What are Collection Items?
Also known as Dolls, or Collectibles. Collection Items are the newest power system in Nikke and you equip these items to your Nikkes. These are specific types of Commander's Dolls (basically Dolls that look like the commander), the names of which are distinct depending on what weapon type can equip them. When equipped, that Nikke will gain direct stats (HP - ATK - Def), multitude of buffs (Def up, Damage reduction, Cover's HP up) and a slight buff to their weapons. For example, Sniper Rifles will gain some bonus Charge Damage.
How do Collection Items benefit me?
Effects of Collection items are increase based on the Phase of the doll. There are 15 phases in total, and 2 Rarities: R and SR, with SR Collection Item having a stronger effect than R version.
There are total 6 types of Collection items, two each (SR and R version) for the 6 different types of Weapons in Nikke. A Nikke can only equip doll with corresponding weapon type, for example, Laplace, a Rocket Launcher can only be equipped with Rocket Launcher doll and not Assault Rifle doll.
All dolls with same Rarity will have same stats and normal buffs. All dolls with same Phase will have same stats and normal buffs (stats include Phase 0 ~ Phase 15, and SR rarity version beside).
Base Stats | R doll | SR doll |
HP | 19400 ~ 147250 | 94000 ~ 301800 |
DEF | 128 ~ 1002 | 638 ~ 2058 |
ATK | 638 ~ 4736 | 3029 ~ 9688 |
DEF ▲ buff | 25% ~ 32% | 30% ~ 37% |
The only difference between them is Weapon buff, which are as follows (stats include Phase 0 ~ Phase 15).
Weapon Type | Buff | R doll | SR doll |
SG | Increase weapon modifier | 1.57% ~ 6.3% | 4.74% ~ 9.47% |
RL | Increase weapon modifier | 1.58% ~ 6.31% | 4.73% ~ 9.46% |
SR | Increase weapon modifier | 1.58% ~ 6.31% | 4.73% ~ 9.46% |
SMG | Increase weapon modifier | 1.57% ~ 6.3% | 4.74% ~ 9.47% |
AR | Increase core damage | 5.67% ~ 12.49% | 10.22% ~ 17.04% |
MG | Increase Max Ammo | 1.56% ~ 6.32% | 4.74% ~ 9.5% |
Specially, SR Collections (Dolls) will have additional buffs:
And on top of all these buffs above, Collection Items (Doll) will also increase the Nikke's COMBAT POWER value. For example, if a lv 395 Nikke, equipped a R rarity doll may increase her CP by around 4000 CP!
You want to fill your Campaign/Tower/PVP Nikkes with as many as Collections (dolls) as possible for CP Padding at least.
How to get Collection Item?
There are currently 2 ways to Obtain Collection Item:
- Daily Dispatch
- Monthly Solo Raid.
Everyday, you can go to Outpost → Bulletin Board, where you can 'Dispatch' your Nikkes to gain some rewards. Depend on your Tactics Academy's level, you will be able to access special Dispatch missions, which give Collection Items related items.

We suggest researching those levels as soon as possible, although they cost a HUGE amount of Credit.
You can have maximum 4 (+1) Special Dispatch missions per day, with 3 types of rewards:
- Maintenance Kit - which are essentially materials used to upgrade a doll's phase/level. We will explain further in section below.
- Collection Mileage Box.
- This is the +1 mission. A special Dispatch (on top of the other 4) will give you 3 selected Favorite Maintenance Kits.
Collection Mileage Boxes can be thought of as very similar to Manufacturer Arms. After collecting 200 of them, we can use the box to obtain 1 random Doll among 6 types of weapons (equal chance of each of them dropping). Well, 80% chance is that the doll will be R version, with only 20% chance to be SR version.
PS. You can reroll Dispatch missions in hope for better reward. We will have a dedicated guide for that strategy soon.
Solo Raid

Every month, Nikke will has an event named Solo Raid. When you clear all levels for the first time, you will receive in total:
- 6 random R dolls (random weapon type).
- 2 random SR dolls.
- 1 SR doll Selector (yes you can choose whichever weapon doll you want).
- 30 Random Favorite Maintenance Items (Explained later on Favorite Item Section).
Clearing Solo Raid stages also gives you Maintenance Kits. If you do all 3 tries of Solo Raid everyday (excluding any challenge mode attempts), in total you will get 12× Maintenance Kit Box (which only give R and SR Kits), and 17× Maintenance Kit Box II (which also have a chance of dropping SSR variant of M.Kits).
How to maintain / level up Collection Items?
Now assuming we have some dolls. How can we increase your Nikke's combat power?

Click here to start equipping your Collection on Nikke.

Turns out you will still need to click the + symbol, again.

Now you can choose to equip a R or SR version of Collection on your Nikke. Note that once you equip a doll to a Nikke, you won't be able to remove that doll anymore.
You can REPLACE the doll from R version to SR version, but you will lose the R doll!

Once you equip your doll, you can check stats and all bonuses to your Nikke. Notice you can "CHANGE" and "MAINTAIN" here.
- Change: Only available if your doll is R version. Changing to SR version will carry all exp gained from R version.
- Maintain: Spending Maintenance Kit to increase your Collection's exp.

A doll has 15 phases, with exp required to level up each phase differently. Normally, you will spend Maintenance Kits to grind those exp slowly, moving from each phase to higher. But different kit rarities have different chances to move your doll immediately to Phase 5, Phase 10, or Phase 15.
Keep in mind, you can go from Phase 3 → Phase 5, but not Phase 3 → Phase 10. For example, in the pic above, there's 17.6% chance when you maintain this doll using Blue version, it will GO STRAIGHT TO PHASE 5 instead of filling the exp bar of phase 1.
There is actually a strategy to use Maintenance kits depend on each phase and rarity, stay tune for our guide!
What are Favorite Items?
These are also known as Treasures. Now let's say, you levelled up your SR rarity doll to Phase 15. It MUST BE an SR rarity version doll, and it happened to be equipped on a specific Nikke, which for now you only have 4 choices for:
Important Note: You need Bond lvl 30 to unlock favorite items for these units. This means you need Limit Break 2 (2 dupes/stars) on these units to unlock their treasures. If a unit does not have LB2, there is no point in upgrading these units.

Then congratulations, you have unlocked the Favorite Item for that Nikke! These are a stronger version of Collection Item. A Favorite Item has 3 Phases.
- Phase 1: Unlock once you increase SR rarity Collection to Phase 15, and do some small missions that vary between characters.
- Phase 2: You must use exactly 50 character-specified Favorite Item Maintenance Kits to upgrade.
- Phase 3: Same as Phase 2 but the cost ramps up to 110 Favourite Item Maintenance Kits.

Each character has different Favorite Item Maintenance Kits.
- Diesel's is a Train Track Set
- Exia's are AA Batteries
- Laplace's is a Super Ultrafine Fiber Cleaner
- Frima's is a UV Vacumn Cleaner
What do Favorite Items do?
Favorite Items have the exact same stats as SR rarity Collection Phase 15, but they also modify the Skills of that Nikke with each phase.

Since each Nikke is changed differently with this Favorite system, you can go to Nikkepedia → Favorite Item → Click each Favorite Item to see how it changes the Nikke. We will release a review of 4 Nikkes with Favorite Items soon, don't miss them!