Kaiser [Ruler]

Kaiser [Ruler]

SSR+ rarity

ADV (Rev 3)


ADV (Rev 6)


Personal information
Kaiser [Ruler]
The Fragment of a Broken Mask
Combat information
Release information
Release date
June 19th, 2024


At Lv. 5
Aiki: Fenryl
Special Move

Kaiser deals 600% of her ATK as DMG to the enemy with Reel Manipulation and Locks them for 3s.

She then sends Fenryl to attack the enemy to deal 1,000% of her ATK as additional DMG. A powerful spell has been cast on Fenryl’s fangs and its attacks always result in Critical Hits and decrease the target’s Basic Attack Resistance by 20% until the end of the battle. (Max: 5 Stacks). Kaiser becomes immune to status effects while using this skill.

Tying Twenty Threads

Kaiser launches needles at the enemy to deal 150% of her ATK as DMG 10 times. Her Swiftness increases by 10 and basic attack Pierce by 4% for 10s for every needle that lands.

Armor Inventory

Kaiser summons her Armor Inventory and creates a barrier for 3s that blocks enemy skills 5 times. If there are enemies nearby, she shoves them back with her Armor Inventory to deal 200% of her ATK as DMG and Knocks them Back for 3s.

Kaiser counters to deal 100% of her ATK as DMG every time a skill barrier is broken, Stunning the target for 2s and decreasing their ATK by 80% for 5s.

Master of the Silver Wolf

Kaiser applies a Mark of the Wolf to enemies hit by her attacks. (Max 1 enemy). Whenever she deals DMG to the target 5 times, Fenryl appears and deals 400% of her ATK as DMG and makes them Bleed for 5s to deal 100% of her ATK as DMG every second.

Fenryl then applies a Spirit of the Grey Wolf on Kaiser for 10s (Max: 4 Stacks, cannot be removed) Kaiser’s Physical Pierce increases by 20% and her basic attacks produce 1 more projectile for every Spirit of the Grey Wolf stack.

Exclusive Equipment

At Lv. 4
Wolf Armor Inventory
HP: 20.5%ATK: 28.7%DEF: 24.6%
  • Lv. 1 Armor Inventory is enhanced, increasing the barriers duration by 5s.
  • Lv. 2 Kaiser removes all debuffs from herself when gaining a wolf spirit after using the Master of the Silver Wolf.
  • Lv. 3 Kaiser recovers her HP by 50% of the DMG dealt using Aiki: Fenryll.
  • Lv. 4 Kaiser's ATK SPD increases by 20 for 8s when gaining a wolf spirit after using the Master of the Silver Wolf.
