To learn more about Bell Cranel check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
To learn more about Bell Cranel check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Review and ratings
Other information
Basic attack
Valid hits: 2
Cooldown: -
Swings The Hestia Knife and The Hakugen, inflicting AoE damage to enemies in front.
Level 2: Basic attack DMG +3%
Level 3: Basic attack DMG +3%
Level 4: Basic attack DMG +3%
Level 5: Basic attack DMG +3%
Level 6: Basic attack DMG +2%
Level 7: Basic attack DMG +2%
Level 8: Basic attack DMG +2%
Level 9: Basic attack DMG +2%
Level 10: Basic attack DMG +5%
Admiration Toward Her
Valid hits: -
Cooldown: -
The desire to reach his admiration becomes a driving force for rapid growth. Adds 1 additional [Admiration] stack to self for every 4 basic attacks. [Admiration] : ASPD and EVA increase by 1 % per stack (Up to 50 stacks, cannot be canceled) Redeployment will reset the buff stacks.
Level 2: ATK +2%
Level 3: ATK +2%
Level 4: ATK +3%
Level 5: [Admiration] stacks for every 3 basic attacks instead
Level 6: ATK +2%
Level 7: ATK +2%
Level 8: ATK +2%
Level 9: ATK +3%
Level 10: Upon [Admiration] stacks, ATK +20% for 5s
Fire Bolt
Valid hits: 3
Cooldown: 22 seconds
Fires a Fire Bolt, inflicting AoE damage in front. Becomes immune to Hitstun from Special or lower skills for 8 seconds after casting skill. If [Admiration] is 20 stacks or above, DEF Penetration +50% is applied while casting skill.
Level 2: DMG +3%
Level 3: DMG +3%
Level 4: DMG +9%
Level 5: Cooldown -4s
Level 6: DMG +3%
Level 7: DMG +3%
Level 8: DMG +3%
Level 9: DMG +6%
Level 10: Upon 20 [Admiration] stacks, applies Sure Fire to Special Skill
Argo Vesta
Valid hits: 4
Cooldown: 45 seconds
Fires dual charged mana slashes using Argonaut, dealing AoE damage as well as removing barriers.
Level 2: DMG +3%
Level 3: DMG +3%
Level 4: DMG +9%
Level 5: Based on HP loss, ATK up to +50% while casting Ultimate Skill
Level 6: DMG +3%
Level 7: DMG +3%
Level 8: DMG +3%
Level 9: DMG +6%
Level 10: Grants 20 [Admiration] stacks to self and resets Special Skill cooldown when casting Ultimate Skill
Rabbit's Foot
Valid hits: -
Cooldown: -
With quick, rabbit-like movements, he earned the second name "Rabbit's Foot". Upon Bell Cranel's deployment, adds 10 [Admiration] stacks to self.
Level 2: HP +5%
Level 3: HP +5%
Level 4: HP +10%
Level 5: Upon deployment, adds 20 [Admiration] stacks to self instead
Bell Cranel stats aren't available yet. They will be added soon!
PVE (Early)
PVE (Late)
Bell Cranel is a frontline damage dealer that does no damage. There is no reason to play this unit over better frontline tanks or damage dealers that already exist.
He was given out for free during the collab
He is completely useless
Other information
Set: Full Tank/ Auto Attack DPS
Set: Full Tank/ Auto Attack DPS
The gear recommendations have been simplified and you should use them in combination with this guide (for PVP) and this guide (for PVE).
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