To learn more about Andoris check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
To learn more about Andoris check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Build and teams
The stats shown below are the base stats + the stats gained from Neural Helix. Other sources that affect them aren't included.
Andoris skills were translated by us, because they aren't available in the Global server yet. If you spot any mistakes, please let us know!
Test Fire Practice
Targeted | Medium Ammo
Range: 7
AoE: Target
Cooldown: 0
Stability damage: 4
Select 1 enemy target within 7 tiles and deal 80% of your attack power as Physical damage.
This skill has no special effects or they haven't been added yet.
This skill has no upgrades.
Tender Offensive
Range: 3
AoE: Target
Confectance Cons.: 3
Stability damage: -
Select one empty tile within 3 tiles and summon a Self-Patrolling Turret. Up to 2 turrets can exist at once. If the number of turrets exceeds 2, the oldest turret on the field will be automatically destroyed. When a turret is destroyed, gain 1 point of Confectance Index.
This ability can be used again after activation.
Self-Patrolling Turret: Summoned unit. Inherits 50% of Andoris' initial HP, 50% of initial Attack Power, and 100% of initial Defense. Cannot move. Has the ability to apply Negative Charge.
Negative Charge: When taking Targeted Electric Damage, all targets with Negative Charge take additional fixed damage equal to 30% of the original damage. If Negative Charge is applied again, they take an additional fixed damage equal to 3% of the applier’s attack power. Taking an attack from a unit with Positive Charge increases Electric Damage taken. Electric-type debuff.
Positive Charge: At the end of the turn, restores 20% of max HP. If there is another ally with Positive Charge within 3 tiles, restores an additional 15% of max HP. When attacking an enemy with Negative Charge, Electric Damage dealt is increased by 35%. This effect can trigger up to 3 times per turn per Positive Charge holder. Electric-type buff.
Extra Command: Commands other than movement can be executed.
Fortification Segment 1 (V1): Increase the summon range of the Self-Patrolling Turret by 3 tiles. Increase the Self-Patrolling Turret's attack range by 1 tile.
Malfunction Mimic is added, increasing your Electric damage by 30%.
The turret gains the passive ability Momentum Support: before the target within range of the turret receives Electric Targeted damage from a friendly unit's active attack, provide action support, dealing 100% of your attack power as Electric damage and 1 point of Stability Damage, and applying Negative Charge for 2 turns.
Fortification Segment 6 (V6): Increase the maximum number of Self-Patrolling Turrets from 2 to 3. The Confectance Index cost to release a turret is reduced by 1 point. New effect: For each turret on the field, all friendly humanoid units' Electric damage increases by 10%.
The effect of being able to use this ability again is enhanced to include Extra Command after activation.
Simplified Decision
Targeted, Debuff | Medium Ammo, Electric
Range: 7
AoE: Target
Cooldown: 0
Stability damage: 3
Select one enemy target within 7 tiles, apply Electrocharge for 2 turns, and deal 110% of your attack power as Electric damage.
Electrocharge: When hit by Targeted Electric Attacks, increases Stability Damage taken by 1 point. The attacker recovers 20% of the damage dealt as HP. Electric-type debuff cannot be dispelled.
Fortification Segment 5 (V5): New effect for Electrocharge: When a target with Electrocharge ends their turn, apply Electrocharge to all friendly units within a radius of 3 tiles that do not already have it, lasting 2 turns. When receiving Electric damage, the target receives 15% more damage.
Reinforced Program
Defense, Buff
Range: Self
AoE: Map
Cooldown: 2
Stability damage: -
Restore 8 points of Stability Index. Apply 2 stacks of Cover and Positive Charge for 3 turns to all friendly humanoid units. Gain Reinforced Posture, lasting 2 full rounds.
Cover: Provides Stability Protection, reducing Stability Damage taken by 2. Each hit of Stability Damage consumes 1 stack. Can stack up to 3 times.
Positive Charge: At the end of the turn, restores 20% of max HP. If there is another ally with Positive Charge within 3 tiles, restores an additional 15% of max HP. When attacking an enemy with Negative Charge, Electric Damage dealt is increased by 35%. This effect can trigger up to 3 times per turn per Positive Charge holder. Electric-type buff.
Negative Charge: When taking Targeted Electric Damage, all targets with Negative Charge take additional fixed damage equal to 30% of the original damage. If Negative Charge is applied again, they take an additional fixed damage equal to 3% of the applier’s attack power. Taking an attack from a unit with Positive Charge increases Electric Damage taken. Electric-type debuff.
Reinforced Posture: No longer benefits from Cover Protection. Reduces all damage taken by 20% and Stability Damage taken by 2 points. If the attacker has a Electric-type debuff, further reduces damage taken by 15%. Cannot be dispelled.
Movement Up II: Increases movement by 2 tiles. Buff effect.
Damage Up II: Increase damage dealt by 20%. Considered a buff.
Fortification Segment 2 (V2): Enhanced effect: Fully restore your Stability Index, heal 20% of your max HP, and dispel all your debuff effects. When Andoris is on the field, apply Movement Up II and Damage Up II to all friendly humanoid units with Positive Charge.
Delayed Response
Allied Buff, Buff
Range: Self
AoE: Target
Cooldown: 0
Stability damage: -
At the start of battle, gain Self Repair, which becomes effective 3 turns after activation.
When a friendly unit with Positive Charge takes damage, share 45% of the raw damage with them. When performing an active attack on an enemy with Negative Charge, restore 20% of your max HP.
When receiving damage, restore 5% of your max HP and gain 1 point of Confectance Index. Apply 1 stack of Dullness to yourself and all Self-Patrolling Turrets. If you are not under the protection of Cover, consume 1 point of Stability Index to reduce damage taken by 20%.
Self-Repair: When taking lethal damage, does not die, cleanses all debuffs, and recovers 30% of max HP and 5 Stability Index. Triggers once. Cannot be dispelled.
Positive Charge: At the end of the turn, restores 20% of max HP. If there is another ally with Positive Charge within 3 tiles, restores an additional 15% of max HP. When attacking an enemy with Negative Charge, Electric Damage dealt is increased by 35%. This effect can trigger up to 3 times per turn per Positive Charge holder. Electric-type buff.
Negative Charge: When taking Targeted Electric Damage, all targets with Negative Charge take additional fixed damage equal to 30% of the original damage. If Negative Charge is applied again, they take an additional fixed damage equal to 3% of the applier’s attack power. Taking an attack from a unit with Positive Charge increases Electric Damage taken. Electric-type debuff.
Raw Damage: Damage before shield mitigation and cover reduction.
Dullness: Defense increases by 10% per stack, up to 5 stacks. Buff cannot be dispelled.
Self-Patrolling Turret: Summoned unit. Inherits 50% of Andoris' initial HP, 50% of initial Attack Power, and 100% of initial Defense. Cannot move. Has the ability to apply Negative Charge.
Cover: Provides Stability Protection, reducing Stability Damage taken by 2. Each hit of Stability Damage consumes 1 stack. Can stack up to 3 times.
Fortification Segment 3 (V3): New effect: Reduce the Stability Damage taken by 1 point.
At the start of the battle, increase the attack power of yourself and the Self-Patrolling Turrets. The increase is equal to 30% of Andoris's initial defense. When the turret takes damage, it applies 1 stack of Dullness to both you and Andoris.
Dullness effect modified: increases defense by a coefficient of 10%, and the maximum stacks of Dullness increase by 3 stacks.
Fortification Segment 4 (V4): At the start of battle, increase your Stability Index cap by 6 points.
Self Repair effect modified: When receiving fatal damage, restore 60% of your max HP, restore all Stability Index, and gain Reinforced Posture, lasting for 2 full rounds.
Neural Helix
Fixed Keys:
02-01 - Side-Ear Listening: At the start of the battle, gain 3 points of Confectance Index.
02-03 - Slow Circuit: When dealing Electric damage, if the target is in Stability Collapse and has Electrocharge, deal additional fixed damage equal to 10% of your attack power.
04-01 - Meticulous Work: When Andoris applies Positive Charge to a friendly unit, dispel 2 debuffs from that unit and all Self-Patrolling Turrets.
04-03 - Tuned Connection: When Andoris is on the field, if a friendly unit with Positive Charge ends their turn and there are other friendly units with Positive Charge within a radius of 3 tiles, gain 1 stack of Cover.
06-01 - Information Sharing: At the start of battle, apply Positive Charge to all friendly humanoid units, lasting 3 turns.
06-03 - Pre-Scouting: At the start of battle, apply Electrocharge to the enemy unit with the highest max HP, lasting 2 turns.
Common Key Emotional Magnetic Field: At the start of each round, for each Electric debuff on the field, increase your damage dealt by 5%, up to a maximum of 10%, lasting until the end of the round.
Rarity: SSR
Type: Assault Rifle
Source: Rate-up Gacha
When taking damage, reduces damage by 2% per Electric debuff on the attacker, up to a maximum of 6%.
Increases Electric damage dealt by all allies by 10%. At the end of the turn, restores 5% of your max HP. If you have positive charge, increases Electric damage dealt by yourself and summoned units by 20/24/28/32/36/40%.
Andoris images aren't available yet. They will be added soon!
For all tier lists, SSR characters are rated at V0 (no dupes) and SR characters are rated at V6 (max dupes).
Generic (GBL)
Bossing (GBL)
Generic (CN)
Bossing (CN)
Andoris introduction isn't available yet. It will be added soon!
Andoris pros & cons aren't available yet. They will be added when the character is released.
Build and teams
Andoris best Keys builds information isn't available yet. It will be added soon!
Andoris best Attachment sets information isn't available yet. It will be added soon!
Andoris best weapons tips aren't available yet. They will be added soon.
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