Lone Gaze


Lone Gaze is one of the 8 available Dream Realm bosses you will encounter in AFK Journey. In this guide we will go over the boss mechanics and the best characters and teams to use against him.

What’s the meta team?

Realistically speaking, your meta team will depend on your specific box, and your account focus, so use your highest rarity DPS carry characters, along with whoever can best boost their damage. Keep faction bonus in mind but don’t run suboptimal characters just to force it.

Still, below you can find a few example teams. Big thanks to

AFK Analytica
AFK Analytica for the team building tool. You can find their website here and their discord here.

Season 3 Teams

Team #1 - Best Team (Whale - HIGH RNG)

Credits to Yoshi / Pokemon (Analytica).

Character information:

Team #2 - Alt Team (Twins - HIGH RNG)

Credits to 若隐寒星Frosty (Yaphalla).

Character information:

Boss Mechanics

The Dream Realm version of the Lone Gaze is basically a copy of the fight we know from the Primal Lord event. Here are the boss skills:

  • Ultimate - Every 10, 40 and 70 seconds a mist will descend on the battlefield. It will shroud the Wolf King, allowing him to summon wolf packs to attack mist-covered enemies. The Wolf King has a chance to dodge attacks within the mist,
  • Skill 1 - Charges towards the farthest target and strikes. Summons spectral wolves to attack the farthest target when the mist exists.
  • Skill 2 - Deals damage twice to the targets within a 1-tile arc. Then deals damage to the enemies within 1 tile and inflicts an interruption effect.
  • Passive - Gains stats boost when defeating a non-summoned enemy.

Tips and tricks

  • Use a Healer and a Shielder. The damage the boss outputs is the highest and most consistent of all bosses - especially the phantom wolves that are summoned periodically. You need to ensure that the team is not only as close to full HP as possible, but you also need to bring a source of Shields to further increase the eHP of the team. And if someone from your team dies, the fight will snowball in the favor of the boss due to his passive.
  • Consider using damage dealers who can keep themselves alive and provide additional utility to the team.
  • The fight is very RNG heavy. The phantom wolves can one-shot one of your supports at anytime, instantly wiping your team. So if your team doesn't perform too well, give it a few tries before giving up or looking for a different formation.


For more team idea, check this video: