Every patch, you can only purchase the Battle Pass and obtain 1 Light Cone once so the choice is pretty important since it will also take around 5 months for reach max Superimposition on the Light Cones. Out of all the Light Cones, there are only 2 that are worth getting, with 2 of them being for DPS units following the Path of Erudition and Remembrance. It is recommended to first obtain 1 copy of these if you plan on using Erudition/Remembrance characters without their signature Light Cone.
Which Light Cone to pick?

Today Is Another Peaceful Day
Rarity: 4★
Path: Erudition
After entering battle, increases the wearer's DMG based on their Max Energy. DMG increases by 0.2/0.25/0.3/0.35/0.4% per point of Energy, up to 160 Energy.

Sweat Now, Cry Less
Rarity: 4★
Path: Remembrance
Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 12/14/16/18/20%. When the wearer's memosprite is on the field, increases the wearer and their memosprite's DMG dealt by 24/27/30/33/36%.

From the eight available Light Cones, 2 of them are worth picking up if you plan on using characters following these Paths:
- Today Is Another Peaceful Day (Erudition) - this Light Cone is one of the strongest in the Erudition category, so if you use the characters from this path, you will for sure not regret picking it.
- Sweat Now, Cry Less (Remembrance) - Also the strongest Light Cone for DPS Remembrance characters after their Signature Light Cones.
- Sweat Now, Cry Less is an excellent Light Cone for DPS units thanks to its high base stats and strong permanent buffs, only requiring the wearer’s memosprites to be on the field. Currently, it stands to be the second best Light Cone at max Superimposition for Remembrance DPS after their Signature Light Cone since there aren’t that many Light Cones available, but things can change after more Remembrance Light Cones are released. Keep in mind that the Remembrance path contains all types of units so long as they have memosprites, we may get DoT or Break oriented characters that this Light Cone’s effect may not work with.