so do it at your own risk
How do I know if I did it correctly?
If you enter the game after 10 minutes have passed, you will be back at the lobby screen and you can choose to do other things or retry the dive.
If you enter too early, you will be loaded directly back into the Dive, and will continue the fight from the exact time you quit. If this is the case, you will have to quit the game and wait 10 or more minutes.
Hospital Team Comp
This is a team based around using an extremely tanky frontliner (usually an awakened defender) and supporting them with healers (hence the name, “Hospital”).
Generic team comp
This is just a very rough overview of the kind of units you want for the Hospital Team. There are other primary frontliner choices which you can use in place of A.Hilde, and are in general better than her, such as:
Other recommended units
- Extremely high survivability
- Very good AOE damage
- 100% anti-heal on her special skill to prevent bosses from healing
- Ability to summon Spira (when her hp drops below 60%) for emergency tanking and even more debuffs
- High AOE damage (especially due to her anti-mech dmg passive)
- True damage on enhanced attack
- Cheap cost
- Has anti-mech dmg res from her passive for better survivability
- Buff removal and buff locking (cannot gain new buffs) specifically for enemy mechs
- Anti-heal and ASPD debuffs on all enemies, with increased values for mechs.
- The non-boss Rojo is not a mech type, so Rita’s execute does not work on him
- Anti-mech dmg passive go brrrr (fun fact: both her anti-mech dmg and anti-soldier passives work on Rojo, so she gets insane amounts of damage on him assuming she does not die to some random AOE attack).
- Ability to proc Olivie operator
- Can stun the E1 boss and other enemies (except Rojo, who is stun and hitstun immune)
- High survivability
- Good AOE damage
- 15% Max HP dmg on her special is very good at killing non-boss Rojo in Lvl 48 and 50 (Despite her special skill description saying the 15% Max HP dmg is limited to Replacer and CO enemies, this is not true. It affects all units except bosses and ships)
- -90% SPD and skill seal debuffs to defenders within a certain distance
- Def shred on special skill
- Immortality buff on deploy to the 3 frontmost allies can help to stabilise the comp at the start of the fight, before all healers are deployed
- ASPD -100% (capped to -90% in-game) on ult for all enemies except for bosses
- Very high single-target damage
- Can still be used in D50, even though the E1 boss in there will eat all mechs on the field, including your own, periodically to heal itself. Best used with Ministra, for her 100% anti-heal debuff that prevents E1 from healing completely.
Old Admin Rifleman (VERY GOOD CHOICE):
- The best 2-cost dps you can get for fighting defenders.
- Survivability is an issue, so be careful with how you use them.
- Good AOE Damage
- Stuns, hitstuns, and large area CC
- Good survivability due to high stats
- Low cost
- Very tanky
- Tons of debuffs
- Even more anti-heal debuffs
Rosaria (GOOD CHOICE):
- High AOE damage
Awakened Yuna (GOOD CHOICE):
- Hiding behind A. Hilde, she simply will not die
- Hp burn against enemies which are not bosses
- Good AOE damage
Awakened Lee Soo Yeon (VERY GOOD CHOICE)
- Good AOE damage
- Generates her own shields to protect herself
- CC on special skill and large AOE attack on ult
- Gives all non-awakened Ranger Counters immunity to hitstun from special or lower skills and 30% additional skill haste
These units do not have to be on your main team, because they can also be the leader supports on your other teams.
Lake Superior or Gleipnir Armor
Any operator with AOE Damage Res or Ground Damage Res (not mandatory, but HIGHLY recommended). If possible, using Olivie (with Sylvia) or Kim Hana will further ease your run.
Game plan
- Use Awakened Hilde's or Jake’s absurd tankiness to soak up damage,
- Supports will heal A. Hilde so she doesn't die,
- DPS to deal damage and kill things.
Here is an example of a team that can clear Dive 48-50 on auto:

If you are unable to clear on auto, you can still do it on manual. Here are some things you should note per stage while playing on manual:
Strategy for Dive 48 (manual)
There’s really not much to say here. Just be aware of Rojo’s special (which can hit units in the backline) and Chronos Beta’s special (will stun any unit it hits, which is usually just the frontliners). The only thing you really have to pay attention to is how much health your frontliner has.
Here is a video of my Dive 48 run on auto. Use it as reference for the mechanics of the stage:
Strategy for Dive 49 (manual)
The moment the match starts, it is recommended to deploy Awakened Hilde/Jake as far forward as possible. This blocks the enemy Black Tail (the black helicopter) from flying too far forward, as it will immediately target your frontline tank. Allowing it to fly too far forward may allow it to shoot your healers in the backline instead, with Evelyn being particularly vulnerable due to how fast she flies.
For Rojo’s first ult, it is recommended to bait Rojo into ulting backwards using Ingrid or any other tanky unit who can be deployed anywhere on the field. This is because Rojo’s ult causes him to charge forward, and if you do not redirect this, he can end up directly on your healers and kill them all.
If you cannot kill him before his second ult, you should still aim to have him below 2/3hp by then. This will allow you to just redeploy your frontline tank behind him to bait his second ult backwards.
Once again, here is a video of my own run, also on auto. Notice how Rojo’s first ult actually does put him directly on my Harim, but a combination of lucky timing and tons of heals + shields allowed her to survive until Jake could return to tank for the team. Having a second frontliner (like Rearm Orca or Chifuyu) available to tank for the backline after Rojo’s ult is recommended if you choose not to bait it in the opposite direction.
Strategy for Dive 50 (manual)
Dive 50 is similar to Dive 48, except the enemies are now lvl 140, and Chronos Beta is now replaced with Evolved One, who has an actual ult. The most significant difference here is probably the addition of lvl 140 Arachnes to the enemy units, who deal tons of damage.
Dealing with Rojo is the same as Dive 48: Block him with a frontline unit and kill him ASAP. Beware of Evolved One’s enhanced basic attack, which sends a swarm of missiles to the furthest unit within range and deals AOE dmg around. You can see my Claudia die to this in the video shared below.
As for the ult, you have two choices: have your entire team facetank it using shields, or bait it backwards like Dive 49. Both strategies are equally viable here.
After the first ult goes off, the run has probably already stabilised. Just keep an eye on your units and be ready to redeploy those who die (it is pretty normal for healers to die occasionally).
Here is yet another video by yours truly, showing my Dive 50 run on auto. Midway through, my Awakened Jake dies due to (unfortunately) being knocked away from my healers by Evolved One’s ult, but my leader support Rearm Orca was deployed in time to pick up the slack until Awakened Jake was redeployed.
Videos with Alternate Team Comps
Here are two additional videos depicting Hospital Team Comps using Awakened Shiyoon and Rearmed Alex.
Shiyoon is great here due to his ability to counter incoming enemy attacks, while also relying on both his Perfect Eva self buffs and his naturally high tankiness to just eat incoming damage without dying.
The main strength of using Rearmed Alex or Rearmed Kaci is their much lower cost, compared to awakened frontliner options. This allows you throw out your supports and backliners faster, which helps to stabilise the run sooner.
Immortality Team Comp
A team based around two frontliners, Rearm Esterosa and Veronica, who have immortality in their kit. This allows them to tank tons of damage without needing healing, while also being cheap enough to be constantly redeployed.
Team Comp
Karin Wong, Replacer Queen and base Xiao Lin (if you do not have Kestrel Xiao Lin) are other options for snipers. Rearm Esterosa can also be replaced by Veronica, but Veronica is a lot less tanky. Just be aware that the team can only consist of 4 units, so that you always have Ingrid on hand for baiting ults in the opposite direction.
New Ohio (best) / Enterprise / Kamiizumi
Any operator with: +CDMG% (Best) / +ASPD / Anything
- Use Rearm Esterosa/Veronica to tank tons of damage, thanks to their immortality mechanics, and redeploy them before the immortality buff goes away to avoid the death deploy delay. Repeat ad nauseam.
- Snipers deal damage from afar (Important as E1 has an enhanced attack which can reach backline units that are too close).
- Ingrid is used to redirect enemy ults in the wrong direction to protect your snipers.
- Use ship skills to give yourself some breathing room. New Ohio is the best for this as it can delay bosses’ skills.
Alternate Strategy for Dive 49
There exists an alternate strategy for Dive 49, where you place Rearm Esterosa/Veronica alone as far forward as possible, and allow Rojo to use his ult ASAP (do not delay it with Ohio ship skills). After Rojo uses his ult, redeploy Esterosa/Veronica behind him to turn him around, before deploying rangers near your ship to rapidly burst him down.
Linked here is a video run of this alternate strategy. While this was recorded before the Origin update, the video is still valid for demonstrating stage mechanics because they remained the same.
Further Notes
Ministra can be used to block healing. She eventually dies (due to being hit by backline targeting attacks from Evolved One), but the most important thing is that she prevents the boss from healing, which significantly decreases runtime.
Linked below is a video by Fwuq, who shows how he used Rearm Esterosa + Snipers + Ministra to clear Dive 50 effectively.
In addition, notice how on Evolved One’s first ult, the ult animation started facing Fwuq’s ship, but his snipers did not die. This is because where the ult hits is not determined by which direction Evolved One is facing when it starts, but is instead determined by a red targeting marker (you can see the red marker on his Ingrid).
Closing Remarks
The original version of this guide was not written by me; I only wrote the Hospital Team Comp section. I was not even an official Prydwen team member back then. As of the most recent update of this guide (07/4/2023), that was more than a year ago. How time flies...
However, I now remain the only person maintaining the guide, with many of the sections having undergone significant rewrites under my supervision. This guide is also really close to my heart, as it was the first thing I ever contributed to Prydwen.
If you are having trouble clearing Dive lvls 48-50, I hope this guide was able to help you. Do remember to take your time, especially if you are a newer player and do not have gears good enough to clear the Dives.
That will be all from me. See you in another guide!