Game modes

AFK Journey even on its release has a ton of various gamemodes available. In this guide we will only list them all without going into too much details, but soon we will release detailed guides for each!
Game modes list
The section below gives a brief overview of the mode and the moment you unlock it.

World Map
Instead of jumping from stage to stage like in AFK Arena, the main story progression has been replaced by an open world experience. You can roam around it while doing quests, kill enemies, find treasure, gather materials, solve puzzles etc!
The world is still split into areas and chapters and you have to finish the quests within each area to progress further.
Unlocks: Default

AFK Stages
AFK Stages are basically battles against ever-increasing in power enemies. To unlock most of the other modes or game functionalities you have to reach certain stages in this mode first.
The stage you've reached affects your 'idle' rewards, so always try to progress here as deep as you can. Thankfully, this mode has an auto-challenge feature available which allows you to automatically challenge the next stage after beating the current one - so you don't have to sit and and constantly press next button for hours if your team is strong enough.
The current max level stage you can reach on PTR is stage 1125 and by default you have gather the afk loot every 12h (but this can be increased using the achievement system).
Unlocks: Tutorial

Dream Realm
Dream Realm is a boss rush mode where you compete against every player on your server in who will deal the most damage to it.
- There are 4 bosses in total and they change every day,
- The more damage you do the boss, the better your score and the better the rewards you will obtain at the end of the day,
- Each boss has 6 available difficulties and once you kill him in one, you will advance to the next which makes the fight harder, but also gives you more points/better rewards,
- For killing each boss for the first time on any of the available difficulties you will obtain Invite Letters
- When a boss comes back in the next cycle, you will instantly start at the highest difficulty you've reached - so you don't have to waste time on killing him again on the lower ones.
Unlocks: AFK Stage 16

Honor Duel
Honor Duel is a fair play PVP mode where you can challenge other players and fight on even ground - you're not using your heroes, but the ones given to you by the game via a mode-specific card/shop system.
While building your team you have to focus on synergies between heroes and who counters who. As here both sides have to 'place' the heroes on the battlefield in waves, so you can see what your enemy is planning and try to counter him - but watch out as he can do the same so don't be too fast with showing your strong hand.
The mode has a weekly reward track that gives you rewards for achieving wins.
Unlocks: AFK Stage 16

The Arena is another PVP mode, but here you use your own roster of heroes and fight against defense teams setup by other players.
For winning a fight you receive rank points and lose them by losing a fight. As you gain points, you will progress through the League system, starting from Novice and ending on Champion. The higher your league, the bigger daily and weekly rewards you will receive.
The battles are a team vs team - there's no 3vs3 PVP yet in the game.
Unlocks: AFK Stage 20

Arcane Labyrinth
The good old Labyrinth makes a comeback in AFK Journey but as with the rest of the game, they added some improvements to this mode too.
The gameplay itself also has slightly changed as now you enter a room and select one of two other rooms - each will give you a different reward for beating the enemy hiding inside.
Unlocks: AFK Stage 100

Battle Drills
Battle Drills is a competitive available only to Guilds that is very similar to the Abyssal Expedition though on a much smaller and more manageable scale.
The goal of this mode is the progress through the monster-infested map by killing scouts, camps and then bosses. You can gather various buffs for conquering strongholds that will make your heroes stronger, making it easier to push deeper into the enemy territory.
Coordination is important if you want to achieve the highest rankings!
Unlocks: AFK Stage 121

Legend Trial
Legend Trial is basically renamed Factional Tower system known from AFK Arena.
Different Trials are opened based on the day of the week and you can obtain Acorns, Essence and materials needed to Ascend Artifacts from here.
Unlocks: AFK Stage 166

Primal Lord
Primal Lords are boss monsters that spawn on the map and the whole server has to work together to defeat them. The faster you manage to do that, the better rewards everyone will obtain. This is a cyclical event so various Primal Bosses will spawn from time to time on the map.
Unlocks: cyclical event

Trial of Abyss
Trial of Abyss unlocks once you finish the initial story campaign and clear all 1125 AFK Stages, but also the server needs to be at least 18 days old. The mode is basically a dungeon you have to climb down and beat a team guarding each floor.
Here you will encounter teams featuring multiple

Unlocks: AFK Stage 1125