Snow Stomper


Snow Stomper is one of the 8 available Dream Realm bosses you will encounter in AFK Journey. In this guide we will go over the boss mechanics and the best characters and teams to use against him.

What’s the meta team?

Realistically speaking, your meta team will depend on your specific box, and your account focus, so use your highest rarity DPS carry characters, along with whoever can best boost their damage. Try running Dual carry, as currently there is no way to boost a Hypercarry’s damage high enough to make it worth running only one. Keep faction bonus in mind but don’t run suboptimal characters just to force it.

Still, below you can find a few example teams. Big thanks to

AFK Analytica
AFK Analytica for the team building tool. You can find their website here and their discord here.

Season 3 Teams

Team #1 - Best Team (Whale)

Credits to 叫我波妮大人.

Character information:

Team #2 - Alt Team (Reinier)

Credits to C0ffe3.

Character information:

Team #3 - No Celehypo

Credits to 梅林大人.

Character information:

Boss Mechanics

The boss will start by attacking the closest character with a melee attack or ranged attack and then switch to melee attacks, pausing to use his AOE Breath attack from time to time. 10s into the battle, Snow Stomper summons a Blizzard that lasts for 20s, after which there will be a 10s cooldown before he casts it again, repeating this process 3 times over the course of the fight.

After summoning the Blizzard, Snow Stomper freezes the unit with the highest accumulated damage, dealing damage over time until the snowman is destroyed. Sometimes, the boss will also attack the healthiest character, knocking them down and interrupting their actions for 1s.

This stage does feature skill channeling interruption, so

Smokey & Meerky gets very little uptime and we are forced to seek alternate ways of healing our team while maintaining offensive buffs.

Characters who have any kind of like drain are advantageous, though at Supreme+ you can get away with simply running top dps carries such as

Marilee by themselves, relying on
to give them just a little bit of extra survivability as their health slowly decreases over the course of the fight, resetting the fight if someone happens to die early.

Action Summary

Snow Stomper takes about 32 actions in the span of 90 seconds (the full length of the battle - if you survive through all of it that is). Here's a list of all possible actions:

  • Melee attack,
  • Ranged attack / Bleeding Ranged attack,
  • AOE Breath attack (6x),
  • Knockdown attack (4x),
  • Snowman freeze attack (5x),
  • AOE blizzard cast (3x).