Bond System

The Bond system is one of the ways to make your characters stronger and earn some additional Gems. To enter the Bond screen, either head to the Outpost and enter the Command Center - inside you will find the Advise option. Alternatively, you can directly access the screen from your Characters screen by tapping the Advise button in the top-right corner.

Then you will see this screen:


All the characters you own will be listed here and once you tap on one of them, another screen will open:


On this screen, you can either play the Advise mini-game where you need to answer a question and if you got it right, you will get 120 bond rank points, but if you get it wrong, you will only get 100. We are currently working on creating a list of the right answers, but for now you can use this guide prepared by our friends from Japan (need to use Google Chrome auto-translate):

Advise Answers (JPN)

Here's another page that has the answers in English, but it only has the base characters released:

Advise Answers (ENG)

Alternatively, you can give Gifts to your characters and this will instantly increase their Bond Level:


Bond Ranks

As we previously mentioned, the Bond system will make your characters stronger by giving them additional stats (HP, ATK and DEF) based on the Rank you've achieved. The stat bonus depends on the type of the character and is different for Attackers, Defenders and Supporters.

Also, do keep in mind that initially the max rank you can achieve is 10 and you need to Limit Break the character to increase the limit - with the maximum level being 40 once you MLB a character (so you need the initial copy + 3 dupes). Only Pilgrims can reach the level 40 bond though - the other manufacturers are capped at level 30.

The table below will show how much stats you gain on each rank and how much points you need to obtain it.

Bond LevelReq. PointsAttacker HPAttacker ATKAttacker DEFDefender HPDefender ATKDefender DEFSupporter HPSupporter ATKSupporter DEF
33201 49066101 82244121 6565511
43302 425108162 96372202 6949018
53403 425152234 186102283 80512725
63504 476199305 470133364 97316633
73605 571247376 809165456 19020641
83706 702298458 192198557 44724850
93807 868349529 616233648 74229158
103909 0624036011 0762697410 06933667
1140010 2834576812 5693058411 42638176
1242011 5295127714 0913429412 81042785
1343012 7985698615 64237910514 22047495
1444014 0886269417 21841811415 653522104
1545015 39868410318 82045612517 109570114
1647016 72774411220 44549613618 586620124
1748018 07580312122 09153514720 083669134
1850019 43886413023 75857615821 598720144
1951020 81992513925 44561716923 132771154
2053022 21498814927 15065818224 682823165
2154023 6241 05015828 87470019326 249875175
2256025 0491 11416730 61574220527 832928186
2358026 4871 17717632 37378521629 430981196
2459027 9381 24218634 14682822831 0421 035207
2561029 4021 30719635 93687124032 6691 089218
2663030 8781 37320637 74091525234 3091 144229
2765032 3661 43921639 55895926435 9621 199240
2867033 8651 50522641 3911 00327637 6281 254251
2969035 3761 57223643 2381 04828839 3071 310262
3071036 8971 64024645 0971 09430040 9971 367273
3173038 4301 70825746 9701 13831442 7001 423285
3275039 9721 77626648 8541 18432644 4131 480296
3377041 5241 84627750 7521 23033946 1381 538308
3480043 0861 91528752 6601 27735147 8731 596319
3582044 6581 98529854 5821 32336449 6201 654331
3684046 2382 05630956 5141 37037751 3761 713343
3787047 8282 12531958 4561 41738953 1421 771354
3890049 4272 19732960 4111 46540354 9191 831366
3992051 0352 26834062 3761 51241656 7051 890378
4095052 6502 34035164 3501 56042958 5001 950390